# TODO: Create parameter file from strvalidator kit definition file (Short name must be identical).
# TODO: Rewrite compact/strvalidator::compact to use data.table?
# IMPORTANT: To manually run R CMD check in RStudio all packages must be installed in
# both the 32 and 64 bit version. Make sure it is possible to start manually
# (GTK+ must be installed by clicking 'OK' on the message box).
# See http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/release.html for advice on release.
# IMPORTANT: Use devtools::build_win() to test on current R and R-dev.
# IMPORTANT: Use devtools::release() to submitt to CRAN.
# Versioning convention (x.yy.z[.9###]):
# Increment x on major change.
# Increment yy on new features.
# Increment z on minor changes and bug fixes.
# [optional]Increment ### on development versions.
# NB! Write changes in NEWS for x.yy.z.9### versions, but move changes to NEWS under x.yy.z upon release official version.
# \u00B5 is the unicode for my
# CHANGE LOG (10 last changes)
# 16.01.2022: Migrated to gWidgets2.
# 05.10.2016: Fixed bug when not all tabs are visited prior to simulation by
# updating all values in GUI before simulation.
# 26.04.2016: Handles NA as response from getParameter for threshold and scaling.
# 26.04.2016: Fixed bug:
# Error in if (val_method %in% profile_method_drp[]) { : argument is of length zero
# 14.04.2016: Version 1.0.0 released.
#' @title GUI for PCRsim
#' @description
#' A graphical user interface for simulation of the entire DNA process.
#' @details
#' This graphical user interface give access to parameters and functions
#' for simulation of the forensic DNA process.
#' Detailes are entered for each sub process organised into tabs.
#' Simulation is performed and the result can be viewed within the GUI,
#' plotted as an electropherogram (EPG), or saved to a text file.
#' The EPG can be saved as an image.
#' @param debug logical, indicating if debug information should be printed.
#' @export
#' @import gWidgets2
#' @importFrom strvalidator listObjects editData_gui getDb trim slim generateEPG import_gui getKit
#' @importFrom utils head tail str packageVersion
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Open the graphical user interface.
#' pcrsim()
#' }
pcrsim <- function(debug = FALSE) {
# Global variables.
.pcrsim_env <- new.env()
.separator <- .Platform$file.sep # Platform dependent path separator.
.start_tab_name <- "Welcome"
.project_tab_name <- "Projects"
.file_tab_name <- "Workspace"
.profile_tab_name <- "Profile"
.sample_tab_name <- "Sample"
.degradation_tab_name <- "Degradation"
.extraction_tab_name <- "Extraction"
.dilution_tab_name <- "Normalization"
.amplification_tab_name <- "PCR"
.analysis_tab_name <- "CE"
.epg_tab_name <- "EPG"
.simulation_tab_name <- "Simulation"
.mixture_tab_name <- "Mixtures"
.project_description_variable <- ".pcrsim_project_description"
.project_tmp_env <- new.env()
.project_name_list <- NULL
.project_path_list <- NULL
.simDataRes <- NULL # Current simulation result for the complete DNA process.
.simDataPh <- NULL # Current simulation result (after CE) with peak heights.
.simEPG <- NULL # ggplot2 object.
.ws_name_variable <- ".pcrsim_project_name"
.ws_path_variable <- ".pcrsim_project_path"
# Main window.
w <- gwindow(title = paste("PCRsim", packageVersion("pcrsim")), visible = FALSE)
g <- ggroup(
horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = w, expand = TRUE
nb <- gnotebook(
closebuttons = FALSE, dontCloseThese = NULL,
container = g, expand = TRUE
# Define groups.
start_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 10, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .start_tab_name, expand = TRUE
project_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 10, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .project_tab_name
file_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 10, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .file_tab_name, expand = TRUE
profile_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 10, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .profile_tab_name, expand = TRUE
sample_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .sample_tab_name, expand = TRUE
deg_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .degradation_tab_name, expand = TRUE
ex_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .extraction_tab_name, expand = TRUE
dil_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .dilution_tab_name, expand = TRUE
amp_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .amplification_tab_name, expand = TRUE
ce_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .analysis_tab_name, expand = TRUE
epg_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .epg_tab_name, expand = TRUE
sim_gf <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 5, use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = nb, label = .simulation_tab_name, expand = TRUE
# START #####################################################################
# STR TYPING KIT ------------------------------------------------------------
start_f1 <- gframe(
text = "PCR sim", markup = FALSE, pos = 0, horizontal = TRUE,
container = start_gf, expand = TRUE
about_txt <- paste("PCRsim is a package for simulation of the forensic ",
"DNA process. This graphical user interface give access ",
"to function parameters. Parameters are organised ",
"into tabs for the respective subprocess. ",
"Simulation is performed and the result for each step can ",
"be viewed as a table within the GUI or plotted as an ",
"electropherogram (EPG).\n\n",
"Effort has been made to mimic each step of the real process as closely ",
"as possible - consequently, due to performance, it is not ",
"well suited for very large simulations.\n\n",
"The simulator must be calibrated to the quantification ",
"method used and for each capillary electrophoresis ",
"instrument for realistic simulations.\n\n",
"General information and tutorials:\n",
"Please report bugs to:\n",
"The source is hosted at GitHub:\n",
sep = ""
text = about_txt, width = NULL, height = NULL, font.attr = NULL,
wrap = TRUE, expand = TRUE, container = start_f1
start_f2 <- gframe(
text = "License", markup = FALSE, pos = 0, horizontal = TRUE,
container = start_gf, expand = TRUE
license_txt <- paste("Copyright (C) 2013 Oskar Hansson\n\n",
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ",
"modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ",
"as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ",
"of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\n",
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ",
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ",
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n",
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ",
"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ",
"Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ",
"MA 02110-1301, USA.",
sep = ""
text = license_txt, width = NULL, height = NULL, font.attr = NULL,
wrap = TRUE, expand = TRUE, container = start_f2
# PROJECT MANAGER ###########################################################
# Vertical main group.
project_f1 <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE,
container = project_gf,
spacing = 5,
expand = TRUE
# FOLDER --------------------------------------------------------------------
glabel(text = "Folder:", anchor = c(-1, 0), container = project_f1)
project_fb <- gfilebrowse(
text = getwd(), type = "selectdir", quote = FALSE,
container = project_f1
addHandlerChanged(project_fb, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerBlur(project_fb, handler = function(h, ...) {
# PROJECTS ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Horizontal main group.
project_f2 <- gframe(
text = "Projects",
horizontal = TRUE,
spacing = 5,
container = project_f1,
expand = TRUE
# Button group.
project_g1 <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE,
spacing = 5,
container = project_f2,
expand = FALSE
project_open_btn <- gbutton(text = "Open", container = project_g1)
tooltip(project_open_btn) <- "Open selected project"
project_add_btn <- gbutton(text = "Add", container = project_g1)
tooltip(project_add_btn) <- "Merge with current project"
project_delete_btn <- gbutton(text = "Delete", container = project_g1)
tooltip(project_delete_btn) <- "Delete selected project from the file system"
# HANDLERS ..................................................................
addHandlerChanged(project_open_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected projects file name.
val_name <- svalue(project_tbl)
val_id <- as.numeric(project_tbl[svalue(project_tbl, index = TRUE), "Id"])
val_prj <- .project_path_list[val_id]
val_env <- .pcrsim_env
if (debug) {
print(paste("Selected path", val_prj))
print(paste("Selected project", val_name))
print(paste("Selected index", val_id))
# Check if file exist.
if (length(val_prj) > 0) {
if (file.exists(val_prj)) {
# Clear environment.
list = ls(envir = val_env, all.names = TRUE),
envir = val_env, inherits = FALSE
# Load project to workspace.
load(file = val_prj, envir = val_env, verbose = FALSE)
# Select to workspace tab.
svalue(nb) <- match(.file_tab_name, names(nb))
addHandlerChanged(project_add_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected projects file name.
val_name <- svalue(project_tbl)
val_id <- as.numeric(project_tbl[svalue(project_tbl, index = TRUE), "Id"])
val_prj <- .project_path_list[val_id]
val_env <- .pcrsim_env
if (debug) {
print(paste("Selected path", val_prj))
print(paste("Selected project", val_name))
print(paste("Selected index", val_id))
# Check if file exist.
if (length(val_prj) > 0) {
if (file.exists(val_prj)) {
# Load project to workspace.
load(file = val_prj, envir = val_env, verbose = FALSE)
message(paste("Loaded", val_prj))
addHandlerChanged(project_delete_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected projects file name.
val_name <- svalue(project_tbl)
val_id <- as.numeric(project_tbl[svalue(project_tbl, index = TRUE), "Id"])
val_prj <- .project_path_list[val_id]
if (debug) {
print(paste("Selected path", val_prj))
print(paste("Selected project", val_name))
print(paste("Selected index", val_id))
# Check if file exist.
if (length(val_prj) > 0) {
if (file.exists(val_prj)) {
# Delete project file and update list.
message(paste("Deleted", val_prj))
# Clear description box.
svalue(proj_info_lbl) <- paste("Project:")
svalue(proj_info_txt) <- ""
# Projects group.
project_g2 <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE,
use.scrollwindow = FALSE,
container = project_f2,
expand = TRUE,
fill = TRUE
# Projects list.
project_tbl <- gWidgets2::gtable(
items = data.frame(
Name = "No project", Date = "",
Size = "", Id = "",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
multiple = TRUE,
chosencol = 1,
expand = TRUE,
container = project_g2
addHandlerClicked(project_tbl, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected projects file name.
val_name <- svalue(project_tbl)
val_id <- as.numeric(project_tbl[svalue(project_tbl, index = TRUE), "Id"])
val_prj <- .project_path_list[val_id]
val_obj <- .project_description_variable
val_env <- .project_tmp_env
if (debug) {
print(paste("In addHandlerClicked(project_tbl"))
print(paste("Selected path", val_prj))
print(paste("Selected project", val_name))
print(paste("Selected index", val_id))
# Enable possibly disabled save button upon changed selectioin.
enabled(project_save_btn) <- TRUE
# Clear environment.
remove(list = ls(envir = val_env, all.names = TRUE), envir = val_env, inherits = FALSE)
# Check if file exist.
if (length(val_prj) > 0) {
if (file.exists(val_prj)) {
# Load project in temporary environment.
load(file = val_prj, envir = val_env, verbose = FALSE)
if (exists(x = val_obj, envir = val_env, inherits = FALSE)) {
description <- get(x = val_obj, envir = val_env, inherits = FALSE)
} else {
description <- "Write a project description here!"
# Load description.
svalue(proj_info_lbl) <- paste("Project:", val_name)
svalue(proj_info_txt) <- description
# DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Horizontal main group.
project_f3 <- gframe(
text = "Description", horizontal = TRUE, spacing = 10,
container = project_f1, expand = TRUE
# Button group.
project_g3 <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = project_f3,
expand = FALSE
project_save_btn <- gbutton(text = "Save", container = project_g3)
tooltip(project_save_btn) <- "Save project description"
addHandlerChanged(project_save_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
enabled(project_save_btn) <- FALSE
# Get selected projects file name.
val_name <- svalue(project_tbl)
val_id <- project_tbl[svalue(project_tbl, index = TRUE), "Id"]
val_id <- as.numeric(val_id)
val_prj <- .project_path_list[val_id]
val_obj <- .project_description_variable
val_env <- .project_tmp_env
val_description <- svalue(proj_info_txt)
message("Assign: ", val_obj)
message("Save: ", val_prj)
# Save project description and write to disc.
assign(x = val_obj, value = val_description, envir = val_env, inherits = FALSE)
save(file = val_prj, list = ls(envir = val_env, all.names = TRUE), envir = val_env)
