#' Generalized Method of Wavelet Moments (GMWM)
#' Performs estimation of time series models by using the GMWM estimator.
#' @param model A \code{ts.model} object containing one of the allowed models.
#' @param data A \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} object with only column
#' (e.g. \eqn{N \times 1}{ N x 1 }), a \code{lts} object,
#' or a \code{gts} object.
#' @param model.type A \code{string} containing the type of GMWM needed:
#' \code{"imu"} or \code{"ssm"}.
#' @param compute.v A \code{string} indicating the type of covariance matrix
#' solver. Valid values are:
#' \code{"fast"}, \code{"bootstrap"},
#' \code{"diag"} (asymptotic diag),
#' \code{"full"} (asymptotic full). By default, the program
#' will fit a "fast" model.
#' @param alpha A \code{double} between 0 and 1 that correspondings to the
#' \eqn{\frac{\alpha}{2}}{alpha/2} value for the wavelet
#' confidence intervals.
#' @param robust A \code{boolean} indicating whether to use the robust
#' computation (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param eff A \code{double} between 0 and 1 that indicates the
#' efficiency.
#' @param G An \code{integer} to sample the space for IMU and SSM
#' models to ensure optimal identitability.
#' @param K An \code{integer} that controls how many times the
#' bootstrapping procedure will be initiated.
#' @param H An \code{integer} that indicates how many different
#' samples the bootstrap will be collect.
#' @param seed An \code{integer} that controls the reproducibility of the
#' auto model selection phase.
#' @param freq A \code{double} that indicates the sampling frequency. By
#' default, this is set to 1 and only is important if \code{GM()}
#' is in the model
#' @return A \code{gmwm} object with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item estimate: Estimated Parameters Values from the GMWM Procedure
#' \item init.guess: Initial Starting Values given to the Optimization Algorithm
#' \item wv.empir: The data's empirical wavelet variance
#' \item ci_low: Lower Confidence Interval
#' \item ci_high: Upper Confidence Interval
#' \item orgV: Original V matrix
#' \item V: Updated V matrix (if bootstrapped)
#' \item omega: The V matrix inversed
#' \item obj.fun: Value of the objective function at Estimated Parameter Values
#' \item theo: Summed Theoretical Wavelet Variance
#' \item decomp.theo: Decomposed Theoretical Wavelet Variance by Process
#' \item scales: Scales of the GMWM Object
#' \item robust: Indicates if parameter estimation was done under robust or classical
#' \item eff: Level of efficiency of robust estimation
#' \item model.type: Models being guessed
#' \item compute.v: Type of V matrix computation
#' \item augmented: Indicates moments have been augmented
#' \item alpha: Alpha level used to generate confidence intervals
#' \item expect.diff: Mean of the First Difference of the Signal
#' \item N: Length of the Signal
#' \item G: Number of Guesses Performed
#' \item H: Number of Bootstrap replications
#' \item K: Number of V matrix bootstraps
#' \item model: \code{ts.model} supplied to gmwm
#' \item model.hat: A new value of \code{ts.model} object supplied to gmwm
#' \item starting: Indicates whether the procedure used the initial guessing approach
#' \item seed: Randomization seed used to generate the guessing values
#' \item freq: Frequency of data
#' }
#' @export
#' @details
#' This function is under work. Some of the features are active. Others... Not so much.
#' The V matrix is calculated by:
#' \eqn{diag\left[ {{{\left( {Hi - Lo} \right)}^2}} \right]}{diag[(Hi-Lo)^2]}.
#' The function is implemented in the following manner:
#' 1. Calculate MODWT of data with levels = floor(log2(data))
#' 2. Apply the brick.wall of the MODWT (e.g. remove boundary values)
#' 3. Compute the empirical wavelet variance (WV Empirical).
#' 4. Obtain the V matrix by squaring the difference of the WV Empirical's Chi-squared confidence interval (hi - lo)^2
#' 5. Optimize the values to obtain \eqn{\hat{\theta}}{theta^hat}
#' 6. If FAST = TRUE, return these results. Else, continue.
#'Loop k = 1 to K
#' Loop h = 1 to H
#' 7. Simulate xt under \eqn{F_{\hat{\theta}}}{F_theta^hat}
#' 8. Compute WV Empirical
#' END
#' 9. Calculate the covariance matrix
#' 10. Optimize the values to obtain \eqn{\hat{\theta}}{theta^hat}
#' 11. Return optimized values.
