
## This correction should be subtracted from PITCH to get PITCHC;
## it is the error in pitch, so you get the true value by subtraction.
## This calculates corrections for an entire flight in one call.
## D must be a dataframe containing at least VNS, VEW, GGVNS, GGVEW,
#' @title CorrectPitch
#' @description Calculate a correction to pitch based on the Schuler oscillation.
#' @details Uses measurements of the ground-speed error (as determined by comparison
#' to GPS-measured ground-speed components) to estimate the error in pitch. This
#' works best if long segments of flight are included in the input data.frame so
#' there will be sufficient time to determine the Schuler oscillation well. For
#' high-rate files, calculations are based on 1-Hz data and interpolated because
#' the pitch correction is smoothed to be slowly varying over periods of several
#' minutes.
#' @aliases CorrectRoll
#' @author William Cooper
#' @importFrom signal sgolayfilt
#' @export CorrectPitch
#' @param D a data.frame containing at least these variables: 
#' @param .span Smoothing interval for ground-speed accelerations. Default 1013;
#' should be an odd number and is forced odd if even
#' @import zoo 
#' @return c(PitchError, RollError) -- the estimated errors in the 
#' pitch and roll angles [deg], which should be subtracted from 
#' PITCH and ROLL to get the corrected values.
#' @examples 
#' PITCHC <- RAFdata$PITCH - CorrectPitch (RAFdata, .span=51)[, 1]
#' ROLLC <- RAFdata$ROLL - CorrectPitch (RAFdata, .span=51)[, 2]
CorrectPitch <- function (D, .span=1013) {
  ## check for required variables:
  Required <- c("VNS", "VEW", "GGVNS", "GGVEW", "GGALT", 
                "THDG", "PITCH", "ROLL")
  .names <- names(D)
  for (.R in Required) {
    if (.R %in% .names) {next}
    print (sprintf ("in CorrectPitch, required variable %s not found; returning 0", .R))
  if (!("LATC" %in% .names) && !("LAT" %in% .names)) {
    print (sprintf ("in CorrectPitch, required variable LAT or LATC not found; returning 0"))
  Cradeg <- pi/180
  ## get the data rate
  if (!is.null(attr(D, 'Rate'))) {
    data.rate <- attr(D, 'Rate')
  } else {
    data.rate <- 1
    if ((D$Time[2]-D$Time[1]) <= 0.04) {data.rate <- 25}
    if ((D$Time[2]-D$Time[1]) <= 0.02) {data.rate <- 50}
  LD <- nrow(D)
  ## for HR, extract a 1-Hz data.frame and work with that, then interpolate/smooth
  ## to get the high-rate correction, which is smoothed to have no high-rate
  ## signal but can be added to a measurement of PITCH that retains its high-rate
  ## component
  if (data.rate > 1) {
    D <- D[(as.numeric(D$Time) %% 1) < 0.01,]
  if (("LATC" %in% names(D))) {
    .latc <- D$LATC
  } else {
    .latc <- D$LAT
  MaxGap <- 1000
  .vns <- zoo::na.approx (as.vector(D$VNS), maxgap=MaxGap, na.rm = FALSE, rule=2)
  .vew <- zoo::na.approx (as.vector(D$VEW), maxgap=MaxGap, na.rm = FALSE, rule=2)
  .ggvns <- zoo::na.approx (as.vector(D$GGVNS), maxgap=MaxGap, na.rm = FALSE, rule=2)
  .ggvew <- zoo::na.approx (as.vector(D$GGVEW), maxgap=MaxGap, na.rm = FALSE, rule=2)
  rej <- is.na(.vns) | is.na(.vew) | is.na(.ggvns) | is.na(.ggvew)
  .vns[rej] <- 0
  .vew[rej] <- 0
  .ggvns[rej] <- 0
  .ggvew[rej] <- 0
  # 1013 points (must be odd) to span about 1/5 Schuler osc. -- about 16.8 min
  NAV <- .span
  if ((NAV %% 2) == 0) {NAV <- NAV + 1}
  vndot <- signal::sgolayfilt (.vns-.ggvns, 3, NAV, m=1)  # m=1 for first deriv.
