
Defines functions mat_99_list_Rfiles mat_parse_yaml intrnl_err_to_chr intrnl_time_format_vec intrnl_time_format intrnl_dir_to_file intrnl_session_clean

Documented in mat_99_list_Rfiles mat_parse_yaml

### Internal utilities

intrnl_session_clean <- function(.data, var) dplyr::if_else(duplicated(.data$time), "", as.character({{var}}))
intrnl_dir_to_file <- function(dir) paste(dir, "999_CHECK_RUN_report.csv", sep = "/") %>%
  str_replace("//", "/")

intrnl_cols_need <- c("session", "session_time",
                     "filename", "folder", "subfolder",
                     "error", "has_error",
                     "elapsed", "memory_used_mb",
                     "user.self", "sys.self", "user.child",
                     "sys.child", "ext", "number_char", "number", "error_parse",
                     "has_error_parse", "has_yaml", "has_runMat", "runMat_val",
                     "date", "time")

intrnl_time_format <- function(x) {
  if(is.na(x)) return(NA_character_)
  if(x<1) return("<1 Sec")
  x <-  x/60
  if(x<1) return("<1 Min")
  if(x >60) {
    H <- x %/% 60
    Min <- x %% 60
    H_Min <- paste0(H, ":", stringr::str_pad(round(Min),width = 2, pad = "0"))
    return(paste0(H_Min, " Hour"))
  return(paste(round(x), "Min"))

intrnl_time_format_vec <- function(x) sapply(x, intrnl_time_format)
intrnl_err_to_chr <- function(x){
  if(inherits(x, "condition")){
    res <- rlang::with_options(crayon.enabled = FALSE,
                               rlang::cnd_message(x, prefix = TRUE))
      # str_remove_all("\\n\\u001b\\[31mx\\u001b\\[39m|\\n")
  } else {
    backtrace_line <- grepl("Backtrace", x)
    end <- if(any(backtrace_line)) which(backtrace_line)-1 else length(x)
    res <- paste(x[1:end], collapse = " ")

#' Read YAML header to list
#' @param file_path The file path
#' @export
mat_parse_yaml <- function(file_path){
  ## remove #' to have standard YAMl header
  input_lines <- readLines(file_path, warn=FALSE)
  input_lines <- knitr::spin(text = input_lines, knit = FALSE)
  tmp <- tempfile()
  writeLines(input_lines, tmp)

  ## now use rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter

### Step 1: list R scripts

#' @param dir_path directory of files
#' @param no_old Avoid scripts in directory old?
#' @param recursive Look into recursive folders?
#' @param keep_field Additional YAML fields to keep
#' @export
#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
mat_99_list_Rfiles <- function(dir_path="code_setup", no_old = TRUE, recursive=FALSE,
                                keep_field=NULL) {
  dir_df <- mat_list_dir(dir_path, pattern="\\.R$", add_ext = TRUE, recursive = recursive) %>%
    mutate(full_path = str_replace_all(.data$full_path, "//", "/"),
           folder = dirname(.data$full_path),
           subfolder = basename(dirname(.data$full_path)))

  ## get yaml
  res <- dir_df %>%
    mutate(number_char = str_extract(.data$filename, "([0-9]_)+") %>%
             str_replace("_$", ""),
           number = .data$number_char %>%
             str_replace("_", "\\.") %>%
             str_replace_all("_", "") %>%
           yaml = map(.data$full_path, ~purrr::safely(mat_parse_yaml)(.)))

  ## process yaml
  safely_clean <- function(x) {
      x$error <- intrnl_err_to_chr(x$error)
  res_yaml_df <- res %>%
    dplyr::mutate(yaml = purrr::map(.data$yaml, safely_clean)) %>%
    tidyr::unnest_wider("yaml") %>%
    tidyr::unnest_wider("result") %>%
    tibble::add_column(!!!c(runMat=NA)[setdiff("runMat", colnames(.))]) %>% ## add if miss
    mutate(has_runMat = !is.na(.data$runMat),
           runMat_val = .data$runMat & !is.na(.data$runMat),
           yaml=  purrr::transpose(res$yaml) %>% purrr::pluck("result"),
           has_yaml=map_lgl(.data$yaml, ~ !rlang::is_empty(.)))
           # has_yaml = map_lgl(yaml, ~length(.$result)>0|!is.null(.$result)))

  if(!"error" %in% colnames(res_yaml_df)){
    res_yaml_df <- res_yaml_df %>%
  } else {
    res_yaml_df <- res_yaml_df %>%
      mutate(has_error_parse=map_lgl(.data$error, ~!is.null(.) &!is.na(.)),
             error_parse=map2_chr(.data$error, .data$has_error_parse,
                                                 as.character(.x)))) #%>%
      # select(-"error")

  vars <- c("filename", "ext", "folder", "subfolder", "number_char", "number",
            "yaml", "error_parse", "has_error_parse", "has_yaml", "has_runMat",
            "runMat_val", "full_path", keep_field)
  res_yaml_df <- res_yaml_df %>%
    select(tidyselect::all_of(vars)) %>%
    dplyr::relocate("full_path", .after = tidyselect::everything())

  if(no_old) res_yaml_df <-  res_yaml_df %>%
                                stringr::regex("old.*/", ignore_case = TRUE)))

