
#' Graphical Horseshoe Estimator.
#' \code{BayesHorseshoe} Provides a regularized precision matrix estimate using
#' a Graphical Horseshoe estimator.
#' @param data A data matrix with rows representing participants and columns
#' representing variables/nodes.
#' @param nBurning The number of burn-in iterations for the Gibbs-sampler.
#' @param nIter The number of iterations for the Gibbs-sampler.
#' @param verbose If 'TRUE'displays a progress bar.
#' @return The function returns the following output:
#' \item{Omega}{A dataframe containing the estimated precision matrix for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{pcor}{A dataframe containing the estimated partial correlation matrix for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{lambda_sq}{A dataframe containing the estimates for the local hyper parameter lambda for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{tau_sq}{A dataframe containing the estimates for the global hyper parameter tau for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{Strength}{A dataframe containing the estimated strength centrality for each node for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{Closeness}{A dataframe containing the estimated closeness centrality for each node for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{Betweenness}{A dataframe containing the estimated betweenness centrality for each node for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{optwi}{The point estimate for the precision matrix obtained by taking the mode of the posterior distribution.}
#' \item{optpcor}{The point estimate for the partial correlation matrix obtained by taking the mode of the posterior distribution.}
#' \item{CredInt}{The 95\% Credibility interval for the elements of the precision matrix.}
#' \item{optStrength}{The point estimate for strength centrality of each node based on the point estimate of the partial correlation matrix.}
#' \item{CIStrength}{The 95\% Credibility Interval for the strength centrality of each node.}
#' \item{optCloseness}{The point estimate for closeness centrality of each node based on the point estimate of the partial correlation matrix.}
#' \item{CICloseness}{The 95\% Credibility Interval for the closeness centrality of each node.}
#' \item{optBetween}{The point estimate for betweenness centrality of each node based on the point estimate of the partial correlation matrix.}
#' \item{CIBetween}{The 95\% Credibility Interval for the betweenness centrality of each node.}
#' The following output is only returned in case of missing data.
#' \item{Missing}{Indicator for which observations where missing.}
#' \item{ImputedValues}{The imputed values for each missing datapoint for each itteration of the Gibbs-sampler.}
#' \item{CompleteData}{The original dataset with missing values replaced by the mean imputed value for each missing data point.}
#' \item{OriginalData}{The original dataset with missing values.}
#' @export
BayesHoreshoe <- function(
  nBurnin = 10000,
  nIter = 10000,
  verbose = TRUE
  # Main literature:
  # Li, Y. (2018). The Graphical Horeshoe Estimator for Inverse Coavariance Matrices.

  # Some parameters:
  nVar <- ncol(data)
  nObs <- nrow(data)

  # Center data:
  for (i in 1:nVar){
    data[,i] <- data[,i] - mean(data[,i],na.rm=T)

  ## Use glasso with some lambda to get starting values:
  glassoRes <- glasso::glasso(cov(data,use="pairwise.complete.obs"),rho=0.1)

  # Starting values:
  # Inverse:
  Omega <- glassoRes$wi

  # Tuning and augmentation parameters
  lambda_sq <- matrix(1,nVar,nVar)
  nu <- matrix(1,nVar,nVar)
  tau_sq <- 1
  xi <- 1

  # Y:
  Y <- Yorig <- data

  # Indicate missing values in Y
  ind <- which(is.na(Y),arr.ind = T)
  misslabel <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(ind),ncol=1)

  # If there are missing values indicate which ones, and intially replace them with the mean score on the variable
    for(i in 1:nrow(ind)){misslabel[i,] <- toString(c(ind[i,1],ind[i,2]))}
    Y[ind] <- colMeans(Y, na.rm=T)[c(as.numeric(ind[,2]))]

  # S
  S <- t(Y) %*% Y

  # Results:
  Results <- list(
    Omega = array(dim = c(nVar, nVar, nIter)),
    lambda_sq = array(dim = c(nVar, nVar, nIter)),
    tau_sq = numeric(nIter),
    pcor =array(dim = c(nVar, nVar, nIter)),
    Strength =matrix(,nrow=nIter,ncol=nVar),
    Closeness =matrix(,nrow=nIter,ncol=nVar),
    Betweenness =matrix(,nrow=nIter,ncol=nVar),
    ImputatedValues = matrix(,nrow=nIter,ncol=nrow(ind))

  # Progress bar:
  if (verbose){
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = -nBurnin, max = nIter, style = 3,initial = 0)

  # Start sampling:
  for (it in (-nBurnin):nIter){
    # For every node:
    for (i in 1:nVar){
      # Partition matrices:
      Omega11 <- Omega[-i,-i]
      Omega12 <- Omega[i,-i]
      Omega21 <- Omega[-i,i]
      Omega22 <- Omega[i,i]

