
Defines functions add_parameter remove_parameters write_fcs read_fcs write_flowFrame concatenate_fcs_files as_flowFrame copy_keywords update_flowFrame_keywords

Documented in as_flowFrame concatenate_fcs_files copy_keywords write_flowFrame

#Modified from https://github.com/nolanlab/cytofCore
#Fixes the parameters in the flowFrame, based on information
#from the corresponding exprs matrix
#if desc is different from NULL, also sets the parmeter description
#(i.e. $PnS)
#Set the range from the data or from a fixed value
update_flowFrame_keywords <- function(flowFrame, exprs.m, desc = NULL, data.range = "data") {

    params <- flowCore::parameters(flowFrame)
    pdata <- flowCore::pData(params)

        desc <- colnames(exprs.m)

    for (i in 1:ncol(flowFrame)) {
        s <- paste("$P",i,"S",sep="")
        n <- paste("$P",i,"N",sep="")
        r <- paste("$P",i,"R",sep="")
        b <- paste("$P",i,"B",sep="")
        e <-  paste("$P",i,"E",sep="")

        keyval <- list()

            keyval[[s]] <- desc[i]

        keyval[[n]] <- colnames(exprs.m)[i]

        if(data.range == "data")
            keyval[[r]] <- ceiling(max(exprs.m[,i], na.rm = TRUE))
        else if(is.numeric(data.range))
            keyval[[r]] <- data.range
            stop("Invalid data.range parameter")

        keyval[[b]] <- 32
        keyval[[e]] <- "0,0"
        flowCore::keyword(flowFrame) <- keyval

        pdata[i,"minRange"] <- min(exprs.m[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
        pdata[i,"maxRange"] <- max(exprs.m[,i], na.rm = TRUE)


    flowCore::pData(params) <- pdata
    flowCore::parameters(flowFrame) <- params

    # keyval[["$DATATYPE"]] <- "F"

#' Copy FCS keywords from a source to a target flowFrame object
#' @param source.frame The source \code{flowFrame} object
#' @param target.frame The target \code{flowFrame} object
#' @param kw.list The list of keywords to copy. The keywords in this list that
#'  are not present in the \code{source.frame} are ignored
#' @return Returns a \code{flowFrame} object
copy_keywords <- function(source.frame, target.frame, kw.list) {
    source.keywords <- flowCore::keyword(source.frame)

    for(kw in kw.list)
            flowCore::keyword(target.frame) <- source.keywords[kw]


#' Convert a matrix to a flowFrame object
#' This function converts a matrix to a \code{flowFrame} object, taking care of properly setting
#' parameters and keywords in the resulting object
#' @param exprs.m The data matrix. Parameter names will be taken from \code{colnames(exprs.m)},
#' but see also the description of the \code{source.flowFrame} parameter
#' @param source.flowFrame If a flowFrame object is supplied, the function will copy matching names and descriptions
#' keywords from it (e.g. $P1S in the \code{source.flowFrame} is copied to $P1S of the new flowFrame etc.). Extra columns present
#' in exprs.m are preserved (i.e. if source.flowFrame doesn't contain $P1S the original version is preserved). Note that this
#' in general only useful in simple cases where both the data matrix and the \code{flowFrame} represent the same
#' data, and have the same column ordering, and you are interested in copy things like parameter names and descriptions.
#' You will probably introduce errors and inconsistencies in the resulting \code{flowFrame} object if that is not the case.
#' A number of extra optional columns (such as \code{$CYT}) will also be copied if present
#' @return Returns a \code{flowFrame} object
#' @export
as_flowFrame <- function(exprs.m, source.frame = NULL) {
    flow.frame <- flowCore::flowFrame(exprs.m)
    flow.frame <- update_flowFrame_keywords(flow.frame, exprs.m)

    if(!is.null(source.frame)) {
        num.cols <- ncol(flow.frame)
        kw.list <- paste("$P", 1:num.cols, "S", sep = "")
        kw.list <- c(kw.list, paste("$P", 1:num.cols, "N", sep = ""))
        kw.list <- c(kw.list, "$CYT", "$CYTSN", "$DATE", "$FIL", "$BTIM", "$ETIM")
        flow.frame <- copy_keywords(source.frame, flow.frame, kw.list)
        marker.names <- as.character(flowCore::parameters(source.frame)$desc)
        names(marker.names) <- as.character(flowCore::parameters(source.frame)$name)