enabled(project_save_btn) <- TRUE
# Button group.
project_g4 <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = project_f3,
expand = TRUE
# Project description window.
proj_info_lbl <- glabel(
text = "Project:", anchor = c(-1, 0),
container = project_g4
proj_info_txt <- gtext(
text = NULL, height = 300, expand = TRUE,
wrap = TRUE, container = project_g4
# FILE ######################################################################
# LOADED DATASETS -----------------------------------------------------------
if (debug) {
# Variables and constants ...................................................
# Get dataframes in workspace.
file_list <- strvalidator::listObjects(
env = .pcrsim_env,
obj.class = c("data.frame", "ggplot", "environment")
# GUI .......................................................................
file_f1 <- gframe(
text = "Project workspace", markup = FALSE, pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE, container = file_gf, expand = TRUE
file_f1g1 <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = file_f1, expand = FALSE)
file_f1g1_load_btn <- gbutton(text = "Load", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_load_btn) <- "Load project"
file_f1g1_ws_save_btn <- gbutton(text = "Save", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_ws_save_btn) <- "Save project"
file_f1g1_ws_saveas_btn <- gbutton(text = "Save As", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_ws_saveas_btn) <- "Save project in specified location"
file_f1g1_import_btn <- gbutton(text = "Import", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_import_btn) <- "Import from file"
file_f1g1_refresh_btn <- gbutton(text = "Refresh", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_refresh_btn) <- "Refresh project workspace"
file_f1g1_view_btn <- gbutton(text = "View", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_view_btn) <- "View dataset or profile"
file_f1g1_rm_btn <- gbutton(text = "Remove", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_rm_btn) <- "Remove selected object"
file_f1g1_rename_btn <- gbutton(text = "Rename", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_rename_btn) <- "Rename selected object"
file_f1g1_save_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Save GUI settings",
checked = TRUE,
container = file_f1g1
# To show debug messages in simulation.
file_f1g1_debug_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Debug",
checked = FALSE,
container = file_f1g1
# To show debug messages in functions called from simulation.
file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Extended debug",
checked = FALSE,
container = file_f1g1
glabel(text = "\nSimulation template", container = file_f1g1)
file_f1g1_save_temp_btn <- gbutton(text = "Save", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_save_temp_btn) <- "Save simulation settings"
file_f1g1_load_temp_btn <- gbutton(text = "Load", container = file_f1g1)
tooltip(file_f1g1_load_temp_btn) <- "Load simulation settings"
if (is.null(file_list)) {
file_list <- data.frame()
file_f1g1_tbl <- gtable(
items = file_list, multiple = TRUE,
expand = TRUE, container = file_f1
if (debug) {
# HANDLERS ..................................................................
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_rename_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
object <- svalue(file_f1g1_tbl)
if (length(object) == 1) {
newName_inp <- ginput(
message = "Enter new name",
title = "Input",
icon = "info",
parent = w
newName_inp <- make.names(newName_inp)
if (debug) {
get(object, envir = .pcrsim_env),
envir = .pcrsim_env
remove(list = object, envir = .pcrsim_env)
} else {
message = "You can only rename one object at a time!",
title = "Error",
icon = "error",
parent = w
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_load_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
ws_path <- gfile(
text = "Select a saved project", type = "open",
filter = list("R files" = list(patterns = c("*.R", "*.Rdata"))),
multi = FALSE
if (!is.na(ws_path)) {
if (file.exists(ws_path)) {
# Load project and refresh list.
load(file = ws_path, envir = .pcrsim_env)
# Load saved settings.
if (svalue(file_f1g1_save_chk)) {
} else {
message = "The project file was not found",
title = "File not found",
icon = "error",
parent = w
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_import_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
import_gui(env = .pcrsim_env)
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_refresh_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_view_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected dataset name(s).
val_obj <- svalue(file_f1g1_tbl)
val_data <- get(val_obj, envir = .pcrsim_env)
val_class <- class(val_data)
if (!is.null(val_obj) && !is.na(val_obj) && length(val_obj) > 0) {
if ("data.frame" %in% val_class) {
# Open GUI.
env = .pcrsim_env, data = val_data,
name = val_obj, edit = FALSE, debug = debug
} else if ("ggplot" %in% val_class) {
# Plot object.
} else {
message(paste("Object of type", val_class, "not supported!"))
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_rm_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected dataset name(s).
val_obj <- svalue(file_f1g1_tbl)
if (debug) {
print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))
print("Changed, file_f1g1_rm_btn")
if (!is.null(val_obj) && !is.na(val_obj)) {
# Get active reference data frame.
remove(list = val_obj, envir = .pcrsim_env)
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_ws_save_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Initiate flag.
ok <- TRUE
# Get project name if available.
if (exists(.ws_name_variable, envir = .pcrsim_env)) {
ws_name <- get(.ws_name_variable,
envir = .pcrsim_env,
inherits = FALSE
} else {
ok <- FALSE
# Get project path if available.
if (exists(.ws_path_variable, envir = .pcrsim_env)) {
ws_save_path <- get(.ws_path_variable,
envir = .pcrsim_env,
inherits = FALSE
} else {
ok <- FALSE
if (ok) {
if (!is.na(ws_name) && !ws_name == "") {
ws_full_name <- paste(ws_save_path, .separator, ws_name, ".RData", sep = "")
if (debug) {
if (file.exists(ws_save_path)) {
file = ws_full_name,
list = ls(envir = .pcrsim_env, all.names = TRUE),
envir = .pcrsim_env
message = paste("Project saved!\n\n", ws_full_name),
title = "PCRsim",
icon = "info",
parent = w
} else {
message = "The project directory was not found",
title = "Directory not found",
icon = "error",
parent = w
} else {
message = "A file name must be given",
title = "File name required",
icon = "error",
parent = w
} else {
message = "No project name or path!\nUse 'Save As' instead.",
title = "Property not found",
icon = "error",
parent = w
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_ws_saveas_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Initiate flag.
ok <- TRUE
# Pick save location.
ws_save_path <- gfile(
text = "Select a directory to save project in",
type = "selectdir",
filter = list("R files" = list(patterns = c("*.R", "*.Rdata"))),
multi = FALSE
# Ask for project name.
ws_name <- ginput(
message = "Input project name",
text = "",
title = "Save as",
icon = "info",
parent = w
# Check if valid name.
if (!is.na(ws_name) && !ws_name == "") {
# Create complete path.
ws_full_name <- paste(ws_save_path, .separator, ws_name, ".RData", sep = "")
if (debug) {
# Check if file exist.
if (file.exists(ws_full_name)) {
# Ask if overwrite.
ok <- gconfirm(
message = paste(
"\nalready exist!\n\n Overwrite?"
title = "Confirm", icon = "question", parent = w
# Check if ok to overwrite.
if (ok) {
# Save project.
if (file.exists(ws_save_path)) {
# Save project variables in workspace.
assign(x = .ws_name_variable, value = ws_name, envir = .pcrsim_env)
assign(x = .ws_path_variable, value = ws_save_path, envir = .pcrsim_env)
# Save settings.
# Save project.
file = ws_full_name,
list = ls(envir = .pcrsim_env, all.names = TRUE),
envir = .pcrsim_env
message = paste("Project saved!\n\n", ws_full_name),
title = "STR-validator",
icon = "info",
parent = w
} else {
message = "The project directory was not found",
title = "Directory not found",
icon = "error",
parent = w
} else {
message = "Project was not saved!",
title = "Info",
icon = "info",
parent = w
} else {
message = "A file name must be given",
title = "File name required",
icon = "error",
parent = w
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_save_temp_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Ask for name.
valName <- ginput(
message = "Name for simulation settings template", text = "",
title = "Input", icon = "info", parent = w
if (!is.na(valName)) {
# Create new environment.
template <- new.env()
# Save settings in environment.
.saveSettings(env = template)
# Save 'template' (environment) in workspace.
assign(x = valName, value = template, envir = .pcrsim_env, inherits = FALSE)
# Confirm with message.
message(paste("Simulation settings template saved as", valName))
# Update workspace.
addHandlerChanged(file_f1g1_load_temp_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected template name.
valObj <- svalue(file_f1g1_tbl)
# Check if any selcted.
if (!is.na(valObj) && !is.null(valObj)) {
# Load template into workspace.
# Confirm with message.
message(paste("Simulation settings template", valObj, "loaded"))
# DATASETS ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (debug) {
file_f2 <- gframe(
text = "Load dataframe from R workspace",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = file_gf,
expand = FALSE
file_f2g1 <- ggroup(
horizontal = FALSE,
container = file_f2,
expand = FALSE
file_f2g1_refresh_btn <- gbutton(text = "Refresh", container = file_f2g1)
tooltip(file_f2g1_refresh_btn) <- "Refresh dropdown"
file_f2g1_load_btn <- gbutton(text = "Load", container = file_f2g1)
tooltip(file_f2g1_load_btn) <- "Load dataset"
file_f2g1_drp <- gcombobox(
items = c(
"<Select dataframe>",
env = .pcrsim_env,
obj.class = "data.frame"
selected = 1,
editable = FALSE,
ellipsize = "none",
container = file_f2g1
# HANDLERS ..................................................................
addHandlerChanged(file_f2g1_refresh_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(file_f2g1_load_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get selected dataset name.
val_obj <- svalue(file_f2g1_drp)
if (!is.null(val_obj) && !is.na(val_obj)) {
# Load dataset.
assign(val_obj, get(val_obj), envir = .pcrsim_env)
# Update list.
# PROFILE PARAMETERS ########################################################
# STR TYPING KIT ------------------------------------------------------------
profile_f1 <- gframe(
text = "STR typing kit",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = profile_gf,
expand = FALSE
profile_f1g1 <- glayout(container = profile_f1)
profile_f1g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "The following kit will be used:",
container = profile_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
profile_f1g1[2, 2] <- profile_kit_drp <- gcombobox(
items = getParameter(),
selected = 1,
editable = FALSE,
ellipsize = "none",
container = profile_f1g1
profile_f1g1[2, 3] <- glabel(
text = "with settins from method:",
container = profile_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
profile_f1g1[2, 4] <- profile_method_drp <- gcombobox(
items = getParameter(what = "Methods"),
selected = 1,
editable = FALSE,
ellipsize = "none",
container = profile_f1g1
# HANDLERS ..................................................................
addHandlerChanged(profile_kit_drp, handler = function(h, ...) {
val <- svalue(h$obj)
if (is.null(val)) {
tmpkit <- NA
} else {
tmpkit <- val
markerList <- getKit(kit = tmpkit, what = "Marker")
dnaProfile <- data.frame(
Marker = markerList,
Allele.1 = "NA",
Allele.2 = "NA",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
profile_tbl[, ] <- dnaProfile
# Update
addHandlerChanged(profile_method_drp, handler = function(h, ...) {
val <- svalue(h$obj)
if (!is.null(val)) {
# Update
# DNA PROFILE ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Variables and constants ...................................................
profile_options <- c(
"Manually enter a profile",
"Select a data frame from workspace",
"Import a profile from file",
"Generate a random profile",
"Generate a random profile for each simulation"
profileText <- "Select for import..."
# Get names of allele frequency databases.
profileDb <- strvalidator::getDb()
wsObj <- strvalidator::listObjects(env = .GlobalEnv, obj.class = "data.frame")
# GUI .......................................................................
profile_f2 <- gframe(
text = "Create profile", markup = FALSE, pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE, container = profile_gf,
expand = FALSE
profile_f2g1 <- glayout(container = profile_f2)
profile_f2g1[2, 1:2] <- profile_opt <- gradio(
items = profile_options,
selected = 1,
horizontal = FALSE,
container = profile_f2g1
profile_f2g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Load from R workspace:",
container = profile_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
# If using gWidgets2tcltk: Error on next line if wsObj=NULL
wsObj <- c("No objects in workspace")
profile_f2g1[3, 2] <- profile_ws_drp <- gcombobox(
items = wsObj,
selected = 1,
editable = FALSE,
ellipsize = "none",
container = profile_f2g1
enabled(profile_ws_drp) <- FALSE
profile_f2g1[3, 3] <- profile_ws_btn <- gbutton(text = "Select", container = profile_f2g1)
enabled(profile_ws_btn) <- FALSE
profile_f2g1[4, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Import from file:",
container = profile_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
profile_f2g1[4, 2:3] <- profile_file_browser <- gfilebrowse(
text = profileText,
quote = FALSE,
type = "open",
container = profile_f2g1
enabled(profile_file_browser) <- FALSE
profile_f2g1[5, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Population database:",
container = profile_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
profile_f2g1[5, 2] <- profile_pop_drp <- gcombobox(
items = profileDb,
selected = 1,
editable = FALSE,
ellipsize = "none",
container = profile_f2g1
enabled(profile_pop_drp) <- FALSE
profile_f2g1[5, 3] <- profile_generate_btn <- gbutton(
text = "Generate",
container = profile_f2g1
enabled(profile_generate_btn) <- FALSE
# HANDLERS ..................................................................
addHandlerChanged(profile_opt, handler = function(h, ...) {
val <- svalue(h$obj, index = TRUE)
# Disable all.
enabled(profile_ws_btn) <- FALSE
enabled(profile_ws_drp) <- FALSE
enabled(profile_file_browser) <- FALSE
enabled(profile_pop_drp) <- FALSE
enabled(profile_generate_btn) <- FALSE
enabled(profile_tbl) <- FALSE
# Enable allowed buttons.
if (val == 1) {
enabled(profile_tbl) <- TRUE
} else if (val == 2) {
enabled(profile_ws_drp) <- TRUE
enabled(profile_ws_btn) <- TRUE
wsObj <- strvalidator::listObjects(env = .GlobalEnv, obj.class = "data.frame")
profile_ws_drp[] <- wsObj
} else if (val == 3) {
enabled(profile_file_browser) <- TRUE
} else if (val == 4) {
enabled(profile_pop_drp) <- TRUE
enabled(profile_generate_btn) <- TRUE
} else if (val == 5) {
enabled(profile_pop_drp) <- TRUE
addHandlerChanged(profile_ws_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
val_obj <- svalue(profile_ws_drp)
valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
if (!is.null(val_obj) && !is.na(val_obj)) {
dnaProfile <- get(val_obj)
if (all(c("Marker", "Allele.1", "Allele.2") %in% names(dnaProfile))) {
if ("Sample.Name" %in% names(dnaProfile)) {
# Find number of profiles and update number of contributors.
svalue(sim_sim_edt) <- length(unique(dnaProfile$Sample.Name))
} else {
message("Imported profiles contain no 'Sample.Name' column")
message("Number of contributors not changed (check manually in tab 'Simulation')")
# Get Marker and Allele columns.
dnaProfile <- strvalidator::trim(
data = dnaProfile, samples = NULL,
columns = "Marker|Allele", ignore.case = TRUE,
invert.s = FALSE, invert.c = FALSE, rm.na.col = TRUE,
rm.empty.col = TRUE, missing = NA, debug = valExtDebug
if (!is.null(dnaProfile)) {
# Update profile table.
profile_tbl[, ] <- dnaProfile
message("Profile table updated!")