#' The function estimates a variety of time series models. If type = "imu" or "ssm", then
#' parameter vector should indicate the characters of the models that compose the latent or state-space model. The model
#' options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "AR1": a first order autoregressive process with parameters \eqn{(\phi,\sigma^2)}{phi, sigma^2}
#' \item "GM": a guass-markov process \eqn{(\beta,\sigma_{gm}^2)}{beta, sigma[gm]^2}
#' \item "ARMA": an autoregressive moving average process with parameters \eqn{(\phi _p, \theta _q, \sigma^2)}{phi[p], theta[q], sigma^2}
#' \item "DR": a drift with parameter \eqn{\omega}{omega}
#' \item "QN": a quantization noise process with parameter \eqn{Q}
#' \item "RW": a random walk process with parameter \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}
#' \item "WN": a white noise process with parameter \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}
#' }
#' If only an ARMA() term is supplied, then the function takes conditional least squares as starting values
#' If robust = TRUE the function takes the robust estimate of the wavelet variance to be used in the GMWM estimation procedure.
gmwm = function(model, data, model.type="imu", compute.v="auto",
robust=FALSE, eff=0.6, alpha = 0.05, seed = 1337, G = NULL, K = 1, H = 100,
freq = 1){
# Check data object
freq = attr(data, 'freq')
data = data[,1]
} else if(simts::is.lts(data)){
freq = attr(data, 'freq')
data = data[ ,ncol(data)]
} else if((simts::is.imu(data) || is.data.frame(data) || is.matrix(data))){
if(ncol(data) > 1){
stop("`gmwm` and `gmwm.imu` can only process one signal at a time.")
freq = attr(data, 'freq')
} else if(is.ts(data)){
freq = attr(data,'tsp')[3]
# Do we have a valid model?
stop("`model` must be created from a `ts.model` object using a supported component (e.g. AR1(), ARMA(p,q), DR(), RW(), QN(), and WN(). ")
# Information Required by GMWM:
desc = model$desc
obj = model$obj.desc
np = model$plength
N = length(data)
starting = model$starting
# Input guessing
if((is.null(G) & starting) || !simts::is.whole(G)){
if(N > 10000){
G = 1e6
G = 20000
}else if(!starting){
G = 0
# For reproducibility
num.models = count_models(desc)
# Identifiability issues
if(any(num.models[c("DR","QN","RW","WN")] > 1)){
stop("Two instances of either: DR, QN, RW, or WN has been detected. As a result, the model will have identifiability issues. Please submit a new model.")
if(num.models["GM"]> 0 & num.models["AR1"] > 0){
stop("Please either use `GM()` or `AR1()` model components. Do not mix them.")
# Model type issues
model.type = tolower(model.type)
if(model.type != "imu" && model.type != "ssm"){
stop("Model Type must be either `ssm` or `imu`!")
# Verify Scales and Parameter Space
nlevels = floor(log2(length(data)))
if(np > nlevels){
stop("Please supply a longer signal / time series in order to use the GMWM.",
"This is because we need at least the same number of scales as",
"parameters to estimate.")
np = np+1
if(np > nlevels){
stop("Please supply a longer signal / time series in order to use the GMWM. This is because we at least need the same number of scales as parameters to estimate.")
if(eff > 0.99){
stop("The efficiency specified is too close to the classical case. Use `robust = FALSE`")
# Compute fast covariance if large sample, otherwise, bootstrap.
if(compute.v == "auto" || ( compute.v != "fast" && compute.v != "diag" &&
compute.v != "full" && compute.v != "bootstrap" )){
compute.v = "fast"
theta = model$theta
detected_gm = any(model$desc == "GM")
if(detected_gm && freq == 1){
warning("'freq' is set to 1 by default this impacts the `GM()` parameters. See ?GM for more details.")
# Convert from GM to AR1
if(!starting && detected_gm){
theta = conv.gm.to.ar1(theta, model$process.desc, freq)
out = gmwm_master_cpp(data, theta, desc, obj, model.type, model$starting,
alpha = alpha, compute_v = compute.v, K = K, H = H, G = G,
robust=robust, eff = eff)
estimate = out[[1]]
rownames(estimate) = model$process.desc
colnames(estimate) = "Estimates"
init.guess = out[[2]]
rownames(init.guess) = model$process.desc
colnames(init.guess) = "Starting"
# Convert from AR1 to GM
estimate[,1] = conv.ar1.to.gm(estimate[,1], model$process.desc, freq)
init.guess[,1] = conv.ar1.to.gm(init.guess[,1], model$process.desc, freq)
# Wrap this into the C++ Lib
scales = scales_cpp(nlevels)
