#' Custom color and fill scales
#' Custom coloring and filling functions based on unique color palettes
#' Specific functions include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{scale_(color/colour/fill)_discrete_providence}{Discrete palette with either fixed or dynamically extended number of shades}
#' \item{scale_(color/colour/fill)_opinionated_providence}{Discrete palette with specific values for "good", "bad", and "neutral"}
#' \item{scale_(color/colour/fill)_diverging_providence}{Continuous diverging color palette}
#' \item{scale_(color/colour/fill)_continuous_providence}{Continuous color palette}
#' }
#' @references https://providence4.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/Brand/Shared%20Documents/Providence_StyleGuide%2011420.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=7i1SGH
#' @name scale_custom
#' @param palette Name of color palette
#' @param extend Whether to extend discrete color palette to make sufficient colors for levels needed
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to internal scale function
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_color_discrete_providence <- function(palette = "test", extend = FALSE, ...){
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "base")
ggplot2::discrete_scale("colour", "test",
manual_pal_flex(pal, extend),
na.value = "grey50",
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_colour_discrete_providence <- scale_color_discrete_providence
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_fill_discrete_providence <- function(palette = "providence", extend = FALSE, ...){
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "base")
ggplot2::discrete_scale("fill", "providence",
manual_pal_flex(pal, extend),
na.value = pal[5],
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_color_opinionated_providence <- function(palette = "test", ...){
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "op")[1:3]
names(pal) <- c("good", "neutral", "bad")
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = pal, ...)
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_colour_opinionated_providence <- scale_color_discrete_providence
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_fill_opinionated_providence <- function(palette = "test", ...){
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "op")[1:3]
names(pal) <- c("good", "neutral", "bad")
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = pal, ...)
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_color_diverging_providence <- function(palette = "test", ...) {
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "div")
ggplot2::scale_colour_gradient2(low = pal[3],
mid = pal[2],
high = pal[1],
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_colour_diverging_providence <- scale_color_diverging_providence
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_fill_diverging_providence <- function(palette = "test", ...) {
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "div")
ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low = pal[3],
mid = pal[2],
high = pal[1],
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_color_continuous_providence <- function(palette = "test", ...) {
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "cont")
ggplot2::scale_colour_gradient(low = pal[1],
high = pal[2],
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_colour_continuous_providence <- scale_color_continuous_providence
#' @rdname scale_custom
#' @export
scale_fill_continuous_providence <- function(palette = "test", ...) {
pal <- retrieve_palette(palette, "cont")
ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient(low = pal[1], high = pal[2], ...)
# HELPERS ----
#' Get names of all unique palettes provided in ProvidenceThemes
#' @param full Whether to include full palette names (with suffixes, e.g. \code{_cont}) or just stubs
#' @return Vector of palette name stubs or full names
#' @export
#' @examples get_providence_palettes()
get_providence_palettes <- function(full = FALSE){
re <- if (full) "^.*_pal(_op|_cont|_div)?$" else "^.*_pal$"
grep(re, getNamespaceExports("ProvidenceThemes"), value = TRUE)
# Create additional colors from palette as needed
#' @keywords internal
manual_pal_flex <- function(values, extend = FALSE){
function(n) {
n_values <- length(values)
if (n > n_values & !extend) {
warning("This manual palette can handle a maximum of ",
n_values, " values. You have supplied ", n, ".",
"Set parameter extend = TRUE if you wish to ",
"interpolate a broader spectrum of colors.",
call. = FALSE)
else if (n > n_values) {
values <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(values)(n)
# Retrieve palette with reasonable defaults upon failure
# Tries for specific request, else tries to default to base, else fails
# Also checks palette length meets fx requirements, else modifies
#' @keywords internal
retrieve_palette <- function(name, type = c("base", "op", "div", "cont")){
# attempt to get palette requested
pal_base <- paste0(name, "_pal")
pal_name <- if (type == "base") pal_base else paste0(name, "_pal_", type)
pal <- try(utils::getFromNamespace(pal_name, "ProvidenceThemes"))
# if fails, attempt to use base palette
if (class(pal) == "try-error") {
pal <- try(utils::getFromNamespace(pal_base, "ProvidenceThemes"))
# if base fails, throw error
if (class(pal) == "try-error") {
stop("No such palette exists. ",
"Run get_providence_palettes() to see options. ",
call. = FALSE)
# if any palette succeeds, validate it is of needed length
if (length(pal) == 2 & type %in% c("div", "op")) {
warning("Palette has length of two. ",
"To use with this scale, it has been modified. ",
"Inspect your plot to ensure the resulting scale makes sense. ",
call. = FALSE)
pal <- c(pal[1], "darkgrey", pal[2])
if (length(pal) == 1) {
warning("Palette has length of one. ",
"Colors will be repeated. ",
call. = FALSE)
if (type %in% c("base", "cont")) pal <- c(pal, pal)
else pal <- c(pal, "darkgrey", pal)
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