
Defines functions get_latest_full_assessment

Documented in get_latest_full_assessment

#' Pulls the most recent full stock assessment data.
#' Often a benchmark or a Full update contains the longest time series of data
#' whereas partial updates only contain data since last benchmark.
#' The most recent year in which Abundance, Catch, Fmort, Recruitment are present is returned for each species
#' @param itis Numeric vector. Species ITIS code (Default = NULL, all species)
#' @return list of 2 data frames:
#' \item{data}{Data frame consisting of time series values of the most recent Benchmark or Full update for the metrics Abundance, Fmort, Recruitment, and Catch.}
#' \item{summary}{Summary of data returned in \code{data}. StockName, CommonName, StockArea, ITIS, Metric in addition to the
#' AssessmentYear the data came from, the FirstYear and LastYear of the data and the number of years (numYear) of data retrieved}
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export

get_latest_full_assessment <- function(itis=NULL) {

  result <-  get_latest_metrics(itis=itis, metrics = c("Catch","Abundance","Fmort","Recruitment"))


NOAA-EDAB/assessmentdata documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 1:44 a.m.