Defines functions EAMM

Documented in EAMM

#' Simulation function for exploratory power analysis for random effects
#'  Given a specific sample size, fixed number of group and replicates per group, the function simulate different variance-covariance structure and assess p-values and power of random intercept and random slope
#' @param numsim number of simulation for each step
#' @param group number of group 
#' @param repl  number of replicates per group 
#' @param fixed vector of lenght 3 with mean, variance and estimate of
#'     fixed effect to simulate. Default: \code{c(0, 1, 0)} 
#' @param VI variance component of intercept. Could be specified as a
#'     vector. Default: \code{seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05)}
#' @param VS Variance component of the slope or IxE. Could be specified as a vector.
#'     Default: \code{seq(0.05, 0.5, 0.05)}
#' @param CoIS value of correlation or covariance between random intercept
#'     and random slope. Default: 0
#' @param relIS "cor" or "cov" set the type of relation give in CoIS. By
#'     default the relation is set to correlation
#' @param n.X  number of different values to simulate for the fixed effect (covariate).
#'    If \code{NA}, all values of X are independent between groups. If the value specified
#'     is equivalent to the number of replicates per group, \code{repl}, then all groups
#'      are observed for the same values of the covariate.  Default: \code{NA} 
#' @param autocorr.X  correlation between two successive covariate value for a group. Default: \code{0} 
#' @param X.dist  specify the distribution of the fixed effect. Only "gaussian" (normal distribution) and
#'     "unif" (uniform distribution) are accepted actually. Default: \code{"gaussian"} 
#' @param intercept a numeric value giving the expected intercept value.
#'     Default: 0 
#' @param heteroscedasticity a vector specifying heterogeneity in residual
#'     variance across X.  If \code{c("null")} residual variance is homogeneous
#'     across X. If \code{c("power",t1,t2)} models heterogeneity with a constant
#'     plus power variance function.
#'     Letting \eqn{v} denote the variance covariate and \eqn{\sigma^2(v)}{s2(v)}
#'     denote the variance function evaluated at \eqn{v}, the constant plus power
#'     variance function is defined as \eqn{\sigma^2(v) = (\theta_1 + |v|^{\theta_2})^2}{s2(v) = (t1 + |v|^t2)^2},
#'     where \eqn{\theta_1,\theta_2}{t1, t2} are the variance function coefficients.
#'     If \code{c("exp",t)},models heterogeneity with an
#'     exponential variance function. Letting \eqn{v} denote the variance covariate and \eqn{\sigma^2(v)}{s2(v)}
#'   denote the variance function evaluated at \eqn{v}, the exponential
#'   variance function is defined as \eqn{\sigma^2(v) = e^{2 * \theta * v}}{s2(v) = exp(2* t * v)}, where \eqn{\theta}{t} is the variance
#'   function coefficient. Default:"Null" 
#' @param mer.sim Use the simluate.merMod function to simulate the data. Potentially faster for large dataset but more restricted in terms of options
#' @param mer.model Simulate the data based on a existing data and model structure from a lmer object. Should be specified as a list of 3 components: a mer object fitted via lmer, an environmental covariate for which to test the random slope, a random effect (e.g. \code{list(fm1,"Days","Subject"})
#' @details
#'  P-values for random effects are estimated using a log-likelihood ratio
#'  test between two models with and without the effect. Power represent
#'  the percentage of simulations providing a significant p-value for a
#'  given random structure.
#'  Residual variance, e, is calculted as 1-VI.
#' @return
#'   data frame reporting estimated P-values and power with CI for random
#'   intercept and random slope
#' @seealso
#' [PAMM()], [SSF()] for other simulations
#' [plot.EAMM()] for plotting output
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ours <- EAMM(
#'   numsim = 10, group = 10, repl = 4, fixed = c(0, 1, 1),
#'   VI = seq(0.1, 0.3, 0.05), VS = seq(0.05, 0.2, 0.05)
#' )
#' plot(ours, "both")
#' (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy))
#' ours2 <- EAMM(
#'   numsim = 10,
#'   mer.model = list(model = fm1, env = "Days", random = "Subject"),
#'   VI = seq(0.3, 0.5, 0.1), VS = seq(0.05, 0.2, 0.05)
#' )
#' plot(ours2, "both")
#' }
#' @keywords misc
#' @export