# Create a new model object.
model.hat = model
model.hat$starting = F
model.hat$theta = as.numeric(estimate)
# Release model
out = structure(list(estimate = estimate,
init.guess = init.guess,
wv.empir = out[[3]],
ci_low = out[[4]],
ci_high = out[[5]],
orgV = out[[7]],
V = out[[6]],
omega = out[[12]],
obj.fun = out[[11]],
theo = out[[9]],
decomp.theo = out[[10]],
scales = scales,
robust = robust,
eff = eff,
model.type = model.type,
compute.v = compute.v,
alpha = alpha,
expect.diff = out[[8]],
N = N,
G = G,
H = H,
K = K,
model = model,
model.hat = model.hat,
starting = model$starting,
seed = seed,
freq = freq,
dr.slope = out[[13]]), class = "gmwm")
#' Update (Robust) GMWM object for IMU or SSM
#' Provides a way to estimate different models over the previously estimated
#' wavelet variance values and covariance matrix.
#' @param object A \code{gmwm} object.
#' @param model A \code{ts.model} object containing one of the allowed models
#' @param ... Additional parameters (not used)
#' @return A \code{gmwm} object with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{estimate}{Estimated Parameters Values from the GMWM Procedure}
#' \item{init.guess}{Initial Starting Values given to the Optimization Algorithm}
#' \item{wv.empir}{The data's empirical wavelet variance}
#' \item{ci_low}{Lower Confidence Interval}
#' \item{ci_high}{Upper Confidence Interval}
#' \item{orgV}{Original V matrix}
#' \item{V}{Updated V matrix (if bootstrapped)}
#' \item{omega}{The V matrix inversed}
#' \item{obj.fun}{Value of the objective function at Estimated Parameter Values}
#' \item{theo}{Summed Theoretical Wavelet Variance}
#' \item{decomp.theo}{Decomposed Theoretical Wavelet Variance by Process}
#' \item{scales}{Scales of the GMWM Object}
#' \item{robust}{Indicates if parameter estimation was done under robust or classical}
#' \item{eff}{Level of efficiency of robust estimation}
#' \item{model.type}{Models being guessed}
#' \item{compute.v}{Type of V matrix computation}
#' \item{augmented}{Indicates moments have been augmented}
#' \item{alpha}{Alpha level used to generate confidence intervals}
#' \item{expect.diff}{Mean of the First Difference of the Signal}
#' \item{N}{Length of the Signal}
#' \item{G}{Number of Guesses Performed}
#' \item{H}{Number of Bootstrap replications}
#' \item{K}{Number of V matrix bootstraps}
#' \item{model}{\code{ts.model} supplied to gmwm}
#' \item{model.hat}{A new value of \code{ts.model} object supplied to gmwm}
#' \item{starting}{Indicates whether the procedure used the initial guessing approach}
#' \item{seed}{Randomization seed used to generate the guessing values}
#' \item{freq}{Frequency of data}
#' }
update.gmwm = function(object, model, ...){
# Do we have a valid model?
stop("`model` must be created from a `ts.model` object using a supported component (e.g. AR1(), ARMA(p,q), DR(), RW(), QN(), and WN(). ")
# Information Required by GMWM:
desc = model$desc
obj = model$obj.desc
np = model$plength
# Information used in summary.gmwm:
summary.desc = model$desc
num.models = count_models(desc)
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Identifiability issues
if(any( num.models[c("DR","QN","RW","WN")] >1)){
stop("Two instances of either: DR, QN, RW, or WN has been detected. As a result, the model will have identifiability issues. Please submit a new model.")
if(num.models["GM"]> 0 & num.models["AR1"] > 0){
stop("Please either use `GM()` or `AR1()` model components. Do not mix them.")
# ID error:
if( sum(num.models) == 1 & num.models["SARIMA"] == 1 & model$starting){
warning("ARMA starting guesses using update.gmwm are NOT based on CSS but an alternative algorithm.")
if(np > length(object$scales)){
stop("Please supply a longer signal / time series in order to use the GMWM. This is because we need at least the same number of scales as parameters to estimate.")
np = np+1
if(np > length(object$scales)){
stop("Please supply a longer signal / time series in order to use the GMWM. This is because we need one additional scale since robust requires the amount of parameters + 1 to estimate.")
