
Defines functions customMetricMaker customDimensionMaker google_analytics_bq_asynch google_analytics_bq

Documented in google_analytics_bq google_analytics_bq_asynch

#' Get Google Analytics 360 BigQuery data
#' Turn a google_analytics style call into BigQuery SQL. 
#' Used with Google Analytics 360 BigQuery exports.
#' All data will be unsampled, and requests will cost money against your BigQuery quota.
#' Requires installation of bigQueryR and authentication under ga_bq_auth() 
#' or googleAuthR::gar_auth() with BigQuery scope set.
#' View your projectIds upon authentication via [bigQueryR::bqr_list_projects()]
#' No segments for now.  
#' Goals are not specified in BQ exports, so you need to look at how you define them and replicate per view
#' e.g. unique pageviews or unique events.
#' Custom dimensions can be specified as session or hit level, so ignoring the setting in GA interface. 
#' You can get a sample Google Analytics dataset in bigquery by following the instructions
#'   here: <https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3416091?hl=en>
#' @param projectId The Google project Id where the BigQuery exports sit
#' @param datasetId DatasetId of GA export.  This should match the GA View ID
#' @param start start date
#' @param end end date
#' @param metrics metrics to query
#' @param dimensions dimensions to query
#' @param sort metric to sort by
#' @param filters filter results
#' @param max_results How many results to fetch
#' @param query If query is non-NULL then it will use that and ignore above
#' @param return_query_only Only return the constructed query, don't call BigQuery
#' @param bucket if over 100000 results, specify a Google Cloud bucket to send data to
#' @param download_file Where to save asynch files.  If NULL saves to current working directory. 
#' @return data.frame of results
#' @seealso <https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/4419694?hl=en>
#'          <https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3437719?hl=en>
#' @export
google_analytics_bq <- function(projectId,
                                metrics = NULL,
                                # segment=NULL,
                                bucket = NULL,
                                download_file = NULL){
  if (is.null(dimensions)) {
    stop("At least one dimension, such as date, is required to group the metric(s) by.", 
         call. = FALSE)
  projectId <- as.character(projectId)
  datasetId <- as.character(datasetId)
  start <- if(!is.null(start)) as.character(as.Date(start))
  end <- if(!is.null(end)) as.character(as.Date(end))
  max_results <- as.integer(max_results)
  if ((sum(metrics %in% names(lookup_bq_query_m)) == 0) & (is.null(metrics)==FALSE)) {
    stop(sprintf("You have entered an invalid metric name. Here are all the possible metrics currently available: %s", 
         call. = FALSE)
  if ((sum(dimensions %in% names(lookup_bq_query_d)) == 0) & (is.null(dimensions)==FALSE)) {
    stop(sprintf("You have entered an invalid dimension name. Here are all the possible dimensions currently available: %s", 
         call. = FALSE)
  ## if Sys.Date() == end then construct for ga_sessions_intradata_ too.
    if(as.Date(end) == Sys.Date()){
      from_q <- sprintf("FROM (TABLE_DATE_RANGE([%s.ga_sessions_], TIMESTAMP('%s'), DATE_ADD(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), -1, 'DAY'))), (TABLE_DATE_RANGE([%s.ga_sessions_intraday_], DATE_ADD(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), -1, 'DAY'), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()))", 
                        datasetId, start, datasetId)
    } else {
      from_q <- sprintf("FROM (TABLE_DATE_RANGE([%s.ga_sessions_], TIMESTAMP('%s'), TIMESTAMP('%s')))", 
                        datasetId, start, end)
      ## add the 200 custom dims too
      lookup_bq_query_d <- c(lookup_bq_query_d, customDimensionMaker())
      dims <- paste(lookup_bq_query_d[dimensions], collapse = ", ", sep = ", ")
      group_q <- paste("GROUP BY", paste(dimensions, collapse = ", "))
    } else {
      dims <- NULL
      group_q <- NULL
    lookup_bq_query_m <- c(lookup_bq_query_m, customMetricMaker())
    mets <- paste(lookup_bq_query_m[metrics], collapse = ", ", sep = ", ")
    select_q <- paste("SELECT", paste(dims, mets, sep = ", "))
      order_q <- paste("ORDER BY", paste(sort, collapse = ", "), "DESC")
    } else {
      order_q <- NULL
    limit_q <- paste("LIMIT", as.character(max_results))
    query <- paste(select_q, from_q, group_q, order_q, limit_q)
    } else {
      myMessage("Query: ", query, level = 3)
  if(max_results < 100000){

    out <- bigQueryR::bqr_query(projectId, datasetId, query)
  } else {
    ## do an async query
    if (!requireNamespace("googleCloudStorageR", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("googleCloudStorageR needed for large extracts. Please install it via install.packages('googleCloudStorageR')",
           call. = FALSE)
    myMessage("Over 100,000 rows to fetch, creating asynchronous query via Google Cloud Storage.", level = 2)
    google_analytics_bq_asynch(projectId = projectId,
                               datasetId = datasetId,
                               query = query,
                               bucket = bucket,
                               download_file = download_file)
  ## convert to more R like objects if we can
  if("hitTimestamp" %in% names(out)){
    out$hitTimestamp <- as.POSIXct(out$hitTimestamp, origin = "1970-01-01")
  if("date" %in% names(out)){
    out$date <- as.Date(out$date, format = "%Y%m%d")
  if("visitStartTime" %in% names(out)){
    out$visitStartTime <- as.POSIXct(out$visitStartTime, origin = "1970-01-01")

