
#' Edit bat file or shell script
#' Edit a bat file or shell script to reflect the correct number of runs
#' in a scenario. This function requires the ParameterValues.txt file
#' to be present in WorkDir. The function reads the number of runs
#' from that file.
#' @param WorkDir character Path to the work directory with the ALMaSS exe file
#' @export
EditBat = function(WorkDir = NULL) {
		stop('Input parameter WorkDir missing')
	# Get the number of runs:
	theparamvalfile = file.path(WorkDir, 'ParameterValues.txt')
	if(!file.exists(theparamvalfile)) {
		stop('ParameterValues.txt missing from work directory')
	paramvals = data.table::fread(theparamvalfile)
	numberofparams = length(paramvals[, unique(V1)])
	runs = nrow(paramvals)/numberofparams
	# Get the right file in the workdirectory
	WorkDirContent = dir(WorkDir)
	BatIndex = grep('_01_', WorkDirContent)
	if(length(BatIndex) == 0) {
		stop('Bat file missing from work directory')
	TheBat = file.path(WorkDir, WorkDirContent[BatIndex])
	Bat = readLines(TheBat)
	if(length(Bat) == 0) {
		stop('Error reading bat file')
	# Edit the line with the for loop
	# .bat files:
	if(length(grep('.bat', TheBat)) > 0) {
	TheForLine = paste0('FOR /L %%A IN (1,1,', runs, ') DO call _02')
	index = grep('FOR /L %%A IN', Bat)
	if(length(index) == 0) {
		stop('Cannot find the for loop in the bat file')
	# .sh files:
	if(length(grep('.sh', TheBat)) > 0) {
	  TheForLine = paste0('for i in {1..', runs, '}')
	  index = grep('for i in ', Bat)
	  if(length(index) == 0) {
	    stop('Cannot find the for loop in the bat file')
	Bat[index] = TheForLine
	filecon = file(TheBat, open = 'wt')
	write(Bat, file = filecon)
LDalby/ralmass documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:48 p.m.