
#' Create, open or save a StoX project
#' \code{createProject} creates a new StoX project (from xml files). \cr \cr
#' \code{openProject} opens a StoX project. If the project has already been opened, \code{openProject} will only retrieve the project object from the RstoxEnv enviromnent. To force open the project use \code{reopenProject}. \cr \cr
#' \code{reopenProject} re-opens a StoX project, which is equivalent to closeing and then opening the project. \cr \cr
#' \code{getProject} gets a project object (one of "project", "baseline", "baseline-report", "name"), either from the input if this is a baseline or project object, or from the project environment. \cr \cr
#' \code{listOpenProjects} lists all open projects. \cr \cr
#' \code{updateProject} updates links to xml files in a project. \cr \cr
#' \code{modifyProject} modifies a project by the inpputs \code{parlist} and \code{...} (reopens, modifies, saves and optionally closes the project). \cr \cr
#' \code{saveProject} saves a StoX project. This implies to save to the project.XML file all changes that are made to the project environment, such as changes in parameter values through the "..." input to runBaseline(). Such changes are only implemented in the project environment (in R memory), and will not be saved to the project.XML file unless saveProject() is run. \cr \cr
#' \code{saveasProject} saves the project as a new project (settings in Java memory are saved to the new project but not to the existing project). \cr \cr
#' \code{resetProject} resets a project to the original settings. \cr \cr
#' \code{closeProject} removes the project from memory. \cr \cr
#' \code{closeAllProjects} removes all projects from memory. \cr \cr
#' \code{isProject} checks whether the project exists on file. \cr \cr
#' \code{getAvailableProjects} lists available projects. \cr \cr
#' \code{readXMLfiles} reads XML data via a temporary project. \cr \cr
#' @param projectName   	The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{getBaseline} or \code{runBaseline}), og a project object (as returned from \code{openProject}). For \code{createProject}, \code{projectName}=NULL (the default) returns available templates, and for \code{openProject}, zeros length \code{projectName} returns all StoX projects in the default workspace either given as a vector of full paths, or, in the case projectName is an empty list, a list of names of StoX projects located in the default workspace and sub directories. Projects locataed in sub directories of the default workspace can be given by the relative path, or are searched for by name.
#' @param files   			A list with elements named "acoustic", "biotic", "landing", "process" (holding the project.xml file) or other implemented types of data to be copied to the project (available data types are stored in Definitions$StoX_data_sources in the environment "RstoxEnv". Get these by getRstoxDef("StoX_data_sources"). These could be given as directories, in which case all files within the directories are copied, or as URLs. If given as a single path to a directory holding sub-directories with names "acoustic", "biotic", "landing", "process" or other implemented types of data, the files are copied from these directories. If \code{files} has length 0 (default), no files are written to the project except the project.xml file using the specified \code{model}. If multiple projects are created, the files are copied to all projects. If given as a single URL to a zipped StoX project, the project is downloaded and unzipped, usting the 
#' @param newProjectName	The name of the project to save an open project as.
#' @param dir				The directory in which to put the project. The project is a directory holding three sub directories named "input", "output" and "process", where input, output and process files are stored.
#' @param model   			The model to use, either given as a string specifying a template, or a vector of process names or list of processes given as lists of parameter specifications (see \code{parlist}). Show available templates with createProject().
#' @param ow   				Specifies whether to ovewrite existing project: If TRUE, overwrite; if FALSE, do not overwrite; if NULL (default), aks the user to confitm overwriting.
#' @param open   			Logical: if TRUE (defalut) open the project in memory.
#' @param ignore.processXML	Logical: if TRUE do not copy any project.XML file given in \code{files} to the project.
#' @param parlist,...   	See \code{\link{runBaseline}}.
#' @param out   			One of "project", "baseline" or "name" (project name), specifying the output.
#' @param nchars			The number of characters to read when determining the types of the files in readXMLfiles().
#' @param msg				Logical: If TRUE, print messages to the console.
#' @param close				Logical: If TRUE, close the project after updating file paths (used in \code{updateProject}).
#' @param soft				Logical: If TRUE, do not save the current javaParameters to the savedParameters field in the project environment (used in saveasProject()).
#' @param to				A string naming the parameters to reset a project to (one of "original" and "saved", where the latter is only used in saveasProject()).
#' @param subset.out		Logical: Used in \code{is.project}. If TRUE, subset the input project names, and if False, return a logical vector.
#' @param relative.path		Logical: If TRUE, update the project.xml file with the relative paths in Read* functions.
#' @examples
#' # Show templates:
#' templ <- createProject()
#' names(templ)
#' str(templ)
#' # See avilable projects, either as full paths or as a list:
#' op <- openProject()
#' str(op)
#' opl <- openProject(list())
#' str(opl)
#' # A test project "Test_Rstox" is automatically created when openProject("Test_Rstox") is run. 
#' # If one wishes to re-create the "Test_Rstox" project, use createProject("Test_Rstox", ow=TRUE).
#' # Read xml file directly from any location:
#' xmlfiles <- system.file("extdata", "Test_Rstox", package="Rstox", "input")
#' list.files(xmlfiles, recursive=TRUE)
#' dat <- readXMLfiles(xmlfiles)
#' @return A project object
#' \code{createProject} returns the path to the StoX project directory. \cr \cr
#' \code{openProject} returns the object specified in 'out'. \cr \cr
#' \code{reopenProject} returns the object specified in 'out'. \cr \cr
#' \code{getProject} returns the requested object (one of the project object, the baseline, object, the baseline report object, ot the project name). If the project is not open, NULL is returned. \cr \cr
#' \code{updateProject} returns TRUE for success and FALSE for no XML files linked to reading functions. \cr \cr
#' \code{saveProject} returns the project object. \cr \cr
#' \code{closeProject} returns TRUE if the project was open and FALSE if not. \cr \cr
#' \code{isProject} returns TRUE if the project exists on file and FALSE if not. \cr \cr
#' \code{readXMLfiles} returns the XML data. \cr \cr
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
createProject <- function(projectName=NULL, files=list(), dir=NULL, model="StationLengthDistTemplate", ow=NULL, open=TRUE, ignore.processXML=FALSE, parlist=list(), msg=TRUE, ...){
	##### Functions: #####
	matchTemplates <- function(template){
		availableTemplates <- getTemplates(names.only=TRUE)
		availableTemplates[ which(tolower(substr(availableTemplates, 1, nchar(template))) == tolower(template)) ]
	# Function used for detecting URLs:
	#isURL <- function(x, URLkeys=c("ftp:", "www.", "http:")){
	#	seq_along(x) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(URLkeys, grep, x=x, fixed=TRUE)))
	# Function used for copying data and process file to the project:
	getFiles <- function(files, StoX_data_sources){
		if(length(files)==1 && is.character(files)){
				dirs <- list.dirs(files, full.names=TRUE)
				# Select the element with valid names:
				valid_dirs <- tolower(basename(dirs)) %in% StoX_data_sources
				files <- lapply(dirs[valid_dirs], list.files, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
				names(files) <- tolower(basename(dirs[valid_dirs]))
	# Function used for copying data and process file to the project:
	copyFilesToStoX <- function(data_sources, files, dirs){
		# Select only the valid data types:
		for(i in seq_along(data_sources)){
			x <- files[[data_sources[i]]]
				x <- c(x[file.info(x)$isdir %in% FALSE], list.files(x, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE))
				file.copy(x, dirs[i])
	##### End of functions: #####
	##### 1. Initiate Rstox, get templates and project name, root and directory (full path): #####
	# If an URL to a zip file is given in 'projectName', assume the URL points to a zipped StoX project and download the project:
	if(length(files)==1 && isURL(files, zip=TRUE)){
		return(downloadProjectZip(URL=files, projectName=projectName, projectRoot=dir, cleanup=TRUE, ow=ow)$projectPath)
	if(length(projectName)==1 && isURL(projectName, zip=TRUE)){
		return(downloadProjectZip(URL=projectName, projectRoot=dir, cleanup=TRUE, ow=ow)$projectPath)
	# J() and reference to "no/imr/stox/model/Project" requires	Rstox.init():
	nprojects <- length(projectName)
	projectPath <- rep(NA, nprojects)
	# Support for the case of generating multiple projects, where 'files' can be a list with one element per project:
	StoXFoldersRecursiveSansOutput <- getRstoxDef("StoXFoldersRecursiveSansOutput")
	StoX_data_sources <- basename(StoXFoldersRecursiveSansOutput)
	# If files is a list with any names equal to StoX_data_sources (acoustic, biotic, landing, process), or if a character vector, convert to a list and repeat to the number of projects:
	if(is.character(files) || (is.list(files) && any(names(files) %in% StoX_data_sources))){
		files <- rep(list(files), nprojects)
	# If files is not a list with length equal to the number projects, create an empty list:
	else if(!(is.list(files) && length(files) == nprojects)){
		files <- vector("list", nprojects)
	# Run through and generate the projects:
	for(i in seq_len(nprojects)){
		# Set the project name and the root directory of the project:
		projectPaths <- getProjectPaths(projectName[i], projectRoot=dir)
		thisProjectName <- projectPaths$projectName
		dir <- projectPaths$projectRoot
		thisProjectPath <- projectPaths$projectPath
		##### 2. Treat overwriting: #####
			temp <- getow(ow=ow, projectPath=thisProjectPath, onlyone=nprojects==1, msg=msg)
			ow <- temp$ow
			if(nprojects==1 && temp$jumpToNext){
			else if(temp$jumpToNext){
			# Delete the existing project if the function/for loop did not exit:
			unlink(thisProjectPath, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)
			# Also remove the projet from R memory, that is delete the project environment:
		##### 3. Apply the specified template/model: #####
		# The parameter 'model' can be specified in on of three ways:
		# 1. As a single sharacter string naming one of the templates returned by getTemplates(TRUE)
		# 2. As a list of processes given either as strings naming the function of the process, or lists of the parameters of the process, or a combination
		# 3. As a list with the first element being the name of a template, and the following being lists of parameters
		# 1. 
		if(length(model) == 1 && is.character(model)){
			template <- matchTemplates(model)
			if(length(template) == 0){
				template <- matchTemplates("UserDefined")
				parlist <- getParlist(parlist=c(model, parlist), ...)
				parlist <- getParlist(parlist=parlist, ...)
		else if(is.list(model)){
			# 3.
			if(is.character(model[[1]]) && length(matchTemplates(model[[1]]))){
				template <- matchTemplates(model[[1]])
				model <- model[-1]
			# 2.
				template <- matchTemplates("UserDefined")
			parlist <- getParlist(parlist=c(model, parlist), ...)
			stop("The 'model' must be a single string naming the desired template, or a list of process specifications as given in 'parlist'. If the first element of the list is a string matching a template name, this template is used, and the processes modified by the following process parameter specifications.")
		###  # If the model contains a template string, transform this string to a list:
		###  if(length(model)>1 && any(model %in% getTemplates(names.only=TRUE))){
		###  	# Detect template strings in the 'model':
		###  	atDetectedTemplates <- which(model %in% getTemplates(names.only=TRUE))
		###  	detectedTemplates <- unlist(model[atDetectedTemplates])
		###  	# Remove the detected templates:
		###  	model <- model[-atDetectedTemplates]
		###  	# Convert the template strings to partlist:
		###  	templateParlist <- unlist(lapply(detectedTemplates, template2parlist), recursive=FALSE)
		###  	# Add the parlist to the start of 'model':
		###  	model <- c(templateParlist, model)
		###  }
		## Detect whether the model is user defined:
		#userDefined <- is.list(model) || (length(model)>0 && !model[1] %in% getTemplates(names.only=TRUE))
		## Select the template given the user input:
		#	template <- matchTemplates("UserDefined")
		#else if(length(model)){
		#	# Find the templates that match the available tempaltes case insensitively and using abbreviation:
		#	template <- matchTemplates(model[1])
		#	if(length(template)>1){
		#		template <- template[1]
		#		warning(paste0("Multiple templates matched. The first used (", template, ")"))
		#	}
		#	 else if(length(template)==0){
		#		warning(paste0("'template' matches no templates. Run createProject() to get a list of available tempaltes. Default used (", "StationLengthDist", ")"))
		#		template <- matchTemplates("StationLengthDist")
		#	}
		#	template <- matchTemplates("StationLengthDist")
		##### 4. Generate folder structure and copy files: #####
		# Create the project, that is create in memory and set ut the folder structure. This writes folders to the directory 'dir'!:
		project <- J("no.imr.stox.factory.FactoryUtil")$createProject(dir, thisProjectName, template)
		# Copy files to the project directory:
		StoXdirs <- file.path(thisProjectPath, StoXFoldersRecursiveSansOutput)

