
#' @include NCRNWater_NCRNWaterObj_Class_def.R 
#' @include getWData.R
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% 
#' @importFrom lubridate year month floor_date
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join select mutate group_by summarize
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_raster scale_fill_gradientn element_rect labs theme_bw theme element_blank element_text scale_y_discrete
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly config
#' @title waterheat
#' @description Produces heat maps from water data. 
#' @param object Required. Either a \code{data.frame} that is the output of \code{getWData}, a \code{Characteristic} object 
#' a \code{Site} object, a \code{Park} object or a \code{list} of such objects.
#' @param charname Required if \code{object} is not a \code{data.frame} and \code{category} is not specified. Name, in quotes, of a 
#' single \code{Characteristic} whose data should be graphed.
#' @param category Required if \code{object} is not a \code{data.frame} and \code{charname} is not specified. Name, in quotes, of a 
#' single category of \code{Characteristic}s whose data should be graphed.
#' @param by Indicates how the data for the heatmap should be grouped. A text variable in quotes. Choices are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{"month"}{ Will produce a heatmap where each row is a month and each column a year.}
#' \item{"sitey}{Will provide a heatmap where each row corresponds to a site, and each column is a year.}
#' \item{'sites}{will provide a heatmap where each row corresponds to a site and each column is a season-year combination such as Win-11. 
#' For this graph Winter is Dec-Feb, Spring is Mar-May, Summer is Jun-Aug and Fall is Sept-Nov}
#' \item{"sitem}{Will provide a heatmap where each row corresponds to a site and each column is month X year combination - such as Jan-11,
#'  Feb-11 etc.}
#' }
#' @param yname Text, defaults to \code{NA}. A label for the y-axis. The y-label will default to whatever is chosen in \code{by}. 
#' unless overwritten by the \code{yname} argument.
#' @param xname Text, defaults to \code{NA}. A label for the x-axis. If left as \code{NA} and \code{by} is "month" then \code{xname}
#' defaults to "year", if \code{by} is "Site" then \code{xname} will be "Date".
#' @param labels A character vector indicating the labels for the ticks on the y-axis. If left as \code{NA}, and \code{by} 
#' is "month", the tick labels will be the three letter abbreviation for the month, if \code{by} is "site", and object is a \code{Site} 
#' or \code{Park} object, then the tick labels will be the site names.
#' @param title A title in the graph in quotes. Defaults to \code{NULL}, which indicates no title should be used. 
#' @param ltitle The title for the legend in quotes. Defaults to \code{NA}. If left as \code{NA} and \code{object} is a \code{Park},
#'  \code{Site}, or \code{Characteristic} object, the title will be the characteristic or category name and units. 
#' @param stat Used to determine cell values when more than one observation corresponds to a single cell. One of four options:"mean",
#' "median",min" or "max", corresponding to the mean (the default), the median, the minimum or the maximum of all values for that cell.
#' @param siteorder The order in which sites should be displayed when \code{by} is "sitem" or "sitey". If left as \code{NA} then the 
#' order will be determined by the order in which \code{Park} objects are in \code{object}, and/or the order of the \code{Site} objects
#'  in each park. 
#' @param webplot If \code{TRUE} plot will be an interactive html plot by passing it to \code{\link{ggplotly}}? in the \code{plotly} 
#' package. 
#' @param ... Additional arguments used to select and filter data passed to \code{\link{getWData}}
#' @return Creates a heatmap
#' @export

setGeneric(name="waterheat",function(object,charname=NA,category=NA, by="sitem",yname=NA,xname=NA,labels=NA,title=NULL,ltitle=NA,
                                     stat="mean",siteorder=NA, webplot=FALSE,...){standardGeneric("waterheat")},signature=c("object") )

