#' Pulls the most recent data for any combination of Abundance, Catch, Recruitment, Mort
#' Pulls the most recent data for set of metrics provided.
#' Often a benchmark or a Full update contains the longest time series of data
#' whereas partial updates only contain data since last benchmark.
#' Data is pulled from assessments defined as Operational. See \code{\link{stockAssessmentData}}
#' @section Incomplete Results:
#' The document "Implementing a Next Generation Stock Assessment Enterprise" (NOAA, 2018)
#' provides classification categories for assessments completed in FY2019 and later to
#' offer a consistent language for the types of assessment analyses conducted.
#' @param itis Numeric vector. Species ITIS code (Default = NULL, all species)
#' @param metrics Character vector. The metrics for which data are required ("Catch","Abundance","Fmort","Recruitment").
#' Default = c("Catch","Abundance"). All selected metrics must be available for a successful data pull for each species.
#' @return list of 2 data frames:
#' \item{data}{Data frame consisting of time series values of the most recent Benchmark or Full update for the requested metrics.}
#' \item{summary}{Summary of data returned in \code{data}. StockName, CommonName, StockArea, ITIS, Metric in addition to the
#' AssessmentYear the data came from, the FirstYear and LastYear of the data and the number of years (numYear) of data retrieved}
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
get_latest_metrics <- function(itis=NULL, metrics = c("Catch","Abundance")) {
#error check for metric names
if (!all(metrics %in% c("Catch","Abundance","Fmort","Recruitment"))) {
stop("Please check the spelling of metrics used. Only \"Catch\",\"Abundance\",\"Fmort\",\"Recruitment\" are permitted")
# Filter Operational Assesments (old codes = New, Full Updates, Benchmark assessments)
allData <- stocksmart::stockAssessmentData %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$AssessmentType %in% c("New","Benchmark","Full Update",
"Research & Operational",
# find all distinct ITIS codes
itiscodes <- allData %>%
dplyr::distinct(.data$ITIS) %>%
tidyr::drop_na() %>%
# find the first and last year of each assessment
allStats <- allData %>%
.data$Metric,.data$AssessmentYear,.data$RegionalEcosystem) %>%
dplyr::summarise(FirstYear = min(.data$Year), LastYear = max(.data$Year),
numYears = .data$LastYear-.data$FirstYear + 1, .groups="drop") %>%
# find assessment years in which all selected metrics are reported. then select the most recent year
# and join the last year, first year to the df
statsprep <- allStats %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$Metric %in% metrics) %>%
.data$AssessmentYear,.data$RegionalEcosystem) %>%
dplyr::summarise(sumMetric = dplyr::n(),.groups="drop") %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$sumMetric == length(metrics)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$StockName,.data$CommonName,.data$StockArea,.data$ITIS) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$AssessmentYear == max(.data$AssessmentYear))
stats <- dplyr::left_join(statsprep,allStats,by = c("StockName","ITIS","CommonName","StockArea","AssessmentYear","RegionalEcosystem")) %>%
dplyr::select(-.data$sumMetric) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$Metric %in% metrics) %>%
# select the full time series for the most recent assessments that have all 4 metrics reported
data <- dplyr::left_join(stats,allData,by=c("StockName","ITIS","CommonName","StockArea","Metric","AssessmentYear","RegionalEcosystem"))
# if itis = Null, finished. otherwise filter by itis codes supplied by user
if (!is.null(itis)) {
# check for missing itis
missingCodes <- setdiff(itis,itiscodes)
if (length(missingCodes) > 0) {
message("No ITIS codes found for: ",paste0(missingCodes, collapse = ", "))
stats <- stats %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$ITIS %in% itis)
data <- data %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$ITIS %in% itis)
return(list(data = data, summary=stats))
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