		### Add the files: ####
		# If the Test_Rstox project is to be created, add the example files, thus overriding any other files specified in the input:
		if(identical(thisProjectName, "Test_Rstox")){
			cat("The test project Test_Rstox is The International Ecosystem survey in the Nordic Seas in May 2016\n")
			thisfiles <- system.file("extdata", "Test_Rstox", package="Rstox")
			thisfiles <- files[[i]]
		# Get the different files:
		thisfiles <- getFiles(thisfiles, StoX_data_sources)
			thisfiles$process <- NULL
		# Copy the files 
		if(length(thisfiles) && is.list(thisfiles)){
			copyFilesToStoX(StoX_data_sources, thisfiles, dirs=StoXdirs)
		# Save the project if no project.xml file was given. This is done in order to open the project in the next step using openProject(), which is needed to create the project environment. Here we need to the project object, since that is what we wish to save. If we used the project name, getProject() used in saveProject() would look for the project object in the project environment, which we have not created yet:
		# Open the project with the project.xml file copied to the prodect directory or generated from the template given in 'model':
		project <- openProject(thisProjectPath, out="project")
		# Update the xml files containg the data. This is done to make sure the files are pointed to in the project even after moving files (for example if the full path was used in the project.xml file copied to the project). This is only effectice if the model includes StoX reading function such as readBioticXML:
		##### 5. Add the processes specified in 'model' #####
		# Specify the model if a valid template was not given:
		if(template == "UserDefined"){
				warning(paste0("a project.xml file was copied to the project ", thisProjectPath, ", and any model specification given in 'model' is ignored (ignore.processXML = TRUE can be used to discard the project.xml file)"))
				# Get the list of parameters specified either in 'model', or in 'parlist' or '...' in addition (usually only used then a template is used so that userDefined=FALSE, but kept here for robustness):
				### parlist <- getParlist(parlist=c(model, parlist), ...)
				# Add the processes. Here ONLY the process and function names are set. Set the parameter values below:
				addProcesses(project, parlist)
		### else{
		### 	parlist <- getParlist(parlist=parlist, ...)
		### }
		# Override parameters in the project:
			# Re-open the project in order to sucessfully set the parameters in the 'parlist':
			setBaselineParameters(thisProjectPath, parlist=parlist, msg=FALSE, save=c("last", "java"))
		# Finally, save all changes to the project.xml file:
		projectPath[i] <- thisProjectPath
	} # End of for loop through projects.
	# Return the project directory:
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
openProject <- function(projectName=NULL, out=c("project", "baseline", "baseline-report", "name"), msg=FALSE){
	# Old version, listing everything in the default workspace:
	# Initialize the list of available projects, and get this list only if neseccary:
	availableProjects <- NULL
	# If nothing is given return a list of the projects in the StoX project directory:
		# Get the available projects, ordered from the top level and down:
		availableProjects <- getAvailableProjects()
	# Get the project Java object, possibly retrieved from the project environment (getProject() uses getProjectPaths() if a character is given):
	project <- getProject(projectName, msg=msg)
	# Otherwise, open the project, generate the project object, and save it to the RstoxEnv evnironment:
		# Search for the project:
			# Get the available projects, ordered from the top level and down:
				availableProjects <- getAvailableProjects()
			# If the Test_Rstox project is requested, create it:
			if(identical(projectName, "Test_Rstox")){
				temp <- createProject("Test_Rstox")
				availableProjects$projectPaths <- c(temp, availableProjects$projectPaths)
			# Get avaiable project names and match against the requested project. The top levels are prioritized in availableProjects$projectPaths:
			availableProjectNames <- basename(availableProjects$projectPaths)
			matches <- which(availableProjectNames %in% getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName)
				warning(paste0("The StoX project \"", projectName, "\" not found in the default workspace \"", availableProjects$workspace, "\". For projects not located in this directory or its sub directories, the full path to the project folder must be specified."))
			else if(length(matches)>1){
				#warning(paste0("Multiple StoX projects matching \"", projectName, "\". Use the full path, or path relative to the default workspace, to specify the project uniquely. The first of the following list selected:\n", paste0("\t", availableProjects$projectPaths[matches], collapse="\n")))
				warning.length <- options("warning.length")
				options(warning.length = 8170L)
				stop(paste0("Multiple StoX projects matching \"", projectName, "\". Use the full path, or path relative to the default workspace (", getProjectPaths()$projectRoot, ") to specify the project uniquely:\n", paste0("\t", availableProjects$projectPaths[matches], collapse="\n")))
				options(warning.length = warning.length)
			projectName <- availableProjects$projectPaths[matches[1]]
		projectPaths <- getProjectPaths(projectName)
		projectName <- projectPaths$projectName
		projectRoot <- projectPaths$projectRoot
		projectPath <- projectPaths$projectPath
		########## Open the project in Java memory: ##########
		project <- J("no.imr.stox.factory.FactoryUtil")$openProject(projectRoot, projectName)
		# This line was added on 2017-08-23 due to a bug discovered when estimating the area of polygons using the "accurate" method. When baseline is run, Java calls the function polyArea() when AreaMethod="accurate". However, whenever this failed, the simple method implemented in Java was used (which was a bug). The problem was that the path to the R-bin was not set in Rstox. To solve this, a file holding this path (or the command project$setRFolder(PATH_TO_R_BIN)) will be saved by StoX, and called every time a triggerscript is run. In Rstox we solve the problem by the below sequence:
		RFolder <- project$getRFolder()
		#__# RFolder <- .jcall(project, "S", "getRFolder")
		if(length(RFolder)==0 || (is.character(RFolder) && nchar(RFolder)==0)){
			#__# RFolder <- .jcall(project, "S", "setRFolder", R.home("bin"))
		############################################### ######
		########## Open the project in R memory: ##########
		# Create a list for the project in the environment 'RstoxEnv':
		parameters <- readBaselineParametersJava(project)
		# The first line (temp <- getRstoxEnv()) is needed to assure that the RstoxEnv environment is loaded:
		temp <- getRstoxEnv()
		RstoxEnv$Projects[[projectName]] <- list(originalParameters=parameters, savedParameters=parameters, javaParameters=parameters, lastParameters=parameters, projectObject=project, projectPath=projectPath, projectData=new.env())
		#assign(projectName, list(originalParameters=parameters, javaParameters=parameters, lastParameters=parameters, projectObject=project, projectData=new.env()), envir=getRstoxEnv())
		##assign(getRstoxEnv()[[projectName]], list(originalParameters=parameters, javaParameters=parameters, lastParameters=parameters, projectObject=project, projectData=new.env()))
		###getRstoxEnv()[[projectName]] <- list(originalParameters=parameters, javaParameters=parameters, lastParameters=parameters, projectObject=project, projectData=new.env())
		# Also add the last used parameters to the projectData, in order to save this to file. 
		##### NOTE (2017-08-28): This is different from the 'lastParameters' object in the project environment (rstoxEnv[[projectName]]), and is only used when writing project data such as bootstrap results to file: #####
		setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=parameters, name="lastParameters")

		# As of version 1.4.2, create the new folder structure:
		suppressWarnings(dir.create(projectPaths$RDataDir, recursive=TRUE))
		suppressWarnings(dir.create(projectPaths$RReportDir, recursive=TRUE))
	### # Return a baseline object:
	### if(tolower(substr(out[1], 1, 1)) == "b"){
	### 	return(project$getBaseline())
	### }
	### # Return the project object:
	### else if(tolower(substr(out[1], 1, 1)) == "p"){
	### 	return(project)
	### }
	### # Return the project name:
	### else if(tolower(substr(out[1], 1, 1)) == "n"){
	### 	return(project$getProjectName())
	### }
	### # Return a baseline object:
	### if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "baseline"){
	### 	return(project$getBaseline())
	### }
	### # Return the baseline report object:
	### if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "report"){
	### 	return(project$getBaselineReport())
	### }
	### # Return the project object:
	### else if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "project"){
	### 	return(project)
	### }
	### # Return the project name:
	### else if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "name"){
	### 	return(project$getProjectName())
	### }
	### else{
	### 	warning("Invalid value of 'out'")
	### 	return(NULL)
	### }
	# Return the requested object:
	getProject(project, out=out)
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
reopenProject <- function(projectName, out=c("project", "baseline", "baseline-report", "name")){
	openProject(projectName,  out=out)
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
getProject <- function(projectName, out=c("project", "baseline", "baseline-report", "name"), msg=FALSE){
	# Return immediately if a project or baseline object is given:
	if(class(projectName) == "jobjRef"){
			project <- projectName
		else if(projectName@jclass=="no/imr/stox/model/Model"){
			project <- projectName$getProject()
	# Check for the existence of the project object in the RstoxEnv evnironment (getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName assures that the project name is used and not the full project path if given in 'projectName'):
	#else if(is.character(projectName) && nchar(projectName)>0 && length(getRstoxEnv()[[getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName]]$projectObject)>0){
	else if(is.character(projectName) && nchar(projectName)>0){
		# Get the project paths from the projectName:
		projectPaths <- getProjectPaths(projectName)
		# List open projects:
		projectList <- listOpenProjects()
		#projectName <- temp$projectName
		#projectPath <- temp$projectPath
		if(projectPaths$projectName %in% projectList$projectName){
			if(msg || !projectPaths$projectPath %in% projectList$projectPath){
				warning(paste0("Project retrieved from RstoxEnv$Projects[['", projectName, "']]. To reopen the project use reopenProject(", projectName, ")"))
			#project <- getRstoxEnv()$Projects[[projectName]]$projectObject
			project <- getRstoxEnv()$Projects[[projectPaths$projectName]]$projectObject
	# Get the StoX Java function:
	modelTypeJavaFun <- getModelType(out[1])$fun
	# Return either the project object itself, or the funciton identified using modelTypeJavaFun():
	if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "project")){
	else if(is.na(modelTypeJavaFun)){
		warning("Invalid value of 'out'")
		return(.jrcall(project, modelTypeJavaFun))
	## Return a baseline object:
	#if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "baseline")){
	#	return(project$getBaseline())
	## Return the baseline report object:
	#if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "report")){
	#	return(project$getBaselineReport())
	## Return the project object:
	#else if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "project")){
	#	return(project)
	## Return the project name:
	#else if(startsWith(tolower(out[1]), "name")){
	#	return(project$getProjectName())
	#	warning("Invalid value of 'out'")
	#	return(NULL)
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
listOpenProjects <- function(){
	out <- data.frame(
		projectName = names(getRstoxEnv()$Projects), 
		projectPath = sapply(getRstoxEnv()$Projects, function(x) x$projectPath), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	rownames(out) <- NULL
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
updateProject <- function(projectName, relative.path=TRUE, close=FALSE){
	# Set the project name and the root directory of the project:
	projectPaths <- getProjectPaths(projectName)
		pointToStoXFiles(projectName, relative.path=relative.path, close=close)
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
modifyProject <- function(projectName, close=TRUE, parlist=list(), ...){
	procChanged <- setBaselineParameters(projectName, parlist=parlist, save=TRUE, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
saveProject <- function(projectName, soft=FALSE){
	project <- getProject(projectName)
		# Save the project:
			# In case the project object was given as 'projectName':
			projectName <- getProjectPaths(project)$projectName
			# Set the savedParameters to the current javaParameters:
			RstoxEnv$Projects[[projectName]]$savedParameters <- RstoxEnv$Projects[[projectName]]$javaParameters
		warning(paste("Project", projectName, "is not open, and cannot be saved."))
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
saveasProject <- function(projectName, newProjectName, dir=NULL, ow=NULL, msg=TRUE){
	project <- getProject(projectName)
	# First save the project (and reset at the end of the function):
	saveProject(projectName, soft=TRUE)
	# Get the path to the new project:
	newProjectName <- getProjectPaths(newProjectName, projectRoot=dir)$projectPath
	# If the new project is open, stop the function:
		warning("Cannot overwrite an open project")
	# If the new project exists, 
		ow <- getow(ow, newProjectName, onlyone=TRUE, msg=msg)$ow
		ow <- TRUE
		tocopy <- list.dirs(getProjectPaths(project, projectRoot=dir)$projectPath, recursive=FALSE)
		lapply(tocopy, file.copy, newProjectName, recursive=TRUE)
	# Reset the project:
	resetProject(projectName, to="saved")
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
resetProject <- function(projectName, to="original"){
	# Get parameters:
	parameters <- getBaselineParameters(projectName) # Use out="all"
	# Reset to original parameters
	resetParameters <- parameters[[to[1]]]
		warning("Invalid input for 'to'. Should be either \"original\" to reset to the original parameters (those present on openProject()) or \"saved\" to reset to the last saved parameters (only used in saveasProject() to reset a soft save).")
	setBaselineParameters(projectName, parlist=resetParameters, save="java", msg=FALSE)
	# Save the project:	
	# Reset to previous parameters
	setBaselineParameters(projectName, parlist=parameters$java, save="java", msg=FALSE)
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
closeProject <- function(projectName){
	projectName <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName
	# Remove the project list:
		#rm(list=projectName, envir=getRstoxEnv())
		temp <- getRstoxEnv()
		temp$Projects[[projectName]] <- NULL
		warnings(paste0("The project \"", projectName, "\" is not open"))
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
closeAllProjects <- function(){
	l <- listOpenProjects()
	sapply(l$projectName, closeProject)
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
isProject <- function(projectName, subset.out=FALSE){
	# The following is done in getProjectPaths():
	#	1. Look for the project if given by the full path
	#	2. Look for the project in the default root and sub directories
	# Function for checking whether all the folders given in getRstoxEnv()$StoX_data_sources are present in the directory:
	hasStoX_data_sourcesOne <- function(projectName){
		suppressWarnings(projectName <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectPath)
		# If the project paths do not exist:
		# Verify that the projectInfo is a directory with the required sub directories:
		projectInfo <- file.info(projectName)
			dirs <- list.dirs(projectName, full.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE)
			if(all(getRstoxDef("StoXFolders") %in% dirs)){
				#warning(paste0("The path ", projectName, " does not contain the required folders (", paste(getRstoxEnv()$StoX_data_sources, collapse=", "), ")"))
	hasStoX_data_sources <- function(x, subset.out=FALSE){
		out <- unlist(lapply(x, hasStoX_data_sourcesOne))
	### # Check first the 'projectName' directly (which needs to be a full path, indicated by the !dirname(projectName) %in% c(".", "", "/")):
	### out <- FALSE
	### if(!dirname(projectName) %in% c(".", "", "/")){
	### 	out <- hasStoX_data_sources(projectName)
	### }
	### # Then look for the project in the default workspace:
	### if(!out){
	### 	out <- hasStoX_data_sources(getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectPath)
	### }
	### out
	hasStoX_data_sources(projectName, subset.out=subset.out)
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
getAvailableProjects <- function(){
	# List the valid StoX project folders and the other folders:
	listProjectsAndFolders <- function(x){
		paths <- list.dirs(x, recursive=FALSE)
		# Get projects at the top level:
		arePr <- isProject(paths)
		paths_notPr <- paths[!arePr]
		paths <- paths[arePr]
		return(list(pr=paths, notPr=paths_notPr, dir=x))
	# 2017-09-03 (Arne Johannes Holmin): Change made to list projects located in sub folders in the default workspace. These are returned with thir full path:
	# Get all files and folders in the default workspace:
	workspace <- J("no.imr.stox.functions.utils.ProjectUtils")$getSystemProjectRoot()
	# Iterate through the workspace and find StoX projects:
	projectPathList <- list()
	workspaceTemp <- workspace
		# Get the projects and non-StoX-project directories
		this <- lapply(workspaceTemp, listProjectsAndFolders)
		dir <- unlist(lapply(this, "[[", "dir"))
		# Update the workspaceTemp:
		workspaceTemp <- unlist(lapply(this, "[[", "notPr"))
		this <- lapply(this, "[[", "pr")
		names(this) <- dir
		# Append the projects to the list:
		projectPathList <- c(projectPathList, this)
	# Clean the list:
	projectPathList <- projectPathList[sapply(projectPathList, length)>0]
	projectPaths <- unname(unlist(projectPathList))
	# If nothing is given return a list of the projects in the StoX project directory:
	temp <- names(projectPathList)
	projectNameList <- lapply(seq_along(projectPathList), function(i) substring(sub(names(projectPathList)[i], "", projectPathList[[i]], fixed=TRUE), 2))
	names(projectNameList) <- temp
		projectPaths = projectPaths, 
		projectPathList = projectPathList, 
		projectNameList = projectNameList, 
		workspace = workspace))
#' @export
#' @rdname createProject
readXMLfiles <- function(files, dir=tempdir(), model=list(), nchars=500){
	# Function for extracting the different file types from characteristic strings in the first 'n' characters:
	getFileType <- function(files, nchars=500){
		first <- sapply(files, readChar, nchars=nchars)
		out <- lapply(getRstoxDef("StoX_data_type_keys"), grep, first, ignore.case=TRUE)
		if(sum(sapply(out, length))){
			out <- lapply(out, function(x) files[x])
			names(out) <- getRstoxDef("StoX_data_sources")
			warning(paste0("No acoustic, biotic or landing XML files detected (using the characteristic strings ", paste(paste0("'", getRstoxDef("StoX_data_type_keys"), "'"), collapse=", "), " as identifyers for the file types ", paste(paste0("'", getRstoxDef("StoX_data_sources"), "'"), collapse=", ") , ") "))
			out <- list()
		# Add a warning if any files are URLs:
			warning("The function readXMLfiles() can presently not read URLs directly. Please use pr <- getNMDdata() followed by getBaseline(pr) to read URLs")
	capitalizeFirstLetter <- function(x){
		first <- substring(x, 1, 1)
		rest <- substring(x, 2)
		paste0(toupper(first), rest)
	# Get the list of files if given as a simple vector of file paths:
		if(length(files)==1 && isTRUE(file.info(files)$isdir)){
			dirs <- list.dirs(files, recursive=FALSE, full.names=FALSE)
			# Get the files if given as a directory holding sub directories named "biotic", "acoustic", or "landing":
			if(any(getRstoxDef("StoX_data_sources") %in% dirs)){
				presentDirs <- file.path(files, intersect(getRstoxDef("StoX_data_sources"), dirs))
				files <- lapply(presentDirs, list.files, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
				names(files) <- basename(presentDirs)
				files <- files[unlist(lapply(files, length))>0]
				files <- list.files(files, recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE)
		files <- getFileType(files, nchars=nchars)
	# Keep only the valid file types:
	files <- files[getRstoxDef("StoX_data_sources")]
	# And only non-empty elements:
	files <- files[sapply(files, length)>0]
	# Expand all paths for StoX to recognize the files:
	files <- lapply(files, path.expand)
	# Abort if no valid files:
	# Convert to a model object as used in createProject():
	readmodel <- lapply(files, as.list)
	readmodel <- lapply(readmodel, function(x) setNames(x, paste0("FileName", seq_along(x))) )
	names(readmodel) <- paste0("Read", capitalizeFirstLetter(names(files)), "XML")
	model <- c(readmodel, model)
	# Create a temporary project:
	project <- createProject("tempProject", dir=path.expand(dir), model=model, msg=FALSE, ow=TRUE)
	out <- getBaseline(project, input=NULL, msg=FALSE)