} else {
message("Dataset must contain columns 'Marker', 'Allele.1' and 'Allele.2'.")
} else {
message("Dataset must contain columns 'Marker', 'Allele.1' and 'Allele.2'.")
addHandlerChanged(profile_file_browser, handler = function(h, ...) {
val <- svalue(profile_file_browser)
valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
if (enabled(profile_file_browser)) {
if (file.exists(val)) {
dnaProfile <- strvalidator::import(
import.file = val, time.stamp = FALSE,
file.name = FALSE, debug = valExtDebug
if (all(c("Marker", "Allele.1", "Allele.2") %in% names(dnaProfile))) {
if ("Sample.Name" %in% names(dnaProfile)) {
# Find number of profiles and update number of contributors.
svalue(sim_sim_edt) <- length(unique(dnaProfile$Sample.Name))
} else {
message("Imported profiles contain no 'Sample.Name' column")
message("Number of contributors not changed (check manually in tab 'Simulation')")
# Get Marker and Allele columns.
dnaProfile <- strvalidator::trim(
data = dnaProfile, samples = NULL,
columns = "Marker|Allele", ignore.case = TRUE,
invert.s = FALSE, invert.c = FALSE, rm.na.col = TRUE,
rm.empty.col = TRUE, missing = NA, debug = valExtDebug
# Update profile table.
profile_tbl[, ] <- dnaProfile
message("Profile table updated!")
} else {
message("Dataset must contain columns 'Marker', 'Allele.1' and 'Allele.2'.")
} else {
gmessage(message = "File not found!", title = "Error", icon = "error")
} else {
message(paste("Please select the option '", profile_opt[3],
"' before choosing a file.",
sep = ""
addHandlerChanged(profile_generate_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Get values.
val_kit <- svalue(profile_kit_drp)
val_db <- svalue(profile_pop_drp)
valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
if (!is.na(val_db) && !is.null(val_kit)) {
# Load database file
profile_db <- strvalidator::getDb(db.name.or.index = val_db, debug = valExtDebug)
if (debug) {
print("Database used to generate profile.")
# Simulate sample.
generatedData <- simProfile(
data = NULL, sim = 1, kit = val_kit,
name = NULL, db = profile_db,
debug = valExtDebug
if (debug) {
# Check result.
if (nrow(generatedData) > 0) {
# Extract relevant columns.
tmp <- generatedData[, c("Marker", "Allele")]
# Get rows for allele 1 and allele 2.
a1 <- seq(from = 1, to = nrow(tmp), by = 2)
a2 <- seq(from = 2, to = nrow(tmp), by = 2)
# Create dataframe.
tmpdf <- data.frame(
Marker = tmp$Marker[a1],
Allele.1 = tmp$Allele[a1],
Allele.2 = tmp$Allele[a2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Update profile table.
profile_tbl[, ] <- tmpdf
message("Profile table updated!")
} else {
warning("Function 'simProfile' returned no data!")
# EDIT PROFILE ----------------------------------------------------------------
profile_f3 <- gframe(
text = "View and edit profile", markup = FALSE, pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE, container = profile_gf, expand = FALSE
profile_f3g1 <- glayout(container = profile_f3)
if (is.null(svalue(profile_kit_drp))) {
tmpkit <- NA
} else {
tmpkit <- svalue(profile_kit_drp)
markerList <- getKit(kit = tmpkit, what = "Marker")
profile_profile_item <- data.frame(
Marker = markerList,
Allele.1 = "NA",
Allele.2 = "NA",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
profile_f3g1[1, 1] <- profile_tbl <- gdf(
items = profile_profile_item,
container = profile_f3g1
size(profile_tbl) <- c(600, 300)
# SAMPLE PARAMETERS ###########################################################
# SAMPLE NAME ---------------------------------------------------------------
sample_f1_txt_width <- 20
sample_f1 <- gframe(
text = "General",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = sample_gf,
expand = FALSE
sample_f1g1 <- glayout(container = sample_f1)
# sample_f1g1[1,1] <- glabel("", container=sample_f1g1) # Adds some space.
sample_f1g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Sample name:",
container = sample_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f1g1[2, 2] <- sample_name_edt <- gedit(
text = "",
width = sample_f1_txt_width,
container = sample_f1g1
sample_f1g1[3, 1:2] <- sample_mix_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "", checked = FALSE,
container = sample_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
msgtmp <- paste(
"To simulate a mixture different values (separated by comma)\n",
"can be given per sample e.g. number of cells '1000,500' and haplotype flag 'T,F'."
sample_f1g1[4, 1:2] <- glabel(text = msgtmp, container = sample_f1g1)
# AMOUNT OF DNA ---------------------------------------------------------------
sample_f2_txt_width <- 10
sample_f2 <- gframe(
text = "Amount of DNA",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = FALSE,
container = sample_gf,
expand = FALSE
glabel("Estimate the amount of DNA by:", container = sample_f2, anchor = c(-1, 0))
sample_by_items <- c(
"Number of cells",
"DNA concentration",
"Regression (don't simulate degradation if this is used)"
sample_by_opt <- gradio(
items = sample_by_items, selected = 1,
horizontal = FALSE, container = sample_f2, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1 <- glayout(container = sample_f2)
sample_f2g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Number of cells:",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[2, 2] <- sample_ncells_edt <- gedit(
text = "",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[2, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[2, 4] <- sample_ncells_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "DNA concentration (ng/\u00B5l):",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[3, 2] <- sample_conc_edt <- gedit(
text = "",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[3, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[3, 4] <- sample_conc_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[4, 1] <- glabel(
text = "DNA per diploid cell (pg):",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[4, 2] <- sample_celldna_edt <- gedit(
text = "6",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[5, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Sample volume (\u00B5l):",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[5, 2] <- sample_vol_edt <- gedit(
text = "",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[5, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[5, 4] <- sample_vol_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[6, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Slope:",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[6, 2] <- sample_slope_edt <- gedit(
text = "-0.008",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[6, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Intercept:",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[6, 4] <- sample_intercept_edt <- gedit(
text = "2.5",
width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
sample_f2g1[7, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Concentration @ 100bp (ng/\u00B5l):",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[7, 2] <- sample_ex1_edt <- gedit(
text = "", width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
enabled(sample_ex1_edt) <- FALSE
sample_f2g1[8, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Concentration @ 400bp (ng/\u00B5l):",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sample_f2g1[8, 2] <- sample_ex2_edt <- gedit(
text = "", width = sample_f2_txt_width,
container = sample_f2g1
enabled(sample_ex2_edt) <- FALSE
sample_f2g1[9, 1:2] <- glabel("Haplotype flag (FALSE=diploid, TRUE=haploid):",
container = sample_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sampleTypeItems <- c("FALSE", "TRUE")
sample_f2g1[9, 3:4] <- sample_type_cmb <- gcombobox(
items = sampleTypeItems,
selected = 1, editable = TRUE,
ellipsize = "none",
container = sample_f2g1
# HANDLERS ..................................................................
addHandlerChanged(sample_by_opt, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerKeystroke(sample_slope_edt, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerKeystroke(sample_intercept_edt, handler = function(h, ...) {
# DEGRADATION PARAMETERS ####################################################
# DEGRADATION -----------------------------------------------------------------
deg_f1_txt_w <- 10
deg_f1 <- gframe(
text = "Degradation", markup = FALSE, pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE, container = deg_gf, expand = FALSE
deg_f1g1 <- glayout(container = deg_f1)
deg_f1g1[1, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Current P(deg)=", container = deg_f1g1,
anchor = c(1, 0)
deg_f1g1[1, 2] <- deg_pam_lbl <- glabel(text = "NA", container = deg_f1g1)
deg_f1g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Quantification amplicon size (bp):",
container = deg_f1g1, anchor = c(1, 0)
deg_f1g1[2, 2] <- deg_target_edt <- gedit(
text = "80", container = deg_f1g1,
width = deg_f1_txt_w
deg_tmp_items <- c(
"Specify manually",
"Calculate from concentrations"
deg_f1g1[3:3, 1] <- deg_opt <- gradio(
items = deg_tmp_items, selected = 1,
horizontal = FALSE, container = deg_f1g1
deg_f1g1[4, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Degradation parameter (probability per bp):",
container = deg_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
deg_f1g1[4, 2] <- deg_spn <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.001,
value = 0.01, digits = 6,
container = deg_f1g1
tooltip(deg_spn) <- "NB! Use the spin buttons, or type manually AND hit enter to confirm!"
deg_f1g1[5, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Concentration in ng/\u00B5l (separated by comma):",
container = deg_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
deg_f1g1[5, 2] <- deg_conc_edt <- gedit(
text = "", width = deg_f1_txt_w,
container = deg_f1g1
deg_f1g1[6, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Size in base pair (separated by comma):",
container = deg_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
deg_f1g1[6, 2] <- deg_size_edt <- gedit(
text = "", width = deg_f1_txt_w,
container = deg_f1g1
# HANDLERS ..................................................................
addHandlerChanged(deg_opt, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(deg_spn, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerKeystroke(deg_spn, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerKeystroke(deg_conc_edt, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerKeystroke(deg_size_edt, handler = function(h, ...) {
# EXTRACTION PARAMETERS #######################################################
# EFFICIENCY ------------------------------------------------------------------
ex_frame_1_txt_width <- 6
ex_frame_1 <- gframe(
text = "Extraction efficiency", markup = FALSE, pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE, container = ex_gf, expand = FALSE
ex_grid_1 <- glayout(container = ex_frame_1)
ex_grid_1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Extraction efficiency:",
container = ex_grid_1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ex_grid_1[2, 2] <- ex_eff_spn <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.05,
value = 0.3, digits = 2,
container = ex_grid_1
tooltip(ex_eff_spn) <- "NB! Use the spin buttons, or type manually AND hit enter to confirm!"
ex_grid_1[2, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = ex_grid_1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ex_grid_1[2, 4] <- ex_eff_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = ex_frame_1_txt_width,
container = ex_grid_1
# VOLUME ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ex_frame_2_txt_width <- 6
ex_frame_2 <- gframe(
text = "Extraction volume",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = ex_gf,
expand = FALSE
ex_grid_2 <- glayout(container = ex_frame_2)
# ex_grid_2[1,1] <- glabel("", container=ex_grid_2) # Adds some space.
ex_grid_2[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Extraction volume (\u00B5l):",
container = ex_grid_2, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ex_grid_2[2, 2] <- ex_vol_edt <- gedit(
text = "100",
width = ex_frame_2_txt_width,
container = ex_grid_2
ex_grid_2[2, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = ex_grid_2, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ex_grid_2[2, 4] <- ex_vol_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = ex_frame_2_txt_width,
container = ex_grid_2
# ex_grid_2[3,1] <- glabel("", container=ex_grid_2) # Adds some space.
# NORMALIZATION PARAMETERS #######################################################
# AMOUNT --------------------------------------------------------------------
dil_f1_txt_width <- 6
dil_f1 <- gframe(
text = "Current settings",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = dil_gf,
expand = FALSE
dil_f1g1 <- glayout(container = dil_f1)
dil_f1g1[1, 1] <- glabel("Optimal amount for PCR is set to:",
container = dil_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
dil_f1g1[1, 2] <- dil_amount_lbl <- glabel(text = "", container = dil_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0))
dil_f1g1[1, 3] <- glabel(text = "ng", container = dil_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0))
dil_f1g1[2, 1] <- glabel("Aliquot for PCR is set to:",
container = dil_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
dil_f1g1[2, 2] <- dil_aliquot_lbl <- glabel(text = "", container = dil_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0))
dil_f1g1[2, 3] <- glabel(text = "\u00B5l", container = dil_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0))
dil_f1g1[3, 1] <- glabel("", container = dil_f1g1) # Make some space.
