## 'oXim': Tools for read Echopen outputs and get oxycline limits from echogram data.
## 'Echopen': toolbox for the multifrequency analysis of fisheries acoustics data.


Oxycline Index from Matrix Echograms

This package is built to take echogram data from Echopen software outputs and calculate oxycline depth limits using image-filtering algoriths.


Get the development version from github:

# install.packages("devtools")


Read data from Echopen outputs

For reading data, it is necesary to specify Echopen outputs files (.m extension). ´readEchograms´ function returns an object of class 'echoData', so some methods may be applied: print, summary and plot.

# Set directories where the Echopen's outputs are located
fileMode <- list(fish38_file   = system.file("extdata", "fish38.mat", package = "oXim"),
                 fluid120_file = system.file("extdata", "fluid120.mat", package = "oXim"),
                 blue38_file   = system.file("extdata", "blue38.mat", package = "oXim"))

# Read echograms (echoData object)
echoData <- readEchograms(fileMode = fileMode)

# Print method
#> Number of echograms:  1 
#> For echogram 1:
#>  Range lon:  From 74.167° W to 74.113° W 
#>  Range lat:  From 17.218° S to 17.187° S 
#>  Range time: From 2011-09-12 00:54:29 to 2011-09-12 01:18:37

# Summary method
summaryEchodata <- summary(echoData)

# Print summary
#> Number of echograms:  1 
#> For echogram 1:
#>      sA  lon lat time    
#>  Min.    -40950  -74.17  -17.22  2011-09-12 00:54:29 
#>  1st Qu. -19.28  -74.15  -17.21  2011-09-12 00:59:50 
#>  Median  0   -74.14  -17.2   2011-09-12 01:06:06 
#>  Mean    -5426   -74.14  -17.2   2011-09-12 01:06:09 
#>  3rd Qu. 0   -74.13  -17.19  2011-09-12 01:12:21 
#>  Max.    0   -74.11  -17.19  2011-09-12 01:18:37 

# Plot method

Calculate oxycline depth limits

For oxycline depth calculation, getOxyrange function provides an easy-to-use way for applying median-filter and 2D convolution-based filters.

For calculate oxycline depth limits from echoData objects, getOxyrange should be applied as follows:

# Set directories where the Echopen's outputs are located
fileMode <- list(fish38_file   = system.file("extdata", "fish38.mat", package = "oXim"),
                 fluid120_file = system.file("extdata", "fluid120.mat", package = "oXim"),
                 blue38_file   = system.file("extdata", "blue38.mat", package = "oXim"))

# Read echograms (echoData object)
echoData <- readEchograms(fileMode = fileMode)

# Calculate oxycline limits (oxyclineData object)
oxyLimits <- getOxyrange(fluidMatrix = echoData)

# Print method
#> For echogram 1:
#>  Range lon:  From 74.167° W to 74.113° W 
#>  Range lat:  From 17.218° S to 17.187° S 
#>  Range time: From 2011-09-12 00:54:29 to 2011-09-12 01:18:37 
#>  Range oxycline depth:   From 63.6 m to 95.3 m

# Summary method
#> Number of database:  1 
#> For database 1:
#>      lon lat limits  time    
#>  Min.    -74.17  -17.22  -95.31  2011-09-12 00:54:29 
#>  1st Qu. -74.15  -17.21  -81.18  2011-09-12 00:59:50 
#>  Median  -74.14  -17.2   -76.76  2011-09-12 01:06:06 
#>  Mean    -74.14  -17.2   -76.95  2011-09-12 01:06:09 
#>  3rd Qu. -74.13  -17.19  -72.59  2011-09-12 01:12:21 
#>  Max.    -74.11  -17.19  -63.57  2011-09-12 01:18:37 

# Plot method
#> [inverse distance weighted interpolation]

LuisLauM/oXim documentation built on May 7, 2019, 2:03 p.m.