
#' Extract the covaraite definitions
#' @keywords internal
getCovparam <- function(projectName, parameter) {
  # Get the project object:
  project <- openProject(projectName, out = "project")
  s <- project$getProcessData()$asTable("covparam")
  if (nchar(s) > 0) {
    out <-
        sep = '\t',
        row.names = NULL,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
        na.strings = "-",
        encoding = "UTF-8"
    if (!(parameter %in% out$Parameter)) {
      stop(paste0("Parameter ", parameter, " not found in covparam"))
    out <-
      out[out$Parameter == parameter, c("CovariateTable", "Value")]
    l <- as.list(out$Value)
    names(l) <- out$CovariateTable
    stop(paste0("Table \"", "covparam", "\" missing in the project.xml file"))

#' Prepare data from a project to the ECA model
#' This function reads data from a baseline run and converts to a list of data used by the ECA model in the Reca package.
#' @param projectName   The name or full path of the project, a baseline object (as returned from \code{\link{getBaseline}} or \code{\link{runBaseline}}, og a project object (as returned from \code{\link{openProject}}).
#' @param biotic		The process from which the biotic data are extracted, conventionally the BioticCovData process.
#' @param landing		The process from which the landing data are extracted, conventionally the LandingCovData process.
#' @param temporal		Optional definition of the temporal covariate (not yet implemented).
#' @param gearfactor	Optional definition of the gearfactor covariate (not yet implemented).
#' @param spatial		Optional definition of the spatial covariate (not yet implemented).
#' @param landingresolution The temporal resolution in days to use for aggregating the landing data.
#' @param ...			Parameters passed to \code{\link{getBaseline}}.
#' @return A reference to the StoX Java baseline object
#' @export
#' @rdname baseline2eca
baseline2eca <-
           biotic = "BioticCovData",
           landing = "LandingCovData",
           temporal = NULL,
           gearfactor = NULL,
           spatial = NULL,
           ...) {
    # Function that retreives year, month, day, yearday:
    addYearday <-
               datecar = "startdate",
               tz = "UTC",
               format = "%d/%m/%Y") {
        x[[datecar]] <- as.POSIXlt(x[[datecar]], tz = tz, format = format)
        if (length(x$year) == 0) {
          x$year <- x[[datecar]]$year + 1900
        x$month <- x[[datecar]]$mon + 1
        x$monthday <- x[[datecar]]$mday
        x$yearday <- x[[datecar]]$yday + 1
    # Function used for extracting covariate definitions:
    getCovDef <- function(x) {
      # If the covariate is given as a comma separated string, split into a vector:
      if (length(grep(",", x[[3]]))) {
        x[[3]] = strsplit(x[[3]], ",")
        x[[3]] = lapply(x[[3]], as.numeric)
      #biotic <- as.data.frame(sapply(x, "[", x$CovariateSourceType=="Biotic", drop=FALSE))
      biotic <- x[x$CovariateSourceType == "Biotic", , drop = FALSE]
      #landing <- as.data.frame(lapply(x, "[", x$CovariateSourceType=="Landing", drop=FALSE))
      landing <- x[x$CovariateSourceType == "Landing", , drop = FALSE]
      list(biotic = biotic, landing = landing)
    # Define covariate processes and returned process data:
    # covariateProcessesData <- c("temporal", "season", "gearfactor", "spatial") # Changed on 2018-08-28 according to Jira STOX-153:
