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The goal of buoydata is to easily download and process buoy data hosted by National Data Buoy Center. Note: the rnoaa package also has functions to get buoy data. The difference is that (in rnoaa) only one years worth of data can be downloaded at any time from a single buoy.

buoydata downloads multiple years and stitches all years data together in a single data frame. In addition the lazily loaded station description data provided with the package combines many more attributes (than rnoaa) by which to filter.

Date of most recent data pull: 2021-01-26




Find all buoys located between latitude [41,43] and longitude [-71,-67] with a time series of at least 20 years. Then pull and process data from a single buoy.


buoydata::buoyDataWorld %>% dplyr::filter(LAT > 41,LAT < 43) %>%
  dplyr::filter(LON > -71, LON < -69) %>%
  dplyr::filter(nYEARS >= 20)
#>      ID   Y1   YN nYEARS    LAT     LON                      STATION_LOC
#> 1 44013 1984 2019     36 42.346 -70.651 BOSTON 16 NM East of Boston, MA.
#> 2 iosn3 1984 2019     36 42.967 -70.623              Isle of Shoals, NH.
#> 1         <NA> 2.1-meter ionomer foam buoy        E     N      NDBC          US
#> 2         <NA>               C-MAN Station        E     N      NDBC          US
# get the data for buoy 44013

# process sea surface temperature (celcius) into one large data frame
data <- combine_buoy_data(buoyid = "44013",variable="WTMP",inDir = here::here("output"))

Then plot the data

 ggplot2::ggplot(data) +
   ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x=DATE,y=WTMP)) + 
   ggplot2::ylab("Sea Surface Temp (Celcius)") +


| andybeet | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | |

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NOAA-EDAB/buoydata documentation built on Feb. 4, 2021, 7:21 a.m.