detected_gm = any(model$desc == "GM")
# Convert from GM to AR1
if(!object$starting && detected_gm){
model$theta = conv.gm.to.ar1(model$theta, model$process.desc, object$freq)
out = gmwm_update_cpp(model$theta,
desc, obj,
object$model.type, object$N, object$expect.diff, object$dr.slope,
object$orgV, object$scales, cbind(object$wv.empir,object$ci_low,object$ci_high), # needed WV info
object$compute.v, object$K, object$H,
object$robust, object$eff)
estimate = out[[1]]
model.hat = model
model.hat$starting = F
model.hat$theta = as.numeric(estimate)
object$model.hat = model.hat
rownames(estimate) = model$process.desc
init.guess = out[[2]]
rownames(init.guess) = model$process.desc
# Convert from AR1 to GM
estimate[,1] = conv.ar1.to.gm(estimate[,1], model$process.desc, object$freq)
init.guess[,1] = conv.ar1.to.gm(init.guess[,1], model$process.desc, object$freq)
object$estimate = estimate
object$init.guess = init.guess
object$V = out[[3]]
object$theo = out[[4]]
object$decomp.theo = out[[5]]
object$starting = model$starting
#' GMWM for (Robust) Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)
#' Performs the GMWM estimation procedure using a parameter transform and sampling
#' scheme specific to IMUs.
#' @param model A \code{ts.model} object containing one of the allowed models.
#' @param data A \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} object with only column (e.g. \eqn{N \times 1}{ N x 1 }), or a \code{lts} object, or a \code{gts} object.
#' @param compute.v A \code{string} indicating the type of covariance matrix solver. "fast", "bootstrap", "asymp.diag", "asymp.comp", "fft"
#' @param robust A \code{boolean} indicating whether to use the robust computation (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
#' @param eff A \code{double} between 0 and 1 that indicates the efficiency.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to the main gmwm function
#' @details
#' This version of the gmwm function has customized settings
#' ideal for modeling with an IMU object. If you seek to model with an Gauss
#' Markov, \code{GM}, object. Please note results depend on the
#' \code{freq} specified in the data construction step within the
#' \code{imu}. If you wish for results to be stable but lose the
#' ability to interpret with respect to \code{freq}, then use
#' \code{AR1} terms.
#' @return A \code{gmwm} object with the structure:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{estimate}{Estimated Parameters Values from the GMWM Procedure}
#' \item{init.guess}{Initial Starting Values given to the Optimization Algorithm}
#' \item{wv.empir}{The data's empirical wavelet variance}
#' \item{ci_low}{Lower Confidence Interval}
#' \item{ci_high}{Upper Confidence Interval}
#' \item{orgV}{Original V matrix}
#' \item{V}{Updated V matrix (if bootstrapped)}
#' \item{omega}{The V matrix inversed}
#' \item{obj.fun}{Value of the objective function at Estimated Parameter Values}
#' \item{theo}{Summed Theoretical Wavelet Variance}
#' \item{decomp.theo}{Decomposed Theoretical Wavelet Variance by Process}
#' \item{scales}{Scales of the GMWM Object}
#' \item{robust}{Indicates if parameter estimation was done under robust or classical}
#' \item{eff}{Level of efficiency of robust estimation}
#' \item{model.type}{Models being guessed}
#' \item{compute.v}{Type of V matrix computation}
#' \item{augmented}{Indicates moments have been augmented}
#' \item{alpha}{Alpha level used to generate confidence intervals}
#' \item{expect.diff}{Mean of the First Difference of the Signal}
#' \item{N}{Length of the Signal}
#' \item{G}{Number of Guesses Performed}
#' \item{H}{Number of Bootstrap replications}
#' \item{K}{Number of V matrix bootstraps}
#' \item{model}{\code{ts.model} supplied to gmwm}
#' \item{model.hat}{A new value of \code{ts.model} object supplied to gmwm}
#' \item{starting}{Indicates whether the procedure used the initial guessing approach}
#' \item{seed}{Randomization seed used to generate the guessing values}
#' \item{freq}{Frequency of data}
#' }
gmwm_imu = function(model, data, compute.v = "fast", robust = F, eff = 0.6, ...){
x = gmwm(model = model,
data = data,
compute.v = compute.v,
model.type = "imu",
robust = robust,
eff = eff,
class(x) = c("gmwm_imu","gmwm")
#' GMWM for Robust/Classical Comparison
#' Creates a \code{rgmwm} object to compare the results generated by robust/classical method.
#' @param model A \code{ts.model} object containing one of the allowed models.
#' @param data A \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} object with only one column (e.g. \eqn{N \times 1}{ N x 1 }), or a \code{lts} object, or a \code{gts} object.
