
# Header ----
  # Author: Danny Colombara
  # Date: September 16, 2019
  # Purpose: Create stage.mcaid_mcare_elig_timevar for SQL
  # This code is designed to be run as part of the master Medicaid/Medicare script:
  #       - [PHClaims].[final].[mcaid_elig_timevar]
  #       - [PHClaims].[final].[mcare_elig_timevar]
  #       - [PHClaims].[final].[xwalk_apde_mcaid_mcare_pha]

# Set up R Environment ----
  # rm(list=ls())  # clear memory
  # start.time <- Sys.time()
  # pacman::p_load(data.table, dplyr, odbc, DBI, lubridate) # load packages
  # options("scipen"=999) # turn off scientific notation  
  # options(warning.length = 8170) # get lengthy warnings, needed for SQL
  start.time <- Sys.time()
  kc.zips.url <- ""
  yaml.url <- ""
## (1) Connect to SQL Server ----    
  # db_claims <- dbConnect(odbc(), "PHClaims51")   
## (2) Load data from SQL ----  
  apde <- setDT(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, "SELECT id_apde, id_mcare, id_mcaid
  mcaid <- setDT(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, 
  "SELECT id_mcaid, from_date, to_date, dual, tpl, bsp_group_cid, full_benefit, cov_type, mco_id, 
  geo_add1, geo_add2, geo_city, geo_state, geo_zip, 
  geo_county_code, geo_tract_code, geo_hra_code, geo_school_code
  mcaid[, from_date := as.integer(as.Date(from_date))] # convert date string to a real date
  mcaid[, to_date := as.integer(as.Date(to_date))] # convert date to an integer (temporarily for finding intersections)
  mcare <- setDT(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, 
  "SELECT id_mcare, from_date, to_date, part_a, part_b, part_c, partial, buy_in, geo_zip 
  mcare[, from_date := as.integer(as.Date(from_date))] # convert date string to a real date
  mcare[, to_date := as.integer(as.Date(to_date))] # convert date to an integer (temporarily for finding intersections)

## (3) Merge on dual status ----
  mcare <- merge(apde[, .(id_apde, id_mcare)], mcare, by = "id_mcare", all.x = FALSE, all.y = TRUE)
  mcare[, id_mcare := NULL] # no longer needed now that have id_apde
  mcaid <- merge(apde[, .(id_apde, id_mcaid)], mcaid, by = "id_mcaid", all.x = FALSE, all.y = TRUE)
  mcaid[, id_mcaid := NULL] # no longer needed now that have id_apde
  ## Temp fix ----
  # The new approach to ID matching means there is >1 row per id_apde for an identical time period
  # Need to consolidate data
  # For now randomly select a row
  mcaid[, sorter := sample(1000, .N), by = c("id_apde", "from_date", "to_date")]
  mcaid <- mcaid[order(id_apde, from_date, to_date, sorter)]
  mcaid <- mcaid[mcaid[, .I[1:1], by = c("id_apde", "from_date", "to_date")]$V1]
  mcaid[, sorter := NULL]
  mcare[, sorter := sample(1000, .N), by = c("id_apde", "from_date", "to_date")]
  mcare <- mcare[order(id_apde, from_date, to_date, sorter)]
  mcare <- mcare[mcare[, .I[1:1], by = c("id_apde", "from_date", "to_date")]$V1]
  mcare[, sorter := NULL]
## (4) Identify the duals and split from non-duals for additional processing ---- <- intersect(mcaid$id_apde, mcare$id_apde)
  mcaid.solo <- mcaid[!id_apde %in%]  
  mcare.solo <- mcare[!id_apde %in%]
  mcaid.dual <- mcaid[id_apde %in%]
  mcare.dual <- mcare[id_apde %in%]
  # for the duals, add _mcare suffix to differentiate common varnames from Mcaid data
    setnames(mcare.dual, "geo_zip", "geo_zip_mcare")

  # drop main original datasets that are no longer needed
    rm(mcaid, mcare)

## (5) Duals Part 1: Create master list of time intervals by ID ----
  #-- READ ME !!! ----
    # Originally from ... 
    # confirmed on 11/4/2019 that the results are 100% the same as an alternate method where
    # a giant table is made with every possible day for each ID, followed by checking for the intersection
    # of the data with each individual day, followed by collapsing the data for contiguous time periods
    # The comparison method is 100% guaranteed to be accurate, but is much slower (~12 minutes vs 39 seconds)
    # so we decided to stick with Alastair Matheson's method