EAMM <- function(numsim, group, repl, fixed = c(0, 1, 0), VI = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05),
  VS = seq(0.05, 0.5, 0.05), CoIS = 0, relIS = "cor", n.X = NA, autocorr.X = 0,
  X.dist = "gaussian", intercept = 0, heteroscedasticity = c("null"), mer.sim = TRUE,
  mer.model = NULL) {
  o.warn <- getOption("warn")

  M <- NULL
  if (is.null(mer.model)) {
    Hetero <- heteroscedasticity[[1]]
    het <- as.numeric(heteroscedasticity[-1])

    if (X.dist == "gaussian") {
      FM <- fixed[[1]]
      FV <- fixed[[2]]
      FE <- fixed[[3]]
    if (X.dist == "unif") {
      Xmin <- fixed[[1]]
      Xmax <- fixed[[2]]
      FE <- fixed[[3]]
  vgi <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  vgs <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  powersl <- numeric(numsim)
  pvalsl <- numeric(numsim)
  slpowestimate <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  slpowCIlower <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  slpowCIupper <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  slpvalestimate <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  slpvalCIlower <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  slpvalCIupper <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  powerint <- numeric(numsim)
  pvalint <- numeric(numsim)
  intpowestimate <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  intpowCIlower <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  intpowCIupper <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  intpvalestimate <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  intpvalCIlower <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  intpvalCIupper <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  nsim.used.sl <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))
  nsim.used.int <- numeric(length(VI) * length(VS))

  kk <- 0
  for (k in VI) {
    for (r in VS) {
      if (is.null(mer.model)) {
        N <- group * repl
        n.x <- ifelse(is.na(n.X) == TRUE, N, n.X)
      VR <- 1 - k
      if (VR >= 0) {
        for (i in 1:numsim) {
          options(warn = 2)
          if (relIS == "cor") {
          CovIS <- CoIS * sqrt(k) * sqrt(r)
          if (relIS == "cov") {
          CovIS <- CoIS
          M <- matrix(c(k, CovIS, CovIS, r), ncol = 2)

          if (is.null(mer.model)) {
          if (X.dist == "gaussian") {
            if (autocorr.X == 0) {
            ef <- rnorm(n.x, FM, sqrt(FV))
            } else {
            y <- numeric(n.x)
            phi <- autocorr.X
            y[1] <- rnorm(1, 0, sd = sqrt(FV))
            for (t in 2:n.x) {
              y[t] <- rnorm(1, y[t - 1] * phi, sd = sqrt(FV))
            ef <- y + FM

          if (X.dist == "unif") {
            if (autocorr.X == 0) {
            ef <- runif(n.x, Xmin, Xmax)
            } else {
            stop("autocorrelation in fixed effects is not yet implemented for uniform distribution")

          if (n.x != N) {
            if (n.x >= repl) {
            inief <- sample(1:(n.x - repl + 1), group, replace = TRUE)
            EFrk <- rep(inief, repl) + rep(0:(repl - 1), each = group)
            EF <- ef[EFrk]
            if (n.x < repl) {
            EF <- numeric(N)
            EF[1:(n.x * group)] <- rep(ef, each = group)
            EF[(n.x * group + 1):N] <- sample(ef, length((n.x * group +
              1):N), replace = TRUE)
          } else {
            EF <- ef
          X <- sort(rep(c(1:repl), group))
          db <- data.frame(ID = rep(1:group, repl), obs = 1:N, X = X, EF = EF)

          if (mer.sim == TRUE) {
            sigma <- sqrt(VR)
            beta <- c(intercept, fixed[3])
            names(beta) <- c("(Intercept)", "EF")
            theta <- as.vector(chol(M)/sigma)[c(1, 3, 4)]
            names(theta) <- c("ID.(Intercept)", "ID.EF.(Intercept)", "ID.EF")
            params <- list(beta = beta, theta = theta, sigma = sigma)
            y <- simulate(formula(~EF + (EF | ID)), newdata = db, family = gaussian,
            newparams = params)
            db$Y <- y[, 1]
          } else if (mer.sim == FALSE) {
            er <- numeric(length(N))
            if (Hetero == "null")
            (er <- rnorm(N, intercept, sqrt(VR)))
            if (Hetero == "power")
            (for (n in 1:N) {
              er[n] <- rnorm(1, intercept, sqrt(VR * (het[1] + abs(EF[n])^het[2])^2))
            if (Hetero == "exp")
            (for (n in 1:N) {
              er[n] <- rnorm(1, intercept, sqrt(VR * exp(2 * het[1] *
            db$error <- er
            x <- rmvnorm(group, c(0, 0), M, method = "svd")
            db$rand.int <- rep(x[, 1], repl)
            db$rand.sl <- rep(x[, 2], repl)
            db$Y <- db$rand.int + (db$rand.sl + FE) * db$EF + db$error
          } else {