#' Asynch fetch
#' @keywords internal
google_analytics_bq_asynch <- function(projectId,
  if (!requireNamespace("bigQueryR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("bigQueryR needed for this function to work. Please install it via install.packages('bigQueryR')",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("googleCloudStorageR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("googleCloudStorageR needed for this function to work. Please install it via install.packages('googleCloudStorageR')",
         call. = FALSE)
  time0 <- Sys.time()
  required_scopes <- c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control", 
  if(!any(getOption("googleAuthR.scopes.selected") %in% required_scopes)){
    stop("Need re-authentication with googleAuthR::gar_auth() with one of scopes:", 
         paste(required_scopes, collapse = " "))
    ## maybe call googleCloudStorgeR to create bucket?
    stop("Need a Google Cloud bucket to send data to.  Please create one at https://cloud.google.com/storage/")
  tableId <- paste0("googleAnalyticsRjob_", 
                    gsub("-|:| ","",as.character(Sys.time())), 
  query_job <- bigQueryR::bqr_query_asynch(projectId = projectId,
                                           datasetId = datasetId,
                                           query = query,
                                           destinationTableId = tableId)
  query_job <- bigQueryR::bqr_wait_for_job(query_job)
  myMessage("\nBigQuery query successful and now in BigQuery tableId: ", tableId,
          "\n - now extracting data to Cloud Storage bucket", bucket, level = 3)
  extract_job <- bigQueryR::bqr_extract_data(projectId = projectId,
                                             datasetId = datasetId,
                                             tableId = tableId,
                                             cloudStorageBucket = bucket)
  extract_job <- bigQueryR::bqr_wait_for_job(extract_job)
  myMessage("\nBigQuery extract successful to ", bucket,
          " - now downloading data from Google Cloud Storage", level = 3)
                                  filename = download_file)
  myMessage("All finished, total job time:", format(difftime(Sys.time(), time0), format = "%H:%M:%S"), level = 3)

## this is hit level: add session and product level too.

customDimensionMaker <- function(customDimensionIndex=paste0("dimension",1:200)){
  indexes <- grep("^dimension(.+)", customDimensionIndex)
  if(length(indexes) < 1) stop("Custom dimension specified but no custom dimensions found")
  dimensionXX = "MAX(IF (hits.customDimensions.index = XX, hits.customDimensions.value, NULL)) WITHIN RECORD AS dimensionXX"
  out <- vapply(indexes, function(i) gsub("XX", i, dimensionXX), character(1))
  names(out) <- customDimensionIndex
customMetricMaker <- function(customMetricIndex=paste0("metric",1:200)){
  indexes <- grep("^metric(.+)", customMetricIndex)
  if(length(indexes) < 1) stop("No custom metrics found")
  metricXX <- "MAX(IF (hits.customMetrics.index = XX, hits.customMetrics.value, NULL)) WITHIN RECORD AS metricXX"

  out <- vapply(indexes, function(i) gsub("XX", i, metricXX), character(1))
  names(out) <- customMetricIndex

lookup_bq_query_m <- c(visits = "SUM(totals.visits) as sessions",
                       sessions = "SUM(totals.visits) as sessions",
                       pageviews = "SUM(totals.pageviews) as pageviews",
                       timeOnSite = "SUM(totals.timeOnSite) as timeOnSite",
                       bounces = "SUM(totals.bounces) as bounces",
                       bounceRate = "(SUM(totals.bounces)/SUM(totals.visits))*100 as bounceRate",
                       transactions = "SUM(totals.transactions) as transactions",
                       transactionRevenue = "SUM(totals.transactionRevenue)/1000000 as transactionRevenue",
                       transactionsPerSession = "(SUM(totals.transactions) / SUM(totals.visits)) as transactionsPerSession",
                       revenuePerTransaction = "(SUM(totals.transactionRevenue)/1000000) / SUM(totals.transactions) as revenuePerTransaction",
                       newSessions = "SUM(totals.newVisits) as newVisits",
                       percentNewSessions = "(SUM(totals.newVisits) / SUM(totals.visits))*100 AS percentNewSessions",
                       screenviews = "SUM(totals.screenviews) as screenviews",
                       uniqueScreenviews = "SUM(totals.uniqueScreenviews) as uniqueScreenviews",
                       timeOnScreen = "SUM(totals.timeOnScreen) as timeOnScreen",
                       users = "COUNT(fullVisitorId) as users",
                       exits = "COUNT(hits.isExit) as exits",
                       entrances = "COUNT(hits.isEntrance) as entrances",
                       eventValue = "SUM(hits.eventinfo.eventValue) as eventValue")