#' @param eff A \code{double vector} between 0 and 1 that indicates the efficiency.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to the main \code{gmwm} function.
#' @return A \code{rgmwm} object
#' @details
#' By default, the \code{rgmwm} function will fit a classical \code{gmwm}
#' object. From there, the user has the ability to specify any \code{eff} that is
#' less than or equal to 0.99.
rgmwm = function(model, data, eff = c(0.9, 0.8, 0.6), ...){
len = length(eff) + 1
obj.list = vector('list', length = len)
# Allocate i = 1 for classical, i > 1 are varying robust efficiencies.
for(i in seq_len(len)) {
if(i != 1L) {
obj.list[[i]] = gmwm(model = model, data = data,
robust = TRUE, eff = eff[i-1], ...)
} else {
obj.list[[i]] = gmwm(model = model, data = data, robust = FALSE, ...)
class(obj.list) = 'rgmwm'
#' Print gmwm object
#' Displays information about GMWM object
#' @method print gmwm
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x A \code{GMWM} object
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to specific methods
#' @return Text output via print
#' @export
#' @author JJB
print.gmwm = function(x, ...){
cat("Model Information: \n")
cat("\n* The initial values of the parameters used in the minimization of the GMWM objective function \n were",
{if(x$starting) paste0("generated by the program underneath seed: ",x$seed,".") else "supplied by YOU!"},"\n\n")
#' Summary of GMWM object
#' Displays summary information about GMWM object
#' @method summary gmwm
#' @param object A \code{GMWM} object
#' @param inference A value containing either: NULL (auto), TRUE, or FALSE
#' @param bs.gof A value containing either: NULL (auto), TRUE, FALSE
#' @param bs.gof.p.ci A value containing either: NULL (auto), TRUE, FALSE
#' @param bs.theta.est A value containing either: NULL (auto), TRUE, FALSE
#' @param bs.ci A value containing either: NULL (auto), TRUE, FALSE
#' @param B An \code{int} that indicates how many bootstraps should be performed.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to specific methods
#' @return A \code{summary.gmwm} object with:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{estimate}{Estimated Theta Values}
#' \item{testinfo}{Goodness of Fit Information}
#' \item{inference}{Inference performed? T/F}
#' \item{bs.gof}{Bootstrap GOF? T/F}
#' \item{bs.gof.p.ci}{Bootstrap GOF P-Value CI? T/F}
#' \item{bs.theta.est}{Bootstrap Theta Estimates? T/F}
#' \item{bs.ci}{Bootstrap CI? T/F}
#' \item{starting}{Indicates if program supplied initial starting values}
#' \item{seed}{Seed used during guessing / bootstrapping}
#' \item{obj.fun}{Value of obj.fun at minimized theta}
#' \item{N}{Length of Time Series}
#' }
#' @export
#' @author JJB
summary.gmwm = function(object, inference = NULL,
bs.gof = NULL, bs.gof.p.ci = NULL,
bs.theta.est = NULL, bs.ci = NULL,
B = 100, ...){
# Set a different seed to avoid dependency.
out = object$estimate
N = object$N
# Enable values if small time series.
auto = if(N > 10000) FALSE else TRUE
# Auto set values
inference = auto
bs.gof= if(inference) auto else F
bs.gof.p.ci = if(inference) auto else F
bs.theta.est = if(inference) auto else F
bs.ci = if(inference) auto else F
if("ARMA" %in% object$model$desc){
if(bs.ci == FALSE){
warning(paste0("The numerical derivative of ARMA(p,q), where p > 1 and q > 1, may be inaccurate leading to inappropriate CIs.\n",
"Consider using the bs.ci = T option on the summary function."))
# Convert from GM to AR1
if(any(object$model$desc == "GM")){
object$estimate[,1] = conv.gm.to.ar1(object$estimate[,1], object$model$process.desc, object$freq)
mm = get_summary(object$estimate,
object$model$desc, object$model$obj.desc,
object$wv.empir, object$theo,object$scales,
object$V, solve(object$orgV), object$obj.fun,
N, object$alpha,
object$robust, object$eff,
inference, F, # fullV is always false. Need same logic updates.