  vedot <- signal::sgolayfilt (.vew-.ggvew, 3, NAV, m=1)
  .G <- Ranadu::Gravity (.latc, D$GGALT)
  gmean <- mean(Ranadu::Gravity (.latc, D$GGALT), na.rm=TRUE)
  .G[is.na(.G)] <- gmean
  deltaPitchL <- -vndot/.G
  deltaRollL  <- vedot/.G
  .hdg <- D$THDG*Cradeg
  # deltaPitch <- (sin(.hdg)*deltaRollL + cos(.hdg)*deltaPitchL)/Cradeg
  # deltaRoll <- (cos(.hdg)*deltaRollL - sin(.hdg)*deltaPitchL)/Cradeg
  deltaPitch <- (-sin(.hdg)*deltaRollL + cos(.hdg)*deltaPitchL)/Cradeg
  deltaRoll <- (cos(.hdg)*deltaRollL + sin(.hdg)*deltaPitchL)/Cradeg
  if (data.rate > 1) {
#     PC <- vector ("numeric", LD)
#     RC <- vector ("numeric", LD)
#     L <- length(deltaPitch)
#     for (i in 1:(L-1)) {
#       for (j in 0:(data.rate-1)) {
#         PC[(i-1)*data.rate+j+1] <- deltaPitch[i]+
#                                    (j/data.rate)*(deltaPitch[i+1]-deltaPitch[i])
#         RC[(i-1)*data.rate+j+1] <- deltaRoll[i]+
#                                    (j/data.rate)*(deltaRoll[i+1]-deltaRoll[i])
#       }
#     }   
    PC <- rep (NA, LD); RC <- rep (NA, LD)
    PC[(0:(length(deltaPitch)-1)) * data.rate + 1] <- deltaPitch
    RC[(0:(length(deltaRoll)-1))  * data.rate + 1] <- deltaRoll
    PC <- zoo::na.approx (PC, maxgap=1000, na.rm=FALSE, rule=2)
    RC <- zoo::na.approx (RC, maxgap=1000, na.rm=FALSE, rule=2)
    C <- c(PC, RC)
  } else {
    C <- c(deltaPitch, deltaRoll)
  dim(C) <- c(LD, 2)
  return (C)

# ## This function is no longer needed by the function CorrectPitch(). 
# ## It is kept here for reference and for other uses.
# ## It transforms a vector in the body frame to one in the local frame
# ## (or the reverse if .reverse=TRUE).
# XformLB <- function (bvector, .roll, .pitch, .heading, .reverse=FALSE) {
#   Cradeg <- pi/180
#   sr <- sin(.roll*Cradeg); cr <- cos(.roll*Cradeg)
#   sp <- sin(.pitch*Cradeg); cp <- cos(.pitch*Cradeg)
#   sh <- sin(.heading*Cradeg); ch <- cos(.heading*Cradeg)
#   if (.reverse) {   # note that entries are in column order
#     M <- c(sh*cr+ch*sp*sr, ch*cr-sh*sp*sr, -cp*sr,
#            ch*cp, -sh*cp, sp,
#            -sh*sr+ch*sp*cr, -ch*sr-sh*sp*cr, -cp*cr)
#   } else {
#     M <- c(sh*cp, ch*cr+sh*sp*sr, ch*sr-sh*sp*cr,
#            ch*cp, -sh*cr+ch*sp*sr, -sh*sr-ch*sp*cr,
#            -sp, cp*sr, cp*cr)
#   }
#   dim (M) <- c(3,3)
#   return (M %*% bvector)
# }
NCAR/Ranadu documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1:09 a.m.