
Defines functions deterge_to_ascii deterge_to_integer deterge_to_double

Documented in deterge_to_ascii deterge_to_double deterge_to_integer

#' @name deterge
#' @aliases deterge_to_double deterge_to_integer deterge_to_ascii
#' @title Convert (and possibly clean) a vector
#' @description Cast values to desired data type.
#' @usage
#' deterge_to_double(x, bound_lower, bound_upper)
#' deterge_to_integer(x, bound_lower, bound_upper)
#' deterge_to_ascii(x, substitution_character)
#' @param x The input vector that needs to be cast/converted.  Required.
#' @param bound_lower Elements below this inclusive threshold will be set to `NA`.
#' @param bound_upper Elements above this inclusive threshold will be set to `NA`.
#' @param substitution_character If the character does not have an equivalent in ASCII,
#' replace it with this character.  Defaults to a question mark (*i.e.*, '?').
#' @return An array of values.
#' @details
#' The functions `deterge_to_double()` and `deterge_to_integer()` accept character representations of a number, and return a `numeric` or `integer`
#' vector.  Elements outside `bound_lower` and `bound_upper` are converted to `NA_real_`/`NA_integer_`.
#' The function `deterge_to_ascii()` accepts a character vector and returns a character vector.
#' The encoding is changed to ASCII.  Individual elements are allowed to be `NA_character_`.
#' @author Will Beasley
#' @seealso The real work in `deterge_to_ascii()` is performed by [`base::iconv()`].
#' `base::iconv(x=x, from="latin1", to="ASCII//TRANSLIT", sub=substitution_character)`
#' @examples
#' library(OuhscMunge)
#' deterge_to_double(c(NA, 1:10), 4, 8)
#' deterge_to_integer(c(NA, 1:10), 4L, 8L)
#' x <- c("Ekstr\xf8m", "J\xf6reskog", "bi\xdfchen Z\xfcrcher")
#' deterge_to_ascii(x)

#' @export
deterge_to_double <- function(x, bound_lower = -Inf, bound_upper = Inf) {
  if (!(class(bound_lower) %in% c("numeric", "integer") && length(bound_lower) == 1L))
    stop("The parameter `bound_lower` must be a numeric or integer vector with exactly one element.")
  if (!(class(bound_upper) %in% c("numeric", "integer") && length(bound_upper) == 1L))
    stop("The parameter `bound_upper` must be a numeric or integer vector with exactly one element.")

  # Remove commas and convert to a double-precision data type.
  x <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x, perl = TRUE))

  # Set values that are outside the thresholds to NA.
  trim_numeric(x, c(bound_lower, bound_upper))

#' @export
deterge_to_integer <- function(x, bound_lower = -2147483647L, bound_upper = 2147483647L) {
  if (!(class(bound_lower) %in% c("numeric", "integer") && length(bound_lower) == 1L))
    stop("The parameter `bound_lower` must be a numeric or integer vector with exactly one element.")
  if (!(class(bound_upper) %in% c("numeric", "integer") && length(bound_upper) == 1L))
    stop("The parameter `bound_upper` must be a numeric or integer vector with exactly one element.")

  # Remove commas and convert to a double-precision data type.
  x <- as.integer(gsub(",", "", x, perl = TRUE))

  # Set values that are outside the thresholds to NA.
  trim_integer(x, c(bound_lower, bound_upper))

#' @export
deterge_to_ascii <- function(x, substitution_character = "?") {
  # Verify the vector is a `character`.
  checkmate::assert_character(x, null.ok = FALSE,  any.missing = TRUE)

  # Verify the substitution value is a single, nonmissing character.
  checkmate::assert_character(substitution_character, len = 1L, any.missing = FALSE)

  # Convert encoding.
  base::iconv(x, from = "latin1", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT", sub = substitution_character)
OuhscBbmc/OuhscMunge documentation built on March 2, 2024, 11:44 a.m.