
Defines functions PRE_FATE.speciesDistance

Documented in PRE_FATE.speciesDistance

### HEADER #####################################################################
##' @title Computation of distances between species based on traits and niche 
##' overlap
##' @name PRE_FATE.speciesDistance
##' @author Maya Guéguen
##' @description This script is designed to create a distance matrix between 
##' species, combining functional distances (based on functional trait values) 
##' and niche overlap (based on co-occurrence of species). 
##' @param mat.traits a \code{data.frame} with at least 3 columns :
##' \describe{
##' \item{\code{species}}{the ID of each studied species}
##' \item{\code{GROUP}}{a factor variable containing grouping information to 
##' divide the species into data subsets (see 
##' \href{PRE_FATE.speciesDistance#details}{\code{Details}})}
##' \item{\code{...}}{one column for each functional trait}
##' }
##' @param mat.overlap two options :
##' \itemize{
##'   \item a \code{data.frame} with 2 columns :
##'   \describe{
##'     \item{\code{species}}{the ID of each studied species}
##'     \item{\code{raster}}{path to raster file with species distribution}
##'   }
##'   \item a dissimilarity structure representing the niche overlap between 
##'   each pair of species. \cr It can be a \code{dist} object, a 
##'   \code{niolap} object, or simply a \code{matrix}.
##' }
##' @param opt.maxPercent.NA (\emph{optional}) default \code{0}. \cr Maximum 
##' percentage of missing values (\code{NA}) allowed for each trait (between 
##' \code{0} and \code{1})
##' @param opt.maxPercent.similarSpecies (\emph{optional}) default \code{0.25}. 
##' \cr Maximum percentage of similar species (same value) 
##' allowed for each trait (between \code{0} and \code{1})
##' @param opt.min.sd (\emph{optional}) default \code{0.5}. \cr Minimum 
##' standard deviation allowed for each trait (trait unit)
##' @details 
##' This function allows to obtain a \strong{distance matrix between species}, 
##' based on two types of distance information :
##' \enumerate{
##'   \item{\strong{Functional traits : }}{
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item The \code{GROUP} column is required if species must be separated 
##'     to have one final distance matrix per \code{GROUP} value. \cr If the 
##'     column is missing, all species will be considered as part of a unique 
##'     dataset.
##'     \item The traits can be qualitative or quantitative, but previously 
##'     identified as such \cr (i.e. with the use of functions such as 
##'     \code{as.numeric}, \code{as.factor} and \code{ordered}).
##'     \item Functional distance matrix is calculated with Gower dissimilarity, 
##'     using the \code{\link[FD]{gowdis}} function.
##'     \item This function allows \code{NA} values. \cr However, too many 
##'     missing values lead to misleading results. Hence, 3 parameters allow the 
##'     user to play with the place given to missing values, and therefore the 
##'     selection of traits that will be used for the distance computation :
##'     \describe{
##'       \item{opt.maxPercent.NA}{traits with too many missing values are 
##'       removed}
##'       \item{opt.maxPercent \cr .similarSpecies}{traits with too many 
##'       similar values are removed}
##'       \item{opt.min.sd}{traits with too little variability are removed}
##'     }
##'   }
##'   }
##'   \item{\strong{Niche overlap : }}{
##'   \itemize{
##'     \item If a \code{data.frame} is given, the degree of niche overlap will 
##'     be computed using the \code{\link[phyloclim]{niche.overlap}}. \cr \cr \cr
##'   }
##'   }
##' }
##' Functional distances and niche overlap informations are then 
##' \strong{combined} according to the following formula :
##' \deqn{\text{mat.DIST}_{sub-group} = \frac{[ \text{mat.OVERLAP}_{sub-group} +
##' \text{mat.FUNCTIONAL}_{sub-group} * n_{traits} ]}{[ n_{traits} + 1 ]}}
##' meaning that \strong{distance matrix obtained from functional information 
##' is weighted by the number of traits used}.
##' @return A \code{dist} object corresponding to the distance between each pair 
##' of species, or a \code{list} of \code{dist} objects, one for each
##' \code{GROUP} value. \cr \cr
##' The information is written in \file{PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_speciesDistance.csv} 
##' file (or if necessary, one file is created for each group).