#' Download a zipped StoX project to a specified project path.
#' @param URL			The URL of the zipped project.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param projectRoot	The root directory of the project in which to save the downloaded files (set this if you wish to place the files in a project specified by its name, and not in the default root directory).
#' @param cleanup		Logical: if FALSE, the downloaded zip file is not deleted.
#' @param ow,msg		See \code{\link{getow}}.
#' @param onlyone   	Logical: If TRUE, only one project is checked (no for loop).
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname downloadProjectZip
downloadProjectZip <- function(URL, projectName=NULL, projectRoot=NULL, cleanup=TRUE, ow=TRUE, msg=TRUE, onlyone=TRUE){
	# Get the project path. If 'projectName' is not given, set this to a temporary name, and use the project name stored in the zip file. If the project path is given in 'projectName', all is good:
		projectPath <- getProjectPaths(projectName="temporaryZipDownload", projectRoot=projectRoot)$projectPath
		projectPath <- getProjectPaths(projectName=projectName, projectRoot=projectRoot)$projectPath
	# Declare the output 'ow':
	output_ow <- ow
	# Define the path to the downloaded zip file:
	zipPath <- paste0(projectPath, ".zip")
	# Download the zip file, overwriting any existing file with the path 'zipPath'. Added mode="wb" to make the zip openable on Windows:
	# Treat overwriting before downloading if the projectName was given:
			temp <- getow(ow, projectPath, onlyone=onlyone, msg=msg)
			output_ow <- temp$ow
			# Return from the function if not overwriting:
				# Added appropriate return value as per notice from Ibrahim on 2018-02-05 (changed from FALSE to 1 (see the Value section of ?download.file) on 2018-03-01):
				return(list(downloadSuccess = FALSE, ow = output_ow))
	# Download the file and record whether it was a success or failure by a logical variable for clearity (and not as an integer as returned by download.file()):
	downloadSuccess <- download.file(URL, zipPath, mode="wb") == 0

	# Get the path of the unzipped file:
	ziplist <- unzip(zipPath, list=TRUE)[,1]
		unzipPath <- file.path(dirname(zipPath), dirname(ziplist[1]))
		unzipPath <- file.path(dirname(zipPath), dirname(ziplist[2]))
	# Rename the projectPath to the unzipdir if projectName was not given:
		projectPath <- unzipPath
		# Treat overwriting:
			temp <- getow(ow, projectPath, onlyone=onlyone, msg=msg)
			output_ow <- temp$ow
			# Return from the function if not overwriting:
				# Added appropriate return value as per notice from Ibrahim on 2018-02-05:
				return(list(downloadSuccess = FALSE, ow = output_ow))
	# Unzip the downloaded zip file:
	unzip(zipPath, exdir=dirname(zipPath))
	# Delete zipPath, and if not equal, delete the projectPath and rename unzipPath:
	if(length(projectName) && !identical(projectPath, unzipPath)){
		# Delete the existing project:
		unlink(projectPath, recursive=TRUE)
		file.rename(unzipPath, projectPath)
	# Return download success:
	list(downloadSuccess=downloadSuccess, projectPath=projectPath, ow = output_ow)

#' Link to the files in a stox project
#' Updates a project with the files located in the "input" directory. Used in updateProject().
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param files   			A list with elements named "acoustic", "biotic", "landing", "process" (holding the project.xml file) or other implemented types of data to be copied to the project (available data types are stored in StoX_data_sources in the environment "RstoxEnv". Get these by get("StoX_data_sources", envir=get("RstoxEnv"))). These could be given as directories, in which case all files in those directories are copied, or as URLs. If given as a single path to a directory holding sub-directories with names "acoustic", "biotic", "landing", "process" or other implemented types of data, the files are copied from these directories. If files has length 0 (default), the files present in the project directory are used, if already existing (requires to answer "y" when asked to overwrite the project if ow=NULL, or alternatively to set ow=TRUE).
#' @param close				Logical: If TRUE, close the project after updating file paths (used in \code{updateProject}).
#' @return A project object
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
pointToStoXFiles <- function(projectName, files=NULL, relative.path=TRUE, close=FALSE){
	pointToStoXFilesSingle <- function(data_type, baseline, files){
		# Get the files of the specified type:
		thesefiles <- files[[data_type]]
		# Get the StoX-function name for reading these files:
		fun <- paste0("Read", toupper(substr(data_type, 1, 1)), substring(data_type, 2), "XML")
		for(i in seq_along(thesefiles)){
			proc <- baseline$findProcessByFunction(fun)
				proc$setParameterValue(paste0("FileName",i), thesefiles[i])
	# Open the project:
	baseline <- openProject(projectName, out="baseline")
	# Get the files if not specified in the input:
	files <- listInputFiles(projectName, full.names=TRUE, relative.path=relative.path)
	# Point to the files, save and return:
	out <- lapply(names(files), pointToStoXFilesSingle, baseline=baseline, files=files)
	names(out) <- names(files)
	# Save the project:
	# Return the file paths:
# Function for listing input files:
listInputFiles <- function(projectName, full.names=TRUE, relative.path=TRUE){
	# Get input directory and subfolders:
	inputDir <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$inputDir
	files <- list.files(inputDir, recursive=TRUE, full.names=full.names)
	files <- split(files, dirname(files))
	names(files) <- basename(names(files))
		files <- lapply(files, getRelativeStoXPath)
# Function for converting a path to a relative path starting from "input" or "output":
getRelativeStoXPath <- function(x, fsep=.Platform$file.sep){
	sapply(lapply(strsplit(x, "/"), tail, 3), paste, collapse=fsep)

#' Run a StoX baseline model
#' \code{runBaseline} runs a StoX baseline model possibily overriding parameters. \cr \cr
#' \code{getBaseline} returns input and output data from the StoX baseline model. \cr \cr
#' The parameters startProcess and endProcess specify the range of processes to run (startProcess : endProcess). If the model has been run already for all or some of the processes in this range, only the unrun processes are run. If there are processes in or prior to this range for which parameters have changed, all processes from the first changed process and throughout the range startProcess : endProcess are rerun. The range of processes to run is extended to any changed processes beyond the range. If reset=TRUE, the range or processes to run is extended to the range startProcess : endProcess regardless of whether the processes have previouslu been run.
#' @param projectName   		The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param startProcess			The name or number of the start process in the list of processes in the model (run \code{\link{runBaseline}} to get the processes of the project). The use of startProcess and endProcess requres that either no processes in the given range of processes depends on processes outside of the range, or that a baseline object is given in the input.
#' @param endProcess			The name or number of the end process in the list of processes in the model.
#' @param reset					Logical; if TRUE rerun the baseline model even if it has been run previously.
#' @param save					Logical; if TRUE changes to the project specified in parlist and "..." are saved in Java and to the object javaParameters in the project list in the RstoxEnv environment.
#' @param out					The object to return from runBaseline(), one of "name" (projectName), "baseline" (Java baseline object) or "project" (Java project object, containing the baseline object). First element used.
#' @param modelType				The type of model to run, currently one of "baseline" and "baseline-report". First element used.
#' @param msg					Logical: if TRUE print information about the progress of reading the data.
#' @param exportCSV				Logical: if TRUE turn on exporting csv files from the baseline run.
#' @param warningLevel			The warning level used in the baseline run, where 0 stops the baseline for Java warnings, and 1 continues with a warning.
#' @param tempRScriptFileName	A file name specifying the temporary R script that StoX writes and sources e.g. for stratum area calculation using the accurate method.
#' @param parlist				List of parameters values overriding existing parameter values. These are specified as processName = list(parameter = value), for example AcousticDensity = list(a = -70, m = 10), BioStationWeighting = list(WeightingMethod = "NASC", a = -70, m = 10). Logical parameters (given as strings "true"/"false" in StoX) can be given as logical TRUE/FALSE.
#' @param ...					Same as parlist, but can be specified separately (not in a list but as separate inputs).
#' @param input					The input data requested in getBaseline(). This is a string vector naming baseline processes and process data. The key words "par" and "proc" returns all parameters and process data, respectively.
#' @param proc					A string vector naming processes from which data should be returned.
#' @param par					A list of the same length as \code{fun} giving parameter values to uniquely identify processes. The list names are the names of the baseline process parameters, and the values are the baseline process values.
#' @param drop					Logical: if TRUE drop empty list elements (default).
#' @param close					Logical: if TRUE close the project on exit of the function (for \code{getBaseline}).
#' @param fresh					Logical: if TRUE write new r.R and r-report.R scripts to the folder output/r.
#' @param add.time				Logical: if TRUE add the current time to messages printed to the console in \code{runRScripts}.
#' When a StoX project has been run using \code{runBaseline} or \code{getBaseline}, the Java object of the project is saved in the project environment, see names(RstoxEnv$Projects). If there are changes made in the project, e.g., replaced files or manual changes in the project.xml file
#' @return For \code{\link{runBaseline}} theproject name, and for \code{\link{getBaseline}} a list of three elements named "parameters", "outputData", "processData", where empty elements can be dropped.
#' @examples
#' # Get output from the baseline:
#' projectName <- "Test_Rstox"
#' system.time(baselineData <- getBaseline(projectName))
#' # Check the structure of the output from getBaseline():
#' ls.str(baselineData)
#' # The predefined values of the parameters are included as attributes to the list of parameters:
#' baselineData$parameters$NASC
#' # To get a clean list of all predefined values run the following:
#' att <- rapply(baselineData$parameters, attributes, how="replace")
#' # The cleaned list has named PROCESSNAME.PARAMETERNAME.predefinedValues:
#' unlist(unlist(att, recursive=FALSE), recursive=FALSE)
#' # Override parameters in the baseline:
#' system.time(baselineDataMod <- getBaseline(projectName, 
#'     AcousticDensity = list(a = -70, m = 10),
#'     BioStationWeighting = list(WeightingMethod = "NASC", Radius=100, a = -70, m = 10)))
#' # Check differences in parameters and data saved by the baseline model:
#' all.equal(baselineData, baselineDataMod)
#' @export
#' @rdname runBaseline
runBaseline <- function(projectName, out=c("project", "baseline", "baseline-report", "name"), startProcess=1, endProcess=Inf, reset=FALSE, save=FALSE, modelType="baseline", msg=TRUE, exportCSV=FALSE, warningLevel=0, tempRScriptFileName=NULL, parlist=list(), ...){
	# Function for extracting a range covering a series of ranges:
	setProcRange <- function(...){
		l <- unlist(list(...))
			temp <- range(l)
			do.call(seq, as.list(temp))
	# Open the project (avoiding generating multiple identical project which demands memory in Java):
	#projectName <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName
	# If reset==TRUE allow for the warning in getProject():
		#baseline <- openProject(projectName, out="baseline")
		baseline <- openProject(projectName, out=modelType[1])
		warning("Empty 'projectName'")
	# Set the tempRScriptFileName if specified. This can be used when running getBaseline() in parallel, to ensure that each run writes and sources unique R scripts:
	if(length(tempRScriptFileName) && is.character(tempRScriptFileName)){
		setTempRScriptFileName(projectName, tempRScriptFileName, msg=msg)
	# Avoid breaks in the baseline, and set the warning level (used in bootstrapping to ease warnings):
	# If exportCSV==TRUE, reset the baseline (changed on 2018-08-28):
		cat("Exporting CSV files (rerunning baseline)...\n")
		reset <- TRUE
	# Remove processes that saves the project.xml file, which is assumed to ALWAYS be the last process. Please ask Ã…smund to set this as a requirement in StoX:
	#numProcesses      <- baseline$getProcessList()$size() - length(baseline$getProcessByFunctionName("WriteProcessData"))
	# Change on 2018-09-21, counting the number of save processes:
	numProcesses      <- baseline$getProcessList()$size() - length(JavaString2vector(baseline$getProcessesByFunctionName("WriteProcessData")))
	currentEndProcess <- baseline$getRunningProcessIdx() + 1
	######################## Processes: ########################
	# Define the unrun processes, which is NULL if the current end process is larger or equal to the number of processes (excluding the function "WriteProcessData"):
	if(currentEndProcess >= numProcesses){
		procUnrun <- NULL
		procUnrun <- seq(currentEndProcess + 1, numProcesses)
	# Get the processes to run:
	startProcess <- getProcess(projectName, proc=startProcess, modelType=modelType[1])
	endProcess   <- getProcess(projectName, proc=endProcess, modelType=modelType[1])
	procStartEnd <- seq(startProcess, endProcess)
	# Get the changed processes:
	# Detect changes to the baseline parameters compared to the last used parameters. This is done only to determine whether the baseline should be rerun. Using save=FALSE ensures that the parameters are not set but simply that changes are identified:
	procChanged <- setBaselineParameters(baseline, parlist=parlist, msg=FALSE, save=FALSE, ...)
	#parlist <- getParlist(parlist=parlist, ...)
	#javapar <- getBaselineParameters(projectName, out=modelType[1])$java # Use out=modelType
	#newpar  <- modifyBaselineParameters(projectName, javapar, parlist=parlist)$parameters
	#lastpar <- getBaselineParameters(projectName, out=modelType[1])$last # Use out=modelType
	## Change made on 2017-09-15: If no valid processes are given in parlist or ..., using which() around the following line returned an error. which() is now moved to inside the if(any(changedProcesses)){}:
	#procChanged <- which(sapply(seq_along(newpar), function(i) !identical(newpar[[i]], lastpar[[i]])))
	## Convert to all indices covered by the range of changed processes:
	#	procChanged <- seq(min(procChanged), max(procChanged, endProcess))
	### # Regardless of the value of reset, we rerun the span of the range of procUnrun and procChanged. That is, if there are processes that are have not been run or have had parameters changed in memory, rerun:
	### procTorun <- setProcRange(procUnrun, procChanged)
	### # If reset=TRUE, we also include the processes specified through 'startProcess' and 'endProcess':
	### if(reset){
	### 	procTorun <- setProcRange(procTorun, procStartEnd)
	### }
	# The parameters startProcess and endProcess specify the range of processes to run (startProcess : endProcess). If the model has been run already for all or some of the processes in this range, only the unrun processes are run. If there are processes in or prior to this range for which parameters have changed, all processes from the first changed process and throughout the range startProcess : endProcess are rerun. The range of processes to run is extended to any changed processes beyond the range. If reset=TRUE, the range or processes to run is extended to the range startProcess : endProcess regardless of whether the processes have previouslu been run.
	# 1. If any of 1:End are unrun or changed, run from the first of these to End:
	if(any(c(procUnrun, procChanged) %in% seq_len(max(procStartEnd)))){
		procTorun <- seq(min(procUnrun, procChanged), max(procStartEnd))
		procTorun <- NULL
	# 2. If reset=TRUE, extend to the range of procStartEnd:
		procTorun <- setProcRange(procTorun, procStartEnd)
	# 3. If any of procChanged > procTorun, run to the max of these:
	if(any(procChanged > suppressWarnings(max(procTorun)))){
		procTorun <- setProcRange(procTorun, procChanged)
	# Remove 0:
	procTorun <- procTorun[procTorun > 0]
	### # 1. If there are unrun processes in procStartEnd, use this as the last funciton to run
	### if(suppressWarnings(min(procUnrun)) <= max(procStartEnd)){
	### 	procTorun <- seq(min(procUnrun), max(procStartEnd))
	### }
	### else{
	### 	procTorun <- NULL
	### }
	### # 2. If reset=TRUE, extend to the range of procStartEnd:
	### if(reset){
	### 	procTorun <- setProcRange(procTorun, procStartEnd)
	### }
	### # 3. If there are processes with changed parameters, expand by the range of these. The changed processes takes presedence:
	### if(length(procChanged)){
	### 	procTorun <- setProcRange(procTorun, procChanged)
	### }
	# Override parameters in the baseline:
		startProcess <- min(procTorun)
		endProcess <- max(procTorun)
		#if(msg)	{cat("Running baseline process ", startProcess, " to ", endProcess, " (out of ", numProcesses, " processes, excluding save processes)\n", sep="")}
		if(msg)	{cat("Running ", modelType[1], " process ", startProcess, " to ", endProcess, " (out of ", numProcesses, " processes)\n", sep="")}
		# If parameters are given, override the java parameters in memory, and store the java (if save=TRUE) and last used parameters:
			 # Get the java parameters for use later if save==FALSE:
			 	javapar <- getBaselineParameters(projectName, modelType=modelType[1])$java # Use out=modelType
			 	#javapar <- getBaselineParameters(projectName)$java # Use out=modelType
			# Set the new parameters:
			newpar <- setBaselineParameters(baseline, parlist=parlist, msg=FALSE, save=c("last", "java"), ...)
			### ACCOUNTED FOR IN setBaselineParameters() # Make sure that processes are given by the correct form "Process(processName)"
			### ACCOUNTED FOR IN setBaselineParameters() newpar <- getParlist(newpar)
			# Run the baseline:
			baseline$run(jInt(startProcess), jInt(endProcess), jBoolean(FALSE))