    # covariateProcessesData <- c("temporal", "gearfactor", "spatial") # This is not used anywhere....
    # Get the baseline output:
    ### baselineOutput <- getBaseline(projectName, input=c("par", "proc"), fun=c(biotic, landing))
    baselineOutput <-
        input = c("par", "proc"),
        proc = c(biotic, landing),
    # Run if both biotic and landing data are present:
    if (all(c(biotic[1], landing[1]) %in% names(baselineOutput$out))) {
      ##### (1) Get raw landing data: #####
      # (1a) Get the data and convert variable names to lower case:
      landing <- baselineOutput$outputData[[landing[1]]]
      names(landing) <- tolower(names(landing))
      # 2018-08-28: Changed to using 'sistefangstdato' as per comment from Edvin:
      landing <-
                   datecar = "sistefangstdato",
                   tz = "UTC",
                   format = "%Y-%m-%d")
      ##### (2) Get raw biotic data with some modifications: #####
      # (2a) Get the data and convert variable names to lower case:
      biotic <- baselineOutput$outputData[[biotic[1]]]
      names(biotic) <- tolower(names(biotic))
      # Detect whether temporal is defined with seasons, and add year and season and remove temporal in the process data:
      # This caused error with cod and could be solved with Jira STOX-153:
      # Disabled on 2018-08-28, according to Jira STOX-153, where now 'temporal' is the only temporal covariate (no longer 'year' and 'season'):
      ### if(any(baselineOutput$out$LandingCovData$Season %in% TRUE)){
      ### 	baselineOutput$proc$season <- baselineOutput$proc$temporal
      ### 	years <- range(biotic$year, landing$year)
      ### 	years <- seq(years[1], years[2])
      ### 	#baselineOutput$proc$year <- data.frame(CovariateSourceType=rep(c("Biotic","Landing"), each=length(years)), Covariate=rep(years, ,2), Value=rep(years, ,2), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      ### 	baselineOutput$proc$year <- data.frame(CovariateSourceType=rep(c("Biotic","Landing"), each=length(years)), Covariate=rep(years, ,2), Definition=rep(years, ,2), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      ### 	baselineOutput$proc$temporal <- NULL
      ### }
      # (2b) Define the present covariate names, which are some but not all of the following:
      # Changed on 2018-08-28 according to Jira STOX-153:
      # implementedCovariateNames <- c("year", "season", "gearfactor", "spatial")
      #implementedCovariateDescriptions <- c("The year covariate, used in conjunction with 'season'", "The season covariate defining seasons throughout a year", "The gear covariate given as groups of gear codes", "The spatial covariate giving polygons or locations")
      #implementedCovariateProcesses <- c("DefineTemporalLanding", "DefineTemporalLanding", "DefineGearLanding", "DefineSpatialLanding")
      #implementedCovariateNames <- c("temporal", "gearfactor", "spatial")
      #implementedCovariateDescriptions <- c("The temporal covariate", "The gear covariate given as groups of gear codes", "The spatial covariate giving polygons or locations")
      #implementedCovariateProcesses <- c("DefineTemporalLanding", "DefineGearLanding", "DefineSpatialLanding")
      ECACovariates <- getRstoxDef("ECACovariates")
      configuredCovariates <-
        names(getCovparam(projectName, "CovariateType"))
      present <- which(ECACovariates$Name %in% configuredCovariates)
      covariateNames <- ECACovariates$Name[present]
      covariateDescriptions <- ECACovariates$Description[present]
      covariateProcesses <- ECACovariates$Processe[present]
      # (2c) Add yearday, year and month:
      biotic <-
                   datecar = "startdate",
                   tz = "UTC",
                   format = "%d/%m/%Y")
      # (2d) Hard code the lengthunits (from the sampling handbook). This must be changed in the future, so that lengthunitmeters is present in the biotic file:
      # TO BE IMPLEMENTED: Read the lengthresolution from NMD, which here is named by lengthunitmeters and then renamed to lengthresM in getGlobalParameters():
      # TO BE IMPLEMENTED: lengthresolution <- getNMDinfo("lengthresolution")
      lengthcode <- 1:7
      # Length unit codes in the reference tables:
      lengthmeters <- c(1, 5, 10, 30, 50, 0.5, 0.1) / 1000
      biotic$lengthunitmeters <-
        lengthmeters[match(biotic$lengthunit, lengthcode)]
      # This section was removed with approval from Hanne and David. It was included for historical reasons, and the freqency column was supported in prevoius ECA versions, but we decided that there is no need for compressing the input data in this way anymore, given the assiciated complication of the input data:
      # (2e) Aggregate by lines without weight, but with equal length:
      #duplines = duplicated(biotic[,c("serialno", "length", "weight")]) & is.na(biotic$age)
      #	frequency = by(biotic$frequency, paste(biotic$serialno, biotic$length), sum)
      #	biotic = biotic[!duplines,]
      #	biotic$frequency = frequency
      ### (3) Get covariate definitions and change names: ###
      covariateDefinition <-
        lapply(baselineOutput$proc[covariateNames], getCovDef)
      # Add year covariate definitions if present:
      if ("year" %in% covariateNames) {
        year <- unique(c(landing$year, biotic$year))
        #yearBiotic = data.frame(CovariateSourceType="Biotic", Covariate=year, Value=year, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        #yearLanding = data.frame(CovariateSourceType="Biotic", Covariate=year, Value=year, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        yearBiotic = data.frame(
          CovariateSourceType = "Biotic",
          Covariate = year,
          Definition = year,
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        yearLanding = data.frame(
          CovariateSourceType = "Biotic",
          Covariate = year,
          Definition = year,
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        covariateDefinition$year <-
          list(biotic = yearBiotic, landing = yearLanding)
      # Extract the covariates from biotic and landing in two separate matrices, and convert to integers using match():
      allLevels <-
        lapply(covariateNames, function(x)
            biotic[[x]], landing[[x]]
      names(allLevels) <- covariateNames
      Nlevels <- sapply(allLevels, length)
      # Function for converting the covariates present in biotic or landing to integer:
      getCovariateMatrix <- function(data, covariateNames, allLevels) {
        # Get the covariate names present in the data:
        covariateNames_present <- intersect(covariateNames, names(data))
        # Convert each covariate to integer (index in allLevels):
        out <-
          sapply(covariateNames_present, function(this)
            match(data[[this]], allLevels[[this]]))
        # Convert to data frame and add colnames:
        out <- as.data.frame(out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        colnames(out) <- covariateNames_present
      covariateMatrixBiotic <-
        getCovariateMatrix(biotic, covariateNames = covariateNames, allLevels =
      covariateMatrixLanding <-
        getCovariateMatrix(landing, covariateNames = covariateNames, allLevels =
      #covariateMatrixBiotic <- sapply(seq_along(covariateNames), function(i) match(biotic[[covariateNames[i]]], allLevels[[i]]))
      #covariateMatrixLanding <- sapply(seq_along(covariateNames), function(i) match(landing[[covariateNames[i]]], allLevels[[i]]))
      #covariateMatrixBiotic <- as.data.frame(covariateMatrixBiotic, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      #covariateMatrixLanding <- as.data.frame(covariateMatrixLanding, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
      #colnames(covariateMatrixBiotic) <- covariateNames
      #colnames(covariateMatrixLanding) <- covariateNames
      # Match the levels of each covariate with the unique values of the union of biotic and landing:
      matchToBioticAndLanding <-
        function(i, allLevels, covariateDefinition) {
          allValues <-
                covariateDefinition[[i]]$biotic[, 2],
                covariateDefinition[[i]]$landing[, 2]
          link <- match(allLevels[[i]], allValues)
            Numeric = seq_along(link),
            Covariate = allValues[link],
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      covariateLink <-
          allLevels = allLevels,
          covariateDefinition = covariateDefinition
      names(covariateLink) <- names(covariateDefinition)
      #covariateLink <- lapply(seq_along(allLevels), function(i) match(allLevels[[i]], covariateDefinition[[i]]$biotic[,2]))
      #covariateLink <- lapply(seq_along(allLevels), function(i) data.frame(Numeric=seq_along(allLevels[[i]]), Covariate=covariateDefinition[[i]]$biotic[covariateLink[[i]], 2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
      #names(covariateLink) <- names(covariateDefinition)
      ##### (6) Get aggreagated landing data: #####
      # Change added on 2018-09-31:
      # Stop the function if there are any missing values in 'rundvekt' or in any of the covariates:
      if (any(is.na(landing$rundvekt))) {
        stop("Missing values in landing$rundvekt.")