# lookup_bq_dimensions <- meta[meta$type == "DIMENSION","name"]

lookup_bq_query_d <- c(referralPath = "trafficSource.referralPath as referralPath",
                       hitTimestamp = "(visitStartTime + (hits.time/1000)) as hitTimestamp",
                       campaign = "trafficSource.campaign as campaign",
                       source = "trafficSource.source as source",
                       medium = "trafficSource.medium as medium",
                       keyword = "trafficSource.keyword as keyword",
                       adContent = "trafficSource.adContent as adContent",
                       adwordsCampaignID = "trafficSource.adwordsClickInfo.campaignId as adwordsCampaignId",
                       adwordsAdGroupID = "trafficSource.adwordsClickInfo.adGroupId as adwordsAdGroupId",
                       # adwords...etc...
                       transactionId = "hits.transaction.transactionId as transactionId",
                       date = "date",
                       fullVisitorId = "fullVisitorId",
                       userId = "userId",
                       visitorId = "visitorId",
                       visitId = "visitId",
                       visitStartTime = "visitStartTime",
                       visitNumber = "visitNumber",
                       browser = "device.browser as browser",
                       browserVersion = "device.browserVersion as browserVersion",
                       operatingSystem = "device.operatingSystem as operatingSystem",
                       operatingSystemVersion = "device.operatingSystemVersion as operatingSystemVersion",
                       mobileDeviceBranding = "device.mobileDeviceBranding as mobileDeviceBranding",
                       flashVersion = "device.flashVersion as flashVersion",
                       language = "device.language as language",
                       screenColors = "device.screenColors as screenColors",
                       screenResolution = "device.screenResolution as screenResolution",
                       deviceCategory = "device.deviceCategory as deviceCategory",
                       continent = "geoNetwork.continent as continent",
                       subContinent = "geoNetwork.subContinent as subContinent",
                       country = "geoNetwork.country as country",
                       region = "geoNetwork.region as region",
                       metro = "geoNetwork.region as metro",
                       pagePath = "hits.page.pagePath as pagePath",
                       sourcePropertyDisplayName = "hits.sourcePropertyInfo.sourcePropertyDisplayName as sourcePropertyDisplayName",
                       eventCategory = "hits.eventInfo.eventCategory as eventCategory",
                       eventAction = "hits.eventInfo.eventAction as eventAction",
                       eventLabel = "hits.eventInfo.eventLabel as eventLabel",
                       ## from http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2016/06/23/google-analytics-bigquery-export-schema/
                       landingPagePath = "FIRST(IF(hits.type = 'PAGE', hits.page.pagePath, NULL)) WITHIN RECORD AS landingPagePath")

#' Example queries to add
#' SELECT COUNT(1) as unique_pageviews
#' Unique pageviews:
# FROM (
#   hits.page.pagePath, 
#   hits.page.pageTitle,
#   fullVisitorId,
#   visitNumber,
#   COUNT(1) as hits
#   FROM [my_table]
#   WHERE hits.type='PAGE' 
#   hits.page.pagePath, 
#   hits.page.pageTitle,
#   fullVisitorId,
#   visitNumber
# )

## custom dimensions
# fullvisitorid,
# concat(string(visitid), fullvisitorid) as sessionid,
# hits.hitnumber as hitnumber,
# max(case when hits.customdimensions.index = 7 then hits.customdimensions.value end) Author,
# max(case when hits.customdimensions.index = 8 then hits.customdimensions.value end) Category,
# max(case when hits.customdimensions.index = 9 then hits.customdimensions.value end) ISBN,
# max(case when hits.customdimensions.index = 10 then hits.customdimensions.value end) Action
# FROM 123456.ga_sessions_YYYYMMDD
# GROUP EACH BY fullvisitorid,sessionid, hitnumber

## or this?
# custom dimension at the hit level
# SELECT fullVisitorId, visitId, hits.hitNumber, hits.time,
# MAX(IF(hits.customDimensions.index=1,
#        hits.customDimensions.value,
#        NULL)) WITHIN hits AS customDimension1,
# FROM [tableID.ga_sessions_20150305]
# LIMIT 100
# custom dimension at the session level
# SELECT fullVisitorId, visitId,
# MAX(IF(customDimensions.index=2,
#        customDimensions.value,
#        NULL)) WITHIN RECORD AS customDimension2,
# FROM [tableID.ga_sessions_20150305]
# LIMIT 100
MarkEdmondson1234/googleAnalyticsR_public documentation built on Dec. 10, 2023, 2:43 a.m.