			# Set the 'javaParameters' object and the parameters in Java memory back to the original:
				setBaselineParameters(baseline, parlist=javapar, msg=FALSE, save="java")
			# Run the baseline:
			baseline$run(jInt(startProcess), jInt(endProcess), jBoolean(FALSE))
	# Return the object specified in 'out':
	#return(getProject(projectName, out=out))
	return(getProject(baseline, out=out))
	## Return a baseline object:
	#if(tolower(substr(out[1], 1, 1)) == "b"){
	#	return(baseline)
	## Return the project object:
	#if(tolower(substr(out[1], 1, 1)) == "p"){
	#	return(baseline$getProject())
	## Return the project name:
	#	return(projectName)
#' @export
#' @rdname runBaseline
getBaseline <- function(projectName, input=c("par", "proc"), proc="all", drop=TRUE, startProcess=1, endProcess=Inf, reset=FALSE, save=FALSE, modelType="baseline", msg=TRUE, exportCSV=FALSE, warningLevel=0, parlist=list(), tempRScriptFileName=NULL, close=FALSE, ...){
	# Locate/run the baseline object. If rerun=TRUE or if parameters are given different from the parameters used in the last baseline run, rerun the baseline, and if the :
	#baseline <- runBaseline(projectName, startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, reset=reset, save=save, out="baseline", msg=msg, parlist=parlist, ...)
	baseline <- runBaseline(projectName, out=modelType[1], startProcess=startProcess, endProcess=endProcess, reset=reset, save=save, modelType=modelType[1], msg=msg, exportCSV=exportCSV, warningLevel=warningLevel, tempRScriptFileName=tempRScriptFileName, parlist=parlist, ...)
	# Get the processes of the baseline/baseline report and match with those given in 'proc':
	processes <- getBaselineParameters(projectName, modelType=modelType[1])$last # Use out=modelType
	processNames <- names(processes)
	### functionNames <- sapply(processes, "[[", "functionName")
	matchedProcesses <- processNames[getProcess(projectName, proc=proc, modelType=modelType[1])]
	##### (1) Get a list of processes with paramers: #####
	if("par" %in% input){
		input <- c(processNames, input)
	# Using input = FALSE, NULL, or "" suppresses returning parameters of the baseline:
	if(!any(identical(input, FALSE), length(input)==0, nchar(input)==0)){
		if(msg){ cat("Baseline parameters\n")}
		parameters <- processes[intersect(input, processNames)]
		parameters <- NULL

	##### (2) Get output from processes: #####
		outputData <- lapply(matchedProcesses, function(xx) {if(msg) {cat("Process output", xx, "\n")}; suppressWarnings(getDataFrame(baseline, processName=xx))})
		names(outputData) <- matchedProcesses
		outputData <- NULL

	##### (3) Get a list of process data: #####
	project <- openProject(projectName, out="project")
	# Changed made on 2019-01-11 after note from Mikko Vihtakari, who had installed Java 11 due to endless problems getting Java 8 and rJava to work. Java 11 seems to have introduced a difference in the behavior of the toArray() function, where the output is not a character vector but a Java Array object. For this reason the utility jobjRef2Character() was created, which converts to string first and then parses the string into a vector:
	# processdataNames <- project$getProcessData()$getOutputOrder()$toArray()
	processdataNames <- jobjRef2Character(project$getProcessData()$getOutputOrder())

	if("proc" %in% input){
		input <- c(processdataNames, input)
	processdataNames <- intersect(processdataNames, input)
	processData <- lapply(processdataNames, function(xx) {if(msg) {cat("Process data", xx, "\n")}; suppressWarnings(getProcessDataTableAsDataFrame(projectName, xx))})
	names(processData) <- processdataNames

	# Return the data:
	out <- list(parameters=parameters, outputData=outputData, processData=processData)
		out <- out[sapply(out, length)>0]
		while(is.list(out) && length(out)==1){
			out <- out[[1]]
#' @export
#' @rdname runBaseline
generateRScripts <- function(projectName, fresh=TRUE){
	# Get the paths to the r and r-report scripts:
	projectPath <- getProjectPaths(projectName=projectName)$projectPath
	r_script <- file.path(projectPath, "output", "r", "r.R")
	rreport_script <- file.path(projectPath, "output", "r", "r-report.R")
	generateNewRScript <- fresh || (!fresh && !file.exists(r_script))
	generateNewRreportScript <- fresh || (!fresh && !file.exists(rreport_script))
	# Open the project and generate the scripts (if fresh=TRUE or if they are missing):
	if(any(generateNewRScript, generateNewRreportScript)){
		project <- openProject(projectName, out="project")
	list(r_script=r_script, rreport_script=rreport_script)
#' @export
#' @rdname runBaseline
runRScripts <- function(projectName, modelType=c("r", "r-report"), fresh=TRUE, msg=TRUE, add.time=FALSE){
	temp <- generateRScripts(projectName, fresh=fresh)
	out <- NULL
	if("r" %in% tolower(modelType)){
		writeMessageToConsoleOrFile(text="Running r.R", msg=msg, add.time=add.time)
		out <- c(out, temp$r_script)
	if("r-report" %in% tolower(modelType)){
		writeMessageToConsoleOrFile(text="Running r-report.R", msg=msg, add.time=add.time)
		out <- c(out, temp$rreport_script)

writeMessageToConsoleOrFile <- function(text, msg, add.time=FALSE){
	now <- function(brackets=FALSE){
		out <- format(Sys.time(),tz="UTC", "%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S")
			out <- paste0("[", out, "] ")
	if(is.character(msg) && file.exists(msg)){
		write(paste0(if(add.time) now(TRUE), text), msg, append=TRUE)
	else if(isTRUE(msg)){

# Function for setting the name of the temporary R script written by StoX. These scripts are placed in dirname(tempdir()):
setTempRScriptFileName <- function(projectName, tempRScriptFileName, msg=TRUE){
	# Get projet object:
	pr <- getProject(projectName, out="project")
	# Get the old and set the new:
	oldTempRScriptFileName <- pr$getTempRScriptFileName()
			message("tempRScriptFileName changed from '", oldTempRScriptFileName, "' to '", tempRScriptFileName, "'.")
			message("tempRScriptFileName changed to '", tempRScriptFileName, "'.")
	return(list(old=oldTempRScriptFileName, new=tempRScriptFileName))

#' Get process indices.
#' Gets the indices of processes in the baseline model, where both process name and function name are accepted. The process WriteProcessData is ignored.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param proc			A string vector naming processes/function to find.
#' @param modelType		The type of model to run, currently one of "baseline" and "baseline-report". First element used.
#' @return Index number of the process.
#' @examples
#' openProject("Test_Rstox")
#' getProcess("Test_Rstox", c("SuperIndAbundance", "StratumArea"))
#' @export
#' @rdname getProcess
#' @keywords internal
getProcess <- function(projectName, proc="all", modelType="baseline", dropNA=TRUE, msg=TRUE, proc.out=FALSE){
	if(length(proc)==0 || identical(proc, FALSE)){
	matchOne <- function(proc, procNames, funNames, proc.out=FALSE){
		matchedProcName <- which(procNames == proc)
		matchedFunName <- which(funNames == proc)
		# 1. Match process name:
			if(length(setdiff(matchedFunName, matchedProcName))==1){
					warning(paste0("One process AND one function used by another process use the same name: ", proc, ". The process name has presidence."))
			out <- matchedProcName
		# 2. Match function name:
		else if(length(matchedFunName)==1){
			out <- matchedFunName
		# 3. Match multiple function names:
		else if(length(matchedFunName)>1){
				warning(paste0("Multiple processes use the function ", proc, " (", paste(procNames[matchedFunName], collapse=", "), "). The first returned (", procNames[matchedFunName[1]], ")."))
			out <- matchedFunName[1]
				warning(paste0("The process ", proc, " does not match any process or function name."))
			out <- NA
			# Select the first element to account for out = NA, which returns NAs as long as 'procNames':
			out <- procNames[out][1]
	# Locate/run the baseline object. If rerun=TRUE or if parameters are given different from the parameters used in the last baseline run, rerun the baseline, and if the ????:
	modelType <- getModelType(modelType[1])$name
	processes <- getBaselineParameters(projectName, modelType=modelType[1])$last # Use modelType=modelType[1]
	procNames <- names(processes)
	funNames <- sapply(processes, "[[", "functionName")
	# Given as FALSE, of length 0, or as a empty character string, return NULL:
	if(any(identical(proc, FALSE), length(proc)==0, nchar(proc)==0)){
		out <- NULL
	# Discard the WriteProcessData process (which should already be removed in readBaselineParametersJava()), and crop to the indices of the existing processes:
	else if(is.numeric(proc)){
		numProcesses <- length(processes) - sum(funNames == "WriteProcessData")
		proc <- pmax(proc, 1)
		out <- pmin(proc, numProcesses)
	# Returning all processes:
	else if(isTRUE(proc) || identical(tolower(proc), "all")){
		out <- seq_along(procNames)
	# Match with the input 'proc':
		out <- sapply(proc, matchOne, procNames=procNames, funNames=funNames, proc.out=proc.out)
	# Remove NAs:
		out <- out[!is.na(out)]

#' Set, read, get or modify baseline parameters.
#' \code{setBaselineParameters} Sets baseline parameters in memory to new values specified in \code{parlist} or \code{...}. \cr \cr
#' \code{readBaselineParametersJava} Reads the baseline parameters from the Java memory. \cr \cr
#' \code{getBaselineParameters} Gets either original, java or last used baseline parameters \cr \cr
#' \code{modifyBaselineParameters} Only modifies the parameters in \code{parameters} using those in \code{parlist} and \code{...}. This function does not change the values other than in the return of the function (not in the RstoxEnv environment nor in the project file). \cr \cr
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param msg			Logical; if TRUE print old and new parameters.
#' @param parlist		List of parameters values overriding existing parameter values. These are specified as processName = list(parameter = value), for example AcousticDensity = list(a = -70, m = 10), BioStationWeighting = list(WeightingMethod = "NASC", a = -70, m = 10). Numeric parameters must be given as numeric, string parameters as string, and logical parameters (given as strings "true"/"false" in StoX) can be given as logical TRUE/FALSE. New parameters can be set by setBaselineParameters() but not removed in the current version.
#' @param modelType		The type of model to run, currently one of "baseline" and "baseline-report". First element used. If given as "all", parameters from both baseline and baseline-report are returned.
#' @param save			A string naming the types of parameter to save ("java" implies saving the parameters to Java memory and to RstoxEnv[[projectName]]$javaParameters, whereas "last" implies saving the parameters to RstoxEnv[[projectName]]$javaParameters and to the projectData which are saved along with bootstrap and impute data). If save=TRUE, save is set to c("java", "last").
#' @param ...			Same as parlist, but can be specified separately (not in a list but as separate inputs).
#' @param keepMissing	Logical: If FALSE discard empty parameters of processes when reading the parameters from the Java memory.
#' @param rver			The version of the stox library.
#' @param parameters	A list of the baseline parameters to modify using \code{parlist} or \code{...}.
#' @return The original parameters
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setBaselineParameters
setBaselineParameters <- function(projectName, msg=FALSE, parlist=list(), modelType="all", save=c("last", "java"), ...){
	# Get the project name:
	projectName <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName
	# Include both parameters specified in 'parlist' and parameters specified freely in '...':
	parlist <- getParlist(parlist=parlist, ...)
	# Get the current Java parameters, indicating the current state of the baseline (i.e., the parameters which will be active when the baseline is run):
	javapar <- getBaselineParameters(projectName, modelType=modelType)$java
	# Get the new parameters, by modifying the Java parameters by the parlist. 
	newpar  <- modifyBaselineParameters(projectName, javapar, parlist=parlist)
	# Get the latest used parameters, i.e., the parameters used at the latest baseline run. The difference between newpar and lastpar will identify processes that have changed and that should be rerun:
	lastpar <- getBaselineParameters(projectName, modelType=modelType)$last
	# Change made on 2017-09-15: If no valid processes are given in parlist or ..., using which() around the following line returned an error. which() is now moved to inside the if(any(changedProcesses)){}:
	procChanged <- which(sapply(seq_along(newpar$parameters), function(i) !identical(newpar$parameters[[i]], lastpar[[i]])))
	# Convert to all indices covered by the range of changed processes:
		procChanged <- seq(min(procChanged), max(procChanged))
	# Override parameters in the baseline:
			save <- c("last", "java")

