
# context("Skim a data.frame")
# # Target output -----------------------------------------------------------
# correct <- tibble::tribble(
#   ~var,     ~type,     ~stat,      ~level,       ~value,
#   "weight", "numeric", "missing",  ".all",       0,
#   "weight", "numeric", "complete", ".all",       71,
#   "weight", "numeric", "n",        ".all",       71,
#   "weight", "numeric", "mean",     ".all",       mean(chickwts$weight),
#   "weight", "numeric", "sd",       ".all",       sd(chickwts$weight),
#   "weight", "numeric", "min",      ".all",       108.000,
#   "weight", "numeric", "median",   ".all",       258.000,
#   "weight", "numeric", "quantile",  "25%",       204.500,
#   "weight", "numeric", "quantile",  "75%",       323.500,
#   "weight", "numeric", "max",      ".all",       423.000,
#   "weight", "numeric", "hist", "▂▇▂▇▇▃▇▆▂▂", 0.000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "missing",   ".all",      0.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "complete",  ".all",      71.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "n",         ".all",      71.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "count",     "casein",    12.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "count",     "horsebean", 10.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "count",     "linseed",   12.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "count",     "meatmeal",  11.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "count",     "soybean",   14.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "count",     "sunflower", 12.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "count",     NA,      0.0000,
#   "feed",   "factor",  "n_unique",  ".all",   6.0000
# )
# class(correct) <- c("skim_df", class(correct))
# reference_printed_output <- c("Numeric Variables",
#                               "# A tibble: 1 × 13",
#                               "     var    type missing complete     n     mean      sd   min `25% quantile` median",
#                               "   <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>          <dbl>  <dbl>",
#                               "1 weight numeric       0       71    71 261.3099 78.0737   108          204.5    258",
#                               "# ... with 3 more variables: `75% quantile` <dbl>, max <dbl>, hist <chr>",
#                               "",
#                               "Factor Variables",
#                               "# A tibble: 1 × 7",
#                               "    var   type complete missing     n n_unique",
#                               "  <chr>  <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>",
#                               "1  feed factor       71       0    71        6",
#                               "# ... with 1 more variables: stat <chr>")
# # Begin tests -------------------------------------------------------------
# test_that("Skimming a data frame works as expected", {
#   input <- skim(chickwts)
#   expect_identical(input, correct)
# })
# test_that("Using skim_tee returns the object", {
#   printed_output <- capture.output({ skim_object <- skim_tee(chickwts) })
#   expect_identical(chickwts, skim_object)
# })
# test_that("Using skim_tee prints out the object", {
#   printed_output <- capture.output({ skim_object <- skim_tee(chickwts) })
#   expect_identical(reference_printed_output[1], printed_output[1])
# })
OHI-Science/ohirepos documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 7 p.m.