# mat_99_list_Rfiles_old <- function(dir_path="code_setup", no_old = TRUE, recursive=FALSE) {
#   dir_df <- mat_list_dir(dir_path, pattern="\\.R$", add_ext = TRUE, recursive = recursive) %>%
#     mutate(full_path = str_replace_all(.data$full_path, "//", "/"),
#            folder = dirname(.data$full_path),
#            subfolder = basename(dirname(.data$full_path)))
#   res <- dir_df %>%
#     mutate(number_char = str_extract(.data$filename, "([0-9]_)+") %>%
#              str_replace("_$", ""),
#            number = .data$number_char %>%
#              str_replace("_", "\\.") %>%
#              str_replace_all("_", "") %>%
#              as.numeric(),
#            yaml = map(.data$full_path, ~purrr::safely(mat_parse_yaml)(.))) %>%
#     mat_safely_unnest(col_name=.data$yaml, result_name="yaml") %>%
#     rename(has_error_parse=.data$has_error,
#            error_parse=.data$error) %>%
#     mutate(has_yaml=map_lgl(.data$yaml, ~ !rlang::is_empty(.)),
#            has_runMat  = map2_lgl(.data$has_yaml, .data$yaml, ~if(.x)  "runMat" %in% names(.y) else FALSE ),
#            runMat_val = map2_lgl(.data$has_runMat, .data$yaml, ~if(.x)  .y$runMat else FALSE )) %>%
#     select(-.data$full_path, .data$full_path)
#   if(no_old) res <-  res %>%
#     filter(!stringr::str_detect(.data$full_path, "old.*/"))
#   res
# }

#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
#' @export
mat_list_Rfiles <- function(dir_path, no_old = TRUE, recursive=FALSE) {
  warning("Deprecated: use rather mat_99_list_Rfiles")
  mat_99_list_Rfiles(dir_path, no_old = no_old, recursive=recursive)

#' Run-check files 999 machinery
#' @param echo print which file done, and gc?
#' @param runMat_true_only run only the ones with runMat: TRUE
#' @param run_function use either source (internal) or R CMD BATCH (external)
#' @param tmp_dir temporary dir to hold file when using `run_function="external"`
#' @examples
#' library(matPkg)
#' library(readr)
#' ## read
#' path_rscripts <- system.file("r_scripts_fake", package = "matPkg")
#' path_temp <- tempdir()
#' dir_dat <- mat_99_list_Rfiles(path_rscripts)
#' dir_dat
#' ## run
#' out <- mat_99_run_Rfiles(dir_dat)
#' out
#' mat_99_showErr(out)
#' ## save
#' mat_99_write(out, dir = path_temp)
#' ## check output
#' read_csv(paste(path_temp, "999_CHECK_RUN_report.csv", sep="/"), col_types = cols())
#' ## re-write
#' mat_99_write(out, dir = path_temp)
#' read_csv(paste(path_temp, "999_CHECK_RUN_report.csv", sep="/"), col_types = cols())
#' ## check format
#' mat_99_check_there_update(path_temp, overwrite=FALSE)
#' mat_99_check_there_update(path_temp, overwrite=TRUE)
#' @export
mat_99_run_Rfiles <- function(scripts_file, echo=FALSE, runMat_true_only=TRUE,
                              run_function=c("internal", "external"), tmp_dir=NULL) {

  if(!is.null(tmp_dir)) tmp_dir <- normalizePath(tmp_dir, mustWork = FALSE)
  run_function <- switch(match.arg(run_function),
                         "external"=function(x, ...) source_rcmd_batch(x, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, ...))

  if(runMat_true_only) {
    scripts_file <- scripts_file %>%
    if(nrow(scripts_file)==0) stop("No R scripts with field 'runMat_val=TRUE', set argument 'runMat_true_only=FALSE' ?")