		### # Get changed parameters, and discard ..., since it has been accounted for in getParlist(). This function simpy returns a list of the new parameters and indices for which parameters have been changed, and does not actually alter the parameters in Java memory:
		### newpar <- modifyBaselineParameters(projectName, javapar, parlist=parlist)
		# The following line (temp <- getRstoxEnv()) is needed to assure that the RstoxEnv environment is loaded:
		temp <- getRstoxEnv()
		if("java" %in% tolower(save)){
			# Get the baseline and baselineReport object, asuming the project is already open, hence the suppressWarnings(). This should be repalced by passing the modeltype direclty into getProject and using this in the for loop below when .jrcall has been replaced by .jcall:
			suppressWarnings(baseline <- openProject(projectName, out="baseline"))
			suppressWarnings(baselineReport <- getProject(projectName, out="baseline-report"))
			# Change the parameter values in Java memory and return the original values:
			for(i in seq_along(newpar$changeProcessesIdxInModelType)){
				# get the parameter value from Java:
				#temp <- baseline$getProcessList()$get(as.integer(newpar$changeProcessesIdx[i]))$getParameterValue(newpar$changeParameters[i])
				# Warning if the parameter was previously not set:
					#warning(paste("The parameter", newpar$changeParameters[i], "of process", newpar$changeProcesses[i], "was not defined in the original baseline model, and cannot be changed in the current version of Rstox."))
				# Change the parameter value in Java. Note that the input values need to be characters:
				if(isTRUE(newpar$changeModelTypes[i] == "baseline")){
					baseline$getProcessList()$get(as.integer(newpar$changeProcessesIdxInModelType[i]))$setParameterValue(newpar$changeParameters[i], newpar$changeValues[i])
				else if(isTRUE(newpar$changeModelTypes[i] == "baseline-report")){
					baselineReport$getProcessList()$get(as.integer(newpar$changeProcessesIdxInModelType[i]))$setParameterValue(newpar$changeParameters[i], newpar$changeValues[i])
			RstoxEnv$Projects[[projectName]]$javaParameters <- newpar$parameters
		if("last" %in% tolower(save)){
			# Set the 'lastParameters' object in the poject list and in the processData environment:
			RstoxEnv$Projects[[projectName]]$lastParameters <- newpar$parameters
			#assign("lastParameters", newpar, envir=getRstoxEnv()[[projectName]])
			##assign(getRstoxEnv()[[projectName]]$lastParameters, newpar)
			###getRstoxEnv()[[projectName]]$lastParameters <- newpar
			##### NOTE (2017-08-28): This is different from the 'lastParameters' object in the project environment (rstoxEnv[[projectName]]), and is only used when writing project data such as bootstrap results to file: #####
			setProjectData(projectName=projectName, var=newpar$parameters, name="lastParameters")
		if(msg){ print(list(old=javapar[newpar$changeProcesses], new=newpar$parameters[newpar$changeProcesses]))}
		# Return the new parameters:
		# Return the java parameters, that is the parameters stored in Java memory:
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setBaselineParameters
readBaselineParametersJava <- function(projectName, keepMissing=TRUE){
	# Function for extracting predefined values of parameters, used in getParametersOfProcess():
	getPredefinedValues <- function(parameterName, thisProcess){
		out <- thisProcess$getMetaFunction()$findMetaParameter(parameterName)$getValues()
	# Function for getting the parameters of one process:
	getParametersOfProcess <- function(processNr, baseline, keepMissing=TRUE, modelType="baseline"){
		# Add modelType, function name and 'enabled':
		out <- list(
				modelType    = getModelType(modelType[1])$name, 
				functionName = baseline$getProcessList()$get(as.integer(processNr))$getMetaFunction()$getName(), 
				enabled      = baseline$getProcessList()$get(as.integer(processNr))$isEnabled()
		# Number of parameters:
		L = baseline$getProcessList()$get(as.integer(processNr))$getMetaFunction()$getMetaParameters()$size()
			# Get parameter names and values:
			thisProcess <- baseline$getProcessList()$get(as.integer(processNr))
			parameterNames <- unlist(lapply(seq(0, L - 1), function(j) thisProcess$getMetaFunction()$getMetaParameters()$get(as.integer(j))$getName()))
			parameterValues <- lapply(seq(1, L), function(j) thisProcess$getParameterValue(parameterNames[j]))
			# Get predefined values:
			parameterPredefinedValues <- lapply(parameterNames, getPredefinedValues, thisProcess=thisProcess)
			parameterValues <- lapply(seq_along(parameterValues), function(j) setAttributes(parameterValues[[j]], att=list(predefinedValues = parameterPredefinedValues[[j]])))
			# Convert to a list:
			names(parameterValues) <- parameterNames
			empty <- sapply(parameterValues, length) == 0
					parameterValues[empty] <- rep(list(NA), sum(empty))
					parameterValues <- parameterValues[!empty]
			# Add function name and 'enabled':
			out <- c(out, parameterValues)
		# Convert from character to logical ("true" to TRUE) (added on 2018-09-21):
		#out <- character2logical(out)
		out <- Java2Rpar(out)
	# Function for getting the parameters of all processes of a model type:
	readParameters_Modeltype <- function(projectName, modelType="baseline", keepMissing=TRUE){
		# Get the baseline or baseline report object:
		baseline <- getProject(projectName, out=modelType[1])
		# In case the project is not open:
			# Here we cannot use openProject() to get the project object, since readBaselineParametersJava() is used in openProject(): 
			projectPaths <- getProjectPaths(projectName)
			projectName  <- projectPaths$projectName
			projectRoot  <- projectPaths$projectRoot
			project      <- J("no.imr.stox.factory.FactoryUtil")$openProject(projectRoot, projectName)
			# There was a bug here, where 'projectName' was used instead of 'project' in getProject() below: 
			#baseline <- getProject(projectName, out="baseline")
			baseline <- getProject(project, out=modelType[1])
		# Get the list of processes and the associated parameters:
		processList <- baseline$getProcessList()$toString()
		processList <- JavaString2vector(processList)
		out <- lapply(seq_along(processList) - 1L, getParametersOfProcess, baseline, keepMissing=keepMissing, modelType=modelType[1])
		names(out) <- processList
	# Get the parameters for the two model types:
	out <- c(
		readParameters_Modeltype(projectName, modelType="baseline", keepMissing=keepMissing), 
		readParameters_Modeltype(projectName, modelType="baseline-report", keepMissing=keepMissing)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setBaselineParameters
getBaselineParameters <- function(projectName, modelType="all"){
	# Get the project name:
	projectName <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName
	# Get all parameters:
	parameters <- list(
		original = getRstoxEnv()$Projects[[projectName]][["originalParameters"]],
		saved    = getRstoxEnv()$Projects[[projectName]][["savedParameters"]],
		java     = getRstoxEnv()$Projects[[projectName]][["javaParameters"]],
		last     = getRstoxEnv()$Projects[[projectName]][["lastParameters"]]
	# Get all model types of the parameters:
	modelTypes <- sapply(parameters$original, "[[", "modelType")
	#	select <- seq_along(modelTypes)
		select <- which(modelTypes %in% getModelType(modelType)$name)
	# Select the requested parameter lists:
	parameters <- lapply(parameters, "[", select)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setBaselineParameters
modifyBaselineParameters <- function(projectName, parameters, parlist=list(), ...){
	# Include both parameters specified in 'parlist' and parameters specified freely in '...':
	parlist <- getParlist(parlist=parlist, ...)
	# If nothing has changed these wiil appear as NULL in the output:
	changeProcesses					<- NULL
	# The 'changeProcessesIdx' is the index in the sequence of processes in either baseline or baseline report, subtracted 1 to comply with 0 being the first index in Java (as opposed ot 1 in R):
	changeProcessesIdxInModelType	<- NULL
	changeParameters				<- NULL
	changeValues					<- NULL
	changed							<- NULL
	changeModelTypes				<- NULL
	# First identify processes in the baseline or baseline report, and remove the unrecognized:
		# Do this by creating a vector of NA representing the names used for the parlist, filling in from the recognized processes, and then removing NA names from the parlist:
		insertNames <- rep(NA, length(parlist))
		# Insert from baseline:
		processesNameBaseline <- getProcess(projectName, proc=names(parlist), modelType="baseline", dropNA=FALSE, msg=FALSE, proc.out=TRUE)
		insertNames[!is.na(processesNameBaseline)] <- processesNameBaseline[!is.na(processesNameBaseline)]
		# Insert from baseline report:
		processesNameBaselineReport <- getProcess(projectName, proc=names(parlist), modelType="baseline-report", dropNA=FALSE, msg=FALSE, proc.out=TRUE)
		insertNames[!is.na(processesNameBaselineReport)] <- processesNameBaselineReport[!is.na(processesNameBaselineReport)]
		names(parlist) <- insertNames
		# Remove non-recognized processes:
		parlist <- parlist[!is.na(names(parlist))]
	# Continue if there are still elements in 'parlist':
		# Get names and indices of processes to change, and names and values of the parameters to change in those processes:
		changeProcesses <- names(parlist)
		numParameters   <- pmax(0, unlist(lapply(parlist, length))) # Allow for no parameters given
		changeProcesses <- rep(changeProcesses, numParameters)
		#modelTypes <- sapply(parameters, "[[", "modelType") # 2018-06-21: This was an error, since there could be more processes in 'parameters' than in 'parlist':
		modelTypes <- sapply(parameters[names(parlist)], "[[", "modelType")
		changeModelTypes <- rep(modelTypes, numParameters)
		# Set the changeProcessesIdx to be the indices in either the baseline or the baseline report (the match returns NAs for the modelType not present, and the pmax discards NA):
		changeProcessesIdxBaseline <- getProcess(projectName, proc=changeProcesses, modelType="baseline", dropNA=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
		changeProcessesIdxBaselineReport <- getProcess(projectName, proc=changeProcesses, modelType="baseline-report", dropNA=FALSE, msg=FALSE)
		changeProcessesIdxInModelType <- pmax(
		# Get also the indices in the 
		changeProcessesIdx <- match(changeProcesses, names(parameters))
		changeParameters   <- unlist(lapply(parlist, names))

		# Unlist using recursive=FALSE since it can hold different types (logical, string), and collapse to a vector after converting to logical strings as used in StoX: 
		changeValues <- unlist(parlist, recursive=FALSE)
		# Issue a warning if there are non-existent processes, and remove these:
		### nonExistent <- is.na(changeProcessesIdx)
		### if(any(nonExistent)){
		### 	warning(paste0("The following processes are present in parlist or ... but not in the project, and were thus removed):\n", paste(changeProcesses[nonExistent], collapse=", ")))
		### 	if(all(nonExistent)){
		### 		return(list())
		### 	}
		### 	changeProcesses <- changeProcesses[!nonExistent]
		### 	changeProcessesIdx <- changeProcessesIdx[!nonExistent]
		### 	changeParameters <- changeParameters[!nonExistent]
		### 	changeValues <- changeValues[!nonExistent] # This is a list
		### }
		# Discard the parameter 'functionName' which was is not present in the parameters in memory but was added in for convenience:
		valid <- changeProcesses != "functionName"
			changeProcesses    <- changeProcesses[valid]
			changeProcessesIdx <- changeProcessesIdx[valid]
			changeParameters   <- changeParameters[valid]
			changeValues       <- changeValues[valid]
		# Change the parameters in the list of parameters:
		changed <- logical(length(changeValues))
		for(i in seq_along(changeProcessesIdx)){
			# Changed on 2017-08-28 to comparing old and new parameter value (which must have been the intension):
			#if(length(parameters[[changeProcessesIdx[i]]] [[changeParameters[i]]])){
			### if(!identical(parameters[[changeProcessesIdx[i]]] [[changeParameters[i]]], changeValues[i])){
			### 	parameters[[changeProcessesIdx[i]]] [[changeParameters[i]]] <- changeValues[i]
			### 	changed[i] <- TRUE
			### }
			if(!identical(parameters[[changeProcessesIdx[i]]] [[changeParameters[i]]], changeValues[[i]])){
				parameters[[changeProcessesIdx[i]]] [[changeParameters[i]]] <- changeValues[[i]]
				changed[i] <- TRUE
		# Convert the changeValues to a vector of characters:
		#changeValues <- unlist(logical2character(changeValues))
		changeValues <- unlist(R2Javapar(changeValues))
	# Subtract 1 form the 'changeProcessesIdx' to prepare for use in java:
	list(parameters=parameters, changeProcesses=changeProcesses, changeModelTypes=changeModelTypes, changeProcessesIdxInModelType=changeProcessesIdxInModelType - 1, changeParameters=changeParameters, changeValues=changeValues, changed=changed)
# Functions for converting from character "true" and "false" to logicals TRUE and FALSE, and backwards:
character2logical <- function(x){
	is.trueorfalse <- function(x){
		any(x %in% c("true", "false"))
	character2logicalOne <- function(x){
			x <- as.logical(x)
	rapply(x, character2logicalOne, how="replace")
logical2character <- function(x){
	logical2characterOne <- function(x){
			x <- "true"
		else if(isFALSE(x)){
			x <- "false"
	rapply(x, logical2characterOne, how="replace")

# Functions for converting from character "true" and "false" to logicals TRUE and FALSE, and backwards:
Java2Rpar <- function(x){
	# Convert character to logical:
	x <- character2logical(x)
	# Convert character to numeric:
	as.numericIfNumericButNotLogical <- function(x){
		convert <- suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(x))) & !is.logical(x)
			x <- as.numeric(x)
	x <- lapply(x, as.numericIfNumericButNotLogical)
R2Javapar <- function(x){
	# Convert logical to character:
	x <- logical2character(x)
	# Convert numeric to character:
	x <- lapply(x, as.character)

#' Merges a list and the following list elements given as "...".
#' @param parlist		List of parameters values specified as processName = list(parameter = value)
#' @param ...			Same as parlist, but can be specified separately (not in a list but as separate inputs).
#' @param na.rm			Logical: If TRUE (default), remove NAs in the parlist.
#' @param fun			The name of a function to which the parameters in parlist should be fit.
#' @return Merged list of parameters, duplicates not removed.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getParlist
getParlist <- function(parlist=list(), ..., na.rm=TRUE){
	# Function for detecting and formatting process names:
	formatProcessNameParameters <- function(parlist){
		# Funciton do detect parameter values which are process names, and enclose these in "Process()":
		formatProcessNameParametersOne <- function(par, processNames){
			atProcess <- par %in% processNames & names(par) != "functionName"
				par[atProcess] <- paste0("Process(", par[atProcess], ")")
		# Get the process names:
		processNames <- names(parlist)
		# Run through the parameters and detect and change process names:
		lapply(parlist, formatProcessNameParametersOne, processNames=processNames)	
	# Get the specifications given as '...':
	dotlist <- list(...)
	# Check whether parlist is a string vector, in which case it is coerced to a list:
	if(!is.list(parlist) && is.character(parlist)){
		parlist <- as.list(parlist)
	# Merge the inputs:
	parlist <- c(parlist, dotlist)
	# Uniquify the list (change added on 2018-05-24 after trouble with the possibility to define parameters both in 'model', and 'parlist' and '...'):
	# parlist <- unique(parlist) THIS REMOVED THE NAMES AND SHOULD NOT BE USED
	parlist <- parlist[!duplicated(parlist)]
		# Convert strings to list:
		namesParlist <- names(parlist)
			namesParlist <- character(length(parlist))
		areString <- which(sapply(parlist, is.character) & nchar(namesParlist)==0)
		strings <- unlist(parlist[areString])
		parlist[areString] <- lapply(seq_along(areString), function(i) list(functionName=strings[i]))
		# Attempt with only specifying the name of the list element, which failed due to the parlist <- parlist[sapply(parlist, length)>0] below, and instead 'functionName' was discarded from the function formatProcessNameParameters():
		#parlist[areString] <- lapply(seq_along(areString), function(i) list())
		names(parlist)[areString] <- strings
		# Remove empty elements (why? Something to do with the "..."?):
		parlist <- parlist[sapply(parlist, length)>0]
	# Format process names:
	parlist <- formatProcessNameParameters(parlist)
	# Remove all missing values:
		removeNAsFromList <- function(x){
		# Remove NAs from the top level:
		parlist <- removeNAsFromList(parlist)
		# Remove NAs from the sub lists:
		parlist <- lapply(parlist, removeNAsFromList)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getParlist
applyParlist <- function(parlist, fun){
	parlist[intersect(names(parlist), names(formals(fun)))]

#' Get joined table of trawl assignments, psu and stratum
#' Get trawl assignments from baseline in StoX Java memory.
#' @param projectName  	The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from getBaseline() or runBaseline()), og a project object (as returned from open).
#' @return Dataframe with trawl assignments merged with psu and stratum
#' @examples
#' baseline <- openProject("Test_Rstox", out="baseline")
#' assignments <- getBioticAssignments(baseline)
#' @export
#' @rdname getBioticAssignments
getBioticAssignments <- function(projectName) {
	ta <- getProcessDataTableAsDataFrame(projectName, 'bioticassignment')
	pa <- getProcessDataTableAsDataFrame(projectName, 'suassignment')
	ps <- getProcessDataTableAsDataFrame(projectName, 'psustratum')
	out <- merge(x=merge(x=ps, y=pa, by.x='PSU', by.y='SampleUnit'), y=ta, by='AssignmentID')