bs.gof, bs.gof.p.ci, bs.theta.est, bs.ci,
mm = vector('list',3)
mm[1:3] = NA
out.coln = colnames(out)
out = cbind(out, mm[[1]])
colnames(out) = c(out.coln, "CI Low", "CI High", "SE")
# Convert from AR1 to GM
idx_gm = (object$model$desc == "GM")
if(any(idx_gm)) {
out[,2:3] = apply(out[,2:3], 2, FUN = conv.ar1.to.gm,
process.desc = object$model$process.desc,
freq = object$freq)
# To do: Add delta method transform here for sigma2
x = structure(list(estimate=out,
inference = inference,
bs.gof = bs.gof,
bs.gof.p.ci = bs.gof.p.ci,
bs.theta.est = bs.theta.est,
bs.ci = bs.ci,
starting = object$starting,
seed = object$seed,
obj.fun = object$obj.fun,
N = N,
freq = object$freq), class = "summary.gmwm")
#' Print summary.gmwm object
#' Displays summary information about GMWM object
#' @method print summary.gmwm
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x A \code{GMWM} object
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to specific methods
#' @return Text output via print
#' @author JJB
print.summary.gmwm = function(x, ...){
cat("Model Information: \n")
cat("\n> The parameter estimates shown are bootstrapped! To use these results, please save the summary object.")
cat("\n* The initial values of the parameters used in the minimization of the GMWM objective function \n were",
{if(x$starting) paste0("generated by the program underneath seed: ",x$seed,".") else "given by YOU!"},"\n\n")
cat(paste0("Objective Function: ", round(x$obj.fun,4),"\n\n"))
cat(paste0({if(x$bs.gof) "Bootstrapped" else "Asymptotic"}," Goodness of Fit: \n"))
cat(paste0("Test Statistic: ", round(x$obj.fun,2),"\n",
"P-Value: ", round(x$testinfo[1],4)),
{if(x$bs.gof.p.ci) paste0(" CI: (", round(x$testinfo[2],4),", ", round(x$testinfo[3],4), ")")})
cat(paste0("Test Statistic: ", round(x$testinfo[1],2),
" on ",x$testinfo[3]," degrees of freedom\n",
"The resulting p-value is: ", round(x$testinfo[2],4)))
if(x$bs.gof || x$bs.theta.est)
cat(paste0("\nTo replicate the results, use seed: ",x$seed, "\n"))
#' Predict future points in the time series using the solution of the
#' Generalized Method of Wavelet Moments
#' Creates a prediction using the estimated values of GMWM through the
#' ARIMA function within R.
#' @param object A \code{gmwm} object
#' @param data.in.gmwm The data SAME EXACT DATA used in the GMWM estimation
#' @param n.ahead Number of observations to forecast
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to ARIMA Predict
#' @return A \code{predict.gmwm} object with:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{pred}{Predictions}
#' \item{se}{Standard Errors}
#' \item{resid}{Residuals from ARIMA ML Fit}
#' }
#' @export
predict.gmwm = function(object, data.in.gmwm, n.ahead = 1, ...){
ts.mod = object$model
if(length(ts.mod$desc) > 1 || ts.mod$desc != "SARIMA")
stop("The predict function only works with stand-alone SARIMA models.")
objdesc = ts.mod$obj.desc[[1]]
# Unpack ts object
p = objdesc[1]
q = objdesc[2]
P = objdesc[3]
Q = objdesc[4]
s = objdesc[6] # Set to 0 (handled in ARIMA)
d = objdesc[7]
D = objdesc[8]
# Make an ARIMA object
mod = arima(data.in.gmwm, order = c(p, d, q),
list(order = c(P, D, Q), period = s),
method = "ML",
fixed = object$estimate[1:(p+q+P+Q)],
transform.pars = F,
include.mean = F)
# Predict off of ARIMA
pred = predict(mod, n.ahead = n.ahead, newxreg = NULL,
se.fit = TRUE, ...)
# Format Results
structure(list(pred = pred$pred,
se = pred$se,
resid = mod$residuals),
class = "predict.gmwm")
#' @title Plot the GMWM with the Wavelet Variance
#' @description
#' Displays a plot of the Wavelet Variance (WV) with the CI values and the WV implied by the estimated parameters.
#' @method plot gmwm
#' @param x A \code{gmwm} object.
#' @param decomp A \code{boolean} that determines whether the contributions of each individual model are plotted.
#' @param units A \code{string} that specifies the units of time plotted on the x axis.
#' @param xlab A \code{string} that gives a title for the x axis.
#' @param ylab A \code{string} that gives a title for the y axis.
#' @param main A \code{string} that gives an overall title for the plot.
#' @param col_wv A \code{string} that specifies the color of the wavelet variance line.
#' @param col_ci A \code{string} that specifies the color of the shaded area covered by the confidence intervals.
#' @param nb_ticks_x An \code{integer} that specifies the maximum number of ticks for the x-axis.