  ## prep out data
  vars_out <- c("filename", "has_error", "error",
                "elapsed", "memory_used_mb",
                "user.self", "sys.self", "user.child", "sys.child")

  ## now RUN
  out <- scripts_file %>%
    # mutate(try = map(.data$full_path, ~purrr::safely(~source_throw(., echo=echo))(.))) %>%
    mutate(try = map(.data$full_path, ~run_function(., echo=echo))) %>%
    mutate(error=map(.data$try, ~.[["error"]]),
           has_error= map_lgl(.data$error, ~!is.null(.)),
           error=map_chr(.data$error, ~ifelse(is.null(.), NA, intrnl_err_to_chr(.))),
           timing = map2(.data$try, .data$has_error, ~if(.y) df_null else .x$result)) %>%
    unnest("timing") %>%

  ## small check
  if(!"memory_used_mb" %in% colnames(out)) {
    out <- mutate(out, memory_used_mb=NA) %>%

#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
#' @export
mat_run_Rfiles <- function(scripts_file, echo=FALSE) {
  warning("Deprectaed, use rather 'mat_99_run_Rfiles'")
  mat_99_run_Rfiles(scripts_file=scripts_file, echo=echo)

## utilities (from: )
df_null <-  data.frame("user.self" = NA, "sys.self" = NA, "elapsed" = NA, "user.child" = NA, "sys.child" = NA)

as.data.frame.proc_time <-  function(x, ...) t(data.matrix(x)) %>%  as.data.frame(...)

#' As character for bytes
#' Simply copied from pryr:::print.bytes
#' @noRd
as.character.bytes <- function (x, digits = 1, unit=NULL, ...) {

  if(is.null(unit)) {
    power <- min(floor(log(abs(x), 1000)), 4)
    unit <- c("B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB")[power+1]
  } else {
    unit <- match.arg(unit, choices=c("B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"))
  x <-  as.numeric.bytes(x, unit=unit)
  formatted <- map_chr(x, ~format(signif(., digits = digits), big.mark = ",",
                     scientific = FALSE))
  paste(formatted,  unit)

#' As numeric for bytes, add argument unit
#' @noRd
as.numeric.bytes <- function (x, unit = c("B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB")) {
  unit <-  match.arg(unit)
  power <-  match(unit, c("B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB")) -1

## Cechk bytes
if(FALSE) {
  val_bytes <- 122661728
  class(val_bytes) <- "bytes"

  sapply(c("B", "kB",  "MB", "GB"), function(unit) as.numeric.bytes(val_bytes, unit))
  sapply(c("B", "kB",  "MB", "GB"), function(unit) as.character.bytes(val_bytes, unit=unit))


#' @export
#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
mat_99_showErr <- function(scripts_file_runned) {
  df_probs <- scripts_file_runned %>%

  print(df_probs %>%
    dplyr::select("filename", "error") )

  print(df_probs %>%

#' @param overwrite should overwrite data?
#' @export
#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
mat_99_check_there_update <- function (dir_path="code_setup", overwrite=TRUE) {
  file_out <- intrnl_dir_to_file(dir_path)

  is_there <- file.exists(file_out)
  if (is_there) {

    file_old <- readr::read_csv(file_out, col_types = readr::cols())

    ## add columns if needed
    if (!all(intrnl_cols_need %in% colnames(file_old))) {
      cols_miss <- intrnl_cols_need[!intrnl_cols_need %in% colnames(file_old)]
      if("session" %in% cols_miss && !"date" %in% cols_miss) {
        cols_miss <-  cols_miss[-which(cols_miss=="session")]
        file_old <-  file_old %>%
                 session = mat_keep_first(as.character(.data$session)))
      warning("Problems in data! Missing: ", paste(cols_miss,
                                                   collapse = " "))
      file_old[cols_miss] <- NA
      file_old <- file_old %>%
      if(overwrite)  {
        readr::write_csv(file_old, file_out)
        file_old <- readr::read_csv(file_out, col_types = readr::cols())

    ## Check too many columns?
    if (!all(colnames(file_old) %in% intrnl_cols_need )) {
      cols_old_superflous <- colnames(file_old)[!colnames(file_old) %in% intrnl_cols_need]
      cols_old_necessary <- colnames(file_old)[colnames(file_old) %in% intrnl_cols_need]
      warning("Supplementary columns: ", paste(cols_old_superflous, collapse = ", "))
      file_old <- file_old %>%

    ## reorder columns if needed
    if(!all(intrnl_cols_need == colnames(file_old))){
      print("Change order of columns")
      file_old <- file_old %>%
      if(overwrite)  {
        readr::write_csv(file_old, file_out)
        file_old <- readr::read_csv(file_out, col_types = readr::cols())