      testCovariate <- function(name, covariateMatrixLanding) {
        if (any(is.na(covariateMatrixLanding[[name]]))) {
          stop(paste0("Missing values in covariate ", name, " (landings)."))
             covariateMatrixLanding = covariateMatrixLanding)
      # Aggregate the rundvekt by covariates:
      landing$tempslot <- landing$yearday %/% landingresolution
      landingAggregated <-
          as.data.frame(cbind(covariateMatrixLanding, landing$tempslot), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
      # Combine into a data frame with covariates and the rundvekt in the last column:
      # Convert the dimnames to integer
      landingAggregated <-
          dimnames(landingAggregated), as.integer
        )), rundvekt = c(landingAggregated))
      # set the day of the year in the middle of each cell
      numDaysOfYear <- 366 #use max, since this is converted to fractino of the year later, consider looking up in calendar
      landingAggregated$midday <- landingAggregated$`landing$tempslot`*landingresolution + landingresolution/2.0
      landingAggregated$midseason <-
        landingAggregated$midday / numDaysOfYear
      landingAggregated$midday <- NULL
      # Discard empty covariate combinations:
      landingAggregated <-
        landingAggregated[!is.na(landingAggregated$rundvekt), ]
      # Order by the covariates
      landingAggregated <-
        landingAggregated[do.call("order", landingAggregated[, -ncol(landingAggregated)]), ]
      # Extract the hierarchy matrix from StoX (not implemented on 2017-02-23):
      ##### (7) Covariate meta information: #####
      # Changes on 2018-10-03 / 2018-10-11:
      # As of Rstox 1.10 the covariate info (covType and CAR) are stored as a process data output generated by the function bioticCovData (maybe to be changed to landingCovData?), as the data frame 'covparam':
      # Add a data frame with meta information about the covariates:
      covType <-
        unlist(lapply(covariateNames, function(xx)
          getCovparam(projectName, "CovariateType")[[xx]]))
      CAR <- rep(NA, length(covType))
      # This process assigns TRUE to CAR only if the parameter 'UseStratumNeighbour' exists and is equal to the string "true". All other values except empty values (NULL) implies FALSE. If the parameter 'UseStratumNeighbour' is not present, NA is used:
      temp <-
        lapply(covariateNames, function(xx)
          getCovparam(projectName, "UseStratumNeighbour")[[xx]] %in% TRUE)
      CAR[unlist(lapply(temp, length)) > 0] <- unlist(temp)
      # Make sure that CAR is a logical:
      CAR[is.na(CAR)] <- FALSE
      # Combine into the covariate info data frame:
      covariateInfo <- data.frame(
        Nlevels = Nlevels,
        covType = covType,
        CAR = CAR,
        name = covariateNames,
        description = covariateDescriptions,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      ##### (8) Fish age vs length-error matrix: #####
      ageErrorData <- baselineOutput$proc$ageerror
      # Expand the AgeLength data to a sparse matrix:
      maxAge <- max(ageErrorData[, 1:2]) + 1
      ageErrorMatrix <- matrix(0, ncol = maxAge, nrow = maxAge)
      ageErrorMatrix[as.matrix(ageErrorData[, 1:2]) + 1] <-
        ageErrorData[, 3]
      rownames(ageErrorMatrix) <- seq_len(maxAge) - 1
      colnames(ageErrorMatrix) <- rownames(ageErrorMatrix)
      ##### (9) Adjacent strata definitions: #####
      # Get the stratum neighbours and convert to a list named with the strata names, and convert each element into a vector of stratum names:
      stratumNeighbour <- baselineOutput$proc$stratumneighbour
      stratumNeighbourList <- as.list(stratumNeighbour[, 2])
      names(stratumNeighbourList) <- stratumNeighbour[, 1]
      stratumNeighbourList <-
        lapply(stratumNeighbourList, function(xx)
          as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(xx, ","))))
      # Extract only the strata present in the data:
      stratumNeighbourList <-
        stratumNeighbourList[names(stratumNeighbourList) %in% covariateLink$spatial[, 2]]