#' Functions to return various paths and file names.
#' \code{getProjectPaths} returns ta list of projectName, projectRoot, projectPath, RDataDir, RReportDir and projectXML. \cr \cr
#' \code{getProjectDataEnv} gets the project environment. \cr \cr
#' @param projectName  	The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from getBaseline() or runBaseline()), og a project object (as returned from open).
#' @param projectRoot	The directory holding the project(s).
#' @param recursive		The number of levels above the project path at which the directory should exist, where recursive=1 indicated that the dirname(project path) should exist.
#' @return Various names and directories
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew
#' @export
#' @rdname getProjectPaths
getProjectPaths <- function(projectName=NULL, projectRoot=NULL, recursive=2){
	# Declare the output to use when somthing fails:
	out <- as.list(rep(NA, 6))
	names(out) <- c("projectName", "projectRoot", "projectPath", "RDataDir", "RReportDir", "projectXML")
	##### 1. projectName is empty: #####
	# Return the default workspace immediately if nothing is given:
		# The functions J and .jnew and other functions in the rJava library needs initialization:
		out$projectRoot <- .jnew("no/imr/stox/model/Project")$getRootFolder()
	##### 2. projectName is a project or baseline object: #####
		# If a baseline object is given:
		type <- tolower(projectName$getClass()$toString())
		if(endsWith(type, "model")){
			projectName <- projectName$getProject()
		# If a StoX project object is given:
		else if(!endsWith(type, "project")){
			warning("Invalid projectName (must be a character sting or a baseline or project object)")
		projectRoot <- dirname(projectName$getProjectFolder())
		projectName <- projectName$getProjectName()
	else if(!is.character(projectName)){
		warning("Invalid projectName (must be a character sting or a baseline or project object)")
	# Change added on 2017-11-24 by Arne Johannes Holmin: When a relative or full path has been applied to getProjectPaths(), which has identified the projectName and projectRoot and other values, and the output projectNAme is used further in a function, again calling getProjectPaths(), the resulting projectPath will differ from the path returned from the first call to getProjectPaths(). This is avaided by retrieving the projectPath from the project environment by the following lines:
	projectlist <- listOpenProjects()
	if(is.character(projectName) && projectName %in% projectlist$projectName){
		projectName <- projectlist$projectPath[projectName == projectlist$projectName]
	# Special behavior if an empty string is given for the projectName, in which case it is replaced by a dot, making it a tool for extracting the projectRoot:
	if(nchar(projectName)[1] == 0){
		projectName <- "."
	dirnameRecursive <- function(x, recursive=1){
		for(i in seq_len(recursive)){
			x <- dirname(x)
	##### 3. dirname(projectName) exists: #####
	projectDirName <- dirnameRecursive(projectName, recursive=recursive)
	if(isTRUE(file.info(projectDirName)$isdir) && !projectDirName %in% c(".", "", "/")){
		projectRoot <- dirname(projectName)
		projectName <- basename(projectName)
	##### 4. dirname(projectName) does not exist, but dirname(projectPath) exists: #####
		# Does the constructed projectPath exist?:
		projectPath <- file.path(projectRoot, projectName)
		projectDirName <- dirnameRecursive(projectPath, recursive=recursive)
			projectRoot <- dirname(projectPath)
			projectName <- basename(projectPath)
		# If the projectRoot was not given default it:
		else if(length(projectRoot)==0){
			# The functions J and .jnew and other functions in the rJava library needs initialization:
			projectRoot <- .jnew("no/imr/stox/model/Project")$getRootFolder()
			projectPath <- file.path(projectRoot, projectName)
			projectDirName <- dirnameRecursive(projectPath, recursive=recursive)
				projectRoot <- dirname(projectPath)
				projectName <- basename(projectPath)
			warning(paste0("Invalid projectName (", projectName, ") or projectRoot (", projectRoot, ")"))
	projectPath <- file.path(projectRoot, projectName)
	RDataDir <- file.path(projectPath, "output", "r", "data")
	RReportDir <- file.path(projectPath, "output", "r", "report")
	projectXML <- file.path(projectPath, "process", "project.xml")
	inputDir <- file.path(projectPath, "input")
	outputDir <- file.path(projectPath, "output")
	return(list(projectName=projectName, projectRoot=projectRoot, projectPath=projectPath, RDataDir=RDataDir, RReportDir=RReportDir, projectXML=projectXML, inputDir=inputDir, outputDir=outputDir))
#' @export
#' @rdname getProjectPaths
getProjectDataEnv <- function(projectName){
	#projectName <- getProjectPaths(projectName)$projectName
	# Do not issue a warning if the project is already open, since getProjectDataEnv() is intended to get data from the project enviroment, assuming it is already open. 
	projectName <- openProject(projectName, out="name")

#' Convert list to matrix or data.frame and generate missing values
#' Convert a list of vectors with variable length to a matrix with all possible variables in the columns, and with missing values
#' @param x	A list of vectors of one dimension with column names or names.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname as.matrix_full
as.matrix_full <- function(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE){
	# Scan for the field names:
		x <- lapply(x, t)
	unames <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, colnames)))
	# Get elements that have all fields, and use the first one to define the order of the field names:
	fullLength <- sapply(x, length) == length(unames)
		unames <- colnames(x[[which(fullLength)[1]]])
	# Fill inn the data:
	for(i in seq_along(x)){
		# Declare NAs in which to fill in the data:
		one <- rep(NA, length(unames))
		names(one) <- unames
		# Create a temp object holding the data of positive length:
		temp <- x[[i]]
			tempnames <- colnames(temp)
			temp <- as.list(temp)
			names(temp) <- tempnames
		positiveLength <- sapply(x[[i]], function(y) length(unlist(y, use.names=FALSE))) > 0
		temp <- temp[positiveLength]
		# Store tha names of the variables and if given as a factor, convert to character:
		tempnames <- names(temp)
		if(is.factor(unlist(temp)) && !stringsAsFactors){
			temp <- as.character(unlist(temp))
		# Insert to the NAs:
		one[tempnames] <- unlist(temp)
		#one[colnames(x[[i]])] <- x[[i]]
		x[[i]] <- one
	out <- matrix(unlist(x, use.names=FALSE), ncol=length(unames), byrow=TRUE)
	rownames(out) <- NULL
	colnames(out) <- unames
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname as.matrix_full
as.dataFrame_full <- function(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE){
	# Scan for the field names, using names for lists and colnames if not:
		convertToList <- function(x){
				x <- as.list(x)
		x <- lapply(x, convertToList)
	xflat <- unlist(x, recursive=FALSE)
	allnames <- lapply(x, names)
	lens <- sapply(allnames, length)
	allnamesFlat <- unlist(allnames)
	unames <- unique(allnamesFlat)
	# Get all indices of the unlisted x:
	rowInd <- rep(seq_along(x), lens)
	colInd <- unlist(lapply(allnames, match, unames))
	out <- as.data.frame(array(NA, dim=c(length(x), length(unames))))
	names(out) <- unames
	for(i in seq_along(unames)){
		at <- which(colInd==i)
		class(out[[i]]) <- class(do.call(c, xflat[at]))
		out[rowInd[at], i] <- do.call(c, xflat[at])

#' Get subsequently plotting variables used in plotting functions in Rstox (using abbreviated string mathes obtained by abbrMatch())
#' These functions are used in the plotting and reporting functions getPlots() and getReports() and dependent functions.
#' @param x				A single string naming a variable.
#' @param table			A vector of stings to match \code{x} against.
#' @param ignore.case	Logical: if TRUE, ignore case when matching.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
abbrMatch <- function(x, table, ignore.case=FALSE){
	inputTable <- table
		table <- tolower(table)
		x <- tolower(x)
	table <- as.list(table)
	names(table) <- table
	string <- do.call("$", list(table, x))
	hit <- table == string
	string <- inputTable[hit]
	ind <- which(hit)
	list(string=string, ind=ind, hit=hit)

#' Get a specific variable of a list by its name, and issue an error if the variable has zero length
#' This function is used to ensure that the requested variable has positive length. If not and error is issued, which may happen it there is a naming discrepancy between Rstox and StoX.
#' @param x		The names of variables.
#' @param var	A list or data frame of data from a project.
#' @return The requested variable as returned using "$".
#' @export
#' @rdname getVar
#' @keywords internal
getVar <- function(x, var){
	getVarOne <- function(var, x){
		if(var %in% names(x)){
		else if(length(x)==0){
			warning("Empty data frame \"x\"")
			stop(paste0("Variable ", var, " not present in the data frame \"x\""))
		getVarOne(var, x)
		as.data.frame(sapply(var, getVarOne, x=x))
#' @export
#' @rdname getVar
#' @keywords internal
is.empty <- function(x){
	else if(nchar(x)==0){
	else if(identical(tolower(x), "null")){
	else if(is.na(x)){

#' Set, get, save or load project data.
#' \code{setProjectData} Assigns an object to the projectData environment of the project. \cr \cr
#' \code{getProjectData} Gets (a copy of) an object from the projectData environment of the project. \cr \cr
#' \code{saveProjectData} Saves some or all of the objects in the projectData environment of the project to files in the output/r/data directory. \cr \cr
#' \code{loadProjectData} Loads some or all of the objects in the output/r/data directory to the projectData environment of the project. \cr \cr
#' \code{saveRImage} (Old function, kept for backwards compatibility) Saves the contents of the projectData environment of the project (RestoEnv[[projectName]]$projectData). \cr \cr
#' \code{loadEnv} (Old function, kept for backwards compatibility) Loads previously saved data to the projectData environment of the project (RestoEnv[[projectName]]$projectData). \cr \cr
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param var   for \code{setProjectData}, a project data object to be assigned to the projectData environment of the project, and for \code{getProjectData}, \code{saveProjectData} and \code{loadProjectData}, a vector of project data names to get from, save to file from, or load from file to the projectData environment, respectively.
#' @param name			Only used in setProjectData(). The name of the project data object (such as \code{lastParameters}) to assign \code{var} to in the projectData environment of the project (overriding the name of the object \code{var}). If a specific list element inside \code{name} should be set, specify this in '...'.
#' @param ow			Logical: if TRUE overvrite objects existing in the projectData environment of the project.
#' @param ...			Used for backwards compatibility.
#' @export
#' @rdname setProjectData
setProjectData <- function(projectName, var, name=NULL){
	# Get the project data environment to which to assign values:
	projectDataEnv <- getProjectDataEnv(projectName)
		name <- deparse(substitute(var))
	projectDataEnv[[name]] <- var
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @export
#' @rdname setProjectData
getProjectData <- function(projectName, var=NULL){
	# Try to get the data from the project environment, and if it does not exist, read from the output/r/data, and if missing there too, issue a warning and return NULL:
	projectDataEnv <- getProjectDataEnv(projectName)
		availableVar <- ls(projectDataEnv)
		if(!var %in% availableVar){
			# Try reading form the files:
			files <- list.files(getProjectPaths(projectName)$RDataDir, full.names=TRUE)
			availableVar <- basename(file_path_sans_ext(files))
			if(var %in% availableVar){
				loadProjectData(projectName, var=var)
				warning("'var' not available either in the project environment (see getProjectDataEnv()) or in output/r/data")
#' @export
#' @rdname setProjectData
saveProjectData <- function(projectName, var="all", ...){
	projectDataEnv <- getProjectDataEnv(projectName)
		warning("Project not open")
	if(identical(tolower(var), "all")){
		var <- ls(projectDataEnv)
		var <- intersect(var, ls(projectDataEnv))
		warning(paste0("'var' not matching any of the available data objects (", paste(ls(projectDataEnv), collapse=", "), "). No data saved"))
	# Get the project RData directory and the trash sub directory:
	projectPaths <- getProjectPaths(projectName)
	trashDir <- file.path(projectPaths$RDataDir, "trash")
	#Empty trash, but only those:
	#unlink(trashDir, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)
	# Move files to the trash:
	suppressWarnings(dir.create(trashDir, recursive=TRUE))
	files <- file.path(projectPaths$RDataDir, paste0(var, ".RData"))
	existingFiles <- file.exists(files)
	file.copy(files[existingFiles], trashDir, overwrite=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
	unlink(files, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)
	# Save files:
	#lapply(var, function(x) save(list=x, file=file.path(projectPaths$RDataDir, paste0(x, ".RData")), envir=projectDataEnv))
	lapply(seq_along(var), function(i) save(list=var[i], file=files[i], envir=projectDataEnv))
#' @export
#' @rdname setProjectData
loadProjectData <- function(projectName, var="all", ow=FALSE, ...){
	# Simple function for loading Rstox data into R, treating overwriting.
	loadToRstox <- function(file, envir, ow=FALSE){
		# Check for existance of the data in memory:
			var <- basename(file_path_sans_ext(file))
			if(var %in% ls(envir)){
		# Load the data:
		load(file=file, envir=envir)
	projectDataEnv <- getProjectDataEnv(projectName)
	# If not overwriting, and specific variables are requested, chech for the existence of these in memory if the project environment exists:
	if(!ow && !identical(tolower(var), "all")){
		available <- ls(projectDataEnv)
		var <- setdiff(var, available)
	# If all variables are present in memory, return the project data environment:
	# Else try reading from files:
	projectPaths <- getProjectPaths(projectName)
	# Load the requested files in the output/r/data directory:
		filelist <- list.files(projectPaths$RDataDir, full.names=TRUE)
		# Remove directories:
		filelist <- filelist[!file.info(filelist)$isdir]
		# Get the files to read:
		if(!identical(tolower(var), "all")){
			filelist <- unlist(lapply(var, function(x) filelist[startsWith(basename(filelist), x)]))
			#warning(paste0("None of the requested data (", paste(var, collapse=", "), ") are present in the directory output/r/data"))
		lapply(filelist, loadToRstox, envir=projectDataEnv, ow=ow)
		warning(paste0("The directory \"", projectPaths$RDataDir, "\" is missing and can be generated by running runBootstrap() and imputeByAge()."))
	# If a project created prior to 2016-11-30 is used, use the old method where two directories are present with one RData file in each directory:
	#	loadEnv(projectName, level=level, fileBaseName=fileBaseName, outputFolder=outputFolder, fileName=fileName)
#' @export
#' @rdname setProjectData
saveRImage <- saveProjectData
#' @export
#' @rdname setProjectData
loadEnv <- loadProjectData

#' Move existing files to the trash directory in the directory of the first element (all file should be in the same directory).
#' @param x	A vector of file paths.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
moveToTrash <- function(x){
	if(length(x)==0 || is.na(x)){
	dir <- dirname(x[1])
	trashdir <- file.path(dir, "trash")
	trashx <- file.path(trashdir, basename(x))
	suppressWarnings(dir.create(trashdir, recursive=TRUE))
	existing <- file.exists(x)
	file.copy(x[existing], trashx[existing], copy.date=TRUE)

#' Set up the RstoxEnv
#' \code{getRstoxEnv} initiates the RstoxEnv environment if not existing.
#' \code{getRstoxDef} gets an Rstox definition.
#' \code{initiateRstoxEnv} sets up the Rstox environment with the definitions. To get these definitions, use getRstoxDef().
#' @param name	The name of the Rstox definition to retrieve.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRstoxEnv
getRstoxEnv <- function(){
	# Regenerate the RstoxEnv is missing:
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRstoxEnv
getRstoxDef <- function(name=NULL, ...){
	# Save the optional inputs for overriding the output:
	l <- list(...)
		out <- getRstoxEnv()$Definitions
		out <- getRstoxEnv()$Definitions[[name]]
	l <- l[names(l) %in% names(out)]
		out <- modifyList(out, l)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRstoxEnv
initiateRstoxEnv <- function(){
	# Function used for extracting defaults and possible values of functions:
	getDefaultsAndPredefinedValues <- function(data){
		getDefaultsAndPredefinedValuesOne <- function(data){
			fun_formals <- formals(data$Name)
			# Remove the first the projectName:
			fun_formals <- fun_formals[names(fun_formals) != "projectName"]
			# Keep only the specified arguments:
			fun_formals <- subset(fun_formals, names(fun_formals) %in% data$Parameters$Name)
			# Evaluate the arguments:
			fun_formalsEval <- lapply(fun_formals, eval)

