
#' SinglePicto
#' Creates a single pictograph. Allows customization of the number of icons
#' and dimensions.
#' @seealso PictographChart to create a chart or table of pictographs
#' @param x Input data which determines the number of icons (\code{x/scale}) filled in the pictograph.
#' @param total.icons Total number of icons. Defaults to \code{total.icons=ceiling(x/scale)}.
#' @param image The name of the icon to use (e.g. \code{"star", "stickman"}) or the URL of an image when \code{is.custom.url} is true.
#' @param base.image The URL of the base image. Only used if \code{is.custom.url = TRUE} and \code{hide.base.image = FALSE}.
#' @param is.custom.url When set to true, image is expected to be a URL to an jpeg or png image file available from online.
#' @param scale Scaling factor for \code{x}. Defaults to 1.
#' @param maximum.value Maximum value \code{x} is expected to take. When this is value is specified, the pictograph will display \code{x} as a proportion out of \code{maximum.value}. This value overrides scale.
#' @param layout Optional parameter to determine how the layout is specified. Can be one of \code{"Width-to-height ratio", "Number of rows", "Number of columns", "Fill graphic"}. If not supplied, a decision will be made based on which parameters are supplied
#' @param number.rows If neither \code{number.rows} and \code{number.cols} is supplied, the default behaviour is to place icons according to \code{width.height.ratio}. Note that number.rows is ignored when number.cols is non-zero.
#' @param number.cols Maximum number of icons in each column. Overrides \code{number.rows} and \code{width.height.ratio}.
#' @param width.height.ratio Width to height ratio of pictograph if \code{layout == "Width-to-height ratio"}.
#' @param hide.base.image Set to \code{TRUE} to use blank background instead of base image.
#' @param fill.direction Direction in which pictograph is filled (one of \code{"fromleft","fromright","fromtop","frombottom"}).
#' @param fill.icon.color Color of the filled icons. Only applicable for built-in icons.
#' @param base.icon.color Color of the unfilled icons when \code{hide.base.image == FALSE}. Defaults to grey (#CCCCCC). Only applicable for built-in icons.
#' @param background.color Color of the graphic background
#' @param auto.size Automatically sizes the plot based on the size of the window/slot.
#' @param icon.width Width of a single icon in pixels when \code{auto.size} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param pad.row Vertical space between icons. This should be a number between 0 (no space) and 1.0 (all space).
#' @param pad.col Horizontal space between icons.
#' @param margin Controls space on margins of the graphic. When \code{margin} is used, space on all 4 sides are adjusted simultaneously, but margins can also be adjusted separately using \code{margin.top, margin.right, margin.bottom, margin.left}.
#' @param margin.top Spacing on top of graphic. This value overrides \code{margin}.
#' @param margin.right Spacing on the right of the graphic.
#' @param margin.bottom Spacing below graphic.
#' @param margin.left Spacing on the left of the graphic.
#' @param label.data.position One of \code{"None"}, \code{"Above"} or \code{"Below"}.
#' @param label.data.font.family Font in which the data labels are displayed.
#' @param label.data.font.size Font size of data labels.
#' @param label.data.font.color Font color of data labels.
#' @param label.data.font.weight Weight of data labels, i.e. one of \code{"bold"} or \code{"normal"}.
#' @param label.data.align.horizontal Horizontal alignment of data labels.
#' @param label.data.digits Number of digits to show after decimal place.
#' @param label.data.bigmark Option to prettify large numbers. By default a comma is placed after a thousand.
#' @param label.data.100prc Option to show data labels multiplied by 100. This is useful when reporting percentages.
#' @param label.data.prefix String to prepend data label.
#' @param label.data.suffix String to append to data label.
#' @param graphic.width.inch (deprecated) Horizontal dimension of the chart output in inches. If these dimensions are not specified, the width-to-height ratio of the chart output may not match the desired dimensions.
#' @param graphic.height.inch (deprecated) Verical dimension of the chart output in inches.
#' @param graphic.resolution (deprecated) Conversion from inches to pixels.
#' @param print.config If set to \code{TRUE}, the JSON string used to generate pictograph will be printed to standard output. This is useful for debugging.
#' @param x.limit Upper limit of x above which \code{scale} is automatically calculated. This can be set to \code{NA}, but may cause slowness or freezing when the user inputs a large \code{x}.
#' @importFrom  rhtmlPictographs graphic
#' @examples
#' xx <- 4
#' SinglePicto(xx)
#' SinglePicto(xx, total.icons=10, image="stickman", number.cols=5,
#'    fill.icon.color="red", base.icon.color="deepskyblue")
#' SinglePicto(xx, 9, number.rows=3, is.custom.url=TRUE,
#'    image="http://wiki.q-researchsoftware.com/images/9/91/Star_filled.svg",
#'    base.image="http://wiki.q-researchsoftware.com/images/2/21/Star_unfilled.png")
#' @export
SinglePicto <- function (x,
                         total.icons = NA,
                         image = "star",
                         base.image = "",
                         is.custom.url = FALSE,
                         number.rows = NA,
                         number.cols = NA,
                         width.height.ratio = 1,
                         layout = NA,
                         scale = 1,
                         maximum.value = NA,
                         hide.base.image = FALSE,
                         fill.direction = "fromleft",
                         fill.icon.color = "black",
                         base.icon.color = "",
                         background.color = "transparent",
                         auto.size = FALSE,
                         icon.width = 50,
                         pad.row = 0,
                         pad.col = 0,
                         margin = 0,
                         margin.top = margin,
                         margin.right = margin,
                         margin.bottom = margin,
                         margin.left = margin,
                         label.data.position = c("None", "Above", "Below")[1],
                         label.data.digits = 0,
                         label.data.bigmark = ",",  # to prettify large numbers
                         label.data.prefix = "",
                         label.data.suffix = "",
                         label.data.100prc = FALSE,
                         label.data.font.weight = "normal",
                         label.data.font.size = 12,
                         label.data.font.family = "arial",
                         label.data.font.color = "#2C2C2C",
                         label.data.align.horizontal = "center",
                         graphic.width.inch = NA,
                         graphic.height.inch = NA,
                         graphic.resolution = 96,
                         print.config = FALSE,
                         x.limit = 1000)
    if (!(length(x) == 1 && x >= 0))
        stop("Input data must be a single positive number\n")
    if (scale <= 0 && is.na(maximum.value))
        stop("Scale must be greater than zero\n")
    if (!is.na(maximum.value) && scale != 1)
        warning("Parameter scale overridden by maximum value\n")
    if (!is.na(total.icons) && total.icons <= 0)
        stop("Total icons must be greater than zero\n")
    if (!is.na(maximum.value))
        if (maximum.value <= 0)
            stop("Maximum value must be greater than zero\n")
        if (maximum.value < x)
            stop("Input data must be smaller than or equal to maximum value\n")
        if (is.na(total.icons))
            total.icons <- maximum.value
        scale <- maximum.value/total.icons