# CONCENTRATION -------------------------------------------------------------
dil_f2_txt_width <- 6
dil_f2 <- gframe(
text = "Target concentration",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = dil_gf,
expand = FALSE
dil_f2g1 <- glayout(container = dil_f2)
dil_tmp_items <- c(
"Calculated from settings:",
"Specify manually:"
dil_f2g1[1:2, 1] <- dil_target_opt <- gradio(
items = dil_tmp_items, selected = 1,
horizontal = FALSE, container = dil_f2g1
dil_f2g1[1, 2] <- dil_target_lbl <- glabel(text = "", container = dil_f2g1)
dil_f2g1[1, 3] <- glabel(text = "ng/\u00B5l", container = dil_f2g1)
dil_f2g1[2, 2] <- dil_target_edt <- gedit(
text = "",
width = dil_f2_txt_width,
container = dil_f2g1
dil_f2g1[2, 3] <- glabel(text = "ng/\u00B5l", container = dil_f2g1)
dil_f2g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Tolerance for target:",
container = dil_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
dil_f2g1[3, 2] <- dil_tolerance_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = dil_f2_txt_width,
container = dil_f2g1
dil_f2g1[3, 3] <- dil_max_lbl <- glabel(text = "", container = dil_f2g1)
# dil_f2g1[4,1] <- glabel("", container=dil_f2g1) # Adds some space.
addHandlerKeystroke(dil_tolerance_edt, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(dil_target_opt, handler = function(h, ...) {
# ACCURACY ------------------------------------------------------------------
dil_f3_txt_width <- 4
dil_f3 <- gframe(
text = "Pipetting accuracy",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = dil_gf,
expand = FALSE
dil_f3g1 <- glayout(container = dil_f3)
dil_f3g1[1, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Minimum pipetting volume:",
container = dil_f3g1
dil_f3g1[1, 2] <- dil_accuracy_edt <- gedit(
text = "1",
width = dil_f3_txt_width,
container = dil_f3g1
dil_f3g1[1, 3] <- glabel(text = "ng/\u00B5l", container = dil_f3g1)
# dil_f3g1[2,1] <- glabel("", container=dil_f3g1) # Adds some space.
# VOLUME --------------------------------------------------------------------
dil_f4_txt_width <- 6
dil_f4 <- gframe(
text = "Final volume",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = dil_gf,
expand = FALSE
dil_f4g1 <- glayout(container = dil_f4)
dil_tmp_items <- c(
"Use extraction volume:",
"Specify manually:"
dil_f4g1[1:2, 1] <- dil_volume_opt <- gradio(
items = dil_tmp_items, selected = 1,
horizontal = FALSE, container = dil_f4g1
dil_f4g1[1, 2] <- dil_volume_lbl <- glabel(text = "", container = dil_f4g1)
dil_f4g1[1, 3] <- glabel(text = "\u00B5l", container = dil_f4g1)
dil_f4g1[2, 2] <- dil_volume_edt <- gedit(
text = "",
width = dil_f4_txt_width,
container = dil_f4g1
dil_f4g1[2, 3] <- glabel(text = "\u00B5l", container = dil_f4g1)
addHandlerChanged(dil_volume_opt, handler = function(h, ...) {
# AMPLIFICATION PARAMETERS ####################################################
# ALIQUOT --------------------------------------------------------------------
amp_f1_txt_width <- 6
amp_f1 <- gframe(
text = "Aliquot",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = amp_gf,
expand = FALSE
amp_f1g1 <- glayout(container = amp_f1)
# amp_f1g1[1,1] <- glabel("", container=amp_f1g1) # Adds some space.
amp_f1g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Aliquot for PCR (\u00B5l):",
container = amp_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f1g1[2, 2] <- amp_aliquot_edt <- gedit(
text = "10",
width = amp_f1_txt_width,
container = amp_f1g1
amp_f1g1[2, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = amp_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f1g1[2, 4] <- amp_aliquot_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = amp_f1_txt_width,
container = amp_f1g1
# amp_f1g1[3,1] <- glabel("", container=amp_f1g1) # Adds some space.
# PCR -------------------------------------------------------------------------
amp_f2_txt_width <- 6
amp_f2 <- gframe(
text = "PCR",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = amp_gf,
expand = FALSE
amp_f2g1 <- glayout(container = amp_f2)
# amp_f2g1[1,1] <- glabel("", container=amp_f2g1) # Adds some space.
amp_f2g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Optimal amount of DNA:",
container = amp_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f2g1[2, 2] <- amp_amount_edt <- gedit(
text = "0.5",
width = amp_f2_txt_width,
container = amp_f2g1
amp_f2g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Total amplification volume:",
container = amp_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f2g1[3, 2] <- amp_total_vol_edt <- gedit(
text = "25",
width = amp_f2_txt_width,
container = amp_f2g1
amp_f2g1[3, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = amp_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f2g1[3, 4] <- amp_total_vol_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = amp_f2_txt_width,
container = amp_f2g1
amp_f2g1[4, 1] <- glabel("Number of PCR cycles:",
container = amp_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f2g1[4, 2] <- cyc_sb <- gspinbutton(
from = 1, to = 50, by = 1,
value = 30, container = amp_f2g1
tooltip(cyc_sb) <- "NB! Use the spin buttons, or type manually AND hit enter to confirm!"
# amp_f2g1[5,1] <- glabel("", container=amp_f2g1) # Adds some space.
# EFFICIENCY ----------------------------------------------------------------
amp_f3_txt_width <- 6
amp_f3 <- gframe(
text = "PCR efficiency",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = FALSE,
container = amp_gf,
expand = TRUE
amp_current_lbl <- glabel("", container = amp_f3, anchor = c(-1, 0))
amp_f3_items <- c(
"Get marker specific PCR efficiency from kit information.",
"Use custom PCR efficiency for all markers:"
amp_f3_eff_opt <- gradio(
items = amp_f3_items, selected = 1,
horizontal = FALSE, container = amp_f3
amp_f3g1 <- glayout(container = amp_f3)
# amp_f3g1[1,1] <- glabel("", container=amp_f3g1) # Adds some space.
amp_f3g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Amplification probability:",
container = amp_f3g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f3_eff_spn <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.001,
value = 0.90, digits = 3, container = amp_f3g1
amp_f3g1[2, 2] <- amp_f3_eff_spn
amp_f3g1[2, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = amp_f3g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_f3g1[2, 4] <- amp_f3_eff_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = amp_f3_txt_width,
container = amp_f3g1
amp_f3g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Stutter probability:",
container = amp_f3g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_eff_stutt_spn <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.001,
value = 0.005, digits = 3, container = amp_f3g1
amp_f3g1[3, 2] <- amp_eff_stutt_spn
amp_f3g1[3, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:", container = amp_f3g1,
anchor = c(-1, 0)
amp_eff_stutt_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0", width = amp_f3_txt_width,
container = amp_f3g1
amp_f3g1[3, 4] <- amp_eff_stutt_sd_edt
amp_stutter_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Simulate stutters",
checked = TRUE, container = amp_f3
addHandlerChanged(amp_f3_eff_opt, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(amp_stutter_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
# ANALYSIS PARAMETERS #######################################################
# CE ------------------------------------------------------------------------
ce_f2_txt_width <- 8
ce_f2 <- gframe(
text = "Capillary electrophoresis",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = ce_gf,
expand = FALSE
ce_f2g1 <- glayout(container = ce_f2)
# ce_f2g1[1,1] <- glabel("", container=ce_f2g1) # Adds some space.
ce_f2g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Volume PCR product analysed (\u00B5l):",
container = ce_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f2g1[2, 2] <- ce_aliquot_edt <- gedit(
text = "1",
width = ce_f2_txt_width,
initial.msg = "",
container = ce_f2g1
ce_f2g1[2, 3] <- glabel(
text = "Standard deviation:",
container = ce_f2g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f2g1[2, 4] <- ce_aliquot_sd_edt <- gedit(
text = "0",
width = ce_f2_txt_width,
initial.msg = "",
container = ce_f2g1
# ce_f2g1[3,1] <- glabel("", container=ce_f2g1) # Adds some space.
# LOAD FROM PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------------
ce_f4_txt_width <- 8
ce_f4 <- gframe(
text = "Load parameters",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = FALSE,
container = ce_gf,
expand = FALSE
ce_current_lbl <- glabel("", container = ce_f4, anchor = c(-1, 0))
ce_settings_opt <- gradio(
items = c(
"Load threshold and scaling from parameter file",
"Use custom settings for threshold and scaling"
selected = 1, container = ce_f4
addHandlerChanged(ce_settings_opt, handler = function(h, ...) {
# DETECTION THRESHOLD -------------------------------------------------------
ce_f3_txt_width <- 8
ce_f3 <- gframe(
text = "Detection threshold",
markup = FALSE,
pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE,
container = ce_gf,
expand = FALSE
ce_f3g1 <- glayout(container = ce_f3)
ce_f3g1[1, 1:2] <- glabel("lm(log(M) ~ log(H))", container = ce_f3g1)
ce_f3g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Threshold intercept:",
container = deg_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f3g1[2, 2] <- ce_t_intercept_edt <- gedit(
text = "13.9880",
width = ce_f3_txt_width,
container = ce_f3g1
ce_f3g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Threshold slope:",
container = ce_f3g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f3g1[3, 2] <- ce_t_slope_edt <- gedit(
text = "0.9047",
width = ce_f3_txt_width,
container = ce_f3g1
ce_f3g1[4, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Residual standard error:",
container = ce_f3g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f3g1[4, 2] <- ce_t_residual_edt <- gedit(
text = "0.5951",
width = ce_f3_txt_width,
container = ce_f3g1
# ce_f3g1[5,1] <- glabel("", container=ce_f3g1) # Adds some space.
# SCALING -------------------------------------------------------------------
ce_f1_txt_width <- 8
ce_f1 <- gframe(
text = "Peak height scaling", markup = FALSE, pos = 0,
horizontal = TRUE, container = ce_gf, expand = FALSE
ce_f1g1 <- glayout(container = ce_f1)
ce_f1g1[1, 1:2] <- glabel("lm(log(H) ~ log(M))", container = ce_f1g1)
ce_f1g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Scaling intercept:",
container = deg_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f1g1[2, 2] <- ce_intercept_edt <- gedit(
text = "-10.4812",
width = ce_f1_txt_width,
container = ce_f1g1
ce_f1g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Scaling slope:",
container = ce_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f1g1[3, 2] <- ce_slope_edt <- gedit(
text = "0.8590",
width = ce_f1_txt_width,
container = ce_f1g1
ce_f1g1[4, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Residual standard error:",
container = ce_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
ce_f1g1[4, 2] <- ce_residual_edt <- gedit(
text = "0.5798",
width = ce_f1_txt_width,
container = ce_f1g1
# ce_f1g1[5,1] <- glabel("", container=ce_f1g1) # Adds some space.
# ELECTROPHEROGRAM #######################################################
gv <- epg_gf # As used in the copied code below.
# NB! Below code directly copied from strvalidator::generateEPG_gui()
# NB! Comment out the plot title field.
# FRAME 1 ###################################################################
f1 <- gframe(text = "Options", horizontal = FALSE, spacing = 10, container = gv)
# glabel(text="Plot title:", anchor=c(-1 ,0), container=f1)
# f1_title_edt <- gedit(text="", width=25, container=f1)
# Layout --------------------------------------------------------------------
f1g1 <- glayout(container = f1, spacing = 1)
f1g1[1, 1] <- glabel(text = "Axis scales: ", anchor = c(-1, 0), container = f1g1)
f1g1[2:3, 1] <- f1_scale_opt <- gradio(
items = c("free", "free_y", "free_x"),
selected = 2, horizontal = FALSE, container = f1g1
f1g1[1, 2] <- glabel(text = "Allele label text size:", container = f1g1)
f1g1[1, 3] <- f1_size_spb <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 10, by = 1, value = 2,
container = f1g1
f1g1[1, 4] <- glabel(text = "Vertical justification:", container = f1g1)
f1g1[1, 5] <- f1_vjust_spb <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.5, value = 1,
container = f1g1
f1g1[2, 2] <- glabel(text = "Allele label angle:", container = f1g1)
f1g1[2, 3] <- f1_angle_spb <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 360, by = 15, value = 0,
container = f1g1
f1g1[2, 4] <- glabel(text = "Horizontal justification:", container = f1g1)
f1g1[2, 5] <- f1_hjust_spb <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.5, value = 0.5,
container = f1g1
f1g1[3, 2] <- glabel(text = "Plot area expansion:", container = f1g1)
f1g1[3, 3] <- f1_expand_spb <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.05, value = 0.10,
container = f1g1
f1g1[3, 4] <- glabel(text = "Analytical threshold:", container = f1g1)
f1g1[3, 5] <- f1_at_spb <- gspinbutton(
from = 0, to = 1000, by = 10, value = 0,
container = f1g1
f1_ignore_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Ignore case in marker names",
checked = TRUE, container = f1
f1_wrap_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Wrap by dye and add marker ranges and allele names",
checked = TRUE, container = f1
f1_fix_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Fix x-axis to size range",
checked = TRUE, container = f1
f1_collapse_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Collapse (add peak heights of identical alleles. Discards OL)",
checked = TRUE, container = f1
f1_box_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Plot peak height distribution (boxplot)",
checked = FALSE, container = f1
f1_peaks_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Plot mean peak height for distributions",
checked = TRUE, container = f1
addHandlerChanged(f1_collapse_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
val_collapse <- svalue(f1_collapse_chk)
if (val_collapse) {
enabled(f1_box_chk) <- TRUE
enabled(f1_peaks_chk) <- TRUE
} else {
enabled(f1_box_chk) <- FALSE
enabled(f1_peaks_chk) <- FALSE
# SIMULATION PARAMETERS #####################################################
# SIMULATION ----------------------------------------------------------------
# sim_f1_txt_width <- 8
sim_f1 <- gframe(
text = "Options", markup = FALSE, pos = 0, horizontal = FALSE,
container = sim_gf, expand = FALSE
sim_f1g1 <- glayout(container = sim_f1)
