Man pages for NewYorkCityCouncil/councildown
Brand Guideline Styling for New York City Council Reports & Dashboards

addCouncilStyleStyle a leaflet map
addLegend_decreasingaddLegend - but with the option for the highest number to be...
addPolygonsWrapper for addPolygons
addSourceTextAdd a "Source" note to a leaflet that will be a static output
colorBinWrapper for colorBin
council_pdfRender a New York City Council PDF or HTML report
councilPopupBasic Styling for Leaflet Popups
hook_pdfembedEmbed fonts in PDF images
mapshotmapshot pdf
nycc_cd_132013-2023 Council District Shapefile
nycc_cd_232023-2033 Council District Shapefile
nycc_ct_102010 Census Tract Shapefile (clipped to shoreline)
nycc_ct_202020 Census Tract Shapefile (clipped to shoreline)
nycc_palDEPRACATED: Make a color palette with NYCC colors
pal_nyccMake a color palette with NYCC colors. Second iteration from...
pretty_dateMake a pretty date
scale_fill_nyccColor and fill scales for ggplots
scale_nyccMake a color palette with NYCC colors for scale_*_nycc
theme_nyccNew York City Council Theme
NewYorkCityCouncil/councildown documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 6:08 a.m.