##' @keywords functional traits, Gower distance, niche overlap
##' @seealso \code{\link[FD]{gowdis}},
##' \code{\link[phyloclim]{niche.overlap}}
##' @examples
##' ## Load example data
##' data(DATASET_Bauges_PFG)
##' ## Species traits
##' tab.traits = DATASET_Bauges_PFG$dom.traits
##' str(tab.traits)
##' ## Species niche overlap (similarity distance)
##' tab.overlap = DATASET_Bauges_PFG$dom.dist_overlap
##' tab.overlap[1:5, 1:5]
##' ## Give warnings -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
##' sp.DIST = PRE_FATE.speciesDistance(mat.traits = tab.traits
##'                                    , mat.overlap = as.matrix(tab.overlap))
##' str(sp.DIST)
##' \dontrun{
##' require(foreach)
##' require(ggplot2)
##' require(ggdendro)
##' pp = foreach(x = names(sp.DIST)) %do%
##' {
##'   hc = hclust(sp.DIST[[x]])
##'   pp = ggdendrogram(hc, rotate = TRUE) +
##'     labs(title = paste0("Hierarchical clustering based on species distance "
##'                         , ifelse(length(names(sp.DIST)) > 1
##'                         , paste0("(group ", x, ")")
##'                         , "")))
##'   return(pp)
##' }
##' plot(pp[[1]])
##' plot(pp[[2]])
##' plot(pp[[3]])
##' }
##' ## Change parameters to allow more NAs (and change traits used) ------------------------------
##' sp.DIST = PRE_FATE.speciesDistance(mat.traits = tab.traits
##'                                    , mat.overlap = as.matrix(tab.overlap)
##'                                    , opt.maxPercent.NA = 0.05
##'                                    , opt.maxPercent.similarSpecies = 0.3
##'                                    , opt.min.sd = 0.3)
##' str(sp.DIST)
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats as.dist na.exclude var
##' @importFrom methods as
##' @importFrom raster raster extension
##' @importFrom phyloclim niche.overlap
##' @importFrom FD gowdis
## END OF HEADER ###############################################################

PRE_FATE.speciesDistance = function(mat.traits
                                    , mat.overlap
                                    , opt.maxPercent.NA = 0
                                    , opt.maxPercent.similarSpecies = 0.25
                                    , opt.min.sd = 0.3
  ## CHECK parameter mat.traits
  if (.testParam_notDf(mat.traits))
  } else
    if (nrow(mat.traits) < 2 || ncol(mat.traits) <= 2 )
      stop(paste0("Wrong dimension(s) of data!\n `mat.traits` does not have the "
                  , "appropriate number of rows (>=2, at least 2 species) "
                  , "or columns (>=3, at least 2 traits)"))
    } else if (sum(colnames(mat.traits) == "species") == 0)
      .stopMessage_columnNames("mat.traits", c("species", "(GROUP)", "(trait1)", "(trait2)", "..."))
    } else if (sum(colnames(mat.traits) == "GROUP") == 0)
      warning(paste0("`mat.traits` does not contain any column with `GROUP` information\n"
                     , "Data will be considered as one unique dataset."))