      S11 <- S[-i,-i]
      S12 <- S[i,-i]
      S21 <- S[-i,i]
      S22 <- S[i,i]

      lambda_sq_12 <- lambda_sq[-i,i]
      nu_12 <- nu[-i,i]

      gamma <- rgamma(1, shape = (nObs/2 + 1), rate = S22/2)
      C <- solve((S22) * solve(Omega11) + diag(1/c(lambda_sq_12*tau_sq)))
      C <- (C + t(C))/2
      beta <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(1,-C %*% S21, C)
      Omega[-i,i] <- Omega[i,-i] <- beta
      Omega[i,i] <- gamma + t(t(beta)) %*% solve(Omega11) %*% t(beta)
      rate <- Omega[-i,i]^2/(2*tau_sq) + 1/nu_12
      lambda_sq_12 <- 1/rgamma((nVar-1),shape=1, rate=rate)
      nu_12 <- 1/rgamma((nVar-1),shape=1, rate=1+1/lambda_sq_12)
      lambda_sq[-i,i] <- lambda_sq[i,-i] <- lambda_sq_12
      nu[-i,i] <- nu[i,-i] <- nu_12

    # Update tau_sq and xi:
    Omega.vec <- Omega[lower.tri(Omega)]
    lambda.sq.vec <- lambda_sq[lower.tri(lambda_sq)]
    rate <- 1/xi + sum(Omega.vec^2/(2*lambda.sq.vec))
    tau_sq <- 1/rgamma(1, shape = (nVar * (nVar-1)/2 + 1)/2, rate=rate)
    xi <- 1/rgamma(1, shape=1, rate=1+1/tau_sq)

    # Update Y and S

      Ysamp <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(nObs, sigma=solve(Omega))
      Yitt <- Y
      Yitt[ind] <- Ysamp[ind]
      S <- t(Yitt) %*% Yitt
      Yimp <- matrix(Ysamp[ind],nrow=1)

    # Store:
    if (it > 0){
      Results$Omega[,,it] <- Omega
      Results$lambda_sq[,,it] <- lambda_sq
      Results$pcor[,,it] <- as.matrix(qgraph:::wi2net(Omega))
      Results$tau_sq[it] <- tau_sq
      Results$Strength[it,] <- qgraph::centrality(as.matrix(qgraph:::wi2net(Omega)))$OutDegree
      Results$Closeness[it,] <- qgraph::centrality(as.matrix(qgraph:::wi2net(Omega)))$Closeness
      Results$Betweenness[it,] <- qgraph::centrality(as.matrix(qgraph:::wi2net(Omega)))$Betweenness
        Results$ImputatedValues[it,] <- Yimp

    if (verbose){
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, it)

  Results$optwi <- apply(Results$Omega,1:2,function(x)modeest::mlv(x)$M)
  netHorse <- qgraph:::wi2net(Results$optwi)

  # Threshold by checking if 0 is in interval:
  SigHorse  <- apply(Results$Omega,1:2,function(x){
    Quants <- quantile(x,probs = c(0.025,0.975))
    (Quants[1] > 0) | (Quants[2] < 0)

  Results$optpcor <- netHorse  * SigHorse
  Results$CredInt <- apply(Results$Omega,1:2,function(x){
    Quants <- quantile(x,probs = c(0.025,0.975))})

  Results$optStrength <- qgraph::centrality(as.matrix(Results$optpcor))$OutDegree
  # Correct strength estimates per itteration for lack of 0 decision rule by looking at difference in mode of
  # estimates per itteration and the optimal estimates
  Stdiff <- apply(Results$Strength,2,function(x)modeest::mlv(x)$M) - Results$optStrength
  StCorr <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(Results$Strength),ncol=ncol(Results$Strength))
  for(i in 1:nrow(Results$Strength)){
    StCorr[i,] <- Results$Strength[i,]- Stdiff
  Results$CIStrength <- apply(StCorr,2,function(x){
    Quants <- quantile(x,probs = c(0.025,0.975))})

  Results$optCloseness <- qgraph::centrality(as.matrix(Results$optpcor))$Closeness
  Cldiff <- apply(Results$Closeness,2,function(x)modeest::mlv(x)$M) - Results$optCloseness
  ClCorr <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(Results$Closeness),ncol=ncol(Results$Closeness))
  for(i in 1:nrow(Results$Closeness)){
    ClCorr[i,] <- Results$Closeness[i,]- Cldiff
  Results$CICloseness <- apply(ClCorr,2,function(x){
    Quants <- quantile(x,probs = c(0.025,0.975))})

  Results$optBetweenness <- qgraph::centrality(as.matrix(Results$optpcor))$Betweenness
  Bediff <- apply(Results$Betweenness,2,function(x)modeest::mlv(x)$M) - Results$optBetweenness
  BeCorr <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(Results$Betweenness),ncol=ncol(Results$Betweenness))
  for(i in 1:nrow(Results$Betweenness)){
    BeCorr[i,] <- Results$Betweenness[i,]- Bediff
  Results$CIBetweenness <- apply(BeCorr,2,function(x){
    Quants <- quantile(x,probs = c(0.025,0.975))})

    Results$Missings <- ind
    colnames(Results$ImputatedValues) <- misslabel
    Ycomp <- Y
    Ycomp[ind] <- colMeans(Results$ImputatedValues)
    Results$CompleteData <- Ycomp
    Results$OriginalData <- Yorig

  if (verbose) close(pb)

  if(nrow(ind)==0){Results$ImputatedValues <- NULL}

SachaEpskamp/BayesGGM documentation built on May 8, 2019, 6:44 p.m.