
Part of MomX

None of what follows will be ready before end of April 2020 !!!

MomX is an ecosystem of R packages for everything 2D morphometrics, that is the statistical description of shape and its (co)variation.

MomX is intended to provide a complete, comfortable, powerful, and - last but not least - open-source workflow for morphometrics.

MomX packages share common principles and work together well. This architecture is largely inspired by the tidyverse.

Planned schedule

  1. Finish rewriting Momocs, release (April 2020)
  2. Port old Momocs stats to Momcalc, release (April 2020)
  3. Finish Momit, release (May 2020)
  4. Finish MomX, release (May 2020)
  5. Finish Momacs and Momoshop, release (June 2020)
  6. Submit to rOpenSci



🖖 Momit

Import from various image and foreing file format and defines a portable format for morphometrics data

Momit website

🛠 Momacs

Interactively acquire morphometrics data from images, eg defining landmarks, curves, and other regions of interest.

Momacs website

📷 Momoshop

Post-processes images, eg adjust contrast, pick channels, remove background, etc.

Momoshop website


🕊 Momocs

Manipulating shapes and turning them into coefficients using morphometrics methods.

Momocs2 website

💊 Momstats

Wraps sensible statistics methods for morphometrics in a consistent grammar

Momstats website

🔮 Momecs

Is the shiny descent of Momocs x Momecs

Momecs website


💍 MomX

Install and manage all MomX packages

MomX website

🍭 MomX

Interesting datasets for MomX

Momdata website

📚 Mombook

Compiles all package documentation into a practical book for MomX

🚯 MomXiv

Share and archive morphometrics data

General philosophy

MomX embraces and owns much to the tidy manifesto. MomX kind of theorise the programming side of morphometrics, or at least itself (yes, infinite loop). Tibbles are the answer.

MomX packages share :


Will come on top when ready

Once on CRAN, install the last released version of a package, say “MomX” with:


I will typically only support the very last development versions that you can get from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Then you will need to laod it with :


You can install and use packages separetely (eg with install.packages("Momocs"). MomX package will install all MomX packages, and help update them.

How to help

I’m much than welcoming contributions to MomX ! Good news is that whatever your skills, you can contribute a bit.

You can :

How to get help

I do not have time either, so before asking for help, please :

Then, if you think something is wrong with :

Feel free to ring my bell <> if :

Happy MomX-ing :kissing_heart: !

MomX/MomX documentation built on April 21, 2020, 1:26 p.m.