
#' @title Topographic Position Index (tpi)
#' @description Calculates topographic position using mean deviations
#' @param x raster class object
#' @param scale scale (window size) 
#' @param win window type. Options are "rectangle" and "circle" 
#' @param normalize Apply deviation correction that normalizes to local surface roughness  
#' @return raster class object of tpi 
#' @author Jeffrey S. Evans  <jeffrey_evans@@tnc.org>
#' @references
#' De Reu, J., J. Bourgeois, M. Bats, A. Zwertvaegher, V. Gelorini, et al., (2014) Application of the topographic position index to heterogeneous landscapes. Geomorphology, 186:39-49.
#' @examples 
#'  library(raster)
#'  r <- raster(nrows=500, ncols=500, xmn=571823, xmx=616763, 
#'              ymn=4423540, ymx=4453690)
#'  proj4string(r) <- crs("+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")
#'  r[] <- runif(ncell(r), 1000, 2500)
#'  r <- focal(r, focalWeight(r, 150, "Gauss") )
#' # calculate tpi and plot 
#'   tpi9 <- tpi(r, scale=9)     
#'     par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#'       plot(r, main="original raster")
#'       plot(tpi9, main="tpi 9x9")
#' @export
terrain_tpi <- function(x, scale = 3, win = "rectangle", normalize = FALSE) { 
  if( win == "circle") {
    if( scale < raster::res(x)[1] * 2) 
      stop( "Scale is too small for a circular window")
    m <- raster::focalWeight(x, scale, type=c('circle'))
    m[m > 0] <- 1
  } else { 	  
    m <- matrix(1, nrow=scale, ncol=scale)
  tp <- x - raster::focal(x, w=m, fun=mean)
  if(normalize == TRUE) {  
    tp.sd <- raster::focal(x, w=m, fun=stats::sd)
    tp <- tp / tp.sd 
Martin-Jung/Icarus documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:31 a.m.