    # Some parameter substitutions for R GUI Controls
    if (is.custom.url)
        fill.icon.color <- ""
        base.icon.color <- ""
        hide.base.image <- nchar(base.image) == 0
    } else
        image <- gsub(" ", "", tolower(image))

    fill.direction <- gsub(" ", "", tolower(fill.direction))
    if (auto.size)
        icon.width <- 50
    if (!is.na(total.icons) && total.icons == 1)
        # Parameters not supplied in Pictographs - Single
        layout <- "Width-to-height ratio"
        pad.row <- 0
        pad.col <- 0
    if (!is.na(layout))
        if (layout != "Width-to-height ratio")
            width.height.ratio = 1
        if (layout != "Number of rows")
            number.rows = NA
        if (layout != "Number of columns")
            number.cols = NA
    if (label.data.position == "None")
        label.data.font.size <- 0
        label.data.align.horizontal <- "center"
    label.data.str <- ""
    label.data.values <- x
    label.data.align.horizontal <- tolower(label.data.align.horizontal)

    # Determine plot values
    if (!is.na(x.limit) && x/scale > x.limit)
        scale <- scale * 10^{floor(log10(x/scale)) - 1}
        warning("The input value is too large to plot, and the Scale has been set to ", scale, ". Consider entering a larger Scale value in the inputs.\n")
    x <- x/scale
    if (is.na(total.icons))
        total.icons <- ceiling(x)
    if (length(total.icons) != 1 && total.icons > 0)
        stop("The total icons must be a single numeric value and greater than zero\n")
    if (!is.na(number.rows) && (number.rows <= 0 || number.rows != ceiling(number.rows)))
        stop("The number of rows must be a positive integer\n")
    if (!is.na(number.cols) && (number.cols <= 0 || number.cols != ceiling(number.cols)))
        stop("The number of columns must be a positive integer\n")
    if (width.height.ratio <= 0)
        stop("The width-height ratio must be greater than zero\n")
    if (icon.width <= 0)
        stop("icon width must be greater than zero\n")

    prop <- x/total.icons
    if (prop < 0 | prop > 1)
        stop("Input data must be between 0 and total icons\n")
    if (round(total.icons) != total.icons)
        stop("The number of total icons must be an integer\n")