    ## compute session_time if relevant columns there
    if(all(c("time", "elapsed") %in% colnames(file_old))) {
      file_old <- file_old %>%
        group_by(.data$time) %>%
        mutate(session_time = sum(.data$elapsed, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        mutate(session_time = intrnl_time_format_vec(.data$session_time))

      if(overwrite)  {
        readr::write_csv(file_old, file_out)
        # file_old <- readr::read_csv(file_out, col_types = readr::cols())
    } else {
      warning("Missing columns 'time' and 'elapsed'")

    ## last run make sure clean session column
    if(overwrite)  {
      readr::read_csv(file_out, col_types = readr::cols()) %>%
        mutate(session_id = paste(.data$session, .data$session_time, sep="_"),
               session = dplyr::if_else(duplicated(.data$session_id) | is.na(.data$session), "", as.character(.data$session))) %>%
        select(-.data$session_id) %>%

#' @export
#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
mat_99_check_there <- function (dir_path="code_setup", overwrite=TRUE) {
  warning("Deprecated, use rather 'mat_99_check_there_update'")
  mat_99_check_there_update(dir_path=dir_path, overwrite=overwrite)

#' @param scripts_file_runned data from mat_99_run_Rfiles
#' @param append Overwrite existing or append?
#' @param cols_extra Extra columns to keep
#' @export
#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
mat_99_write <- function(scripts_file_runned, dir_path="code_setup",
                         append=NULL, cols_extra = NULL) {
  file_out <- intrnl_dir_to_file(dir_path)
  if(is.null(append)) append <- file.exists(file_out)
  today <- Sys.Date() %>% as.character()
  time <- Sys.time() %>%
    format(format="%H:%M:%S") %>%
  user <- paste(Sys.info()[c("user", "nodename")], collapse = "@")

  ## add session info, etc
  df_new <- scripts_file_runned %>%
    dplyr::select_if(~!is.list(.)) %>%
    mutate(session = today,
           session = dplyr::if_else(duplicated(.data$session), "", .data$session),
           session_time = sum(.data$elapsed, na.rm=TRUE) %>%
           date = today,
           time = Sys.time() %>% as.character(),
           folder = dirname(.data$full_path),
           subfolder = basename(dirname(.data$full_path)),
           user_node =user) %>%
    select(tidyselect::all_of(c(intrnl_cols_need, cols_extra)))

  readr::write_csv(df_new, file_out, append=append)


#' @param warn Should it warn if file is actually missing?
#' @export
#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
mat_99_add_info_last <- function(scripts_file_runned, dir_path="code_setup", warn=TRUE) {
  file_out <- intrnl_dir_to_file(dir_path)

  if(file.exists(file_out)) {
    df_out <- readr::read_csv(file_out) %>%

    scripts_file_runned <- scripts_file_runned %>%
      left_join(df_out %>%
                  select(.data$filename, .data$elapsed, .data$has_error),
                by = "filename") %>%
  } else {
    if(warn) warning("File not already there!")

#' @param scripts_file file of R scripts with path to run, from mat_99_list_Rfiles()
#' @export
#' @rdname mat_99_run_Rfiles
mat_99_arrange_by_last <- function(scripts_file_runned, dir_path="code_setup") {

  if(file.exists(dir_path)) {
    df_out <- readr::read_csv(dir_path) %>%

    scripts_file_runned <- scripts_file_runned %>%
      left_join(df_out %>%
                  select(.data$filename, .data$elapsed),
                by = "filename") %>%
      mutate(first_num = str_extract(.data$filename, "^[0-9]") %>% as.integer) %>%
      arrange(.data$first_num, .data$elapsed) %>%
      # rename(elapsed_before=elapsed)
      select(-.data$elapsed, -.data$first_num)

if(FALSE) {

  ## read
  path_rscripts <- system.file("r_scripts_fake", package = "matPkg")
  path_temp <- tempdir()
  dir_dat <- mat_99_list_Rfiles(path_rscripts)

  ## run
  out <- mat_99_run_Rfiles(scripts_file=dir_dat, echo=TRUE)

  ## save
  mat_99_write(out, dir = path_temp)

  ## check output
  read_csv(paste(path_temp, "999_CHECK_RUN_report.csv", sep="/"), col_types = cols())

  ## rerun
  out2 <- mat_99_run_Rfiles(dir_dat)
  mat_99_check_there_update(path_temp, overwrite=FALSE)
  mat_99_write(out2, dir = path_temp)
  read_csv(paste(path_temp, "999_CHECK_RUN_report.csv", sep="/"), col_types = cols())

  ## check format
  mat_99_check_there_update(path_temp, overwrite=FALSE)
  mat_99_check_there_update(path_temp, overwrite=TRUE)


MatthieuStigler/matPkg documentation built on Nov. 13, 2023, 7:53 p.m.