      mat.traits$GROUP = "AllSpecies"
    mat.traits$species = as.character(mat.traits$species)
    mat.traits$GROUP = as.character(mat.traits$GROUP)
    .testParam_samevalues.m("mat.traits$species", mat.traits$species)
  ## CHECK parameter mat.overlap
  if(missing(mat.overlap) || is.null(mat.overlap))
    stop(paste0("Wrong type of data!\n `mat.overlap` must be either "
                , "a data.frame or a dissimilarity object (`dist`, `niolap`, `matrix`)"))
  } else
    if (!.testParam_notInClass(mat.overlap, c("dist", "niolap")))
      mat.overlap = as.matrix(mat.overlap)
    } else if (is.matrix(mat.overlap))
      if (ncol(mat.overlap) != nrow(mat.overlap))
        stop(paste0("Wrong dimension(s) of data!\n `mat.overlap` does not have the same number of rows ("
                    ,") and columns ("
    } else if (is.data.frame(mat.overlap))
      if (nrow(mat.overlap) < 2 || ncol(mat.overlap) != 2 )
        stop(paste0("Wrong dimension(s) of data!\n `mat.overlap` does not have the "
                    , "appropriate number of rows (>=2, at least 2 species) "
                    , "or columns (species, raster)"))
      } else if (.testParam_notColnames(mat.overlap, c("species", "raster")))
        .stopMessage_columnNames("mat.overlap", c("species", "raster"))
      mat.overlap$species = as.character(mat.overlap$species)
      mat.overlap$raster = as.character(mat.overlap$raster)
      .testParam_samevalues.m("mat.overlap$species", mat.overlap$species)
      if (sum(file.exists(mat.overlap$raster)) < nrow(mat.overlap))
        stop("Wrong data given!\n `mat.overlap$raster` must contain file names which exist")
      if (sum(extension(mat.overlap$raster) %in% c(".tif", ".img", ".asc")) == nrow(mat.overlap))
        raster.list = lapply(mat.overlap$raster, function(x) as(raster(x), "SpatialGridDataFrame"))
        overlap.mat = as.matrix(niche.overlap(raster.list))
        rownames(overlap.mat) = colnames(overlap.mat) = mat.overlap$species
        mat.overlap = overlap.mat
      } else
        stop(paste0("Wrong data given!\n `mat.overlap$raster` must contain "
                    , "file names with appropriate extension (`.tif`, `.img`, `.asc`)"))
    } else
      stop(paste0("Wrong type of data!\n `mat.overlap` must be either "
                  , "a data.frame or a dissimilarity object (`dist`, `niolap`, `matrix`)"))
  ## CHECK parameter opt
  .testParam_notBetween.m("opt.maxPercent.NA", opt.maxPercent.NA, 0, 1)
  .testParam_notBetween.m("opt.maxPercent.similarSpecies", opt.maxPercent.similarSpecies, 0, 1)
  .testParam_notBetween.m("opt.min.sd", opt.min.sd, 0, 1)
  cat("\n\n #------------------------------------------------------------#")
  cat("\n # PRE_FATE.speciesDistance")
  cat("\n #------------------------------------------------------------# \n")
  cat("\n ---------- INFORMATION : AVAILABLE \n")
  ## TRAITS -------------------------------------------------------------------
  mat.traits = as.data.frame(mat.traits)
  rownames(mat.traits) = mat.traits$species
  names_species.traits = sort(unique(mat.traits$species))
  names_traits = colnames(mat.traits)[which(!(colnames(mat.traits) %in% c("species","GROUP")))]
  names_groups = sort(unique(mat.traits$GROUP))
  cat("\n> FOR TRAITS ")
  cat("\n  Number of species : ", length(names_species.traits))
  cat("\n  Groups : ", paste0(names_groups, collapse = ", "))
  cat("\n  Measured traits : ", paste0(names_traits, collapse = ", "))
  ## Remove species with no traits
  no_NA_values = apply(as.matrix(mat.traits[, names_traits, drop = FALSE])
                       , 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))
  ind_NA_values = which(no_NA_values >= length(names_traits) - 1)
  if (length(ind_NA_values) > 0)
    warning(paste0("Missing data!\n `mat.traits` contains some species with no trait values : "
                   , paste0(mat.traits$species[ind_NA_values], collapse = ", ")
                   , "\nThese species will not be taken into account ! \n\n"
    mat.traits = mat.traits[-ind_NA_values, , drop = FALSE]
    names_species.traits = sort(unique(mat.traits$species))