  #-- create all possible permutations of date interval combinations from mcare and mcaid for each id ----
    duals <- merge(mcare.dual[, .(id_apde, from_date, to_date)], mcaid.dual[, .(id_apde, from_date, to_date)], by = "id_apde", allow.cartesian = TRUE)
    setnames(duals, grep("\\.x$", names(duals), value = T), gsub(".x", "_mcare", grep("\\.x$", names(duals), value = T)))
    setnames(duals, grep("\\.y$", names(duals), value = T), gsub(".y", "_mcaid", grep("\\.y$", names(duals), value = T)))
	#-- Identify the type of overlaps & number of duplicate rows needed ----
		temp <- duals %>%
		  mutate(overlap_type = case_when(
		    # First ID the non-matches | ~ 0,
		    # Then figure out which overlapping date comes first
		    # Exactly the same dates
		      from_date_mcare == from_date_mcaid & to_date_mcare == to_date_mcaid ~ 1,
		    # mcare before mcaid (or exactly the same dates)
		      from_date_mcare <= from_date_mcaid & from_date_mcaid <= to_date_mcare & 
		        to_date_mcare <= to_date_mcaid ~ 2,
		    # mcaid before mcare
		      from_date_mcaid <= from_date_mcare & from_date_mcare <= to_date_mcaid & 
		        to_date_mcaid <= to_date_mcare ~ 3,
		    # mcaid competely nested within mcare 
		      from_date_mcaid >= from_date_mcare & to_date_mcaid <= to_date_mcare ~ 4,
		    # mcare completely nested within mcaid
		      from_date_mcare >= from_date_mcaid & to_date_mcare <= to_date_mcaid ~ 5,
		    # mcare coverage only before mcaid (or mcaid only after mcare)
		      from_date_mcare < from_date_mcaid & to_date_mcare < from_date_mcaid ~ 6,
		    # mcare coverage only after mcaid (or mcaid only before mcare)
		      from_date_mcare > to_date_mcaid & to_date_mcare > to_date_mcaid ~ 7,
		    # Anyone rows that are left
		    TRUE ~ 8),
		    # Calculate overlapping dates
		    from_date_o = as.Date(case_when(
		      overlap_type %in% c(1, 2, 4) ~ from_date_mcaid,
		      overlap_type %in% c(3, 5) ~ from_date_mcare), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    to_date_o = as.Date(ifelse(overlap_type %in% c(1:5),
		                               pmin(to_date_mcaid, to_date_mcare),
		                               NA), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    # Need to duplicate rows to separate out non-overlapping mcare and mcaid periods
		    repnum = case_when(
		      overlap_type %in% c(2:5) ~ 3,
		      overlap_type %in% c(6:7) ~ 2,
		      TRUE ~ 1)
		  ) %>%
		  select(id_apde, from_date_mcare, to_date_mcare, from_date_mcaid, to_date_mcaid, 
		         from_date_o, to_date_o, overlap_type, repnum) %>%
		  arrange(id_apde, from_date_mcare, from_date_mcaid, from_date_o, 
		          to_date_mcare, to_date_mcaid, to_date_o)
    # Check there were no anomalies (should be no overlap type == 8)
    temp %>% group_by(overlap_type) %>% summarise(count = n())
    if (nrow(filter(temp, overlap_type == 8)) > 0) {
      warning("Unrecognized overlap type. Check results.")

	#-- Expand out rows to separate out overlaps ----
		temp_ext <- temp[rep(seq(nrow(temp)), temp$repnum), 1:ncol(temp)]

