
# # detect_marker
# get_marker <-
#   function(img, x, y, size, outer_size, percent = "95%", occupancy = .1, show_mapping = F){
#     trimed_img <-
#       trim(img, x, y, size)
#     img_bin <-
#       trimed_img %>%
#         pri::add_dimension() %>%
#         imager::threshold(percent) %>%
#         # thresh(., w = size * window, h = size * window, offset) %>%
#         .[,,,1] %>%
#         EBImage::fillHull()
#     marker_center <-
#       img_bin %>%
#       EBImage::bwlabel() %>%
#       array_branch(margin = 3) %>%
#       map(function(img_split){
#           marker_detect <-
#             computeFeatures.shape(img_split) %>%
#             as_tibble %>%
#             mutate(row_index = seq_along(s.area), area = s.area,
#                    size_for_calc = round(s.radius.mean * .25)) %>%
#             arrange(desc(area)) %>%
#             filter(area > size^2 * occupancy^2)
#           if(nrow(marker_detect) != 1){
#             cat(paste0("markers may be splitted. detected ",
#                        nrow(marker_detect),
#                        " locations in binarized image.\n"))
#           }
#           computeFeatures.moment(img_split) %>%
#             as_tibble %>%
#             slice(marker_detect$row_index[1]) %>%
#             transmute(xx = round(m.cx), yy = round(m.cy), ss = marker_detect$size_for_calc[1])
#     })
#     marker_int <-
#       trimed_img %>%
#       array_branch(margin = 3) %>%
#       map2_df(.x = ., .y = marker_center,
#            ~ trim2d(.x, .y$xx, .y$yy, .y$ss) %>%
#              {tibble(mean = mean(.), median = median(.))})
#     # set outer_boundary to calculate pixel values nearby the marker
#     null_img <- array(0, dim = dim(trimed_img))
#     centers <- round(dim(trimed_img)[1:2] / 2)
#     outer_rect <-
#       null_img %>%
#       array_branch(margin = 3) %>%
#       map2(.x = ., .y = marker_center,
#               ~ pri::add_dimension(.x) %>%
#               overdraw(.y$xx, .y$yy, outer_size, 1)) %>%
#       abind::abind()
#     dilate_mask_size <-
#       round(size / 10) %>% {if_else(. %% 2 == 0, . + 1, .)} # to get odd number for the mask
#     non_marker <-
#       img_bin %>%
#       EBImage::dilate(EBImage::makeBrush(dilate_mask_size, shape="diamond")) %>%
#       EBImage::fillHull() %>%
#       `!`
#     target_pixel = sum(outer_rect * non_marker)
#     target_int <-
#       (trimed_img * outer_rect * non_marker) %>%
#       array_branch(margin = 3) %>%
#       map_df(function(mtrx){
#         mtrx[mtrx > 0] %>%
#           {tibble(mean = mean(., na.rm = T), median = median(., na.rm = T))}
#       })
#     if(show_mapping){
#       library(imager)
#       ref_map <-
#         array(0, dim = dim(trimed_img)) %>%
#         array_branch(margin = 3) %>%
#         map2(.x = ., .y = marker_center,
#              ~ pri::add_dimension(.x) %>%
#              overdraw(.y$xx, .y$yy, .y$ss, by = 1)) %>%
#         abind::abind()
#       target_map <-
#         outer_rect * non_marker
#       overlayed <-
#         trimed_img -  ref_map * .5 - target_map * .5
#       show(overlayed)
#     }
#     marker_center %>%
#       bind_rows %>%
#       transmute(x = xx + x - size, y = yy + y - size,
#                 size_inner = ss, size_outer = outer_size,
#                 pixel_marker = 4*ss^2, pixel_target = target_pixel) %>%
#       list(location = .,
#            marker = marker_int,
#            target = target_int,
#            reflectance = target_int / marker_int) %>%
#       return()
#   }
# marker_datum <-
#   function(index, loc, gamma, img = NULL, ...){
#     if(is.null(img)){
#       img <- index$path %>% read_imgs %>% `^`(., gamma)
#     }
#     duplicate_flag <- F
#     if(length(dim(img)) == 2){
#       duplicate_flag <- T
#       img <-
#         img %>%
#         pri::add_dimension() %>%
#         {list(., .)