    names_groups = sort(unique(mat.traits$GROUP))
    if (nrow(mat.traits) <= 1)
      stop("Wrong dimension(s) of data!\n `mat.traits` does not have the appropriate number of rows (>=2)")
  ## Remove groups with only one species
  no_sp_group = table(mat.traits$GROUP)
  ind_1_sp = names(no_sp_group)[which(no_sp_group == 1)]
  ind_1_sp = which(mat.traits$GROUP == ind_1_sp)
  if (length(ind_1_sp) > 0)
    warning(paste0("Missing data!\n `mat.traits` contains some groups with only one species : "
                   , paste0(mat.traits$GROUP[ind_1_sp], collapse = ", ")
                   , "\nThese species and groups will not be taken into account ! \n\n"
    mat.traits = mat.traits[-ind_1_sp, , drop = FALSE]
    names_species.traits = sort(unique(mat.traits$species))
    names_groups = sort(unique(mat.traits$GROUP))
    if (nrow(mat.traits) <= 1)
      stop("Wrong dimension(s) of data!\n `mat.traits` does not have the appropriate number of rows (>=2)")
  ## SPLIT INFORMATION by species type
  species.split = split(mat.traits$species, f = mat.traits$GROUP)
  ## OVERLAP ------------------------------------------------------------------
  names_species.overlap = sort(unique(colnames(mat.overlap)))
  cat("\n> FOR OVERLAP ")
  cat("\n  Number of species : ", length(names_species.overlap))
  ## SPLIT INFORMATION by species type
  mat.overlap.split = lapply(species.split, function(x) {
    ind = which(rownames(mat.overlap) %in% x)
    return(mat.overlap[ind, ind])
  ## Transform into similarity distances (instead of dissimilarity)
  mat.overlap.split = lapply(mat.overlap.split, function(x) {
    return(as.dist(1 - x)) ## 1- (x/max(x[upper.tri(x)]))
  ## TRAITS & OVERLAP ---------------------------------------------------------
    ## Check for correspondence :
    cat("\n> FOR BOTH ")
    cat("\n  Number of species with traits and no overlap information : "
        , length(setdiff(names_species.traits, names_species.overlap)))
    cat("\n  Number of species with overlap and no traits information : "
        , length(setdiff(names_species.overlap, names_species.traits)))
    names_species.traits_overlap = intersect(names_species.traits, names_species.overlap)
    cat("\n  Number of species with both trait and overlap distances: "
        , length(names_species.traits_overlap))
    ## Check for correspondence : DIM mat.species.gower.split = DIM mat.overlap.split ?
    cat("\n  Comparison of groups' dimensions : \n")
    for(x in 1:length(names_groups)){
      cat("\n> Group", names_groups[x], ": ")
      cat("   trait values =", length(species.split[[x]]))
      cat("   overlap values = ", nrow(as.matrix(mat.overlap.split[[x]])))
  # Keep only species present in both distance matrices (trait & overlap)
  mat.traits = mat.traits[which(mat.traits$species %in% names_species.traits_overlap)
                          , , drop = FALSE]
  ## Remove groups with only one species
  no_sp_group = table(mat.traits$GROUP)
  ind_1_sp = names(no_sp_group)[which(no_sp_group == 1)]
  ind_1_sp = which(mat.traits$GROUP == ind_1_sp)
  if (length(ind_1_sp) > 0)
    warning(paste0("Missing data!\n `mat.traits` contains some groups with only one species : "
                   , paste0(mat.traits$GROUP[ind_1_sp], collapse = ", ")
                   , "\nThese species and groups will not be taken into account ! \n\n"
    mat.traits = mat.traits[-ind_1_sp, , drop = FALSE]
    names_species.traits = sort(unique(mat.traits$species))
    names_groups = sort(unique(mat.traits$GROUP))
    if (nrow(mat.traits) <= 1)
      stop("Wrong dimension(s) of data!\n `mat.traits` does not have the appropriate number of rows (>=2)")
  ## Check for percentage of NA -----------------------------------------------
  tab = mat.traits[, names_traits, drop = FALSE]
  tab = split(tab, mat.traits$GROUP)
  tab_eval.1 = sapply(tab, function(x) {
    apply(x, 2, function(y) sum(is.na(y)))
  tab_eval.1 = as.data.frame(tab_eval.1)
  tab_eval.1$trait = rownames(tab_eval.1)
  tab_eval.1 = melt(tab_eval.1, id.vars = "trait")
  colnames(tab_eval.1) = c("TRAIT", "GROUP", "number.NA")
  tab_eval.1$number.NA = tab_eval.1$number.NA / nrow(mat.traits)
