
`P4_ssvdBC` =
function(X, K=10, threu = 1, threv = 1,
         gamu = 0, gamv =0 , merr = 1e-4, niter = 100)
    MYCALL = match.call()
    res = list()
    RowxNumber = matrix(nrow=nrow(X),ncol=K)
    NumberxCol = matrix(ncol=ncol(X),nrow=K)
    for(k in 1:K){ 
## Two notes:
## 1. The original computation here is incorrect:
##      res[[k]]  = ssvd(X,threu = 1, threv = 1, gamu = 0, gamv =0,  u0 = svd(X)$u[,k], v0 = svd(X)$v[,k], merr = 10^(-4), niter = 100)
## Instead, it should have been:
##      res[[k]]  = ssvd(X,threu = 1, threv = 1, gamu = 0, gamv =0,  u0 = svd(X)$u[,1], v0 = svd(X)$v[,1], merr = 10^(-4), niter = 100)
## according to the deflation method defined in the paper of Lee, Shen, et. al.

# 2. We leave off the initial vectors to let our modified ssvd function compute
#    them using a more efficient partial SVD, and pass through the user-supplied
#    parameters that seem to be neglected in the original:
      res[[k]]  = s4vdp4:::P4_ssvd(X,threu=threu, threv=threv,
        K = k-1
      RowxNumber[,k] = res[[k]][[1]]!=0
      NumberxCol[k,] = res[[k]][[2]]!=0
      d = as.numeric( (t(res[[k]][[1]])%*%X%*%res[[k]][[2]]) [])
      res[[k]][[4]] = d
## Probably better to explicitly carry the deflation through all the other
## computations instead of modifying the data matrix X. This would be
## especially important if X were structured or sparse. But that would
## require pretty significant changes...
        rk1 = as.scidb(cbind(res[[k]][[1]]))
        rk2 = as.scidb(cbind(res[[k]][[2]]))
        Y   = X - d*rk1 %*% scidb:::t(rk2)
        query = sprintf("store(%s, %s)",Y@name, X@name)
      } else
#      X = X - (d*res[[k]][[1]]%*%t(res[[k]][[2]]))
        X = X - d*tcrossprod(res[[k]][[1]], res[[k]][[2]])
    params = list(K=K,threu=threu,threv=threv,gamu=gamv,merr=merr,niter=niter,Call=MYCALL)
    Number = K
    info = list(res=res)
Paradigm4/s4vdp4 documentation built on May 8, 2019, 12:55 a.m.