	#-- Process the expanded data ----
		temp_ext <- temp_ext %>% 
		  group_by(id_apde, from_date_mcare, to_date_mcare, from_date_mcaid, to_date_mcaid) %>% 
		  mutate(rownum_temp = row_number()) %>%
		  ungroup() %>%
		  arrange(id_apde, from_date_mcare, to_date_mcare, from_date_mcaid, to_date_mcaid, from_date_o, 
		          to_date_o, overlap_type, rownum_temp) %>%
		    # Remove non-overlapping dates
		    from_date_mcare = as.Date(ifelse((overlap_type == 6 & rownum_temp == 2) | 
		                                   (overlap_type == 7 & rownum_temp == 1), 
		                                 NA, from_date_mcare), origin = "1970-01-01"), 
		    to_date_mcare = as.Date(ifelse((overlap_type == 6 & rownum_temp == 2) | 
		                                 (overlap_type == 7 & rownum_temp == 1), 
		                               NA, to_date_mcare), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    from_date_mcaid = as.Date(ifelse((overlap_type == 6 & rownum_temp == 1) | 
		                                   (overlap_type == 7 & rownum_temp == 2), 
		                                 NA, from_date_mcaid), origin = "1970-01-01"), 
		    to_date_mcaid = as.Date(ifelse((overlap_type == 6 & rownum_temp == 1) | 
		                                 (overlap_type == 7 & rownum_temp == 2), 
		                               NA, to_date_mcaid), origin = "1970-01-01")) %>%
		  distinct(id_apde, from_date_mcare, to_date_mcare, from_date_mcaid, to_date_mcaid, from_date_o, 
		           to_date_o, overlap_type, rownum_temp, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
		  # Remove first row if start dates are the same or mcare is only one day
		  filter(!(overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & rownum_temp == 1 & 
		             (from_date_mcare == from_date_mcaid | from_date_mcare == to_date_mcare))) %>%
		  # Remove third row if to_dates are the same
		  filter(!(overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & rownum_temp == 3 & to_date_mcare == to_date_mcaid))

	#-- Calculate the finalized date columms----
		temp_ext <- temp_ext %>%
		  # Set up combined dates
		    # Start with rows with only mcare or mcaid, or when both sets of dates are identical
		    from_date = as.Date(
		        (! & | overlap_type == 1 ~ from_date_mcare,
		        ! & ~ from_date_mcaid), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    to_date = as.Date(
		        (! & | overlap_type == 1 ~ to_date_mcare,
		        ! & ~ to_date_mcaid), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    # Now look at overlapping rows and rows completely contained within the other data's dates
		    from_date = as.Date(
		        overlap_type %in% c(2, 4) & rownum_temp == 1 ~ from_date_mcare,
		        overlap_type %in% c(3, 5) & rownum_temp == 1 ~ from_date_mcaid,
		        overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & rownum_temp == 2 ~ from_date_o,
		        overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & rownum_temp == 3 ~ to_date_o + 1,
		        TRUE ~ from_date), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    to_date = as.Date(
		        overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & rownum_temp == 1 ~ lead(from_date_o, 1) - 1,
		        overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & rownum_temp == 2 ~ to_date_o,
		        overlap_type %in% c(2, 5) & rownum_temp == 3 ~ to_date_mcaid,
		        overlap_type %in% c(3, 4) & rownum_temp == 3 ~ to_date_mcare,
		        TRUE ~ to_date), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    # Deal with the last line for each person if it's part of an overlap
		    from_date = as.Date(ifelse((id_apde != lead(id_apde, 1) |, 1))) &
		                                   overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & 
		                                   to_date_mcare != to_date_mcaid, 
		                                 lag(to_date_o, 1) + 1, 
		                                 from_date), origin = "1970-01-01"),
		    to_date = as.Date(ifelse((id_apde != lead(id_apde, 1) |, 1))) &
		                                 overlap_type %in% c(2:5), 
		                               pmax(to_date_mcare, to_date_mcaid, na.rm = TRUE), 
		                               to_date), origin = "1970-01-01")
		  ) %>%
		  arrange(id_apde, from_date, to_date, from_date_mcare, from_date_mcaid, 
		          to_date_mcare, to_date_mcaid, overlap_type)

