
How does language input vary with maternal education level

Tristan Mahr 2017-03-01

JRE asks whether we should put the "less than two years of college" maternal education households with the "high school or less" households or with the "some college" and "technical/associate's degree" households. We are going to look at how the LENA measurements vary with maternal education level.

Data munging

Connect to database.


# Work relative to RStudio project
wd <- rprojroot::find_rstudio_root_file()
dir_here <- file.path(wd, "inst", "analyses", "ci_matching")
cnf_file <- file.path(wd, "inst", "l2t_db.cnf")

l2t_main <- l2t_connect(cnf_file, "l2t")

Get the maternal education codes from the database.

medu_scales <- tbl(l2t_main, "Maternal_Education") %>% 
  distinct(Maternal_Education, Maternal_Education_Level) %>% 
  collect() %>% 


| Maternal_Education | Maternal_Education_Level| |:-----------------------------|---------------------------:| | Less Than High School | 1| | GED | 2| | High School Diploma | 3| | Some College (<2 years) | 4| | Some College (2+ years) | 5| | Technical/Associate's Degree | 5| | Trade School | 5| | College Degree | 6| | Graduate Degree | 7| | NA | NA|

Simplify to a low-mid-mid-high scale.

medu_groups <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ Maternal_Education_Level, ~ Maternal_Education_Group,
  1, "Low", 
  2, "Low", 
  3, "Low", 
  4, "[skip]", 
  # Kind of awkward names but alphabetical order matches original order
  5, "Mid", 
  6, "MidPlus", 
  7, "Top", 
  NA, "[missing]")

medu_scales <- medu_scales %>% 
  left_join(medu_groups, by = "Maternal_Education_Level")


| Maternal_Education | Maternal_Education_Level| Maternal_Education_Group | |:-----------------------------|---------------------------:|:---------------------------| | Less Than High School | 1| Low | | GED | 2| Low | | High School Diploma | 3| Low | | Some College (<2 years) | 4| [skip] | | Some College (2+ years) | 5| Mid | | Technical/Associate's Degree | 5| Mid | | Trade School | 5| Mid | | College Degree | 6| MidPlus | | Graduate Degree | 7| Top | | NA | NA| [missing] |

Combine LENA data with the maternal education codes.

medu <- tbl(l2t_main, "Maternal_Education") %>% 
  select(Study, ResearchID, HouseholdID, 
         Maternal_Education, Maternal_Education_Level) %>% 

# These LENAs may or may not have problems based on the LENA notes, so let's
# ignore them for this analysis
lenas_to_exclude <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ Study, ~ ResearchID,
  "TimePoint1", "053L",
  "TimePoint1", "102L",
  "TimePoint1", "116L"

lena <- tbl(l2t_main, "LENA_Averages") %>% 
  select(Study, ResearchID, 
         LENA_Age, LENA_Hours, 
         LENA_Prop_Meaningful, LENA_AWC_Hourly) %>% 
  collect() %>% 
  anti_join(lenas_to_exclude, by = c("Study", "ResearchID"))

# Combine the tables
medu_lena <- lena %>% 
  left_join(medu, by = c("Study", "ResearchID")) %>% 
            by = c("Maternal_Education", "Maternal_Education_Level"))
#> # A tibble: 398 × 10
#>         Study ResearchID LENA_Age LENA_Hours LENA_Prop_Meaningful
#>         <chr>      <chr>    <int>      <dbl>                <dbl>
#> 1  TimePoint1       035L       40     9.0267               0.2090
#> 2  TimePoint1       034L       39    13.2353               0.1762
#> 3  TimePoint1       033L       36    16.0000               0.1747
#> 4  TimePoint1       032L       38    16.0000               0.2514
#> 5  TimePoint1       031L       36    13.4461               0.2034
#> 6  TimePoint1       030L       39    15.3394               0.2075
#> 7  TimePoint1       029L       34    15.6650               0.1827
#> 8  TimePoint1       044L       32    15.2678               0.2622
#> 9  TimePoint1       043L       41    16.0000               0.2637
#> 10 TimePoint1       042L       31    16.0000               0.2655
#> # ... with 388 more rows, and 5 more variables: LENA_AWC_Hourly <dbl>,
#> #   HouseholdID <int>, Maternal_Education <chr>,
#> #   Maternal_Education_Level <dbl>, Maternal_Education_Group <chr>