			data$Parameters$DataType <- sapply(fun_formalsEval, function(x) if(is.numeric(x) && x==round(x)) "Integer" else if(is.numeric(x) && x!=round(x)) "Double" else "String")
			# Convert to string, by converting numeric and character using as.character() and all other using deparse():
			data$Parameters$Values <- lapply(fun_formalsEval, function(x) if(is.numeric(x) || is.character(x)) as.character(x) else deparse(x))
			# Assume that all the parameters of functions passed to StoX have length 1, and thus that if there are more than one value given as default, these are the possible values, and the first of these is the true default.
			data$Parameters$DefaultValue <- sapply(data$Parameters$Values, function(x) head(x, 1))
		lapply(data, getDefaultsAndPredefinedValuesOne)
	# Create a Rstox environment in which the baseline objects of the various projects are placed. This allows for a check for previously run baseline models and avoids memory leakage:", 
	assign("RstoxEnv", new.env(), envir=.GlobalEnv)
	##### Define fundamental variables Rstox: #####
	# Default Java memory (increased this to 6 GB on 2018-10-15 since the memory is not bounded on Mac or Windows):
	# JavaMem = 2e9
	JavaMem <- 6e9
	# The folders in a StoX project:
	StoXFolders <- c("input", "output", "process")
	StoX_data_sources <- c(echosounder = "acoustic", biotic = "biotic", landing = "landing")
	StoXFoldersRecursive <- list(
		input = file.path("input", StoX_data_sources), 
		output = file.path("output", outer(c("baseline", "r"), c("data", "report"), file.path)), 
		process = "process"
	StoXFoldersRecursiveSansOutput <- unlist(StoXFoldersRecursive[names(StoXFoldersRecursive) != "output"])
	# The following key strings are used to detect the data file type:
	#StoX_data_type_keys <- c(acoustic = "echosounder_dataset", biotic = "missions xmlns", landing = "Sluttseddel")
	StoX_data_type_keys <- c(acoustic = "nmdechosounder", biotic = "nmdbiotic", landing = "Sluttseddel")
	StoX_reading_processes <- c(acoustic = "ReadAcousticXML", biotic = "ReadBioticXML", landing = "ReadLandingXML")
	# NMD and StoX defines different data types (StoX has the more general category "acoustic"):
	NMD_data_sources <- c(acoustic = "echosounder", biotic = "biotic", landing = "landing")
	# The implemented NMD APIs for the NMD_data_sources:
	NMD_API_versions <- list(
		biotic = c(1, 2, 3), 
		echosounder = 1, 
		reference = c(1, 2), 
		landing = NULL
	# The format used by NMD for shapshot time:
	dateTimeNMDAPIFormat <- "%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%OSZ"
	# The current API and datasource formats:
	ver <- list(
		API = list(
			#biotic = "2", 
			biotic = "3", 
			echosounder = "1", 
			reference = "2", 
			landing = NA
		reference = "2.0", 
		#biotic = "1.4",
		biotic = "3.0",
		echosounder = NA, 
		landing = NA
	# Define project types:
	project_types <- c("AcousticTrawl", "SweptAreaLength", "SweptAreaTotal")
	# Define the process levels for the presicion estimate:
	processLevels <- c("bootstrap", "bootstrapImpute")
	# Define model types, i.e., the panes in StoX, added the project name:
	modelTypeJavaNames <- c("baseline", "baseline-report", "r", "r-report", "name")
	#modelTypeRstoxNames <- c("baseline", "report", NA, NA), 
	modelTypeJavaFuns <- c("getBaseline", "getBaselineReport", "getRModel", "getRModelReport", "getProjectName")
	# Define ECA covariates:
	ECACovariates <- data.frame(
		Name = c(
		Processe = c(
		Description = c(
			"The temporal covariate", 
			"The gear covariate given as groups of gear codes", 
			"The spatial covariate giving polygons or locations", 
			"The platform covariate (vessels)"
		stringsAsFactors = FALSE
	# Define functions passed to the "R" and "R report" pane of StoX, along with associated aliases (function names that should still work for backwards compatibility):
	RFunctions <- list(
		# 1. The runBootstrap() function:
		runBootstrap = list(
			Name = "runBootstrap", 
			Alias = c("bootstrapBioticAcoustic", "bootstrapBioticSweptArea"), 
			Description = "The Rstox function 'runBootstrap' resamples (with replacement) trawl stations and acoustic transects to obtain 'nboot' bootstrap replicates of the output from the process SuperIndAbundance, which can be used to estimate precision of the survey estimates.",
			Parameters = list(
				Name = c(
				Description = c(
					"The method to use for the bootstrap. Currently implemented are (1) 'AcousticTrawl': Bootstrap of acoustic tralw surveys, where both acoustic and biotic data are resampled, (2) 'SweptAreaLength': Bootstrap only biotic data with length information, and (3) 'SweptAreaTotal': For surveys with information only about total catch (count or weight), bootstrap biotic stations.", 
					"Specification of the method to use for bootstrapping. Currently only one method is available for acoustic data: acousticMethod = PSU~Stratum.", 
					"Specification of the method to use for bootstrapping. Currently only one method is available for biotic data: bioticMethod = PSU~Stratum.", 
					"Number of bootstrap replicates.", 
					"The start process of the bootstrapping such as 'TotalLengthDist' (the last process before bio-stations are assigned and NASC values are calculated).", 
					"The end process of the bootstrapping such as 'SuperIndAbundance' (the process returning a matrix with the columns 'Stratum', 'Abundance', and 'weight', as well grouping variables such as 'age', 'SpecCat', 'sex').", 
					"The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility).", 
					"An integer giving the number of cores to run the bootstrapping over."
		# 1. The runBootstrap() function:
		runBootstrap_1.6 = list(
			Name = "runBootstrap_1.6", 
			Alias = NULL, 
			Description = "The Rstox function 'runBootstrap_1.6' is a replicate of the 'runBootstrap' in Rstox 1.6, after which the function was changed by applying sorting prior to sampling to avoid platform specific results. Using 'runBootstrap_1.6' assures identical results compared to Rstox 1.6.",
			Parameters = list(
				Name = c(
				Description = c(
					"The method to use for the bootstrap. Currently implemented are (1) 'AcousticTrawl': Bootstrap of acoustic tralw surveys, where both acoustic and biotic data are resampled, (2) 'SweptAreaLength': Bootstrap only biotic data with length information, and (3) 'SweptAreaTotal': For surveys with information only about total catch (count or weight), bootstrap biotic stations.", 
					"Specification of the method to use for bootstrapping. Currently only one method is available for acoustic data: acousticMethod = PSU~Stratum.", 
					"Specification of the method to use for bootstrapping. Currently only one method is available for biotic data: bioticMethod = PSU~Stratum.", 
					"Number of bootstrap replicates.", 
					"The start process of the bootstrapping such as 'TotalLengthDist' (the last process before bio-stations are assigned and NASC values are calculated).", 
					"The end process of the bootstrapping such as 'SuperIndAbundance' (the process returning a matrix with the columns 'Stratum', 'Abundance', and 'weight', as well grouping variables such as 'age', 'SpecCat', 'sex').", 
					"The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility).", 
					"An integer giving the number of cores to run the bootstrapping over."
		# 1. The runBootstrap() function:
		imputeByAge = list(
			Name = "imputeByAge", 
			Alias = NULL, 
			Description = "The Rstox function 'imputeByAge' imputes missing data in the output from 'runBootstrap' at rows with missing age. The imputation draws rows with non-missing age within the same length group as the row with missing data, searching for these matches first inside the station, then inside the stratum, and finally inside the survey.",
			Parameters = list(
				Name = c(
				Description = c(
					"The seed for the random number generator (used for reproducibility).", 
					"An integer giving the number of cores to run in parallel."
		# 1. The runBootstrap() function:
		saveProjectData = list(
			Name = "saveProjectData", 
			Alias = "saveRImage", 
			Description = "The Rstox function 'saveProjectData' saves data such as bootstrap replicates to RData-files in the output/r/data directory.",
			Parameters = list(
				Name = c(), 
				Description = c()
	RFunctions <- getDefaultsAndPredefinedValues(RFunctions)
	# Define functions passed to the "R" and "R report" pane of StoX, along with associated aliases (function names that should still work for backwards compatibility):
	RReportFunctions <- list(
		# 1. The runBootstrap() function:
		getReports = list(
			Name = "getReports", 
			Alias = NULL, 
			Description = "The Rstox function 'getReports' runs the report functions specified by 'out'.",
			Parameters = list(
				Name = c(
				Description = c(
					"The report functions to run. Keyword 'all' implies to run all relevant report functions", 
					"Options given to the report functions given as R expressions separated by semicolons or commas in cases where no commas are used in the expressions. Example: \"grp1 = 'age'; grp2 = 'sex'\" or \"grp1 = NULL\" for returning TSN and \"grp1 = NULL; var='weight'\" for returning TSB."
		# 1. The runBootstrap() function:
		getPlots = list(
			Name = "getPlots", 
			Alias = NULL, 
			Description = "The Rstox function 'getPlots' runs the plot functions specified by 'out'.",
			Parameters = list(
				Name = c(
				Description = c(
					"The plotting functions to run. Keyword 'all' implies to run all relevant plotting functions", 
					"Options given to the plotting functions given as R expressions separated by semicolons or commas in cases where no commas are used in the expressions. Example: \"grp1 = 'age'; grp2 = 'sex'\" or \"grp1 = NULL\" for plotting TSN and \"grp1 = NULL; var='weight'\" for plotting TSB."
	RReportFunctions <- getDefaultsAndPredefinedValues(RReportFunctions)
	# Assign to RstoxEnv and return the definitions:
	Definitions <- list(
		JavaMem = JavaMem, 
		StoXFolders = StoXFolders, 
		StoXFoldersRecursive = StoXFoldersRecursive, 
		StoXFoldersRecursiveSansOutput = StoXFoldersRecursiveSansOutput, 
		StoX_data_sources = StoX_data_sources, 
		StoX_data_type_keys = StoX_data_type_keys, 
		StoX_reading_processes = StoX_reading_processes, 
		dateTimeNMDAPIFormat = dateTimeNMDAPIFormat, 
		NMD_data_sources = NMD_data_sources, 
		#NMD_API_versions = NMD_API_versions, 
		ver = ver, 
		project_types = project_types, 
		processLevels = processLevels, 
		modelTypeJavaNames = modelTypeJavaNames, 
		modelTypeJavaFuns = modelTypeJavaFuns, 
		ECACovariates = ECACovariates, 
		RFunctions = RFunctions, 
		RReportFunctions = RReportFunctions
	assign("Definitions", Definitions, envir=get("RstoxEnv"))
	assign("Projects", list(), envir=get("RstoxEnv"))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getRstoxEnv
getModelType <- function(modelType){
	modelTypeJavaNames <- getRstoxDef("modelTypeJavaNames")
	modelTypeJavaFuns <- getRstoxDef("modelTypeJavaFuns")
	# For backwards compatibility:
	indexBaselineReport <- startsWith(tolower(modelType), "report")
		modelType[indexBaselineReport] <- "baseline-report"
	# Support for "all"
		modelType <- modelTypeJavaNames
	# Match the modelType to those defined in Rstox:
	ind <- pmax(
		match(tolower(modelType), tolower(modelTypeJavaNames)), 
		match(tolower(modelType), tolower(modelTypeJavaFuns)), 
	list(fun=modelTypeJavaFuns[ind], name=modelTypeJavaNames[ind])
#### #'
#### #' @export
#### #' @rdname getProcess
#### #' @keywords internal
#### #'
#### matchModeltype <- function(modelType){
#### 	# Small function for matching the input model type string with the valid model types:
#### 	#validModelTypes <- c("Baseline", "Baseline Report")
#### 	validModelTypes <- head(getRstoxEnv()$Definitions$modelTypeJavaNames, 2)
#### 	#validModelTypes_RstoxNames <- c("baseline", "report")
#### 	validModelTypes_RstoxNames <- head(getRstoxEnv()$Definitions$modelTypeRstoxNames, 2)
#### 	hit <- which(validModelTypes_RstoxNames %in% tolower(modelType[1]))
#### 	if(length(hit)==0){
#### 		stop(paste0("Invalid value of 'modelType'. The following model types implemented ", paste(validModelTypes_RstoxNames, collapse=", ")))
#### 	}
#### 	else{
#### 		validModelTypes[hit]
#### 	}
#### }

#' Get the Rstox version and the version of the Java library used by Rstox, on which StoX is built.
#' @param out	The type of object to return.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
getRstoxVersion <- function(out=c("list", "string"), dependencies=c("eca")){
	ver <- list(Rstox=as.character(packageVersion("Rstox")), StoXLib=J("no.imr.stox.model.Project")$RESOURCE_VERSION)
	installed <- installed.packages()[, "Package"]
	if(any(dependencies %in% installed)){
		installed <- intersect(dependencies, installed)
		add <- lapply(installed, function(x) as.character(packageVersion(x)))
		names(add) <- installed
		ver <- c(ver, add)
		ver <- paste(names(ver), unlist(ver), sep="_", collapse="_")

#' Convert to and from parameter strings in StoX.
#' @param x	A data.frame with the parameters as columns, such as data.frame(SpecCat=c("Torsk", "Sild", ""), Alpha=runif(3), Beta=runif(3), LMin=runif(3), LMax=runif(3)).
#' @param x	Parameter string to convert to data frame, given as <parameter1> = <value>; <parameter2> = <value>; and so on, where lines in the data frame are separated by "/". See examples.
#' @examples
#' df1 <- data.frame(
#'     SpecCat=c("Torsk", "Hyse", ""), 
#'     Alpha=c(5,9,2), 
#'     Beta=c(2,2,3), 
#'     LMin=c(1,2,3), 
#'     LMax=c(5,7,9))
#' string <- data.frame2parString(df1)
#' df2 <- parString2data.frame(string)
#' df1
#' df2
#' identical(df1, df2)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname data.frame2parString
data.frame2parString <- function(x){
	out <- apply(x, 1, function(y) paste(names(x), y, sep="="))
	paste(apply(out, 2, paste, collapse=";"), collapse="/")
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname data.frame2parString
parString2data.frame <- function(string){
	out <- lapply(strsplit(string, "/")[[1]], strsplit, ";")
	out <- strsplit(unlist(out), "=")
	# get column names and strip off leading and trailing whitespace:
	colnames <- sapply(out, "[", 1)
	colnames <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", colnames)
	ucolnames <- unique(colnames)
	table <- sapply(out, "[", 2)
	table <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", table)
	table <- split(table, colnames)
	suppressWarnings(table <- lapply(table, function(y) if(!any(is.na(as.numeric(y)))) as.numeric(y) else y))
	table <- as.data.frame(table)
	table[,match(ucolnames, colnames(table))]

#' Are the specified URLs acutally URLs to zip files?
#' @param URL	The URL(s) of the zipped project(s).
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
isURL <- function(URL, zip=FALSE){
	# Detect hhtp or ftp AND zip:
	out <- sapply(gregexpr("http|ftp", URL), function(x) any(x>0))
	# Detect hhtp or ftp AND zip:
		out <- out & sapply(gregexpr("zip", URL), function(x) any(x>0))
#isProjectZipURL <- function(URL){
#	# Detect hhtp or ftp AND zip:
#	sapply(gregexpr("http|ftp", URL), function(x) any(x>0)) & sapply(gregexpr("zip", URL), function(x) any(x>0))

#' Sample a vector after sorting the vector and applying the seed, and functions for setting seeds in Rstox.
#' @param x			A vector or a single integer.
#' @param size		A non-negative integer giving the number of items to choose.
#' @param seed		The seed to apply before sampling.
#' @param by		The name of the column to sample by when sampling rows of a data frame.
#' @param replace	Should sampling be with replacement?
#' @param sorted	Should the data be sorted prior to sampling?
#' @param drop		Should data frames be dropped when sampling?
#' @param seed		A single seed.
#' @param seedV		A vector of seeds.
#' @param nboot		The number of bootstrap replicates (for the functions used by bootstrapping and imputing).
#' @param i			The index of the bootstrap replicate to generate seeds for.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname sampleSorted
sampleSorted <- function(x, size, seed=0, by=NULL, replace=TRUE, sorted=TRUE, drop=FALSE){
	# Function for sampling a vector after sorting:
	sampleVectorSorted <- function(x, size, seed=0, replace=TRUE, sorted=TRUE){
		lx <- length(x)
			size <- lx
			x <- sort(x)
		x[sample.int(lx, size=size, replace=replace)]
	# If rows of a data frame should be sampled:
	if(length(dim(x))==2 && length(by)){
		s <- sampleVectorSorted(x=x[[by]], size=size, seed=seed, replace=replace, sorted=sorted)
		x[match(s, x[[by]]), , drop=drop]
	# Sample a vector:
		sampleVectorSorted(x=x, size=size, seed=seed, replace=replace, sorted=sorted)
	#lx <- length(x)
	#	size <- lx
	#	x <- sort(x)
	#x[sample.int(lx, size=size, replace=replace)]
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname sampleSorted
setSeedSingle <- function(seed){
	set.seed(if(isTRUE(seed)) 1234 else if(is.numeric(seed)) seed else NULL) # seed==TRUE giving 1234 for compatibility with older versions
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname sampleSorted
getSeedV <- function(seed, nboot){
	SeedV <- sample(getSequenceToSampleFrom(), nboot, replace=FALSE) # Makes seed vector for fixed seeds (for reproducibility).
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname sampleSorted
getSeedM <- function(i, seedV, nrow){
		seedM <- matrix(c(1231234, 1234, 1234), nrow=nrow, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
		# Create a seed matrix with 3 columns representing the replacement by station, stratum and survey:
		seedM <- matrix(sample(getSequenceToSampleFrom(), 3*nrow, replace=FALSE), ncol=3)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname sampleSorted
expandSeed <- function(seed, nboot){
		seedV = rep(TRUE, nboot+1) # seed==TRUE giving 1234 for compatibility with older versions
	else if(is.numeric(seed)){
		seedV = sample(getSequenceToSampleFrom(), nboot+1, replace=FALSE)
		seedV = NULL
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname sampleSorted
getSequenceToSampleFrom <- function(){
	size <- 1e7

