

Find the positioning of different modes on your guitar. Indicate which chords can be played in the choosen mode/tune and indicate the position of ground notes. Functions defined as R package complemented with a Shiny app for interactive usage. Available at:


Using devtools the package can be installed from github:

install.packages("devtools") library(devtools) install_github("RoJoRZ/GuitarModes")

Package functionality

The package consist out of several core functions:


  1. GetNote: Get the note from a given posion (with flexible tuning)
  2. GetPosition: Get all positions of a certain note (with flexible tuning)
  3. GetMode: Get mode positions and tones (at standard tuning)
  4. CombineModes: Start with a mode in a tune and get the positions of the other modes
  5. GuitarPlot: Plot Guitar with flexible label size, number of frets, first and last fret to show

Below we give some examples of the core functions

Get a note from a given position:

GetNote(string = 1,position = 3)
##   equiv1 equiv2 equiv3
## 8      G     Fx    Abb

Get positions of a given note:

Apositions <- GetPosition("A")
## Warning: package 'bindrcpp' was built under R version 3.5.2

| string| position| note | |-------:|---------:|:-----| | 1| 5| A | | 1| 17| A | | 2| 0| A | | 2| 12| A | | 3| 7| A | | 3| 19| A | | 4| 2| A | | 4| 14| A | | 5| 10| A | | 5| 22| A | | 6| 5| A | | 6| 17| A |

Plot on a GuitarPlot

GuitarPlot(Apositions, labsize = 3)

Get and plot the Ionian mode in C

Ionian3 <- GetMode(tune = "C",nfrets = 22,mode = "Ionian3")
GuitarPlot(Ionian3, labsize = 3)

Get and plot the Ionian mode in A#

Ionian3 <- GetMode(tune = "A#",nfrets = 22,mode = "Ionian3")
GuitarPlot(Ionian3, labsize = 3)

Get and plot the Ionian mode in C highlight the target notes (1,3,5) from D. Target 1 = target notes 1,3,5 and target 2 = target notes 1,3,5 and 7. Targetstart is the position of the chord in the base mode.

Ionian3 <- GetMode(tune = "C",nfrets = 22,mode = "Ionian3")
GuitarPlot(Ionian3, labsize = 3, target = 1, targetstart = 2)

Get and plot the Ionian mode in C highlight the target notes (1,3,5,7) from E.

Ionian3 <- GetMode(tune = "C",nfrets = 22,mode = "Ionian3")
GuitarPlot(Ionian3, labsize = 3, target = 2, targetstart = 3)

All the above is possible for each church mode: Ionian3, Dorian3, Phrygian3, Lydian3, MixoLydian3, Aeolian3, Locrian3. For example get and plot the Phrygian3 mode in E

Phrygian3 <- GetMode(tune = "E",nfrets = 22,mode = "Phrygian3")
GuitarPlot(Phrygian3, labsize = 3)

Now it is also possible to combine modes. For example get positions Ionian, Phrygian and Aeolian3 modes starting from C Ionian:

Combine <- CombineModes(tune = "C",basemode = "Ionian3", modes = c("Phrygian3", "Aeolian3"))

Again but now highlighting the target notes from the C7 chord:

Combine <- CombineModes(tune = "C",basemode = "Ionian3", modes = c("Phrygian3", "Aeolian3"))
GuitarPlot(Combine, target = 2, targetstart = 1)

Or completely flexible generate any chord or setting in the plot

Ecord <- data.frame(string = c(1,2,3,4,5,6), 
                    position = c(0,2,2,1,0,0), 
                    note = c("E", "B", "E", "G#/Ab","B", "E"))
GuitarPlot(Ecord, nfrets = 4, labsize = 4)

RoJoRZ/GuitarModes documentation built on May 6, 2019, 11:23 a.m.