  ## Apply Gower distance for each trait and calculate : ----------------------
  ##  - percentage of 0 (= similar species)
  ##  - standard deviation (variability of distances)
  tab_eval.2 = foreach(tr = names_traits, .combine = "rbind") %do%
    mat.traits.split = split(mat.traits[, tr], f = mat.traits$GROUP)
    mat.species.gower.split = lapply(mat.traits.split, function(x) FD::gowdis(x = data.frame(x)))
    res = foreach(x = names(mat.species.gower.split), .combine = "rbind") %do%
      mat = as.matrix(mat.species.gower.split[[x]])
      if (nrow(mat) > 1)
        mat[upper.tri(mat, diag = TRUE)] = NA
        mat = as.vector(mat)
        std.dev = sqrt(var(na.exclude(mat)))
        percent.0 = ifelse(length(which(!is.na(mat))) > 0
                           , length(which(mat == 0)) / length(which(!is.na(mat)))
                           , NA)
        return(data.frame(GROUP = x, TRAIT = tr, std.dev, percent.0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      } else
        return(data.frame(GROUP = x, TRAIT = tr, std.dev = 0, percent.0 = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  ## CHOOSE which traits to keep by species type ------------------------------
  traits_toKeep = merge(tab_eval.1, tab_eval.2, by = c("GROUP", "TRAIT"))
  traits_toKeep$toKeep1 = (traits_toKeep$number.NA <= opt.maxPercent.NA)
  traits_toKeep$toKeep2 = (traits_toKeep$percent.0 < opt.maxPercent.similarSpecies)
  traits_toKeep$toKeep3 = (traits_toKeep$std.dev > opt.min.sd)
  traits_toKeep$toKeep = ifelse(traits_toKeep$toKeep1 == FALSE
                                , FALSE
                                , ifelse(traits_toKeep$toKeep2 == TRUE
                                         , TRUE
                                         , ifelse(traits_toKeep$toKeep3 == TRUE, TRUE, FALSE
  if (length(which(traits_toKeep$toKeep == FALSE)) == nrow(traits_toKeep))
    eval.message = sapply(unique(traits_toKeep$GROUP), function(gr) {
      tab = traits_toKeep[which(traits_toKeep$GROUP == gr), ]
      paste0("In group "
             , gr
             , " : \n"
             , paste0(" >> "
                      , substr(tab$TRAIT, 1, 10)
                      , "\t\t\t"
                      , round(tab$number.NA, 4) * 100
                      , "\t"
                      , round(tab$percent.0, 4) * 100
                      , "\t"
                      , round(tab$std.de, 4) * 100
                      , collapse = "\n")
             , "\n")
    eval.message = paste0(eval.message, collapse = "")
    stop(paste0("Missing data!\n `mat.traits` contains traits with too many "
                , "missing values or not enough variation between species. \n"
                , "Please check. \n\n"
                , "Columns below represent for each trait :\n"
                , " - the percentage of missing values \n"
                , " - the percentage of similar species \n"
                , " - the standard deviation of pairwise distances \n\n"
                , eval.message))
  } else if (length(which(traits_toKeep$toKeep == FALSE)) > 0)
    tab.notKeep = traits_toKeep[which(traits_toKeep$toKeep == FALSE), ]
    eval.message = sapply(unique(tab.notKeep$GROUP), function(gr) {
      tab = tab.notKeep[which(tab.notKeep$GROUP == gr), ]
      paste0("In group "
             , gr
             , " : \n"
             , paste0(" >> "
                      , substr(tab$TRAIT, 1, 10)
                      , "\t\t\t"
                      , round(tab$number.NA, 4) * 100
                      , "\t"
                      , round(tab$percent.0, 4) * 100
                      , "\t"
                      , round(tab$std.de, 4) * 100
                      , collapse = "\n")
             , "\n")
    eval.message = paste0(eval.message, collapse = "")
    warning(paste0("Missing data!\n `mat.traits` contains some traits with too many "
                   , "missing values or not enough variation between species. \n"
                   , "These traits will not be taken into account ! \n\n"
                   , "Columns below represent for each trait :\n"
                   , " - the percentage of missing values \n"