# sim_f1g1[1,1] <- glabel("", container=sim_f1g1) # Adds some space.
sim_f1g1[2, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Number of simulations or contributors:",
container = sim_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sim_f1g1[2, 2] <- sim_sim_edt <- gedit(
text = "1", width = 10,
container = sim_f1g1
sim_f1g1[3, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Name for result:",
container = sim_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sim_f1g1[3, 2] <- sim_name_edt <- gedit(
text = "sim", width = 25,
container = sim_f1g1
sim_f1g1[4, 1] <- glabel(
text = "Plot title:",
container = sim_f1g1, anchor = c(-1, 0)
sim_f1g1[4, 2] <- sim_epg_title_edt <- gedit(
text = "Simulated data",
width = 25, container = sim_f1g1
sim_f1g1[5, 1] <- sim_rnd_seed_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Set random seed:",
checked = FALSE,
container = sim_f1g1
sim_f1g1[5, 2] <- sim_rnd_seed_edt <- gedit(
text = "", width = 6,
container = sim_f1g1
sim_update_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Auto update EPG",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f1
sim_save_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Save in workspace, create name from:",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f1
sim_save_s_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Sample Name",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f1
sim_save_t_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Time stamp",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f1
sim_save_n_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Result name",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f1
addHandlerChanged(sim_rnd_seed_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(sim_save_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
# sim_f1g1[5,1] <- glabel("", container=sim_f1g1) # Adds some space.
# Simulation options --------------------------------------------------------
sim_f2 <- gframe(
text = "Simulate", markup = FALSE, pos = 0, horizontal = FALSE,
container = sim_gf, expand = FALSE
sim_profile_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Profile",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f2
sim_sample_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Sample",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f2
sim_deg_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Degradation",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f2
sim_extr_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Extraction",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f2
sim_norm_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Normalization",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f2
sim_pcr_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "PCR Amplification",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f2
sim_ce_chk <- gcheckbox(
text = "Capillary Electrophoresis",
checked = FALSE, container = sim_f2
addHandlerChanged(sim_profile_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(sim_sample_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(sim_deg_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(sim_extr_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(sim_norm_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(sim_pcr_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
addHandlerChanged(sim_ce_chk, handler = function(h, ...) {
# Button ------------------------------------------------------------------
sim_sim_btn <- gbutton(text = "Simulate", container = sim_gf)
sim_view_btn <- gbutton(text = "View result of the DNA process", container = sim_gf)
sim_view_ph_btn <- gbutton(text = "View result after capillary electrophoresis", container = sim_gf)
sim_epg_btn <- gbutton(text = "Generate EPG", container = sim_gf)
addHandlerChanged(sim_sim_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
val_ok <- TRUE
# Disable button until simulation is finished.
enabled(sim_sim_btn) <- FALSE
# LOAD ARGUMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------
# File tab.
val_debug <- svalue(file_f1g1_debug_chk)
valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB FILE")
# Profile tab.
val_kit <- svalue(profile_kit_drp)
val_method <- svalue(profile_method_drp)
val_profile_opt <- svalue(profile_opt, index = TRUE)
val_db <- svalue(profile_pop_drp)
val_profile <- profile_tbl[, ]
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB PROFILE")
# Sample tab.
val_smpl_name <- svalue(sample_name_edt)
val_smpl_mix <- svalue(sample_mix_chk)
val_smpl_opt <- svalue(sample_by_opt, index = TRUE)
val_smpl_vol <- svalue(sample_vol_edt)
val_smpl_vol_sd <- svalue(sample_vol_sd_edt)
val_smpl_conc <- svalue(sample_conc_edt)
val_smpl_conc_sd <- svalue(sample_conc_sd_edt)
val_smpl_ncells <- svalue(sample_ncells_edt)
val_smpl_ncells_sd <- svalue(sample_ncells_sd_edt)
val_smpl_celldna <- as.numeric(svalue(sample_celldna_edt))
val_smpl_haploid <- svalue(sample_type_cmb)
val_smpl_slope <- as.numeric(svalue(sample_slope_edt))
val_smpl_intercept <- as.numeric(svalue(sample_intercept_edt))
# Check and create vectors.
val_smpl_vol <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_vol)
val_smpl_vol_sd <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_vol_sd)
val_smpl_conc <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_conc)
val_smpl_conc_sd <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_conc_sd)
val_smpl_ncells <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_ncells)
val_smpl_ncells_sd <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_ncells_sd)
val_smpl_vol <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_vol)
val_smpl_vol_sd <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_vol_sd)
val_smpl_haploid <- .stringToVector(data = val_smpl_haploid, type = "logical")
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB SAMPLE")
# Extraction tab.
val_exprob <- as.numeric(svalue(ex_eff_spn))
val_exprob_sd <- as.numeric(svalue(ex_eff_sd_edt))
val_exvol <- as.numeric(svalue(ex_vol_edt))
val_exvol_sd <- as.numeric(svalue(ex_vol_sd_edt))
val_title <- svalue(sim_epg_title_edt)
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB EXTRACTION")
# Dilution tab.
val_dil_amount_t <- as.numeric(svalue(dil_tolerance_edt))
val_dil_target_opt <- svalue(dil_target_opt, index = TRUE)
val_dil_target_edt <- as.numeric(svalue(dil_target_edt))
val_dil_target_lbl <- as.numeric(svalue(dil_target_lbl))
val_dil_accuracy <- as.numeric(svalue(dil_accuracy_edt))
val_dil_volume_opt <- svalue(dil_volume_opt, index = TRUE)
val_dil_volume_edt <- as.numeric(svalue(dil_volume_edt))
val_dil_volume_lbl <- as.numeric(svalue(dil_volume_lbl))
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB DILUTION")
# Degradation tab.
val_deg_deg <- as.numeric(svalue(deg_pam_lbl))
val_deg_size <- as.numeric(svalue(deg_target_edt))
if (val_debug) {
# Amplification tab.
val_amp_alq <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_aliquot_edt))
val_amp_alq_sd <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_aliquot_sd_edt))
val_amp_amount <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_amount_edt))
val_amp_tvol <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_total_vol_edt))
val_amp_tvol_sd <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_total_vol_sd_edt))
val_amp_cyc <- as.numeric(svalue(cyc_sb))
val_amp_opt <- svalue(amp_f3_eff_opt, index = TRUE)
val_amp_eff <- svalue(amp_f3_eff_spn)
val_amp_eff_sd <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_f3_eff_sd_edt))
val_amp_eff_stutt <- svalue(amp_eff_stutt_spn)
val_amp_eff_stutt_sd <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_eff_stutt_sd_edt))
val_amp_stutter <- svalue(amp_stutter_chk)
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB PCR")
# Capillary electrophoresis tab.
val_ce_aliq <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_aliquot_edt))
val_ce_aliq_sd <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_aliquot_sd_edt))
val_ce_opt <- svalue(ce_settings_opt, index = TRUE)
val_ce_intercept <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_intercept_edt))
val_ce_slope <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_slope_edt))
val_ce_residual <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_residual_edt))
val_ce_t_intercept <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_t_intercept_edt))
val_ce_t_slope <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_t_slope_edt))
val_ce_t_residual <- as.numeric(svalue(ce_t_residual_edt))
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB CE")
# Electropherogram tab.
val_epg_wrap <- svalue(f1_wrap_chk)
val_epg_box <- svalue(f1_box_chk)
val_epg_peaks <- svalue(f1_peaks_chk)
val_epg_collapse <- svalue(f1_collapse_chk)
val_epg_ignore <- svalue(f1_ignore_chk)
val_epg_at <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_at_spb))
val_epg_scale <- svalue(f1_scale_opt)
val_epg_fix <- svalue(f1_fix_chk)
val_epg_size <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_size_spb))
val_epg_angle <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_angle_spb))
val_epg_vjust <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_vjust_spb))
val_epg_hjust <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_hjust_spb))
val_epg_expand <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_expand_spb))
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB EPG")
# Simulation tab.
val_simulations <- as.numeric(svalue(sim_sim_edt))
val_sim_name <- svalue(sim_name_edt)
val_sim_rnd_chk <- svalue(sim_rnd_seed_chk)
val_sim_rnd_seed <- as.numeric(svalue(sim_rnd_seed_edt))
val_sim_save <- svalue(sim_save_chk)
val_sim_save_s <- svalue(sim_save_s_chk)
val_sim_save_t <- svalue(sim_save_t_chk)
val_sim_save_n <- svalue(sim_save_n_chk)
val_sim_profile <- svalue(sim_profile_chk)
val_sim_sample <- svalue(sim_sample_chk)
val_sim_sample_enabled <- enabled(sim_sample_chk)
val_sim_extraction <- svalue(sim_extr_chk)
val_sim_extraction_enabled <- enabled(sim_extr_chk)
val_sim_degradation <- svalue(sim_deg_chk)
val_sim_degradation_enabled <- enabled(sim_deg_chk)
val_sim_dilution <- svalue(sim_norm_chk)
val_sim_dilution_enabled <- enabled(sim_norm_chk)
val_sim_pcr <- svalue(sim_pcr_chk)
val_sim_pcr_enabled <- enabled(sim_pcr_chk)
val_sim_ce <- svalue(sim_ce_chk)
val_sim_ce_enabled <- enabled(sim_ce_chk)
if (val_debug) {
print("** TAB SIMULATION")
# CHECK SIM SETTINGS ------------------------------------------------------
# Sample is required for downstream simulations.
if (!val_sim_sample_enabled) {
val_sim_degradation <- FALSE
val_sim_extraction <- FALSE
val_sim_dilution <- FALSE
val_sim_pcr <- FALSE
val_sim_ce <- FALSE
# Extraction is required for downstream simulations.
if (!val_sim_extraction_enabled) {
val_sim_dilution <- FALSE
val_sim_pcr <- FALSE
val_sim_ce <- FALSE
# PCR is required for downstream simulations.
if (!val_sim_pcr_enabled) {
val_sim_ce <- FALSE
# PREPARE -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Shared variables must always be prepared! ...............................
if (val_debug) {
print("Prepare essential parameters.")
# Set random seed.
if (val_sim_rnd_chk) {
# Reset simulation data.
simData <- NULL
# Convert from pico grams to nano grams.
valCellDNA <- val_smpl_celldna / 1000
# Get sample name.
valSampleName <- val_smpl_name
# Get mixture simulation flag.
valMixture <- val_smpl_mix
# Sample ..................................................................
if (val_sim_sample) {
# Simulate sample.
if (val_debug) {
print("Prepare sample parameters.")
# Estimate the amount of DNA by..
if (val_smpl_opt == 1) {
# Use number of cells.
val_smpl_conc <- NULL # Set concentration to null.
val_smpl_slope <- NULL # Set slope to null.
val_smpl_intercept <- NULL # Set intercept to null.
if (val_debug) {
print("Parameter updated.")
} else if (val_smpl_opt == 2) {
# Use concentration.
val_smpl_ncells <- NULL # Set number of cells to null.
val_smpl_slope <- NULL # Set slope to null.
val_smpl_intercept <- NULL # Set intercept to null.
if (val_debug) {
print("Parameter updated.")
} else if (val_smpl_opt == 3) {
# Use slope and intercept.
val_smpl_conc <- NULL # Set concentration to null.
val_smpl_ncells <- NULL # Set number of cells to null.
if (val_debug) {
print("Parameter updated.")
} else {
warning(paste("val_smpl_opt =", val_smpl_opt, "not supported!"))
# Save ....................................................................
# Check if save result and create name for result.
if (val_sim_save) {
if (val_debug) {
print("Prepare save parameters.")
# Default name if nothing.
val_res_name <- "sim"
# Add simulation name.
if (val_sim_save_n) {
if (val_sim_name != "") {
val_res_name <- val_sim_name
# Add sample name.
if (val_sim_save_s) {
val_res_name <- paste(val_res_name, valSampleName, sep = "_")
# Add time-stamp.
if (val_sim_save_t) {
val_res_name <- paste(val_res_name, format(Sys.time(), "%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M.%S"), sep = "_")
if (val_debug) {
print("Base name for result created.")