} %>%
#         abind::abind()
#     }
#     dat <-
#       loc %>%
#       split(.$location) %>%
#       markers(img, ., ...)
#     if(duplicate_flag){
#       dat <-
#         dat %>%
#         map(~ map(., ~ slice(., 1)))
#     }
#     list(dat = dat, index = select(index, group_vars(index)))
#   }
# marker_data <-
#   function(index, loc_sw, loc_lw, gamma, img_sw = NULL, img_lw = NULL, .prefixes = c("530", "570"), ...){
#     index_sw <- index %>% filter(prefix == .prefixes[1])
#     index_lw <- index %>% filter(prefix == .prefixes[2])
#     if(is.null(img_sw)){
#       img_sw <- index_sw$path %>% read_imgs %>% `^`(., gamma)
#     }
#     if(is.null(img_lw)){
#       img_lw <- index_lw$path %>% read_imgs %>% `^`(., gamma)
#     }
#     duplicate_flag_sw <- F
#     duplicate_flag_lw <- F
#     if(length(dim(img_sw)) == 2){
#       duplicate_flag_sw <- T
#       img_sw <-
#         img_sw %>%
#         add_dim %>%
#         {list(., .)} %>%
#         abind::abind()
#     }
#     if(length(dim(img_lw)) == 2){
#       duplicate_flag_lw <- T
#       img_lw <-
#         img_lw %>%
#         add_dim %>%
#         {list(., .)} %>%
#         abind::abind()
#     }
#     dat_sw <-
#       loc_sw %>%
#       split(.$location) %>%
#       markers(img_sw, ., ...)
#     dat_lw <-
#       loc_lw %>%
#       split(.$location) %>%
#       markers(img_lw, ., ...)
#     if(duplicate_flag_sw){
#       dat_sw <-
#         dat_sw %>%
#         map(~ map(., ~ slice(., 1)))
#     }
#     if(duplicate_flag_lw){
#       dat_lw <-
#         dat_lw %>%
#         map(~ map(., ~ slice(., 1)))
#     }
#     list(short = dat_sw, long = dat_lw,
#          short_index = select(index_sw, group_vars(index)),
#          long_index = select(index_lw, group_vars(index)))
#   }
# markers <-
#   function(imgs, list_locations, ...){
#     list_locations %>%
#       map(function(batch){
#         print(batch$location)
#         get_marker(imgs, x = batch$x, y = batch$y, size = batch$size, ...)
#       }
#       )
#   }
# marker2pri <-
#   function(list_marker_data){
#     info <-
#       list_marker_data[3:4] %>%
#       map(~ungroup(.) %>% select(-prefix))
#     if(identical(info[[1]], info[[2]])){
#       add_info <- mutate(info[[1]], frame = 1:dim(info[[1]])[1])
#     } else {
#       stop("two band images are not paired appropriately")
#     }
#     map2_df(list_marker_data[[1]], list_marker_data[[2]],
#             ~ calc_pri(.x$reflectance, .y$reflectance) %>%
#               mutate(frame = seq_along(mean)), .id = "location") %>%
#       left_join(., add_info, by = "frame")
#   }
# marker2param <-
#   function(list_marker_data){
#     info <-
#       list_marker_data[3:4] %>%
#       map(~ungroup(.) %>% select(-prefix))
#     if(identical(info[[1]], info[[2]])){
#       add_info <- mutate(info[[1]], frame = 1:dim(info[[1]])[1])
#     } else {
#       stop("two band images are not paired appropriately")
#     }
#     map2_df(list_marker_data[[1]], list_marker_data[[2]],
#             ~ calc_pri(.x$reflectance, .y$reflectance) %>%
#               mutate(marker_s = .x$marker$median, target_s = .x$target$median,
#                      marker_l = .y$marker$median, target_l = .y$target$median,
#                      frame = seq_along(mean)), .id = "location") %>%
#       left_join(., add_info, by = "frame")
#   }
KeachMurakami/dualband documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:23 p.m.