
bug fixes

Updated mf_lag_trend to remove deprecated function mutate_at from dplyr.


New functions

Two new functions have been added: age_sex_pyramid and graph_age_group. age_sex_pyramid draws age-sex pyramids and graph_age_group produces ordered factors so that axes are plotted in order and the greater that/equal to operator is plotted correctly.


Minor changes and bug fix

Added function graph_species_names which will generate italicised species names for plotting.

Fixed bug in apportion_phc_date. Previously this function only worked for CDI. It is now available for bacteraemias too.

Some minor fixes to function documentation were added too.


Major change

From 01 April 2019, the mandatory surveillance introduced a date of most recent previous discharge for C. difficile infections. This replaced the old set of three questions which asked for yes or no answers around previous trust exposure. Answers to these questions provided the data for the apportioning by prior healthcare. The new function apportion_phc_date performs the apportioning by date and results can be merged with the apportion_phc results.

Minor changes

Added dependcy on cowplot so that annual graphs remain consistently formatted. Mostly this means I've added + theme_cowplot() everywhere. This does not change the input or output of the functions, but for reference this affects the following functions:


Functions added

Functions deprecated

Minor changes


Minor changes

Added tidyr dependency, so that the new function ant_tab_long expands data to include unobserved periods for organisations.

Functions added:

Data added


Minor changes

Added two new functions for the preparation of the monthly factsheet and expanded mf_trend_data to add observations and organisms.

Functions added:

Also minor fix to apportion_prior_hc.

Minor changes

Tweaks to mf_fig1_fun so that the x axis labels are at a 45 degree angle and so that MRSA and MSSA are no longer bold face.

Updated subregions_sp_df to 2018 geography. Previously 2017 geography.

Updated apportion_phc so that if the case is not HOHA and admitted in past three months is No or NA, then the result goes to COCA.

Version 0.1.0

This is the first public release of the HCAIDCS package.

Major changes

Bug fixes

PublicHealthEngland/hcaidcs documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 8:38 a.m.