
#' @export
#' @title Adjust design weights for nonsampling error.
#' @description Using the \code{evalstatus} field in the design file, adjust the
#'   design weights for frame error and nonsampling error.
#' @param dat	 Data frame containing columns at least for \code{Site},
#'   \code{WYear}, \code{Year}, the outcome of interest, and the survey
#'   evaluation status \code{EvalStatus}. See section "Options for variable
#'   \code{EvalStatus}" below.
#' @param popn	Takes the value of \code{"Target"} or \code{"Sampled"} to reflect
#'   inference to either the original target population or to the subpopulation
#'   of sites that would not be subject to nonresponse, respectively.
#' @param evalstatus	 Status of the survey at each site relative to frame error
#'   and nonresponse error. Note that this field is calculated separately for
#'   each year at a site.
#' @param wgt	Original design weight. The design weights for a given year should
#'   sum to the size of the population before accounting for any frame error.
#' @return Returns a vector of adjusted design weights that should sum to the
#'   extent of the population of interest after accounting for frame error
#'   (\code{popn = "Target"}) or frame and nonresponse error (\code{popn =
#'   "Sampled"}).
#' @details Adjusts the original sampling design weights for frame and
#'   nonresponse error. See (Starcevich et al. 2016) for more information on
#'   weighting adjustments and populations of inference. See (Starcevich et al.
#'   2017) for an example on applying the AdjWgt_FrameNR function to a
#'   monitoring data set.
#' @section Options for variable \code{evalstatus}:
#'   The \code{evalstatus} field requires specific formatting for weighting
#'   adjustment.  Valid options include:
#'   \tabular{ll}{
#'   \code{"Target - Surveyed"} \tab Site is in target population and was
#'   successfully surveyed. \cr \code{"Target - Not Surveyed"}     \tab Site is
#'   in target population but was not successfully surveyed.  \cr 
#'   \code{"Non-Target"}    \tab Site is not in target population, not surveyed.
#'   \cr \code{"Not Evaluated"}     \tab Site was not evaluated as target or
#'   not, not surveyed. \cr
#'   }
#' @author Leigh Ann Starcevich of Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc.
#' @references Starcevich, L. A., G. DiDonato, T. McDonald, and J. Mitchell.
#'   (2016). A GRTS user's manual for the SDrawNPS package: A graphical user
#'   interface for generalized random tessellation stratified (GRTS) sampling 
#'   and estimation. Natural Resource Report NPS/PWRO/NRR-2016/1233. National
#'   Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
#'   Starcevich, L. A., T. McDonald, A. Chung-MacCoubrey, A. Heard, and J.
#'   Nesmith. (2017). Trend Estimation for Complex Survey Designs. Natural
#'   Resource Report NPS/xxxx/NRR-2017/xxxx. National Park Service, Fort
#'   Collins, Colorado.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' #  ---- Read example data set.
#' 	LakeData$AdjWgt[LakeData$WYear == 0] = AdjWgt(dat=LakeData[LakeData$WYear == 0,],
#' 	                                              popn="Target",
#' 	                                              evalstatus = "EvalStatus",
#' 	                                              wgt = "wgt")
#' }
AdjWgt <- function (dat, popn, evalstatus = "EvalStatus", wgt = "wgt") {

# Format EvalStatus field
# remove all spaces and dashes
    dat[, evalstatus] <- gsub(" ", "", dat[, evalstatus], fixed = TRUE)
    dat[, evalstatus] <- gsub("-", "", dat[, evalstatus], fixed = TRUE)
# make evalstatus lower case
    dat[, evalstatus] <- tolower(dat[, evalstatus])
# standardize possible entries
    dat[, evalstatus] <- as.character(dat[, evalstatus])
    dat[, evalstatus][dat[, evalstatus] %in% c("targetsampled","targetsurveyed")] <- "targetsurveyed"
    dat[, evalstatus][dat[, evalstatus] %in% c("targetnotsampled","targetnotsurveyd")] <- "targetnotsurveyed"
    dat[, evalstatus][dat[, evalstatus] %in% c("nontarget","nottarget")] <- "nontarget"
    dat[, evalstatus][dat[, evalstatus] %in% c("noteval", "notevaluated")] <- "notevaluated"

# Error check EvalStatus field
	EvalVector = c("targetsurveyed","targetnotsurveyed","notevaluated","oversamp","nontarget")
	if(any(!dat[, evalstatus]%in%EvalVector)) print(paste("EvalStatus field should take only the following values:","Target - Surveyed,Target - Not Surveyed,Not Evaluated,OverSamp,Non-Target"))

# Calculate sample sizes of evaluated, target, responding, and oversample sites
    n.all <- nrow(dat[dat$panel != "OverSamp", ])
    dat.eval <- dat[dat[, evalstatus] != "notevaluated", ]
    n.eval <- nrow(dat.eval)
    dat.T <- dat.eval[dat.eval[, evalstatus] != "nontarget", ]
    n.T <- nrow(dat.T)
    dat.R <- dat.T[dat.T[, evalstatus] != "targetnotsurveyed",]
    n.R <- nrow(dat.R)
    n.over <- nrow(dat[(dat$panel == "OverSamp") & (dat[, evalstatus] == "targetsurveyed"), ])

# Calculate adjusted weights
    adj <- ifelse(popn == "Target", n.all * n.T/(n.eval * n.R), n.all/n.eval)
    adj.wt <- (dat[, wgt]) * (dat[, evalstatus] == "targetsurveyed") * adj 
LAStarcevich/TrendNPS documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:19 a.m.