        # Use the channel name for channels where the description is missing
        w <- is.na(marker.names)
        marker.names[w] <- names(marker.names)[w]

        flowCore::markernames(flow.frame) <- marker.names


#' Concatente multiple FCS files into a single one
#' This function concatenates multilpe FCS files into a single one. It assumes that the files are all identical
#' panel-wise (i.e. parameters names and descriptions, $PxN and $PxS FCS keywords)
#' @param files.list Character vector of FCS file paths to concatenate
#' @param output.file The path the concatenated file will be written to. If this is \code{NULL} the data
#'   is returned as a \code{flowFrame} instead, which you can write with \code{\link{write_flowFrame}}
#' @return If an \code{output.file} is provided, this function returns \code{NULL}, otherwise the data is returned
#'   as a \code{flowFrame}
#' @export
concatenate_fcs_files <- function(files.list, output.file = NULL) {
    m <- lapply(files.list, flowCore::read.FCS, emptyValue = FALSE)

    # Use the first flowFrame as reference
    flow.frame <- m[[1]]

    m <- lapply(m, function(x) {flowCore::exprs(x)})
    m <- do.call(rbind, m)

    ret <- as_flowFrame(m, flow.frame)

        write_flowFrame(ret, output.file)


#' Write a flowFrame as FCS file
#' This function writes a flowFrame as an FCS file, taking care of updating the \code{$FILENAME} keyword
#' @param flowFrame the \code{flowFrame} to write
#' @param path destination path
#' @export
write_flowFrame <- function(flowFrame, path) {
    f.name <- basename(path)
    flowCore::keyword(flowFrame)[["$FIL"]] <- f.name
    flowCore::write.FCS(flowFrame, path)

read_fcs <- function(f.name) {
    fcs <- flowCore::read.FCS(f.name, emptyValue = FALSE)
    ret <- list()
    ret$m <- flowCore::exprs(fcs)
    p.names <-  as.character(flowCore::parameters(fcs)$name)
    colnames(ret$m) <- p.names
    ret$desc <- as.character(flowCore::parameters(fcs)$desc)
    names(ret$desc) <- p.names
    ret$keywords <- flowCore::keyword(fcs)

write_fcs <- function(fcs, out.name) {
    # Drop parameter keywords
    keys <- fcs$keywords
    keys <- keys[grep("\\$P[0-9]+.", names(keys), invert = T)]

    # Exclude keywords that will be written with the new file
    excl.keywords <- c("FCSversion", "$BEGINANALYSIS", "$BEGINSTEXT", "$BYTEORD", "$DATATYPE", "$ENDANALYSIS",
        "$ENDSTEXT", "$MODE", "$NEXTDATA", "$TOT", "$PAR", "$BEGINDATA", "$ENDDATA")
    keys <- keys[!(names(keys) %in% excl.keywords)]
    flow.frame <- flowCore::flowFrame(fcs$m)
    flow.frame <- update_flowFrame_keywords(flow.frame, fcs$m, fcs$desc, data.range = 262144)
    flowCore::keyword(flow.frame) <- keys
    marker.names <- fcs$desc
    names(marker.names) <- colnames(fcs$m)
    flowCore::markernames(flow.frame) <- marker.names
    write_flowFrame(flow.frame, out.name)

#to.remove = names of parameters to remove
remove_parameters <- function(fcs, to.remove) {
    ret <- fcs
    ret$m <- ret$m[, !(colnames(ret$m) %in% to.remove)]
    ret$desc <- ret$desc[colnames(ret$m)]

add_parameter <- function(fcs, v, name, desc) {
    ret <- fcs
    ret$m <- cbind(ret$m, v)
    colnames(ret$m)[ncol(ret$m)] <- name

    ret$desc <- c(ret$desc, desc)
    names(ret$desc)[length(ret$desc)] <- name
ParkerICI/premessa documentation built on Sept. 16, 2022, 3:06 p.m.