                   , " - the percentage of similar species \n"
                   , " - the standard deviation of pairwise distances \n\n"
                   , eval.message))
  ## SPLIT INFORMATION by species type
  cat("\n ---------- INFORMATION : USED \n")
  cat("\n  Traits used to calculate functional distances : \n")
  mat.traits.split = split(mat.traits[, names_traits, drop = FALSE], f = mat.traits$GROUP)
  toRemove = vector()
  for (gp in 1:length(mat.traits.split))
    tmp = traits_toKeep[which(traits_toKeep$GROUP == names(mat.traits.split)[gp]), ]
    tmp = tmp$TRAIT[which(tmp$toKeep == TRUE)]
    if (length(tmp) > 0)
      mat.traits.split[[gp]] = mat.traits.split[[gp]][, tmp, drop = FALSE]
      cat("\n> Group", names(mat.traits.split)[gp], ":", as.character(tmp)) 
    } else
      toRemove = c(toRemove, gp)
  if (length(toRemove) > 0)
    mat.traits.split = mat.traits.split[-toRemove]
    mat.overlap.split = mat.overlap.split[-toRemove]
    names_groups = names_groups[-toRemove]
  mat.species.gower.split = lapply(mat.traits.split, FD::gowdis)
  for (gp in 1:length(mat.species.gower.split))
    if (length(which(is.na(as.matrix(mat.species.gower.split[[gp]])))) > 0)
      ## remove NA values
      mat.species.gower.split[[gp]] = as.matrix(mat.species.gower.split[[gp]])
      nn = apply(mat.species.gower.split[[gp]], 2, function(x) length(which(is.na(x))))
      nn = which(nn == 0)
      mat.species.gower.split[[gp]] = mat.species.gower.split[[gp]][nn, nn]
      mat.species.gower.split[[gp]] = as.dist(mat.species.gower.split[[gp]])
  species.split = lapply(mat.species.gower.split, function(x) colnames(as.matrix(x)))
  # Keep only species present in both distance matrices (trait & overlap)
  names_species.traits_overlap = intersect(unlist(species.split), names_species.overlap)
  mat.overlap.split = lapply(1:length(names_groups), function(x) {
    tmp = as.matrix(mat.overlap.split[[x]])
    ind = which(colnames(tmp) %in% names_species.traits_overlap)
    return(as.dist(tmp[ind, ind])) 
  cat("\n  Number of species : ", length(names_species.traits_overlap))
  cat("\n  Groups : ", paste0(names(mat.species.gower.split), collapse = ", "))
  cat("\n  Number of species in each group : ", sapply(species.split, length))
  cat("\n  Number of NA values due to `gowdis` function : "
      , nrow(mat.traits) - sum(sapply(species.split, length)))
  ## 1 PART for each trait (Disp, Light, Height, Palatability...)
  ## 1 PART for climatic distance between species (overlap)
  mat.species.DIST = lapply(1:length(names_groups), function(x) {
    tmp.gower = as.matrix(mat.species.gower.split[[x]])
    tmp.overlap = as.matrix(mat.overlap.split[[x]])
    n.traits = ncol(mat.traits.split[[x]])
    mat = (tmp.overlap + n.traits * tmp.gower) / (n.traits + 1)
  names(mat.species.DIST) = names_groups
  cat("\n> Done!\n")
  ## SAVE results
  if(length(mat.species.DIST) == 1)
    mat.species.DIST = mat.species.DIST[[1]]
    toSave = as.matrix(mat.species.DIST)
    rownames(toSave) = colnames(toSave)
              , file = paste0("PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_speciesDistance.csv")
              , row.names = TRUE)
    message(paste0("\n The output file \n"
                   , " > PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_speciesDistance.csv \n"
                   , "has been successfully created !\n"))
  } else
    for (i in 1:length(mat.species.DIST))
      toSave = as.matrix(mat.species.DIST[[i]])
      rownames(toSave) = colnames(toSave)
                , file = paste0("PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_speciesDistance_"
                                , names(mat.species.DIST)[i]
                                , ".csv")
                , row.names = TRUE)
    message(paste0("\n The output files \n"
                   , paste0(" > PRE_FATE_DOMINANT_speciesDistance_"
                            , names(mat.species.DIST),".csv \n"
                            , collapse = "")
                   , "have been successfully created !\n"))
MayaGueguen/RFate documentation built on Oct. 17, 2020, 8:06 a.m.