	#-- Label and clean summary interval data ----
		temp_ext <- temp_ext %>%
		    # Identify which type of enrollment this row represents
		    enroll_type = 
		        (overlap_type == 2 & rownum_temp == 1) | 
		          (overlap_type == 3 & rownum_temp == 3) |
		          (overlap_type == 6 & rownum_temp == 1) | 
		          (overlap_type == 7 & rownum_temp == 2) |
		          (overlap_type == 4 & rownum_temp %in% c(1, 3)) |
		          (overlap_type == 0 & ~ "mcare",
		        (overlap_type == 3 & rownum_temp == 1) | 
		          (overlap_type == 2 & rownum_temp == 3) |
		          (overlap_type == 6 & rownum_temp == 2) | 
		          (overlap_type == 7 & rownum_temp == 1) | 
		          (overlap_type == 5 & rownum_temp %in% c(1, 3)) |
		          (overlap_type == 0 & ~ "mcaid",
		        overlap_type == 1 | (overlap_type %in% c(2:5) & rownum_temp == 2) ~ "both",
		        TRUE ~ "x"
		# Check to make sure there are no bad enroll types
    if (nrow(filter(temp_ext, enroll_type == "x")) > 0) {
      warning("Unrecognized overlap type. Check results.")
		  temp_ext <- temp_ext %>%
		    # Drop rows from enroll_type == mcaid/mcare when they are fully covered by an enroll_type == both
		    drop = 
		        id_apde == lag(id_apde, 1) & !, 1)) & 
		          from_date == lag(from_date, 1) & !, 1)) &
		          to_date >= lag(to_date, 1) & !, 1)) & 
		          # Fix up quirk from mcare data where two rows present for the same day
		          !(lag(enroll_type, 1) != "mcaid" & lag(to_date_mcare, 1) == lag(from_date_mcare, 1)) &
		          enroll_type != "both" ~ 1,
		        id_apde == lead(id_apde, 1) & !, 1)) & 
		          from_date == lead(from_date, 1) & !, 1)) &
		          to_date <= lead(to_date, 1) & !, 1)) & 
		          # Fix up quirk from mcare data where two rows present for the same day
		          !(lead(enroll_type, 1) != "mcaid" & lead(to_date_mcare, 1) == lead(from_date_mcare, 1)) &
		          enroll_type != "both" & lead(enroll_type, 1) == "both" ~ 1,
		        # Fix up other oddities when the date range is only one day
		        id_apde == lag(id_apde, 1) & !, 1)) & 
		          from_date == lag(from_date, 1) & !, 1)) &
		          from_date == to_date & ! & 
		          ((enroll_type == "mcaid" & lag(enroll_type, 1) %in% c("both", "mcare")) |
		             (enroll_type == "mcare" & lag(enroll_type, 1) %in% c("both", "mcaid"))) ~ 1,
		        id_apde == lag(id_apde, 1) & !, 1)) & 
		          from_date == lag(from_date, 1) & !, 1)) &
		          from_date == to_date & ! &
		          from_date_mcare == lag(from_date_mcare, 1) & to_date_mcare == lag(to_date_mcare, 1) &
		          ! & !, 1)) &
		          enroll_type != "both" ~ 1,
		        id_apde == lead(id_apde, 1) & !, 1)) & 
		          from_date == lead(from_date, 1) & !, 1)) &
		          from_date == to_date & ! &
		          ((enroll_type == "mcaid" & lead(enroll_type, 1) %in% c("both", "mcare")) |
		             (enroll_type == "mcare" & lead(enroll_type, 1) %in% c("both", "mcaid"))) ~ 1,
		        # Drop rows where the to_date < from_date due to 
		        # both data sources' dates ending at the same time
		        to_date < from_date ~ 1,
		        TRUE ~ 0
		  ) %>%
		  filter(drop == 0 | %>%
		  # Truncate remaining overlapping end dates
		  mutate(to_date = as.Date(
		    ifelse(id_apde == lead(id_apde, 1) & !, 1)) &
		             from_date < lead(from_date, 1) &
		             to_date >= lead(to_date, 1),
		           lead(from_date, 1) - 1,
		    origin = "1970-01-01")
		  ) %>%
		  select(-drop, -repnum, -rownum_temp) %>%
		  # With rows truncated, now additional rows with enroll_type == mcaid/mcare that 
		  # are fully covered by an enroll_type == both
		  # Also catches single day rows that now have to_date < from_date
		    drop = case_when(
		      id_apde == lag(id_apde, 1) & from_date == lag(from_date, 1) &
		        to_date == lag(to_date, 1) & lag(enroll_type, 1) == "both" & 
		        enroll_type != "both" ~ 1,
		      id_apde == lead(id_apde, 1) & from_date == lead(from_date, 1) &
		        to_date <= lead(to_date, 1) & lead(enroll_type, 1) == "both" ~ 1,
		      id_apde == lag(id_apde, 1) & from_date >= lag(from_date, 1) &
		        to_date <= lag(to_date, 1) & enroll_type != "both" &
		        lag(enroll_type, 1) == "both" ~ 1,
		      id_apde == lead(id_apde, 1) & from_date >= lead(from_date, 1) &
		        to_date <= lead(to_date, 1) & enroll_type != "both" &
		        lead(enroll_type, 1) == "both" ~ 1,
		      TRUE ~ 0)
		  ) %>%
		  filter(drop == 0 | %>%
		  select(id_apde, from_date, to_date, enroll_type)
		duals <- setDT(copy(temp_ext))
		rm(temp, temp_ext)

