  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
n_samples <- 10
n_genes <- 2500
spiked_geneset_size = 30
counts <- matrix(rnbinom(n_genes * n_samples, mu=1000, size=2), ncol=n_samples)
dimnames(counts) <- list(
    'gene'=paste0('g', 1:n_genes),
    'sample'=paste0('samples', 1:n_samples))
y <- data.frame(group=letters[, n_samples, replace=T)])
spiked_geneset = paste0('g',, spiked_geneset_size))
counts[spiked_geneset, y == 'b'] = (counts[spiked_geneset, y == 'b'] + 
    rnbinom(spiked_geneset_size * sum(y == 'b'), mu=1000, size=10))
gene_sets <- sapply(paste0('gene_set', 2:10), function (i) {
    paste0('g',, rnorm(1, 25, 10)))
}, simplify=F)
gene_sets[['gene_set1']] = spiked_geneset

We have generated a small random dataset with r n_genes genes and r n_samples samples. The samples are divided into two groups: 'a' and 'b'. We also generated r length(gene_sets) random gene sets. Gene set 1 is enriched samples of group b, so should come out as significant.


First step in the gene set enrichment analysis with limma is to define the experiment design.

design <- model.matrix(~ group, y)

Second we use voom to convert to log2 count per million (CPM) and calculate precision weights.

dge <- edgeR::DGEList(counts)
dge <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(dge)
v <- limma::voom(dge, design)

Finally, we run flexGSEA with flexgsea_limma as the gene scoring function.

gse <- flexgsea(v, design, gene_sets, flexgsea_limma, nperm=1000)

The main results are contained in the gse$table, which is a list of the gene set enrichments. As we have a single analysis (a versus b) in this example it is list of length one. The list item is a data.frame with the statistics for every gene set.


We can use dplyr to select the enriched gene sets.

gse$table[[1]] %>%
    filter(fdr < 0.25) %>%

NKI-CCB/ggsea documentation built on May 3, 2021, 6:55 p.m.