
Defines functions Bass

Documented in Bass

#' \code{Bass}
#' @description Fits the Bass model for new products.
#' @param data A \code{data.frame} that has the same variables as a \code{RevenueData} object.
#' @param remove.last Remove the final period (as usually is incomplete).
#' @return A \code{\link{list}} containing the following elements:
#' \item{p}{The coefficient of innovation}.
#' \item{q}{The coefficient of immitation}.
#' \item{observed}{The observed sales/penetration}.
#' \item{predicted}{The predicted/fitted sales/penetration}.
#' \item{max}{The maximum revenue (or the revenue at 1,000 time periods, whichever is smaller)}.
#' @details Fits the model using OLS. While NLS estimation may be better in some situations, OLS is less prone to computational errors (e.g., problems with start points, non-convergence)
#' @references Bass, Frank (1969). "A new product growth for model consumer durables".
#' Management Science 15 (5): 215-227.
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom verbs Sum
#' @export
Bass <- function(data, remove.last = TRUE)
    if (remove.last)
        data <- removeLast(data)
    revenue <- Growth(data, remove.last)$revenue
    time <- as.numeric(names(revenue))
    rev <- Sales <- c(revenue[1], revenue[-1] - revenue[-length(revenue)])
    df <- data.frame(revenue = c(0, rev), time = c(time[1] - (time[2] - time[1]), time))
    df$cumulative <- cumsum(df$revenue)
    df$cumulative.lag <- c(NA, df$cumulative[-length(time)])
    df <- df[-1, ]
    coefs <- lm(revenue ~ cumulative + cumulative.lag ^ 2, data = df)$coef
    #print(summary(lm(revenue ~ cumulative + cumulative.lag ^ 2, data = df)))
    a <- coefs[1]
    b <- coefs[2]
    c <- coefs[3]
    m.minus <- (-b - sqrt(b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * c)
    m.plus <- (-b + sqrt(b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * c)
    m <- m.minus#-(b + sqrt(b ^ 2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * c)
    p <- 1 / m
    q <- b + p
    #print(c(m.minus, m.plus, m, q, p))
    .predict <- function(p, q, m, T = 100)
        y <- rep(NA, T)
        Ycum <- 0
        t <- 1:T
        y <- m * (((p + q)^2 / p) * exp( - (p + q) * t )) / (1 + q / p * exp(-(p + q) * t)) ^ 2
        # for (t in 1:T)
        # {
        #     y[t] <- (p + q / m * Ycum) * (m - Ycum)
        #     Ycum <- y[t] + Ycum
        # }
    predicted <- .predict(p, q, m)
    predicted <- predicted[!is.na(predicted) & predicted < Inf ]
    max <- (log(q) - log(p)) / (p + q)
    predicted <- predicted[predicted / max <= 0.9999]
    list(p = p, q = q, m = m, observed = revenue, predicted = predicted, max = max)
NumbersInternational/flipStartup documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 5:39 a.m.