Man pages for MarkEdmondson1234/gentelellaShiny
Use the Gentelella Bootstrap Template in Shiny Apps

activityItemAn activity item
activityListAn activity list
alertAn alert
boxA box to put dashboard elements in
boxWidgetA box widget container
contactBoxA Contact box
dashboard_boxA box to put dashboard elements in
gentelellaBodyCreate a Gentelella dashboard body content
gentelellaFooterCreate a Gentelella dashboard footer
gentelellaGalleryLaunch the gentelellaGallery
gentelellaNavbarCreate a Gentelella dashboard navbar
gentelellaPageRender a gentellaPage in ui.R
gentelellaPageCustomCreate a Gentelella dashboard page
gentelellaSidebarCreate a Gentelella dashboard sidebar
graph_boxGraph box
jumbotronA jumbotron
labelCreate a label or badge
navbarBoilerPlateTop Navbar
notifCreate a Gentelella notification menu
notifItemCreate a Gentelella notification item
pieChartA simple circular diagram item
progressBarProgress bar
quickListA quick list container
quickListItemA quick list item
ribbonBoxA box with a ribbon
sidebarDateCreate a Gentelella dashboard sidebar date
sidebarItemCreate a Gentelella dashboard sidebar menu item
sidebarMenuCreate a Gentelella dashboard sidebar menu
sidebarProfileCreate a Gentelella dashboard sidebar profile item
socialBoxA social box to present a product or people
socialStatsA social stats container
socialStatsItemA social stats item to insert in a socialStats container
tabItemOne tab to put inside a tab items container
tabItemsA container for tab items
tabPanelCreate a gentelella tabPanel
tabPillCreate a gentelella tabPill
tabSetPanelCreate a gentelella tabSetPanel
tabSetPillCreate a gentelella tabSetPill
tileCountElementtileCountRow Element
tileCountUItileCount UI
timelineA timeline block
timelineItemA timeline item
trackingTagsTracking tags for your app
userListA user list block
userListItemA user list item
valueBoxA value box
MarkEdmondson1234/gentelellaShiny documentation built on Dec. 31, 2019, 1:24 a.m.