          # models
          if (r > 0) {
            m.full <- try(lmer(Y ~ EF + (EF | ID), data = db), silent = TRUE)
            m.nocov <- try(lmer(Y ~ EF + (1 | ID) + (0 + EF | ID), data = db),
            silent = TRUE)
            m.nosl <- try(lmer(Y ~ EF + (1 | ID), data = db), silent = TRUE)
            m.noint <- try(lmer(Y ~ EF + (0 + EF | ID), data = db), silent = TRUE)

            # anosl <- anova(m.nocov, m.nosl, refit =FALSE) powersl[i] <- anosl[2,
            # 'Pr(>Chisq)'] <= 0.05 pvalsl[i] <- anosl[2, 'Pr(>Chisq)']
            if (class(m.full) != "lmerModLmerTest" || class(m.nosl) !=
            "lmerModLmerTest") {
            powersl[i] <- NA
            pvalsl[i] <- NA
            } else {
            anoIxE <- anova(m.full, m.nosl, refit = FALSE)
            powersl[i] <- anoIxE[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"] <= 0.05
            pvalsl[i] <- anoIxE[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]

            if (class(m.nocov) != "lmerModLmerTest" || class(m.noint) !=
            "lmerModLmerTest") {
            powerint[i] <- NA
            pvalint[i] <- NA
            } else {
            anoint <- anova(m.nocov, m.noint, refit = FALSE)
            powerint[i] <- anoint[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"] <= 0.05
            pvalint[i] <- anoint[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]

          } else {
            powersl[i] <- 0
            pvalsl[i] <- 1
            m1.lmer <- try(lmer(Y ~ EF + (1 | ID), data = db), silent = TRUE)
            if (class(m1.lmer) != "lmerModLmerTest") {
            powerint[i] <- NA
            pvalint[i] <- NA
            } else {
            lrt1 <- rand(m1.lmer)
            pvint <- lrt1[2, 6]
            powerint[i] <- pvint <= 0.05
            pvalint[i] <- pvint
          } else if (!is.null(mer.model)) {
          if (length(mer.model) != 3)
            stop("mer.model should be a list of a lmer model, an evironmental covariate and a random effect")
          group <- length(unique(mer.model[[1]]@frame[, mer.model[[3]]]))
          repl <- nrow(mer.model[[1]]@frame)/group
          sigma <- sqrt(VR) * getME(mer.model[[1]], "sigma")
          beta <- fixef(mer.model[[1]])
          # theta <- getME(mer.model[[1]],'theta') could be used as a based for model with
          # multiple random effects
          theta <- as.vector(chol(M)/sqrt(VR))[c(1, 3, 4)]
          names(theta) <- c(paste(mer.model[[3]], "(Intercept)", sep = "."),
            paste(mer.model[[3]], mer.model[[2]], "(Intercept)", sep = "."),
            paste(mer.model[[3]], mer.model[[2]], sep = "."))
          params <- list(beta = beta, theta = theta, sigma = sigma)
          form <- paste(" ~ ", paste(names(fixef(mer.model[[1]]))[-1],
            collapse = " + "), "+ (", mer.model[[2]], "|", mer.model[[3]],
          dat <- mer.model[[1]]@frame[, -1]
          y <- simulate(as.formula(form), newdata = dat, newparams = params,
            family = gaussian)
          dat$Y <- y[, 1]
          formnc <- paste(" ~ ", paste(names(fixef(mer.model[[1]]))[-1],
            collapse = " + "), "+ ( 1 | ", mer.model[[3]], ") + ( 0 +",
            mer.model[[2]], "|", mer.model[[3]], ")")
          formns <- paste(" ~ ", paste(names(fixef(mer.model[[1]]))[-1],
            collapse = " + "), "+ ( 1 | ", mer.model[[3]], ")")
          formni <- paste(" ~ ", paste(names(fixef(mer.model[[1]]))[-1],
            collapse = " + "), "+ ( 0 +", mer.model[[2]], "|", mer.model[[3]],

          if (r > 0) {
            m.full <- try(lmer(as.formula(paste("Y", form)), data = dat),
            silent = TRUE)
            m.nocov <- try(lmer(as.formula(paste("Y", formnc)), data = dat),
            silent = TRUE)
            m.nosl <- try(lmer(as.formula(paste("Y", formns)), data = dat),
            silent = TRUE)
            m.noint <- try(lmer(as.formula(paste("Y", formni)), data = dat),
            silent = TRUE)