    # Determine layout based on which parameters are supplied
    layout.str <- ""
    icon.WHratio <- if (is.custom.url) getWidthHeightRatio(image) * (1 + pad.col) / (1 + pad.row)
                    else imageWHRatio[image] * (1 + pad.col) / (1 + pad.row)
    if (!is.na(number.rows)  && is.na(number.cols))
        layout.str <- paste(",\"numRows\":", number.rows, sep="")
        number.cols <- ceiling(total.icons/number.rows)

    } else if (!is.na(number.cols))
        layout.str <- paste(",\"numCols\":", number.cols, sep="")
        number.rows <- ceiling(total.icons/number.cols)
    } else
        number.rows <- max(1, round(sqrt(icon.WHratio/width.height.ratio * total.icons)))
        if (number.rows > total.icons)
            number.rows <- total.icons
        number.cols <- ceiling(total.icons/number.rows)
        layout.str <- paste(",\"numRows\":", number.rows, sep="")

    image.type <- "url"
    if (image %in% c("circle", "square"))
        image.type <- image

    base.image.str <- ""
    if (!hide.base.image)
        if (nchar(base.icon.color) > 0)
            base.icon.color <- paste(base.icon.color, ":", sep="")
        base.image.url <- if (is.custom.url)
        base.image.str <- if (nchar(base.image.url) == 0 && is.custom.url) ""
                          else paste(",\"baseImage\":\"", image.type, ":", base.icon.color, base.image.url, "\"", sep="")

    image.url <- if (is.custom.url) image else imageURL[image]
    variable.image <- if (is.custom.url)
        paste(image.type, ":", fill.direction, ":", image.url, sep="")
        paste(image.type, ":", fill.direction, ":", fill.icon.color, ":", image.url, sep="")

    # size of pictograph output
    dim.str <- ""
    icon.size.str <- ""
    if (auto.size)
        dim.str <- "\"rowHeights\":[\"proportion:1\"], \"colWidths\":[\"flexible:graphic\"]"
        dim.str <- "\"rowHeights\":[\"fixedsize:graphic\"], \"colWidths\":[\"fixedsize:graphic\"]"
        icon.size.str <- paste0(",\"imageWidth\":", icon.width)

    # Data labels
    if (label.data.position != "None")
        tmp.str <- ""
        if (label.data.position == "Next to icons")
            x.pos <- ceiling(label.data.values/scale)
            label.float.position <- sprintf("%d:%d", floor(x.pos/number.cols),
                                                     x.pos %% number.cols)
            tmp.str <- "]"

        label.data.text <- sprintf("%s%s%s", label.data.prefix,
                                formatC(label.data.values * (1+(99*label.data.100prc)),                                  digits=label.data.digits, format="f", big.mark=label.data.bigmark),
        label.pos.str <- switch(label.data.position,
                                'Above' = "\"table-header\":{\"padding\": \"10 1 1 1\",",
                                'Below' = "\"table-footer\":{\"padding\": \"10 1 1 1\",")
        label.data.str <- sprintf(", %s\"text\":\"%s\", \"font-size\":\"%fpx\",
                                 \"font-weight\":\"%s\", \"font-family\":\"%s\",
                                 \"font-color\":\"%s\", \"horizontal-align\":\"%s\"}%s",
                            label.pos.str, label.data.text, label.data.font.size,
                            label.data.font.weight, label.data.font.family,
                            label.data.font.color, label.data.align.horizontal, tmp.str)

    json.string <- paste0("{\"table\": {", dim.str,
          ",\"rows\":[[{\"type\":\"graphic\", \"value\":{",
          "\"proportion\":", prop,
          ",\"numImages\":", total.icons,
          ",\"rowGutter\":", pad.row,
          ",\"columnGutter\":", pad.col,
          ",\"variableImage\":\"", variable.image, "\"", base.image.str, "}}]]}",
          ",\"background-color\":\"", background.color, "\"}")

    if (print.config)
NumbersInternational/flipPictographs documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 5:38 a.m.