#' Function for controling overwriting of prjects.
#' @param ow   			Specifies whether to ovewrite existing project: If TRUE, overwrite; if FALSE, do not overwrite; if NULL (default), aks the user to confitm overwriting.
#' @param projectPath   The full path to the project folder.
#' @param onlyone   	Logical: If TRUE, only one project is checked (no for loop).
#' @param msg			Logical: If TRUE, print messages to the console.
#' @value A list of two elements ow and jumpToNext.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname getow
getow <- function(ow, projectPath, onlyone=TRUE, msg=TRUE){
	# Truncate the projectPath to have ... followed by the basename, for use in readline(), which trunkates the prompt to 256 characters:
	projectPathTrunk <- paste0("...", basename(projectPath))
			ans <- readline(paste0("Project \"", projectPathTrunk, "\" already exists. Overwrite? (y/n)\n"))
					cat("Not overwriting:", projectPath, "\n")
				# For a single project, jumpToNext can be used to return from the motherfunction:
				jumpToNext <- TRUE
				ow <- FALSE
				# Do not return:
				jumpToNext <- FALSE
				ow <- TRUE
			ans <- readline(paste0("Project \"", projectPathTrunk, "\" already exists. Overwrite?\n", paste(c("\"y\": ", "\"n\": ", "\"ya\":", "\"na\":"), c("Yes", "No", "Yes to all remaining", "No to all remaining"), collapse="\n"), "\n"))
			# This workflow sets ow to TRUE if "ya", to FALSE if "na" (jumps to next in the for loop), does nothing if "y", and jumps to next in the for loop if "n"
					cat("Overwriting:", projectPath, "\n")
				# Do not jump to the next in the for loop, and set ow to TRUE:
				jumpToNext <- FALSE
				ow <- TRUE
			else if(ans=="na"){
					cat("Not overwriting:", projectPath, "\n")
				# Do jump to the next in the for loop, and set overwriting to FALSE:
				jumpToNext <- TRUE
				ow <- FALSE
			else if(ans=="y"){
					cat("Overwriting:", projectPath, "\n")
				# Do not jump to the next in the for loop:
				jumpToNext <- FALSE
				ow <- ow
			else{ # This is actually else if(ans=="n"), but for simplicity we only use else to ensure that jumpToNext is defined:
					cat("Not overwriting:", projectPath, "\n")
				# Do jump to the next in the for loop:
				jumpToNext <- TRUE
				ow <- ow
	else if(ow){
			cat("Overwriting:", projectPath, "\n")
		# Do not jump to the next in the for loop:
		jumpToNext <- FALSE
		ow <- ow
	else if(!ow){
			cat("Not overwriting:", projectPath, "\n")
		# Do jump to the next in the for loop:
		jumpToNext <- TRUE
		ow <- ow
	# Return a list givint the value of 'ow' and whether to jump to the next in an eventual for loop or not (i.e., skipping the rest of the code in the for loop and jump to next if not at the end of the loop)
	return(list(ow=ow, jumpToNext=jumpToNext))

#' Functions for setting and getting the precision level of a project.
#' @param projectName   	Project identifyer (see \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param precisionLevel	The precision level to set to the project, where 0L represents the low precision level used prior to Rstox 1.7 and Stox 2.5, and 1L represents the 4-significant digits precision used from those versions and onward.
#' @value The precision level.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setPrecisionLevel
setPrecisionLevel <- function(projectName, precisionLevel){
	# Set the precision level:
	project <- openProject(projectName, out="project")
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname setPrecisionLevel
getPrecisionLevel <- function(projectName){
	# Get the precision level:
	project <- openProject(projectName, out="project")

#' Function for reading output files from StoX (Baseline or Baseline report)
#' @param x	The files to read.
#' @value The content of the files in a list named with the process names and possibly names of multiple tables for each process.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname readBaselineFiles
readBaselineFiles <- function(x){
	# Return NULL if no files are given:
	# Function for converting string to logical:
	string2logical <- function(y){
		string2logicalOne <- function(z){
			if(length(z)>0 && any(z %in% c("true", "false"))){
			 	z <- as.logical(z)
		as.data.frame(lapply(y, string2logicalOne), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	# Read the files:
	if("textConnection" %in% class(x)){
		out <- read.csv(x, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings="-", encoding="UTF-8", quote=NULL)
		out <- string2logical(out)
		out <- lapply(x, function(y) read.csv(y, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, na.strings="-", encoding="UTF-8", quote=NULL))
		for(i in seq_along(out)){
			out[[i]] <- string2logical(out[[i]])
		# Get the names of the processes and data frames:
		x_split <- strsplit(basename(x), "_")
		dataFrameNames <- sapply(lapply(x_split, "[", -1), paste, collapse="_")
		# processNames <- sapply(x_split, function(y) paste(y[seq(2, max(2, length(y)-2))], collapse="_"))
		processNames <- sapply(x_split, "[", 2)
		# Set the names of the data frames:
		names(out) <- dataFrameNames
		out <- split(out, processNames)
		out <- lapply(out, function(y) if(length(y)==1) y[[1]] else y)

#' Small function for removing missing values if requested
#' @param x		The files to read.
#' @param na.rm	Logical: If FALSE do not remove the NAs.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
rm.na <- function(x, na.rm=TRUE){

#' Modify a StoX project.xml file directly.
#' \code{insertStratumpolygon} inserts stratumpolygon to the project.xml file. \cr \cr
#' \code{insertEdsupsu} inserts edsupsu to the project.xml file. \cr \cr
#' \code{insertPsustratum} inserts psustratum to the project.xml file. \cr \cr
#' \code{insertSuassignment} inserts suassignment to the project.xml file. \cr \cr
#' \code{insertBioticassignment} inserts bioticassignment to the project.xml file. \cr \cr
#' \code{insertToProjectXML} inserts a string to the project.xml file. \cr \cr
#' \code{getTransectID} returns transect IDs. \cr \cr
#' @param file		The path to the project.xml file.
#' @param Stratum	A data.frame with column names "longitude" and "latitude" giving the stratum polygon, or a list of these, named by the stratum names.
#' @param Log		A data.frame with one row per log distance, holding the following columns: "transect", "stratum", "logStoXid".
#' @param Stations	A data.frame of one row per biotic station, holding the following columns: "stratum", "stationID".
#' @param estlayer	A vector of the estimation layers.
#' @param insert	A string to insert to the project.xml file.
#' @param type		The type of data to insert to the project.xml file.
#' @export
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
insertStratumpolygon <- function(Stratum, file){
	# Convert the list of stratum polygon matrices to WKT strings:
	if(is.list(Stratum) && !is.data.frame(Stratum)){
		wkt <- sapply(Stratum, getMultipolygon)
		StratumNames <- names(wkt)
		wkt <- list(getMultipolygon(Stratum))
		warning("Stratum polygons not given as a list named by the stratum names. \"Stratum1\" will be used")
		StratumNames <- "Stratum1"
		names(wkt) <- StratumNames
	# Get the include infor and the startum info:
	include <- paste0("      <value polygonkey=\"", StratumNames, "\" polygonvariable=\"includeintotal\">true</value>")
	wktXMLstring <- paste0("      <value polygonkey=\"", StratumNames, "\" polygonvariable=\"polygon\">", wkt, "</value>")
	# Zip these together:
	insert <- c(t(cbind(include, wktXMLstring)))
	insertToProjectXML(insert, type="stratumpolygon", file)
#' @export
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
insertEdsupsu <- function(Log, file){
	# Paste logStoXid to transect ID:
	transectID <- getTransectID(Log)
	insert <- paste0("      <psu edsu=\"", Log$logStoXid, "\">", transectID, "</psu>")
	insertToProjectXML(insert, type="edsupsu", file)
#' @export
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
insertPsustratum <- function(Log, file){
	# Paste transect ID and stratum ID:
	transectID <- getTransectID(Log)
	valid <- !duplicated(transectID)
	insert <- paste0("      <stratum psu=\"", transectID[valid], "\">", Log$stratum[valid], "</stratum>")
	insertToProjectXML(insert, type="psustratum", file)
#' @export
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
insertSuassignment <- function(Log, estlayer=1, file){
	# Paste transect ID, estlayer and stratum ID:
	transectID <- getTransectID(Log)
	valid <- which(!duplicated(transectID))
	temp1 <- paste0("      <assignmentid sampleunit=\"", transectID[valid], "\" estlayer=\"")
	temp2 <- estlayer
	temp3 <- paste0("\">", Log$stratum[valid], "</assignmentid>")
	temp1 <- rep(temp1, each=length(estlayer))
	temp2 <- rep(temp2, length(valid))
	temp3 <- rep(temp3, each=length(estlayer))
	insert <- paste0(temp1, temp2, temp3)
	insertToProjectXML(insert, type="suassignment", file)
#' @export
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
insertBioticassignment <- function(Stations, file){
	# Stations$stationID is the cruise/serialno:
	insert <- paste0("      <stationweight assignmentid=\"", Stations$stratum, "\" station=\"", Stations$stationID, "\">1.0</stationweight>")
	insertToProjectXML(insert, type="bioticassignment", file)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
insertToProjectXML <- function(insert, type, file){
	# Save the original project.xml files in the temp directory:
	fileBackup <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(file))
	file.copy(file, fileBackup)
	l <- readLines(file)
	startSting <- paste0("<", type, ">")
	endSting <- paste0("</", type, ">")
	start <- grep(startSting, l)
	end <- grep(endSting, l)
	out <- c(l[seq_len(start)], insert, l[seq(end, length(l))])
	writeLines(out, file)
	return(c(file=file, fileBackup=fileBackup))
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
getTransectID <- function(Log){
	#getTransectID <- function(Log, unique=FALSE){
	zeropad <- function(x){
		formatC(x, width=max(nchar(x)), format="d", flag="0")
	out <- paste0("T", zeropad(Log$transect), if(!is.character(Log$stratum)) "S", zeropad(Log$stratum))
	#	out <- unique(out)
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname insertToProjectXML
getLogStoXid <- function(Log, timevar="start_time"){
	dateSlashTime <- gsub(" ", "/", as.character(Log[[timevar]]), fixed=TRUE)
	log_start <- trimws(format(Log$log_start, nsmall=1))
	Log$logStoXid <- paste(Log$cruise, log_start, dateSlashTime, sep="/")

#' Parallel version of lapply
#' Detects and opens cores for simpler parallel lapply.
#' @param X,FUN,...	See \code{\link[pbapply]{pblapply}}.
#' @param cores		An integer giving the number of cores to run the function FUN over.
#' @param outfile	Set this to FALSE to suppress printing from the cores.
#' @param info.msg	A message to print to the console, followed by the number of runs (and the number of cores in the case of parallel processing).
#' @param end.msg	A message to print to the consoleat the end of the processing.
#' @param appendLF	Used for the \code{end.msg}. If TRUE aappend a newline to the end message.
#' @param pb		Logical: If FALSE suppress the progress bar.
#' @examples
#' f <- function(i){
#' 	for(j in 1:3){
#' 		for(k in 1:500){
#' 			Sys.sleep(0.001)
#' 			d <- runif(100)
#' 		}
#' 	}	
#' }
#' system.time(p <- papply(1:4, f, cores=1))
#' system.time(p <- papply(1:4, f, cores=2))
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster parLapply stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply pboptions
#' @export
#' @rdname papply
papply <- function(X, FUN, ..., cores=1, outfile="", info.msg=NULL, end.msg="", appendLF=TRUE, pb=TRUE){
		pbo <- pbapply::pboptions(type = "none")
	availableCores <- parallel::detectCores()
	# If memory runs out, a system call to determine number of cores might fail, thus detectCores() could return NA
	# defaulting to single core if this is the case
		availableCores <- 1
	if(cores > availableCores){
		warning(paste0("Only ", availableCores, " cores available (", cores, " requested)"))
	nruns <- length(X)
	cores <- min(cores, nruns, availableCores)
	# Generate the clusters of time steps:
		if(length(info.msg) && !identical(info.msg, FALSE)){
			message(info.msg, "( ", nruns, " runs using ", cores, " cores in parallel):")
		cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
		# Bootstrap:
		out <- pbapply::pblapply(X, FUN, ..., cl=cl)
		# End the parallel bootstrapping:
		if(length(info.msg) && !identical(info.msg, FALSE)){
			message(info.msg, " (", nruns, " runs):")
		out <- pbapply::pblapply(X, FUN, ...)
	message(end.msg, appendLF=appendLF)

# Function for extracting the parameters given in the options text string:
getOptionsText <- function(options, string.out=FALSE){
	# Test first using commas and semi colons:
	options <- unlist(strsplit(options, ";", fixed=TRUE))
	temp <- unlist(strsplit(options, ",", fixed=TRUE))
	commaOK <- all(sapply(gregexpr("=", temp), function(x) sum(x)>0))
		options <- temp
	# Split into single parameter definitions:
	#options <- strsplit(options, ";", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
	# Get parameter names:
	optionsNames <- gsub("=.*", "", options)
	optionsNames <- gsub("[[:blank:]]", "", optionsNames)
	# Evaluate parameter expressions:
	options <- lapply(options, function(x) eval(parse(text=x)))
	names(options) <- optionsNames
	# Return either a list or a string of options:
		paste(names(options), options, sep=" = ", collapse=", ")

getTemplates <- function(names.only=FALSE){
	# Changed made on 2019-01-11 after note from Mikko Vihtakari, who had installed Java 11 due to endless problems getting Java 8 and rJava to work. Java 11 seems to have introduced a difference in the behavior of the toArray() function, where the output is not a character vector but a Java Array object. For this reason the utility jobjRef2Character() was created, which converts to string first and then parses the string into a vector:
	# This was the error message:
	### WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
	### WARNING: Illegal reflective access by RJavaTools to method java.util.Arrays$ArrayList.toArray()
	### WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of RJavaTools
	### WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
	### WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future releaseError in as.character.default(new("jrectRef", dimension = 9L, jsig = "[Ljava/lang/Object;",  : 
	###   no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector
	# templates <- J("no.imr.stox.factory.Factory")$getAvailableTemplates()$toArray()
	templates <- jobjRef2Character(J("no.imr.stox.factory.Factory")$getAvailableTemplates())
	descriptions <- sapply(templates, J("no.imr.stox.factory.Factory")$getTemplateDescription)
	templateProcesses <- lapply(templates, function(x) J("no.imr.stox.factory.FactoryUtil")$getTemplateProcessNamesByModel(x, "baseline"))
	names(templateProcesses) <- templates
	for(i in seq_along(templateProcesses)){
		attr(templateProcesses[[i]], "description") <- descriptions[i]
	#l <- list(Templates=templateProcesses, Descriptions=cbind(Template=templates, Description=unname(descriptions)))
	#cbind(Template=templates, Description=unname(descriptions), processNames=sapply(templateProcesses, paste, collapse=", "))
template2parlist <- function(template){
	# Create a project with the template:
	###template <- matchTemplates(template)
	dir <- tempdir()
	projectName <- createProject("tempProject", dir=path.expand(dir), model=template, msg=FALSE, ow=TRUE)
	# Read and return the parameters:
	par <- getBaselineParameters(projectName)$last
Sea2Data/Rstox documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:58 a.m.