# Profile .................................................................
if (val_sim_profile) {
# Simulate profile.
if (val_debug) {
print("Prepare profile parameters.")
# Check if fat data.
if (length(grep("Allele", names(val_profile), fixed = TRUE)) > 1) {
# Slim data.
val_profile <- strvalidator::slim(
data = val_profile,
fix = "Marker", stack = "Allele",
keep.na = TRUE, debug = valExtDebug
if (val_debug) {
print("Fat data slimmed!")
# Replace character "NA" with NA.
val_profile$Allele[val_profile$Allele == "NA"] <- NA
# Store profile in simData.
simData <- val_profile
# Get profile name.
profileName <- valSampleName
# Check arguments.
if (profileName == "") {
# If no sample name 'name' must be NULL.
profileName <- NULL
if (val_profile_opt == 5) {
# If options 5 then 'data' must be NULL.
simData <- NULL
# Load database file.
profile_db <- strvalidator::getDb(db.name.or.index = val_db, debug = valExtDebug)
} else {
# If options 1-4 then 'db' must be NULL.
profile_db <- NULL
# Dilution ................................................................
if (val_sim_dilution) {
if (val_debug) {
print("Prepare dilution parameters.")
# Initiate additional variables.
val_dil_conc <- NULL # Target concentration.
val_dil_vol <- NULL # Final dilution volume.
# Get target concentration.
if (val_dil_target_opt == 1) {
val_dil_conc <- val_dil_target_lbl
} else if (val_dil_target_opt == 2) {
val_dil_conc <- val_dil_target_edt
} else {
stop(paste("val_dil_target_opt=", val_dil_target_opt, "not supported!"))
if (val_debug) {
# Get final dilution volume.
if (val_dil_volume_opt == 1) {
val_dil_vol <- val_dil_volume_lbl
} else if (val_dil_volume_opt == 2) {
val_dil_vol <- val_dil_volume_edt
} else {
stop(paste("val_dil_volume_opt=", val_dil_volume_opt, "not supported!"))
if (val_debug) {
# SIMULATE PROFILE --------------------------------------------------------
if (val_sim_profile) {
# Simulate profile.
if (val_debug) {
print("****** SIMULATE PROFILE")
# Simulate profile.
simData <- simProfile(
data = simData, kit = NULL, sim = val_simulations,
name = profileName, db = profile_db,
debug = valExtDebug
# SIMULATE SAMPLE ---------------------------------------------------------
if (val_sim_sample) {
if (val_debug) {
print("****** SIMULATE SAMPLE")
# Simulate sample.
simData <- simSample(
data = simData,
cells = val_smpl_ncells, sd.cells = val_smpl_ncells_sd,
conc = val_smpl_conc, sd.conc = val_smpl_conc_sd,
vol = val_smpl_vol, sd.vol = val_smpl_vol_sd,
cell.dna = valCellDNA, haploid = val_smpl_haploid,
kit = val_kit, slope = val_smpl_slope, intercept = val_smpl_intercept,
debug = valExtDebug
# SIMULATE DEGRADATION ----------------------------------------------------
if (val_sim_degradation) {
if (val_debug) {
# Simulate degradation.
simData <- simDegradation(
data = simData, kit = val_kit, deg = val_deg_deg,
quant.target = val_deg_size, debug = valExtDebug
# SIMULATE EXTRACTION -----------------------------------------------------
if (val_sim_extraction) {
if (val_debug) {
# Simulate extraction.
simData <- simExtraction(
data = simData,
vol.ex = val_exvol, sd.vol = val_exvol_sd,
prob.ex = val_exprob, sd.prob = val_exprob_sd,
cell.dna = valCellDNA, debug = valExtDebug
# SIMULATE DILUTION -------------------------------------------------------
if (val_sim_dilution) {
if (val_debug) {
# Simulate dilution.
simData <- simNormalize(
data = simData, volume = val_dil_vol,
accuracy = val_dil_accuracy, target = val_dil_conc,
tolerance = val_dil_amount_t, multiple = FALSE,
debug = valExtDebug
# SIMULATE AMPLIFICATION --------------------------------------------------
if (val_sim_pcr) {
if (val_debug) {
print("****** SIMULATE PCR")
# Arguments.
pcr_kit <- val_kit
pcr_method <- val_method
# Check arguments:
if (val_amp_opt == 1) {
# If automatic, method and kit must be provided (i.e. no change).
} else if (val_amp_opt == 2) {
# If custom pcr efficiency 'kit' must be NULL and method is not used.
pcr_kit <- NULL
pcr_method <- "DEFAULT"
} else {
stop("PCR efficiency option = ", val_amp_opt, " not implemented!")
# Simulate PCR amplification.
simData <- simPCR(
data = simData, kit = pcr_kit, method = pcr_method, pcr.cyc = val_amp_cyc,
pcr.prob = val_amp_eff, sd.pcr.prob = val_amp_eff_sd,
stutter.prob = val_amp_eff_stutt, sd.stutter.prob = val_amp_eff_stutt_sd,
vol.aliq = val_amp_alq, sd.vol.aliq = val_amp_alq_sd,
vol.pcr = val_amp_tvol, sd.vol.pcr = val_amp_tvol_sd,
stutter = val_amp_stutter, debug = valExtDebug
# ATTACH ATTRIBUTES -------------------------------------------------------
simData <- .addAttributes(simData)
# SAVE FIRST RESULT -------------------------------------------------------
# Save result in project.
if (val_sim_save) {
assign(x = val_res_name, value = simData, envir = .pcrsim_env)
message(paste("Simulation result saved as", val_res_name))
# Save current simulation in varaiable.
.simDataRes <<- simData
# COMPACT DATA ------------------------------------------------------------
# Compact stutters if simulated.
if (any(grepl("PCR.Stutter.", names(simData), fixed = TRUE))) {
simData <- compactStutter(
data = simData, stutterin = "PCR.Stutter.",
targetcol = "PCR.Amplicon"
# Always compact alleles.
if (any(grepl("PCR.Amplicon", names(simData)))) {
simCompact <- compact(
data = simData, per.sample = !valMixture,
col = "PCR.Amplicon", sim = TRUE
# SIMULATE CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS --------------------------------------
if (val_sim_ce) {
if (val_debug) {
print("****** SIMULATE CE")
# Simulate capillary electrophoresis.
simPh <- simCE(
data = simCompact, vol = val_ce_aliq, sd.vol = val_ce_aliq_sd,
intercept = val_ce_intercept, slope = val_ce_slope, sigma = val_ce_residual,
t.intercept = val_ce_t_intercept, t.slope = val_ce_t_slope, t.sigma = val_ce_t_residual,
debug = valExtDebug
# ATTACH ATTRIBUTES -------------------------------------------------------
simPh <- .addAttributes(simPh)
# SAVE SECOND RESULT ------------------------------------------------------
# Save result in project.
if (val_sim_save) {
tmp_name <- paste(val_res_name, "_ce", sep = "")
assign(x = tmp_name, value = simPh, envir = .pcrsim_env)
message(paste("Capillary electrophoresis result saved as", tmp_name))
# Save current simulation in varaiable.
.simDataPh <<- simPh
# PLOT EPG ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (svalue(sim_update_chk) && !is.null(.simDataPh)) {
# Generate EPG.
.simEPG <<- strvalidator::generateEPG(
data = .simDataPh,
kit = val_kit,
title = val_title,
wrap = val_epg_wrap,
boxplot = val_epg_box,
peaks = val_epg_peaks,
collapse = val_epg_collapse,
silent = FALSE,
ignore.case = val_epg_ignore,
at = val_epg_at,
scale = val_epg_scale,
limit.x = val_epg_fix,
label.size = val_epg_size,
label.angle = val_epg_angle,
label.vjust = val_epg_vjust,
label.hjust = val_epg_hjust,
expand = val_epg_expand,
debug = valExtDebug
# Save result in project.
if (val_sim_save) {
tmp_name <- paste(val_res_name, "_epg", sep = "")
assign(x = tmp_name, value = .simEPG, envir = .pcrsim_env)
message(paste("Electropherogram saved as", tmp_name))
# Enable buttons.
enabled(sim_sim_btn) <- TRUE
addHandlerChanged(sim_view_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
if (!is.null(.simDataRes)) {
data = .simDataRes,
edit = FALSE, env = .pcrsim_env
} else {
message = "Currently no data!", title = "Error",
icon = "error", parent = w
addHandlerChanged(sim_view_ph_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
if (!is.null(.simDataPh)) {
data = .simDataPh,
edit = FALSE, env = .pcrsim_env
} else {
message = "Currently no data!", title = "Error",
icon = "error", parent = w
addHandlerChanged(sim_epg_btn, handler = function(h, ...) {
if (!is.null(.simDataPh)) {
# Load all settings.
val_title <- svalue(sim_epg_title_edt)
val_kit <- svalue(profile_kit_drp)
# Electropherogram tab.
val_epg_wrap <- svalue(f1_wrap_chk)
val_epg_box <- svalue(f1_box_chk)
val_epg_peaks <- svalue(f1_peaks_chk)
val_epg_collapse <- svalue(f1_collapse_chk)
val_epg_ignore <- svalue(f1_ignore_chk)
val_epg_at <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_at_spb))
val_epg_scale <- svalue(f1_scale_opt)
val_epg_fix <- svalue(f1_fix_chk)
val_epg_size <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_size_spb))
val_epg_angle <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_angle_spb))
val_epg_vjust <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_vjust_spb))
val_epg_hjust <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_hjust_spb))
val_epg_expand <- as.numeric(svalue(f1_expand_spb))
valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
# Generate EPG.
.simEPG <<- strvalidator::generateEPG(
data = .simDataPh,
kit = val_kit,
title = val_title,
wrap = val_epg_wrap,
boxplot = val_epg_box,
peaks = val_epg_peaks,
collapse = val_epg_collapse,
silent = FALSE,
ignore.case = val_epg_ignore,
at = val_epg_at,
scale = val_epg_scale,
limit.x = val_epg_fix,
label.size = val_epg_size,
label.angle = val_epg_angle,
label.vjust = val_epg_vjust,
label.hjust = val_epg_hjust,
expand = val_epg_expand,
debug = valExtDebug
} else {
gmessage(message = "Currently no data!", title = "Error", icon = "error", parent = w)
# MAIN EVENT HANDLERS #########################################################
addHandlerChanged(nb, handler = function(h, ...) {
if (debug) {
print(if (is.null(h$pageno)) svalue(h$obj) else h$pageno)
# Refresh depending on active tab.
# tab <- svalue(nb)
tab <- if (is.null(h$pageno)) svalue(h$obj) else h$pageno
tabName <- names(nb)[tab]
if (tabName == .file_tab_name) {
if (tabName == .sample_tab_name) {
if (tabName == .degradation_tab_name) {
if (tabName == .dilution_tab_name) {
if (tabName == .amplification_tab_name) {
if (tabName == .simulation_tab_name) {
addHandlerFocus(w, handler = function(h, ...) {
if (debug) {
print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))
# Refresh depending on active tab.
tab <- svalue(nb)
tabName <- names(nb)[tab]
if (tabName == .file_tab_name) {
# MAIN EVENT HANDLERS #########################################################
addHandlerChanged(nb, handler = function(h, ...) {
if (debug) {
print(if (is.null(h$pageno)) svalue(h$obj) else h$pageno)
# Refresh depending on active tab.
tab <- if (is.null(h$pageno)) svalue(h$obj) else h$pageno
tabName <- names(nb)[tab]
# Check if a tab name exist and then perform tasks.
if (length(tabName) != 0) {
if (tabName == .profile_tab_name) {
} else if (tabName == .analysis_tab_name) {
} else if (tabName == .amplification_tab_name) {
} else if (tabName == .simulation_tab_name) {
} # End check.
addHandlerFocus(w, handler = function(h, ...) {
if (debug) {
print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))
# Refresh depending on active tab.
tab <- svalue(nb)
tabName <- names(nb)[tab]
# Check if a tab name exist and then perform tasks.
if (length(tabName) != 0) {
if (tabName == .profile_tab_name) {
} else if (tabName == .analysis_tab_name) {
} else if (tabName == .amplification_tab_name) {
} # End check.
# INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ##########################################################
.addAttributes <- function(data) {
if (!is.null(data)) {
val_rnd_chk <- svalue(sim_rnd_seed_chk)
val_rnd_seed <- as.numeric(svalue(sim_rnd_seed_edt))
# Add attributes to result.
attr(data, which = "pcrsim_version") <- as.character(utils::packageVersion("pcrsim"))
attr(data, which = "pcrsim_date") <- date()
if (val_rnd_chk) {
attr(data, which = "pcrsim_random_seed") <- val_rnd_seed
.updateProjectList <- function() {
# Get project folder.
projectdir <- svalue(project_fb)
# Create filter for only 'RData' files.
fileFilter <- paste(".*", "\\.", "RData", sep = "")
# Get list of result files.
.project_path_list <<- list.files(
path = projectdir, pattern = fileFilter,
full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE,
ignore.case = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE
.project_name_list <<- list.files(
path = projectdir, pattern = fileFilter,
full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE,
ignore.case = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE
df <- file.info(.project_path_list)
# Check if any project in list.
if (length(.project_name_list) > 0) {
# Update projects list.
project_tbl[, ] <<- data.frame(
Project = .project_name_list,
Date = paste(df$mtime),
Size = df$size,
Id = seq(length(.project_name_list)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (debug) {
print("Project list updated!")