setMethod(f="waterheat", signature=c(object="NCRNWaterObj"),
            if(all(is.na(labels))) labels<-switch(by,
                sitem=,sites=,sitey=if(class(object)!="Characterisitc") getSiteInfo(object,sitecode=PlotData$Site %>% 
                                                          unique,info = "SiteName") %>% rev else NA,
            if(is.na(ltitle) & is.na(category)) ltitle <-paste0(getCharInfo(object=object, charname=charname, info="DisplayName")," (",
                                           getCharInfo(object=object, charname=charname, info="Units"),")") %>% unique
            if(is.na(ltitle) & is.na(charname)) ltitle <-paste0(getCharInfo(object=object, charname=charname,
                                                                            category=category, info="CategoryDisplay")," (",
                                                                getCharInfo(object=object, charname=charname, 
                                                                            category=category, info="Units"),")") %>% unique
            if(all(is.na(siteorder))) siteorder<-PlotData$Site %>% unique %>% rev
                      siteorder=siteorder, webplot=webplot)

setMethod(f="waterheat", signature=c(object="data.frame"),
  function(object,by,yname,xname,labels,title,ltitle,stat, siteorder,webplot){
      Year<-format(x, "%y")
    #### make new data.frame for heat map ####
          month=object$Date %>% year %>% factor,
          sitem=seq(from=object$Date %>% min %>% floor_date("month"), to=object$Date %>% max, by="month") %>% 
            format("%b-%y") %>% factor(levels=unique(.)) %>% rep(.,times=object$Site %>% unique %>% length),
          sites=seq(from=object$Date %>% min %>% floor_date("month"), to=object$Date %>% max, by="month") %>% MakeSeason %>% unique %>% 
            factor(ordered=T, levels=unique(.)) %>% rep(.,times=object$Site %>% unique %>% length),
          sitey=seq(object$Date %>% min %>% floor_date("year"),  to =object$Date %>% max, by="year") %>% 
            year %>% factor %>% rep(.,times=object$Site %>% unique %>% length)
      month=object$Date %>% month(T) %>% factor(levels=rev(levels(.))),
      sitem=,sites=,sitey=rep(unique(object$Site), each=HeatData$Horiz %>% unique %>% length) %>% 
        factor(ordered=T, levels=siteorder)
    HeatData <- switch(by,
      month=HeatData %>% 
        left_join(object %>% select(Date, Value ) %>% 
          mutate(Year=Date %>% year %>% factor, Date=Date %>% month(T) %>% factor(levels=levels(HeatData$Vert))),
          by=c("Horiz"="Year", "Vert"="Date")),
      sitem= HeatData %>% 
        left_join(object %>% select(Date, Site, Value ) %>%
          mutate(Date=format(Date,"%b-%y") %>% factor(levels=levels(HeatData$Horiz)), Site=factor(Site,levels=siteorder, ordered=T)), 
      sites=HeatData %>% 
        left_join(object %>% select(Date,Site,Value) %>% 
        mutate(Date=MakeSeason(Date) %>% factor(levels=levels(HeatData$Horiz)), Site=factor(Site, levels=siteorder, ordered=T)),
        by=c("Horiz"="Date", "Vert"="Site")),
      sitey=HeatData %>% 
        left_join(object %>% select(Date,Site,Value) %>% 
           mutate(Date=Date %>% year %>% factor(levels=levels(HeatData$Horiz)), Site=factor(Site, levels=siteorder, ordered=T)),
           by=c("Horiz"="Date", "Vert"="Site"))
    if(is.na(xname)) xname<-switch(by,
    if(is.na(yname)) yname<-switch(by,
    if(all(is.na(labels))) labels<-levels(HeatData$Vert)
    #### Make Graph ####
      OutPlot<-ggplot(HeatData %>% group_by(Horiz,Vert) %>% 
              summarize(Value=do.call(what=stat, args=list(x=Value, na.rm=T))),
              aes(x=Horiz,y=Vert,fill=Value)) +
        geom_raster() +
        scale_fill_gradientn(name=ltitle,colors=c("blue","white","red")) +
        labs(title=title,y=yname,x=xname) +
        scale_y_discrete(labels=labels) +
        theme_bw() +
        theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.background=element_rect(fill="grey",color="grey"),
      if(webplot) return(ggplotly(OutPlot) %>% plotly::config(displaylogo=F)) else return(OutPlot)
NCRN/NCRNWater documentation built on May 15, 2023, 9:50 p.m.