How much LENA data we have in the different groups

# Households with LENA recordings
medu_lena %>% 
  group_by(Maternal_Education_Group) %>% 
  summarise(nRecordings = n(), 
            nChildren = n_distinct(ResearchID),
            nHouseholds = n_distinct(HouseholdID)) %>% 

| Maternal_Education_Group | nRecordings| nChildren| nHouseholds| |:---------------------------|------------:|----------:|------------:| | [missing] | 3| 3| 3| | [skip] | 4| 4| 4| | Low | 30| 24| 22| | Mid | 60| 38| 34| | MidPlus | 147| 97| 78| | Top | 154| 93| 87|

medu_lena %>% 
  group_by(Maternal_Education_Group) %>% 
  summarise(nRecordings = n(), 
            AWC_Mean = mean(LENA_AWC_Hourly) %>% round(),
            AWC_SD = sd(LENA_AWC_Hourly) %>% round(),
            Prop_Mean = mean(LENA_Prop_Meaningful),
            Prop_SD = sd(LENA_Prop_Meaningful)) %>% 
  knitr::kable(digits = 4)

| Maternal_Education_Group | nRecordings| AWC_Mean| AWC_SD| Prop_Mean| Prop_SD| |:---------------------------|------------:|----------:|--------:|-----------:|---------:| | [missing] | 3| 903| 299| 0.1853| 0.0399| | [skip] | 4| 725| 547| 0.1231| 0.0747| | Low | 30| 927| 541| 0.1850| 0.0633| | Mid | 60| 1109| 434| 0.2025| 0.0630| | MidPlus | 147| 1192| 524| 0.2223| 0.0613| | Top | 154| 1367| 445| 0.2225| 0.0530|

Density of outcome measures

Visualize the data by group


right_aligned <- theme(
  axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = 1), 
  axis.title.y = element_text(hjust = 1))

density_y_axis <-   theme(
  axis.text.y = element_blank(), 
  axis.ticks.y = element_blank())

df_plotting <- medu_lena %>% 
  filter(Maternal_Education_Group != "[skip]", 
         Maternal_Education_Group != "[missing]")

df_less_than_two <- medu_lena %>% 
  filter(Maternal_Education_Group == "[skip]")

ggplot(df_plotting) + 
  aes(x = LENA_Prop_Meaningful) + 
  geom_density(aes(color = Maternal_Education_Group)) + 
  geom_rug(data = df_less_than_two, size = 1) +
  xlim(0, .5) +
  labs(x = "Proportion of meaningful speech (hourly average)",
       y = "Density",
       color = NULL,
       title = "Language input by maternal education",
       caption = "Rug marks: Households with <2 years of college") +
  right_aligned + 

ggplot(df_plotting) + 
  aes(x = LENA_AWC_Hourly) + 
  geom_density(aes(color = Maternal_Education_Group)) + 
  geom_rug(data = df_less_than_two, size = 1) +
  labs(x = "Adult word count (hourly average)",
       y = "Density",
       color = NULL,
       title = "Language input by maternal education",
       caption = "Rug marks: Households with <2 years of college") +
  right_aligned + 

Means by group

ggplot(medu_lena) + 
  aes(x = Maternal_Education_Group, y = LENA_Prop_Meaningful) + 
  geom_point(color = "grey60", position = position_jitter(width = .1)) + 
  stat_summary( = mean_sdl, fun.args = list(mult = 1), size = 1) +
  labs(x = "Maternal education group",
       y = "Proportion of meaningful speech (hourly average)",
       title = "Language input by maternal education",
       caption = "Point-range: Group Mean ± SD") +

ggplot(medu_lena) + 
  aes(x = Maternal_Education_Group, y = LENA_AWC_Hourly) + 
  geom_point(color = "grey60", position = position_jitter(width = .1)) + 
  stat_summary( = mean_sdl, fun.args = list(mult = 1), size = 1) +
  labs(x = "Maternal education group",
       y = "Adult word count (hourly average)",
       title = "Language input by maternal education",
       caption = "Point-range: Group Mean ± SD") +

Mixed effects models

Is the low group different from the other groups, accounting for nesting of recordings in households?


df_plotting$Maternal_Education_Group <- factor(
  levels = c("MidPlus", "Low", "Mid", "Top"))

m <- lmer(
  LENA_Prop_Meaningful ~ Maternal_Education_Group + 
    (1 | HouseholdID), df_plotting)
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: 
#> LENA_Prop_Meaningful ~ Maternal_Education_Group + (1 | HouseholdID)
#>    Data: df_plotting
#> REML criterion at convergence: -1122.4
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -3.3462 -0.5714  0.0019  0.5135  2.6013 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups      Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  HouseholdID (Intercept) 0.001347 0.03670 
#>  Residual                0.002023 0.04498 
#> Number of obs: 391, groups:  HouseholdID, 221
#> Fixed effects:
#>                              Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)                  0.220414   0.005750   38.33
#> Maternal_Education_GroupLow -0.038123   0.012867   -2.96
#> Maternal_Education_GroupMid -0.020026   0.010469   -1.91
#> Maternal_Education_GroupTop  0.003116   0.007919    0.39
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>             (Intr) M_E_GL M_E_GM
#> Mtrnl_Ed_GL -0.447              
#> Mtrnl_Ed_GM -0.549  0.245       
#> Mtrnl_Ed_GT -0.726  0.325  0.399