.stringToVector <- function(data, split = "[, |_]", type = "numeric", empty = NULL, nothing = NULL) {
# Separate a string to a vector by character in 'split'.
# Convert the vector to 'type'.
# Remove NA's
# data - vector to convert.
# split - regex expression.
# type - convert to this data type.
# empty - if data is empty string return 'empty'
# nothing - if data is of length zero return 'nothing'
# Original data.
valuesBefore <- data
if (is.character(data)) {
if (length(data) == 0) {
data <- nothing
} else if (nchar(data) == 0) {
data <- empty
} else {
# Split.
data <- unlist(strsplit(x = data, split = split, fixed = FALSE))
if (type == "numeric") {
data <- as.numeric(data)
} else if (type == "logical") {
data <- as.logical(data)
} else if (type == "character") {
data <- as.character(data)
} else {
warning(paste("Type", type, "not handled, no conversion performed!"))
if (any(is.na(data))) {
data <- data[!is.na(data)]
warning(paste("Removed invalid values from", valuesBefore, "\nReturn", data))
} else {
# message(paste("Not a string (data is", class(data),")! Return unchanged:", data))
.refreshProfileTab <- function() {
# Get values.
val_kit <- svalue(profile_kit_drp)
val_method <- svalue(profile_method_drp)
# Update method dropdown.
profile_method_drp[, ] <- getParameter(kit = val_kit, what = "method")
# Restore selection.
if (length(val_method) > 0 && val_method %in% profile_method_drp[]) {
svalue(profile_method_drp) <- val_method
} else {
message("Method ", val_method, " not available for kit ", val_kit)
svalue(profile_method_drp, index = TRUE) <- 1
.refreshSampleTab <- function() {
# Get values.
valOpt <- svalue(sample_by_opt, index = TRUE)
valSlope <- as.numeric(svalue(sample_slope_edt))
valIntercept <- as.numeric(svalue(sample_intercept_edt))
valMix <- svalue(sample_mix_chk)
valSim <- svalue(sim_sim_edt)
# Enable/disable fields.
if (valOpt == 1) {
# Enable.
enabled(sample_ncells_edt) <- TRUE
enabled(sample_ncells_sd_edt) <- TRUE
# Disable.
enabled(sample_conc_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_conc_sd_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_vol_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_vol_sd_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_celldna_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_slope_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_intercept_edt) <- FALSE
} else if (valOpt == 2) {
# Enable.
enabled(sample_conc_edt) <- TRUE
enabled(sample_conc_sd_edt) <- TRUE
enabled(sample_vol_edt) <- TRUE
enabled(sample_vol_sd_edt) <- TRUE
enabled(sample_celldna_edt) <- TRUE
# Disable.
enabled(sample_ncells_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_ncells_sd_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_slope_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_intercept_edt) <- FALSE
} else if (valOpt == 3) {
# Enable.
enabled(sample_slope_edt) <- TRUE
enabled(sample_intercept_edt) <- TRUE
# Disable.
enabled(sample_conc_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_conc_sd_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_vol_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_vol_sd_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_celldna_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_ncells_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(sample_ncells_sd_edt) <- FALSE
} else {
warning(paste("Option=", valOpt, "in tab", .sample_tab_name, "not handled!"))
# Calculate example concentrations.
if (!is.na(valSlope) && !is.na(valIntercept)) {
if (valSlope != "" && valIntercept != "") {
# Concentration = 10^(slope * size + intercept)
conc1 <- 10^(valSlope * 100 + valIntercept)
conc2 <- 10^(valSlope * 400 + valIntercept)
# Update values.
svalue(sample_ex1_edt) <- round(conc1, 4)
svalue(sample_ex2_edt) <- round(conc2, 4)
# Update mixture checkbox label.
labTmp <- paste(
"Simulate a mixture with", valSim,
"contributors (set in", .simulation_tab_name, "tab)"
sample_mix_chk[] <- labTmp
.refreshDegradationTab <- function() {
# Get values.
valOpt <- svalue(deg_opt, index = TRUE)
valDeg <- as.numeric(svalue(deg_spn))
valConc <- svalue(deg_conc_edt)
valSize <- svalue(deg_size_edt)
valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
# Check and convert to vector.
valConc <- .stringToVector(data = valConc, empty = NA, nothing = NA)
valSize <- .stringToVector(data = valSize, empty = NA, nothing = NA)
# Enable/disable widgets depending on selected option.
if (valOpt == 1) {
# Manual.
# Enable widgets.
enabled(deg_spn) <- TRUE
# Disable widgets.
enabled(deg_conc_edt) <- FALSE
enabled(deg_size_edt) <- FALSE
# Update degradation label.
svalue(deg_pam_lbl) <- valDeg
if (debug) {
print(paste("Degradation parameter =", svalue(deg_pam_lbl)))
} else if (valOpt == 2) {
# Concentrations.
# Enable widgets.
enabled(deg_conc_edt) <- TRUE
enabled(deg_size_edt) <- TRUE
# Disable widgets.
enabled(deg_spn) <- FALSE
# Calculate degradation parameter.
if (!is.na(valConc) && !is.na(valSize)) {
if (length(valConc) == length(valSize)) {
# Calculate degradation parameter.
val_deg <- calculateDegradation(conc = valConc, size = valSize)
# Update degradation label.
svalue(deg_pam_lbl) <- val_deg
if (debug) {
print(paste("Degradation parameter =", svalue(deg_pam_lbl)))
} else {
warning(paste("Option=", valOpt, "in tab", .degradation_tab_name, "not handled!"))
.refreshDilutionTab <- function() {
# Declare temporary variable.
val_tmp <- NULL
# Get values.
val_conc <- NULL # Target conc calculated below.
val_amount <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_amount_edt)) # Optimal amount.
val_volume <- as.numeric(svalue(ex_vol_edt)) # Final dilution volume.
val_aliquot <- as.numeric(svalue(amp_aliquot_edt)) # Final dilution volume.
val_tolerance <- as.numeric(svalue(dil_tolerance_edt)) # Tolerance around target conc.
val_target_opt <- svalue(dil_target_opt, index = TRUE)
val_volume_opt <- svalue(dil_volume_opt, index = TRUE)
# Enable/disable widget group depending on selected option.
if (val_volume_opt == 1) {
enabled(dil_volume_lbl) <- TRUE
enabled(dil_volume_edt) <- FALSE
} else if (val_volume_opt == 2) {
enabled(dil_volume_lbl) <- FALSE
enabled(dil_volume_edt) <- TRUE
# Enable/disable widget group depending on selected option.
if (val_target_opt == 1) {
enabled(dil_target_lbl) <- TRUE
enabled(dil_target_edt) <- FALSE
} else if (val_target_opt == 2) {
enabled(dil_target_lbl) <- FALSE
enabled(dil_target_edt) <- TRUE
# Update amount, volume, and aliquot labels:
svalue(dil_amount_lbl) <- val_amount
svalue(dil_volume_lbl) <- val_volume
svalue(dil_aliquot_lbl) <- val_aliquot
# Update target concentration label.
if (!is.na(val_aliquot) && !is.na(val_amount)) {
val_conc <- val_amount / val_aliquot
svalue(dil_target_lbl) <- round(val_conc, 4)
# Update maximum concentration label.
if (!is.na(val_tolerance)) {
# Calculate min and max amount.
conc_max <- round((val_conc + (val_tolerance * val_conc)), 4)
# Update label.
svalue(dil_max_lbl) <- paste("(dilute when concentration >",
conc_max, " ng/\u00B5l)",
sep = ""
} else {
# Update label.
svalue(dil_max_lbl) <- ""
.refreshAmplificationTab <- function() {
# Get values.
val <- svalue(amp_f3_eff_opt, index = TRUE)
val_kit <- svalue(profile_kit_drp)
val_method <- svalue(profile_method_drp)
# Update label.
svalue(amp_current_lbl) <- paste("Current kit: ", val_kit,
" and method: ", val_method,
" (set in '", .profile_tab_name,
"' tab)",
sep = ""
# Enable/disable widget group depending on selected option.
if (val == 1) {
enabled(amp_f3g1) <- FALSE
} else if (val == 2) {
enabled(amp_f3g1) <- TRUE
# Check state of widget group.
if (enabled(amp_f3g1)) {
# Check state of stutter checkbox.
if (svalue(amp_stutter_chk)) {
enabled(amp_eff_stutt_spn) <- TRUE
enabled(amp_eff_stutt_sd_edt) <- TRUE
} else {
enabled(amp_eff_stutt_spn) <- FALSE
enabled(amp_eff_stutt_sd_edt) <- FALSE
.refreshCETab <- function() {
# Get values.
val_kit <- svalue(profile_kit_drp)
val_method <- svalue(profile_method_drp)
# val_method <- svalue(ce_method_drp)
val_settings <- svalue(ce_settings_opt, index = TRUE)
val_debug <- svalue(file_f1g1_debug_chk)
valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
svalue(ce_current_lbl) <- paste("Current kit: ", val_kit,
" and method: ", val_method,
" (set in '", .profile_tab_name,
"' tab)",
sep = ""
if (val_settings == 1) {
# Settings from method.
# Inactivate gui.
enabled(ce_f1) <- FALSE
enabled(ce_f3) <- FALSE
if (is.null(val_method) || nchar(val_method) == 0) {
val_method <- "DEFAULT"
# Get parameters.
val_threshold <- getParameter(kit = val_kit, what = "THRESHOLD", method = val_method)
val_scaling <- getParameter(kit = val_kit, what = "SCALING", method = val_method)
if (val_debug) {
# Update gui.
if (!is.na(val_threshold)) {
svalue(ce_t_intercept_edt) <- val_threshold$Intercept
svalue(ce_t_slope_edt) <- val_threshold$Slope
svalue(ce_t_residual_edt) <- val_threshold$Sigma
} else {
message("Failed to load threshold values for kit ", val_kit, ", method ", val_method)
svalue(ce_t_intercept_edt) <- ""
svalue(ce_t_slope_edt) <- ""
svalue(ce_t_residual_edt) <- ""
if (!is.na(val_scaling)) {
svalue(ce_intercept_edt) <- val_scaling$Intercept
svalue(ce_slope_edt) <- val_scaling$Slope
svalue(ce_residual_edt) <- val_scaling$Sigma
} else {
message("Failed to load scaling values for kit ", val_kit, ", method ", val_method)
svalue(ce_intercept_edt) <- ""
svalue(ce_slope_edt) <- ""
svalue(ce_residual_edt) <- ""
} else if (val_settings == 2) {
# Custom settings.
# Activate gui.
enabled(ce_f1) <- TRUE
enabled(ce_f3) <- TRUE
} else {
stop("CE seetings option = ", val_settings, " not implemented!")