#' @param nb_ticks_y An \code{integer} that specifies the maximum number of ticks for the y-axis.
#' @param legend_position A \code{string} that specifies the position of the legend (use \code{legend_position = NA} to remove legend).
#' @param ci_wv A \code{boolean} that determines whether to plot the confidence interval shaded area.
#' @param point_cex A \code{double} that specifies the size of each symbol to be plotted.
#' @param point_pch A \code{double} that specifies the symbol type to be plotted.
#' @param ... Additional arguments affecting the plot.
#' @return Plot of WV and relative confidence intervals for each scale.
#' @author Stephane Guerrier and Yuming Zhang
#' @export
plot.gmwm = function(x, decomp = FALSE, units = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL,
col_wv = NULL, col_ci = NULL, nb_ticks_x = NULL, nb_ticks_y = NULL,
legend_position = NULL, ci_wv = NULL, point_cex = NULL,
point_pch = NULL, ...){
# Labels
if (is.null(xlab)){
if (is.null(units)){
xlab = expression(paste("Scale ", tau, sep =""))
xlab = bquote(paste("Scale ", tau, " [", .(units), "]", sep = " "))
if (is.null(ylab)){
ylab = expression(paste("Wavelet Variance ", nu^2, sep = ""))
ylab = ylab
# Main Title
if (is.null(main)){
main = "Haar Wavelet Variance Representation"
# Line and CI colors
if (is.null(col_wv)){
col_wv = "darkblue"
if (is.null(col_ci)){
col_ci = hcl(h = 210, l = 65, c = 100, alpha = 0.15)
# Range
x_range = range(x$scales)
x_low = floor(log10(x_range[1]))
x_high = ceiling(log10(x_range[2]))
y_range = range(c(x$ci_low, x$ci_high))
y_low = floor(log10(y_range[1]))
y_high = ceiling(log10(y_range[2]))
# Axes
if (is.null(nb_ticks_x)){
nb_ticks_x = 6
if (is.null(nb_ticks_y)){
nb_ticks_y = 5
x_ticks = seq(x_low, x_high, by = 1)
if (length(x_ticks) > nb_ticks_x){
x_ticks = x_low + ceiling((x_high - x_low)/(nb_ticks_x + 1))*(0:nb_ticks_x)
x_labels = sapply(x_ticks, function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))))
y_ticks <- seq(y_low, y_high, by = 1)
if (length(y_ticks) > nb_ticks_y){
y_ticks = y_low + ceiling((y_high - y_low)/(nb_ticks_y + 1))*(0:nb_ticks_y)
y_labels <- sapply(y_ticks, function(i) as.expression(bquote(10^ .(i))))
# Legend Position
if (is.null(legend_position)){
# if (which.min(abs(c(y_low, y_high) - log2(x$wv.empir[1]))) == 1){
# legend_position = "topleft"
# }else{
# legend_position = "bottomleft"
# }
legend_position = "bottomleft"
# Main Plot
plot(NA, xlim = x_range, ylim = y_range, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
log = "xy", xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', bty = "n", ann = FALSE)
win_dim = par("usr")
par(new = TRUE)
plot(NA, xlim = x_range, ylim = 10^c(win_dim[3], win_dim[4] + 0.22*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, log = "xy", xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', bty = "n")
win_dim = par("usr")
# Add Grid
abline(v = 10^x_ticks, lty = 1, col = "grey95")
abline(h = 10^y_ticks, lty = 1, col = "grey95")
# Add Title
x_vec = 10^c(win_dim[1], win_dim[2], win_dim[2], win_dim[1])
y_vec = 10^c(win_dim[4], win_dim[4],
win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]),
win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]))
polygon(x_vec, y_vec, col = "grey95", border = NA)
text(x = 10^mean(c(win_dim[1], win_dim[2])), y = 10^(win_dim[4] - 0.09/2*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])), main)
# Add Axes and Box
lines(x_vec[1:2], rep(10^(win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])),2), col = 1)
#y_ticks = y_ticks[(2^y_ticks) < 10^(win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3]))]