            if (class(m.full) != "lmerModLmerTest" || class(m.nosl) !=
            "lmerModLmerTest") {
            powersl[i] <- NA
            pvalsl[i] <- NA
            } else {
            anoIxE <- anova(m.full, m.nosl, refit = FALSE)
            powersl[i] <- anoIxE[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"] <= 0.05
            pvalsl[i] <- anoIxE[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]

            if (class(m.nocov) != "lmerModLmerTest" || class(m.noint) !=
            "lmerModLmerTest") {
            powerint[i] <- NA
            pvalint[i] <- NA
            } else {
            anoint <- anova(m.nocov, m.noint, refit = FALSE)
            powerint[i] <- anoint[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"] <= 0.05
            pvalint[i] <- anoint[2, "Pr(>Chisq)"]
          } else {
            powersl[i] <- 0
            pvalsl[i] <- 1
            m.nosl <- try(lmer(as.formula(paste("Y", formns)), data = dat),
            silent = TRUE)
            if (class(m.nosl) != "lmerModLmerTest") {
            powerint[i] <- NA
            pvalint[i] <- NA
            } else {
            lrt1 <- rand(m.nosl)
            pvint <- lrt1[2,6]
            powerint[i] <- pvint <= 0.05
            pvalint[i] <- pvint
        options(warn = o.warn)
        kk <- kk + 1
        vgi[kk] <- k
        vgs[kk] <- r
        slCIpow <- ci.p(powersl, na.rm = TRUE)
        slpowestimate[kk] <- slCIpow["Estimate"]
        slpowCIlower[kk] <- slCIpow["CI lower"]
        slpowCIupper[kk] <- slCIpow["CI upper"]
        slCIpval <- ci.p(pvalsl, na.rm = TRUE)
        slpvalestimate[kk] <- slCIpval["Estimate"]
        slpvalCIlower[kk] <- slCIpval["CI lower"]
        slpvalCIupper[kk] <- slCIpval["CI upper"]
        intCIpow <- ci.p(powerint, na.rm = TRUE)
        intpowestimate[kk] <- intCIpow["Estimate"]
        intpowCIlower[kk] <- intCIpow["CI lower"]
        intpowCIupper[kk] <- intCIpow["CI upper"]
        intCIpval <- ci.p(pvalint, na.rm = TRUE)
        intpvalestimate[kk] <- intCIpval["Estimate"]
        intpvalCIlower[kk] <- intCIpval["CI lower"]
        intpvalCIupper[kk] <- intCIpval["CI upper"]
        nsim.used.sl[kk] <- numsim - sum(is.na(pvalsl))
        nsim.used.int[kk] <- numsim - sum(is.na(pvalint))
      } else {
        options(warn = o.warn)
        kk <- kk + 1
        vgi[kk] <- k
        vgs[kk] <- r
        slpowestimate[kk] <- NA
        slpowCIlower[kk] <- NA
        slpowCIupper[kk] <- NA
        slpvalestimate[kk] <- NA
        slpvalCIlower[kk] <- NA
        slpvalCIupper[kk] <- NA
        intpowestimate[kk] <- NA
        intpowCIlower[kk] <- NA
        intpowCIupper[kk] <- NA
        intpvalestimate[kk] <- NA
        intpvalCIlower[kk] <- NA
        intpvalCIupper[kk] <- NA
        nsim.used.sl[kk] <- NA
        nsim.used.int[kk] <- NA
  sim.sum <- data.frame(nb.ID = rep(group, length(VI) * length(VS)), nb.repl = rep(repl,
    length(VI) * length(VS)), VI = vgi, VS = vgs, int.pval = intpvalestimate,
    CIlow.ipv = intpvalCIlower, CIup.ipv = intpvalCIupper, int.power = intpowestimate,
    CIlow.ipo = intpowCIlower, CIup.ipo = intpowCIupper, sl.pval = slpvalestimate,
    CIlow.slpv = slpvalCIlower, CIup.slpv = slpvalCIupper, sl.power = slpowestimate,
    CIlow.slpo = slpowCIlower, CIup.slpo = slpowCIupper, nsim.int = nsim.used.int,
    nsim.sl = nsim.used.sl)

  class(sim.sum) <- c("EAMM", "data.frame")
JulienGAMartin/pamm_R documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 7:44 p.m.