
#' Calculate the fit of the simulated flock size distribution to the observed
#' flock size distribution
#' Calculate fit between the simulated flock size distribution to the observed
#' flock size distribution based as 1 minus the least squares difference.
#' The fit is measured on the proportions of the flock sizes falling into
#' each bin of 10% quantiles of the observed range of flock sizes.
#' The fit is in both cases measured over the entire season.
#' @param sim tibble A vector of flock sizes from the simulation
#' @param obs tibble A tibble with a columns identifying the species
#' and a column with each flock observation from the simulation.
#' @param var character Name of the varible to compare. Must be identical
#' in the both sim and obs.
#' @param measure character Either LS (least sq.) or KS (Kolmogorov-Smirnov)
#' @return numeric The calculated fit.
#' @export
CalcFlockSizeFit =  function(sim, obs, var, measure) {
	if (missing(sim))
	  	stop('sim should be the data from the simulation')
  if (missing(obs))
    stop('obs should be the field data')
  if (missing(var))
    stop('var should specify the name of the variable to compare')
  if (missing(measure))
    stop('measure should specify type of fit')

  if (measure == "LS") {
  obs %>%
    pull(var) -> tmp
	vec <- quantile(tmp, probs = seq(.1,.9,.1))
	flockobs <- findInterval(tmp, vec = vec)

	sim %>%
	  pull(var) %>%
	  findInterval(vec = vec) -> flocksim

	obs <- table(flockobs)/(sum(table(flockobs)))
	sim <- table(flocksim)/(sum(table(flocksim)))

	tabdefault <- rep(0,length(obs))
	names(tabdefault) <- names(obs)  # Get the same names as field data
	tabdefault[match(names(sim), names(tabdefault))] <- sim

	result <- 1 - sum((as.numeric(tabdefault) - as.numeric(obs))^2)
  if (measure == "KS") {
    ks <- suppressWarnings(ks.test(obs[[var]], sim[[var]]))
    result <- as.numeric(ks[["statistic"]])
	assertthat::assert_that(dplyr::between(result, 0, 1),
	                        msg = "Fit not between 0 and 1")
LDalby/ralmass documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:48 p.m.