.refreshSimulationTab <- function() {
# Get values.
val_rnd_chk <- svalue(sim_rnd_seed_chk)
val_save <- svalue(sim_save_chk)
val_profile <- svalue(sim_profile_chk)
val_sample <- svalue(sim_sample_chk)
val_deg <- svalue(sim_deg_chk)
val_extr <- svalue(sim_extr_chk)
val_norm <- svalue(sim_norm_chk)
val_pcr <- svalue(sim_pcr_chk)
val_ce <- svalue(sim_ce_chk)
# val_debug <- svalue(file_f1g1_debug_chk)
# valExtDebug <- svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk)
# Enable buttons.
enabled(sim_sim_btn) <- TRUE
enabled(sim_view_btn) <- TRUE
enabled(sim_view_ph_btn) <- TRUE
enabled(sim_epg_btn) <- TRUE
# Change gui depending on simulation settings.
if (val_rnd_chk) {
enabled(sim_rnd_seed_edt) <- TRUE
} else {
enabled(sim_rnd_seed_edt) <- FALSE
# Change gui depending on simulation settings.
if (val_profile) {
# Activate in gui.
enabled(sim_sample_chk) <- TRUE
} else {
# Inactivate gui.
enabled(sim_sample_chk) <- FALSE
# Change gui depending on simulation settings.
if (val_sample) {
# Activate in gui.
enabled(sim_deg_chk) <- TRUE
enabled(sim_extr_chk) <- TRUE
} else {
# Inactivate gui.
enabled(sim_deg_chk) <- FALSE
enabled(sim_extr_chk) <- FALSE
# Change gui depending on simulation settings.
if (val_extr) {
# Activate in gui.
enabled(sim_norm_chk) <- TRUE
enabled(sim_pcr_chk) <- TRUE
} else {
# Inactivate gui.
enabled(sim_norm_chk) <- FALSE
enabled(sim_pcr_chk) <- FALSE
# Change gui depending on simulation settings.
if (val_pcr) {
# Activate in gui.
enabled(sim_ce_chk) <- TRUE
} else {
# Inactivate gui.
enabled(sim_ce_chk) <- FALSE
# Change gui depending on save value.
if (val_save) {
# Activate in gui.
enabled(sim_save_s_chk) <- TRUE
enabled(sim_save_t_chk) <- TRUE
enabled(sim_save_n_chk) <- TRUE
} else {
# Inactivate in gui.
enabled(sim_save_s_chk) <- FALSE
enabled(sim_save_t_chk) <- FALSE
enabled(sim_save_n_chk) <- FALSE
.refreshWs <- function() {
# Get data frames in global workspace.
dfs <- strvalidator::listObjects(env = .GlobalEnv, obj.class = "data.frame")
if (!is.null(dfs)) {
# Populate drop list.
file_f2g1_drp[] <- c("<Select dataframe>", dfs)
# Select first item.
svalue(file_f2g1_drp, index = TRUE) <- 1
.refreshLoaded <- function() {
if (debug) {
print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))
# Get data frames.
dfs <- strvalidator::listObjects(env = .pcrsim_env, obj.class = c(
"data.frame", "ggplot",
if (!is.null(dfs)) {
# blockHandler(file_f1g1_tbl)
# delete(file_f1g1_f, file_f1g1_tbl)
# file_f1g1_tbl <<- gtable(items=dfs,
# multiple = TRUE,
# container = file_f1g1_f)
# Populate table.
file_f1g1_tbl[] <- dfs
# unblockHandler(file_f1g1_tbl)
if (debug) {
print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))
.loadSavedSettings <- function(env) {
# Argument 'env' is either the name of the environment or the environment itself.
# Check argument.
if (class(env) == "environment") {
# Ok, env is environemnt.
} else if (class(env) == "character") {
# Get environment that varible name refer to.
env <- get(x = env, envir = .pcrsim_env, inherits = FALSE)
} else {
message(paste("Argument of class", class(env), "not handled!"))
if (debug) {
print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))
if (debug) {
print("TAB FILE")
if (exists(".pcrsim_file_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(file_f1g1_debug_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_file_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_file_ext_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_file_ext_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("TAB PROFILE")
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_kit", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(profile_kit_drp) <- get(".pcrsim_profile_kit", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_method", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(profile_method_drp) <- get(".pcrsim_profile_method", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(profile_opt) <- get(".pcrsim_profile_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_pop", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(profile_pop_drp) <- get(".pcrsim_profile_pop", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_profile", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
profile_tbl[, ] <- get(".pcrsim_profile_profile", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("TAB SAMPLE")
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_name", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_name_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_name", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_mix", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_mix_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_mix", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_by", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_by_opt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_by", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_ncells", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_ncells_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_ncells", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_ncells_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_ncells_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_ncells_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_conc", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_conc_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_conc", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_conc_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_conc_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_conc_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_celldna", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_celldna_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_celldna", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_vol_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_vol_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_slope_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_intercept", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_intercept_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_intercept", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_type", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sample_type_cmb) <- get(".pcrsim_sample_type", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
if (exists(".pcrsim_deg_lbl", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(deg_pam_lbl) <- get(".pcrsim_deg_lbl", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_deg_target", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(deg_target_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_deg_target", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_deg_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(deg_opt) <- get(".pcrsim_deg_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_deg_spn", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(deg_spn) <- get(".pcrsim_deg_spn", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_deg_conc", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(deg_conc_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_deg_conc", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_deg_size", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(deg_size_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_deg_size", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
if (exists(".pcrsim_ex_eff", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ex_eff_spn) <- get(".pcrsim_ex_eff", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ex_eff_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ex_eff_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ex_eff_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ex_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ex_vol_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ex_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ex_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ex_vol_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ex_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
if (exists(".pcrsim_dil_tolerance", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(dil_tolerance_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_dil_tolerance", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_dil_target", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(dil_target_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_dil_target", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_dil_target_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(dil_target_opt) <- get(".pcrsim_dil_target_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_dil_accuracy", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(dil_accuracy_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_dil_accuracy", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_dil_volume", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(dil_volume_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_dil_volume", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_dil_volume_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(dil_volume_opt) <- get(".pcrsim_dil_volume_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("TAB PCR")
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_aliquot", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_aliquot_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_aliquot", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_aliquot_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_aliquot_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_aliquot_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_amount", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_amount_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_amount", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_total_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_total_vol_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_total_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_total_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_total_vol_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_total_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_cyc_sb", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(cyc_sb) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_cyc_sb", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_eff_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_f3_eff_opt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_eff_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_eff", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_f3_eff_spn) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_eff", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_eff_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_f3_eff_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_eff_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_stutt_eff", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_eff_stutt_spn) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_stutt_eff", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_stutt_eff_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_eff_stutt_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_stutt_eff_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_amp_sim_stutt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(amp_stutter_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_amp_sim_stutt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("TAB CE")
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_aliquot", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_aliquot_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_aliquot", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_aliquot_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_aliquot_sd_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_aliquot_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_t_intercept", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_t_intercept_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_t_intercept", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_t_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_t_slope_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_t_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_t_residual", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_t_residual_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_t_residual", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_intercept", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_intercept_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_intercept", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_slope_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_ce_residual", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(ce_residual_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_ce_residual", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("TAB EPG")
# NB! Naming follow code copied from strvalidator::generateEPG_gui()
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_scale", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_scale_opt) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_scale", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_size", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_size_spb) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_size", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_vjust", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_vjust_spb) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_vjust", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_angle", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_angle_spb) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_angle", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_hjust", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_hjust_spb) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_hjust", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_expand", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_expand_spb) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_expand", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_at", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_at_spb) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_at", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_ignore", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_ignore_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_ignore", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_wrap", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_wrap_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_wrap", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_fix", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_fix_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_fix", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_collapse", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_collapse_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_collapse", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_box", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_box_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_box", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_epg_peaks", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(f1_peaks_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_epg_peaks", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_sim", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_sim_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_sim", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_name", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_name_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_name", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_title", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_epg_title_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_title", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_rnd_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_rnd_seed_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_rnd_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_rnd_edt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_rnd_seed_edt) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_rnd_edt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_update_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_update_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_update_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_save_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_s_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_save_s_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_s_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_t_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_save_t_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_t_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_n_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_save_n_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_n_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_profile_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_profile_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_profile_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_sample_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_sample_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_sample_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_extraction_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_extr_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_extraction_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_degradation_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_deg_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_degradation_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_dilution_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_norm_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_dilution_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_pcr_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_pcr_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_pcr_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sim_ce_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
svalue(sim_ce_chk) <- get(".pcrsim_sim_ce_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("Saved settings loaded!")
print(paste("EXIT:", match.call()[[1]]))
.saveSettings <- function(env = .pcrsim_env) {
# Argument 'env' is either the name of the environment or the environment itself.
# Check argument.
if (class(env) == "environment") {
# Ok, env is environemnt.
} else if (class(env) == "character") {
# Get environment that varible name refer to.
env <- get(x = env, envir = .pcrsim_env, inherits = FALSE)
} else {
message(paste("Argument of class", class(env), "not handled!"))
if (debug) {
print(paste("IN:", match.call()[[1]]))
# Then save settings if true.
if (svalue(file_f1g1_save_chk)) {
assign(x = ".pcrsim_file_savegui", value = svalue(file_f1g1_save_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_file_debug_chk", value = svalue(file_f1g1_debug_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_file_ext_debug_chk", value = svalue(file_f1g1_ext_debug_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_profile_kit", value = svalue(profile_kit_drp), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_profile_method", value = svalue(profile_method_drp), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_profile_opt", value = svalue(profile_opt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_profile_pop", value = svalue(profile_pop_drp), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_profile_profile", value = profile_tbl[, ], envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_name", value = svalue(sample_name_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_mix", value = svalue(sample_mix_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_by", value = svalue(sample_by_opt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_ncells", value = svalue(sample_ncells_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_ncells_sd", value = svalue(sample_ncells_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_conc", value = svalue(sample_conc_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_conc_sd", value = svalue(sample_conc_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_celldna", value = svalue(sample_celldna_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_vol", value = svalue(sample_vol_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_vol_sd", value = svalue(sample_vol_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_slope", value = svalue(sample_slope_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_intercept", value = svalue(sample_intercept_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sample_type", value = svalue(sample_type_cmb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_deg_lbl", value = svalue(deg_pam_lbl), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_deg_target", value = svalue(deg_target_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_deg_opt", value = svalue(deg_opt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_deg_spn", value = svalue(deg_spn), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_deg_conc", value = svalue(deg_conc_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_deg_size", value = svalue(deg_size_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ex_eff", value = svalue(ex_eff_spn), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ex_eff_sd", value = svalue(ex_eff_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ex_vol", value = svalue(ex_vol_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ex_vol_sd", value = svalue(ex_vol_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_dil_tolerance", value = svalue(dil_tolerance_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_dil_target", value = svalue(dil_target_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_dil_target_opt", value = svalue(dil_target_opt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_dil_accuracy", value = svalue(dil_accuracy_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_dil_volume", value = svalue(dil_volume_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_dil_volume_opt", value = svalue(dil_volume_opt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_aliquot", value = svalue(amp_aliquot_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_aliquot_sd", value = svalue(amp_aliquot_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_amount", value = svalue(amp_amount_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_total_vol", value = svalue(amp_total_vol_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_total_vol_sd", value = svalue(amp_total_vol_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_cyc_sb", value = svalue(cyc_sb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_eff_opt", value = svalue(amp_f3_eff_opt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_eff", value = svalue(amp_f3_eff_spn), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_eff_sd", value = svalue(amp_f3_eff_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_stutt_eff", value = svalue(amp_eff_stutt_spn), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_stutt_eff_sd", value = svalue(amp_eff_stutt_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_amp_sim_stutt", value = svalue(amp_stutter_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_aliquot", value = svalue(ce_aliquot_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_aliquot_sd", value = svalue(ce_aliquot_sd_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_t_intercept", value = svalue(ce_t_intercept_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_t_slope", value = svalue(ce_t_slope_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_t_residual", value = svalue(ce_t_residual_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_intercept", value = svalue(ce_intercept_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_slope", value = svalue(ce_slope_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_ce_residual", value = svalue(ce_residual_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
# NB! Naming follow code copied from strvalidator::generateEPG_gui()
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_scale", value = svalue(f1_scale_opt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_size", value = svalue(f1_size_spb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_vjust", value = svalue(f1_vjust_spb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_angle", value = svalue(f1_angle_spb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_hjust", value = svalue(f1_hjust_spb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_expand", value = svalue(f1_expand_spb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_at", value = svalue(f1_at_spb), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_ignore", value = svalue(f1_ignore_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_wrap", value = svalue(f1_wrap_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_fix", value = svalue(f1_fix_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_collapse", value = svalue(f1_collapse_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_box", value = svalue(f1_box_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_epg_peaks", value = svalue(f1_peaks_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_sim", value = svalue(sim_sim_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_name", value = svalue(sim_name_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_title", value = svalue(sim_epg_title_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_rnd_chk", value = svalue(sim_rnd_seed_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_rnd_edt", value = svalue(sim_rnd_seed_edt), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_update_chk", value = svalue(sim_update_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_chk", value = svalue(sim_save_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_s_chk", value = svalue(sim_save_s_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_t_chk", value = svalue(sim_save_t_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_ce_save_n_chk", value = svalue(sim_save_n_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_profile_chk", value = svalue(sim_profile_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_sample_chk", value = svalue(sim_sample_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_extraction_chk", value = svalue(sim_extr_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_degradation_chk", value = svalue(sim_deg_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_dilution_chk", value = svalue(sim_norm_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_pcr_chk", value = svalue(sim_pcr_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
assign(x = ".pcrsim_sim_ce_chk", value = svalue(sim_ce_chk), envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
} else { # or remove all saved values if false.
if (debug) {
print("TAB FILE")
if (exists(".pcrsim_file_savegui", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_file_savegui", envir = env)
if (exists(".pcrsim_file_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_file_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_file_ext_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_file_ext_debug_chk", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("TAB PROFILE")
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_kit", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_profile_kit", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_method", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_profile_method", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_profile_opt", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_pop", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_profile_pop", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_profile_profile", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_profile_profile", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (debug) {
print("TAB SAMPLE")
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_name", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_name", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_mix", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_mix", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_by", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_by", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_ncells", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_ncells", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_ncells_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_ncells_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_conc", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_conc", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_conc_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_conc_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_celldna", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_celldna", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_vol", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_vol_sd", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(".pcrsim_sample_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) {
remove(".pcrsim_sample_slope", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)
if (exists(