## (6) Duals Part 2: join mcare/mcaid data based on ID & overlapping time periods ----      
		  # ensure type==integer for foverlaps() ----
        duals[, c("from_date", "to_date") := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = c("from_date", "to_date")] 
        setkey(duals, id_apde, from_date, to_date)    
        mcare.dual[, c("from_date", "to_date") := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = c("from_date", "to_date")] 
        setkey(mcare.dual, id_apde, from_date, to_date)
        mcaid.dual[, c("from_date", "to_date") := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = c("from_date", "to_date")] 
        setkey(mcaid.dual, id_apde, from_date, to_date)
      # join on the Medicaid duals data (using foverlaps in data.table) ----
        duals <- foverlaps(duals, mcaid.dual, type = "any", mult = "all")
        duals[, from_date := i.from_date] # the complete set of proper from_dates are in i.from_date
        duals[, to_date := i.to_date] # the complete set of proper to_dates are in i.to_date
        duals[, c("i.from_date", "i.to_date") := NULL] # no longer needed
        setkey(duals, id_apde, from_date, to_date)
      # join on the Medicare duals data (using foverlaps in data.table) ----
        duals <- foverlaps(duals, mcare.dual, type = "any", mult = "all")
        duals[, from_date := i.from_date] # the complete set of proper from_dates are in i.from_date
        duals[, to_date := i.to_date] # the complete set of proper to_dates are in i.to_date
        duals[, c("i.from_date", "i.to_date") := NULL] # no longer needed    

## (7) Append duals and non-duals data ----
      timevar <- rbindlist(list(duals, mcare.solo, mcaid.solo), use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
      setkey(timevar, id_apde, from_date) # order dual data
## (8) Collapse data if dates are contiguous and all data is the same ----
      timevar[, gr := cumsum(from_date - shift(to_date, fill=1) != 1), by = c(setdiff(names(timevar), c("from_date", "to_date")))] # unique group # (gr) for each set of contiguous dates & constant data 
      timevar <- timevar[, .(from_date=min(from_date), to_date=max(to_date)), by = c(setdiff(names(timevar), c("from_date", "to_date")))] 
      timevar[, gr := NULL]
      setkey(timevar, id_apde, from_date)
## (9) Prep for pushing to SQL ----
    # Create mcare, mcaid, & dual flags ----
      timevar[, mcare := 0][part_a==1 | part_b == 1 | part_c==1, mcare := 1]
      timevar[, mcaid := 0][!, mcaid := 1]
      timevar[, apde_dual := 0][mcare == 1 & mcaid == 1, apde_dual := 1]
      timevar[apde_dual == 1 , dual := 1] # discussed this change via email with Alastair on 2/21/2020
      timevar[, enroll_type := NULL] # kept until now for comparison with the dual flag
      timevar <- timevar[!(mcare==0 & mcaid==0)]
    # Create full_criteria flag (slightly different for mcaid-only tables) ----
      timevar[, full_criteria := 0]
      timevar[mcaid == 1 & mcare == 0 & dual == 0 & full_benefit == 1 & tpl != 1, full_criteria := 1]
      timevar[, y1114 := 0 ] # create flag for whether in 2011:2014 (years without partial data)
      timevar[from_date %in% c(as.numeric(as.Date("2011-01-01")) : as.numeric(as.Date("2014-12-31"))), y1114 := 1] 
      timevar[to_date %in% c(as.numeric(as.Date("2011-01-01")) : as.numeric(as.Date("2014-12-31"))), y1114 := 1] 
      timevar[y1114 == 1 & mcaid==0 & mcare==1 & (part_a==1 | part_b == 1), full_criteria := 1]
      timevar[y1114 == 0 & mcaid==0 & mcare==1 & (part_a==1 | part_b == 1) & partial==0, full_criteria := 1]
      timevar[y1114 == 1 & apde_dual == 1 & (full_benefit == 1 &  tpl != 1) | ((part_a==1 | part_b == 1)), full_criteria := 1]
      timevar[y1114 == 0 & apde_dual == 1 & ((full_benefit == 1 &  tpl != 1) | ((part_a==1 | part_b == 1) & partial==0)), full_criteria := 1]
      timevar[, y1114:=NULL]
    # Set Mcare related NULLs to zero when only Mcaid data exists ----
      timevar[mcare == 0 &, part_a := 0]
      timevar[mcare == 0 &, part_b := 0]
      timevar[mcare == 0 &, part_c := 0]
      timevar[mcare == 0 &, partial := 0]
      timevar[mcare == 0 &, buy_in := 0]
    # Set Mcaid related NULLs to zero when only Mcare data exists ----
      timevar[mcaid == 0 &, full_benefit := 0]      
    # Create contiguous flag ----  
      # If contiguous with the PREVIOUS row, then it is marked as contiguous. This is the same as mcaid_elig_timevar
      timevar[, prev_to_date := c(NA, to_date[-.N]), by = "id_apde"] # MUCH faster than the shift "lag" function in data.table
      timevar[, contiguous := 0]
      timevar[from_date - prev_to_date == 1, contiguous := 1]
      timevar[, prev_to_date := NULL] # drop because no longer needed
    # Create cov_time_day ----
      timevar[, cov_time_day := as.integer(to_date - from_date + 1)] # add 1 b/c otherwise 1 day short ... i.e., 1 year would be 364 days
    # Set dates as.Date() ----
      timevar[, c("from_date", "to_date") := lapply(.SD, as.Date, origin = "1970-01-01"), .SDcols =  c("from_date", "to_date")] 

