Is prediction of species richness from Stacked Species Distribution Models biased by habitat saturation?

DOI Launch Rstudio

This repository contains the data and code for our paper:

Grenié, M., Violle, C., & Munoz, F. (2020). Is prediction of species richness from stacked species distribution models biased by habitat saturation?. Ecological Indicators, 111, 105970.

How to cite

Please cite this compendium as:

Grenié M., Violle C, Munoz F., (2022). Compendium of R code and data for Is prediction of species richness from Stacked Species Distribution Models biased by habitat saturation?. Accessed 25 mars 2022. Online at

🔧 How to download or install

You can download the compendium as a zip from from this URL:

Or you can install this compendium as an R package, `cssdms.saturation.richness, from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

💻 How to run the analyses

This compendium uses drake to make analyses reproducible. To redo the analyses and rebuild the manuscript run the following lines (from the comsat folder):

# install.packages("devtools")
pkgload::load_all()  # Load all functions included in the package
make(saturation_workflow())  # Run Analyses

Beware that some code make time a long time to run, and it may be useful to run analyses in parallel.

You can run the analyses by clicking on the Binder badge: Launch Rstudio Binder


As noted in the DESCRPTION files this project depends on:

Rekyt/ssdms_saturation_richness documentation built on April 6, 2022, 1:23 a.m.