y_labels = y_labels[1:length(y_ticks)]
axis(1, at = 10^x_ticks, labels = x_labels, padj = 0.3)
axis(2, at = 10^y_ticks, labels = y_labels, padj = -0.2)
# CI for WV
if (ci_wv == TRUE || is.null(ci_wv)){
polygon(c(x$scales, rev(x$scales)), c(x$ci_low, rev(x$ci_high)),
border = NA, col = col_ci)
# Add legend
CI_conf = 1 - x$alpha
if (x$robust == TRUE){
wv_title_part1 = "Empirical Robust WV "
wv_title_part1 = "Empirical WV "
# Add WV
lines(x$scales, x$wv.empir, type = "l", col = col_wv, pch = 16)
if (is.null(point_pch)){
point_pch = 16
if (is.null(point_cex)){
point_cex = 1.25
lines(x$scales, x$wv.empir, type = "p", col = col_wv, pch = point_pch, cex = point_cex)
# Add model based WV
if (decomp == TRUE){
processes_theo = x$decomp.theo
m = ncol(processes_theo)
col_decomp = hcl(h = seq(100, 375, length = m + 1), l = 65, c = 200, alpha = 1)[1:m]
for (i in 1:m){
lines(x$scales, processes_theo[,i], col = col_decomp[i])
col_fit = "#F47F24"
lines(x$scales,x$theo, type = "b", lwd = 2, col = col_fit, pch = 1, cex = 1.5)
if (!is.na(legend_position)){
if (legend_position == "topleft"){
legend_position = 10^c(1.1*win_dim[1], 0.98*(win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])))
if (decomp == TRUE){
legend(x = legend_position[1], y = legend_position[2],
legend = c(as.expression(bquote(paste(.(wv_title_part1), hat(nu)^2))),
as.expression(bquote(paste("CI(",hat(nu)^2,", ",.(CI_conf),")"))),
x$model$desc, "Model-based WV"),
pch = c(16, 15, rep(NA, m), 1),
lty = c(1, NA, rep(1, m), 1),
col = c(col_wv, col_ci, col_decomp, col_fit),
cex = 1, pt.cex = c(1.25, 3, rep(1, m), 1.35), bty = "n")
legend(x = legend_position[1], y = legend_position[2],
legend = c(as.expression(bquote(paste(.(wv_title_part1), hat(nu)^2))),
as.expression(bquote(paste("CI(",hat(nu)^2,", ",.(CI_conf),")"))),
"Model-based WV"),
pch = c(16, 15, 1),
lty = c(1, NA, 1),
col = c(col_wv, col_ci, col_fit),
cex = 1, pt.cex = c(1.25, 3, 1.35), bty = "n")
if (legend_position == "topright"){
legend_position = 10^c(0.7*win_dim[2], 0.98*(win_dim[4] - 0.09*(win_dim[4] - win_dim[3])))
if (decomp == TRUE){
legend(x = legend_position[1], y = legend_position[2],
legend = c(as.expression(bquote(paste(.(wv_title_part1), hat(nu)^2))),
as.expression(bquote(paste("CI(",hat(nu)^2,", ",.(CI_conf),")"))),
x$model$desc, "Model-based WV"),
pch = c(16, 15, rep(NA, m), 1),
lty = c(1, NA, rep(1, m), 1),
col = c(col_wv, col_ci, col_decomp, col_fit),
cex = 1, pt.cex = c(1.25, 3, rep(1, m), 1.35), bty = "n")
legend(x = legend_position[1], y = legend_position[2],
legend = c(as.expression(bquote(paste(.(wv_title_part1), hat(nu)^2))),
as.expression(bquote(paste("CI(",hat(nu)^2,", ",.(CI_conf),")"))),
"Model-based WV"),
pch = c(16, 15, 1),
lty = c(1, NA, 1),
col = c(col_wv, col_ci, col_fit), cex = 1, pt.cex = c(1.25, 3, 1.35), bty = "n")
if (decomp == TRUE){
legend(x = legend_position[1], y = legend_position[2],
legend = c(as.expression(bquote(paste(.(wv_title_part1), hat(nu)^2))),
as.expression(bquote(paste("CI(",hat(nu)^2,", ",.(CI_conf),")"))),
x$model$desc, "Model-based WV"),
pch = c(16, 15, rep(NA, m), 1),
lty = c(1, NA, rep(1, m), 1),
col = c(col_wv, col_ci, col_decomp, col_fit),
cex = 1, pt.cex = c(1.25, 3, rep(1, m), 1.35), bty = "n")
legend(x = legend_position[1], y = legend_position[2],
legend = c(as.expression(bquote(paste(.(wv_title_part1), hat(nu)^2))),
as.expression(bquote(paste("CI(",hat(nu)^2,", ",.(CI_conf),")"))),
"Model-based WV"),
pch = c(16, 15, 1),
lty = c(1, NA, 1),
col = c(col_wv, col_ci, col_fit), cex = 1, pt.cex = c(1.25, 3, 1.35), bty = "n")
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