    # Select data from Medicare or Medicaid, as appropriate ----
      timevar[ & !, geo_zip := geo_zip_mcare]
      timevar[, geo_zip_mcare := NULL]
    # Add KC flag based on zip code or FIPS code as appropriate----  
      kc.zips <- read.csv(kc.zips.url)
      timevar[, geo_kc := 0]
      timevar[geo_county_code == "033", geo_kc := 1]
      timevar[ & geo_zip %in% unique(as.character(kc.zips$geo_zip)), geo_kc := 1]
    # create time stamp ----
      timevar[, last_run := Sys.time()] 
## (10) Write to SQL ----              
  # Pull YAML from GitHub
      # Failing with a curl error at the moment so pull from the local file
    table_config <- yaml::yaml.load(httr::GET(yaml.url))
    table_config <- yaml::read_yaml(file.path(here::here(), 

  # Ensure columns are in same order in R & SQL
    setcolorder(timevar, names(table_config$vars))
    timevar <- timevar[, names(table_config$vars), with = FALSE]
  # Write table to SQL
    ### Sometimes get a network error if trying to do the whole thing so split into batches
    start <- 1L
    max_rows <- 100000L
    cycles <- ceiling(nrow(timevar)/max_rows)
    lapply(seq(start, cycles), function(i) {
      start_row <- ifelse(i == 1, 1L, max_rows * (i-1) + 1)
      end_row <- min(nrow(timevar), max_rows * i)
      message("Loading cycle ", i, " of ", cycles)
      if (i == 1) {
                     DBI::Id(schema = table_config$schema, table = table_config$table), 
                     value =[start_row:end_row]),
                     overwrite = T, append = F, 
                     field.types = unlist(table_config$vars))
      } else {
                     DBI::Id(schema = table_config$schema, table = table_config$table), 
                     value =[start_row:end_row]),
                     overwrite = F, append = T)

## (11) Simple QA ----
    # Confirm that all rows were loaded to SQL ----
      stage.count <- as.numeric(odbc::dbGetQuery(db_claims, "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM stage.mcaid_mcare_elig_timevar"))
      if(stage.count != nrow(timevar)){stop("Mismatching row count, error reading or writing data")} else{print("All data appear to have been successfully loaded to SQL...")}    
## (12) Clean up ----
    rm(apde, mcaid.dual, mcaid.solo, mcare.dual, mcare.solo,
    rm(duals, timevar)

## The end! ----
    run.time <- Sys.time() - start.time
PHSKC-APDE/claims_data documentation built on April 22, 2024, 6:29 p.m.