m2 <- lmer(
  LENA_AWC_Hourly ~ Maternal_Education_Group + 
    (1 | HouseholdID), df_plotting)
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: LENA_AWC_Hourly ~ Maternal_Education_Group + (1 | HouseholdID)
#>    Data: df_plotting
#> REML criterion at convergence: 5848.4
#> Scaled residuals: 
#>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
#> -3.2091 -0.6084 -0.0344  0.5038  3.2800 
#> Random effects:
#>  Groups      Name        Variance Std.Dev.
#>  HouseholdID (Intercept)  95676   309.3   
#>  Residual                130756   361.6   
#> Number of obs: 391, groups:  HouseholdID, 221
#> Fixed effects:
#>                             Estimate Std. Error t value
#> (Intercept)                  1203.02      47.46  25.346
#> Maternal_Education_GroupLow  -289.76     105.93  -2.735
#> Maternal_Education_GroupMid  -125.95      86.39  -1.458
#> Maternal_Education_GroupTop   179.11      65.35   2.741
#> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
#>             (Intr) M_E_GL M_E_GM
#> Mtrnl_Ed_GL -0.448              
#> Mtrnl_Ed_GM -0.549  0.246       
#> Mtrnl_Ed_GT -0.726  0.325  0.399

Multiple imputation

Multiple imputation suggest that we assign these households to larger groups on a case-by-case basis.


# Create a data-frame where the [skip] group has NA for group. Code the group as
# an ordered categorical variable
df_impute <- medu_lena %>% 
  filter(Maternal_Education_Group != "[missing]") %>% 
  mutate(Maternal_Education_Group = 
           ifelse(Maternal_Education_Group == "[skip]", 
                  NA, Maternal_Education_Group), 
         Maternal_Education_Group = as.ordered(Maternal_Education_Group)) %>% 
  select(Study, ResearchID, LENA_Age, HouseholdID, 
         LENA_Prop_Meaningful, LENA_AWC_Hourly, Maternal_Education_Group)

imputation_vars <- c("LENA_Prop_Meaningful", "LENA_AWC_Hourly", 

# Perform ten imputations
mice_results <- mice(df_impute[imputation_vars], printFlag = FALSE, m = 10)

#>           1       2       3       4       5       6       7   8       9
#> 135     Mid     Top     Top MidPlus     Top MidPlus     Mid Top     Mid
#> 248 MidPlus MidPlus MidPlus MidPlus     Top     Mid MidPlus Low MidPlus
#> 350 MidPlus     Top MidPlus     Mid     Top     Top     Top Top     Top
#> 395     Top MidPlus     Mid MidPlus MidPlus MidPlus     Top Mid     Low
#>      10
#> 135 Mid
#> 248 Mid
#> 350 Top
#> 395 Top

## Add IDs to imputation results

imputed_rows <- mice_results$imp$Maternal_Education_Group %>% 
  row.names() %>% 

ids <- df_impute[imputed_rows, c("Study", "ResearchID", 
                                 "LENA_Prop_Meaningful", "LENA_AWC_Hourly")]

imputations <- bind_cols(ids, mice_results$imp$Maternal_Education_Group) %>% 
  # Convert from wide to long format
  tidyr::gather(Imputation, Maternal_Education_Group, -one_of(names(ids)))

imputations %>% 
  count(Study, ResearchID,
        LENA_Prop_Meaningful, LENA_AWC_Hourly, 
        Maternal_Education_Group) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  rename(GroupGuess = Maternal_Education_Group, 
         nGuesses = n) %>% 

| Study | ResearchID | LENA_Prop_Meaningful| LENA_AWC_Hourly| GroupGuess | nGuesses| |:--------------|:-----------|-----------------------:|------------------:|:-----------|---------:| | DialectSwitch | 457D | 0.2092| 1442.1947| Mid | 1| | DialectSwitch | 457D | 0.2092| 1442.1947| MidPlus | 2| | DialectSwitch | 457D | 0.2092| 1442.1947| Top | 7| | TimePoint1 | 036L | 0.0298| 120.3259| Low | 1| | TimePoint1 | 036L | 0.0298| 120.3259| Mid | 2| | TimePoint1 | 036L | 0.0298| 120.3259| MidPlus | 4| | TimePoint1 | 036L | 0.0298| 120.3259| Top | 3| | TimePoint1 | 131L | 0.1092| 742.5027| Mid | 4| | TimePoint1 | 131L | 0.1092| 742.5027| MidPlus | 2| | TimePoint1 | 131L | 0.1092| 742.5027| Top | 4| | TimePoint1 | 688L | 0.1441| 593.9271| Low | 1| | TimePoint1 | 688L | 0.1441| 593.9271| Mid | 2| | TimePoint1 | 688L | 0.1441| 593.9271| MidPlus | 6| | TimePoint1 | 688L | 0.1441| 593.9271| Top | 1|

LearningToTalk/L2TDatabase documentation built on June 24, 2020, 3:45 a.m.