      # Remove also the neighbours that are not present:
      stratumNeighbourList <-
        lapply(stratumNeighbourList, function(x)
          x[x %in% names(stratumNeighbourList)])
      numNeighbours <- sapply(stratumNeighbourList, length)
      if (any(numNeighbours == 0)) {
            "Some strata have no neighbours present in the data (stratum ",
            paste(names(stratumNeighbourList)[numNeighbours == 0], collapse = ", "),
            ") Please add neighbors to these strata. The present neighbours are:\n",
            paste(covariateLink$spatial[, 2], collapse = ", ")
      ### # Extract only the areas present in the data:
      ### # 2018-02-01 Fixed bug when extracting only the spatial areas present in the project, where before the indices covariateLink$spatial[,2] were selected, but now we do a match:
      ### #stratumNeighbourList <- stratumNeighbour[covariateLink$spatial[,2],]
      ### stratumNeighbourList <- stratumNeighbour[stratumNeighbour[,1] %in% covariateLink$spatial[,2],,drop=FALSE]
      ### # Change introduced on 2018-02-01:
      ### # Remove also the neighbours that are not present:
      ### extractPresentAreasFromCommaSeparated <- function(x, valid){
      ### 	if(is.character(x)){
      ### 		x <- as.numeric(strsplit(x, ",")[[1]])
      ### 		x <- intersect(x, valid)
      ### 		paste(x, collapse=",")
      ### 	}
      ### 	else{
      ### 		warning("The input must be a string of comma separated integers")
      ### 		x
      ### 	}
      ### }
      ### stratumNeighbourList[,2] <- sapply(stratumNeighbourList[,2], extractPresentAreasFromCommaSeparated, covariateLink$spatial[,2])
      ### if(any(nchar(stratumNeighbourList[,2])==0)){
      ### 	warning(paste0("Some strata have no neighbours present in the data (stratum ", paste(which(nchar(stratumNeighbourList[,2])==0), collapse=", "), ") Please add neighbors to these strata. The present neighbours are the following: ", paste(covariateLink$spatial[,2], collapse=",")))
      ### }
      # Return all data in a list
        biotic = biotic,
        landing = landing,
        landingAggregated = landingAggregated,
        covariateMatrixBiotic = covariateMatrixBiotic,
        covariateMatrixLanding = covariateMatrixLanding,
        ageError = ageErrorMatrix,
        # Moved from resources on 2018-01-25
        stratumNeighbour = stratumNeighbourList,
        # Moved from resources on 2018-01-25
        resources = list(
          covariateInfo = covariateInfo,
          covariateDefinition = covariateDefinition,
          covariateLink = covariateLink
        "The processes ",
        paste(c(biotic[1], landing[1]), collapse = " and "),
        "does not exist in the baseline model"

# Functions for coverting data from stox-structure to ECA structure

#' Function used for combining hard coded parameter values and user defeined parameter values
#' @keywords internal
getHardCoded <- function(info) {
  hardcoded <- as.data.frame(matrix(
    c(#add constant
      "random", "constant", 0,
      # Include slope for the constant:
      "in.slopeModel", "constant", 1),
    byrow = TRUE,
    ncol = 3
  ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  hardcoded[, 3] <- as.numeric(hardcoded[, 3])
  hardcoded <- hardcoded[hardcoded[, 2] %in% rownames(info), ]
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(hardcoded))) {
    info[hardcoded[i, 2], hardcoded[i, 1]] <- hardcoded[i, 3]

#' Function for setting getting appropriate value for the midSeason column in Landings
#' @param x string representing a yearless date range as dd/mm-dd/mm or as a single day dd/mm
#' @return the day number in the year for the given day, or the mean day number in the year for the endpoints of the range
#' @keywords internal
getMidSeason <- function(x, tz = "UTC", format = "%d/%m/%Y") {
  x <- as.Date(strsplit(x, "-")[[1]], "%d/%m")
  x <- as.POSIXlt(x, tz = tz, format = format)
  yearday <- x$yday
  # Trick to get one day for "01/01-02/01"
  yearday[1] <- yearday[1] + 1

#' Function used for extracting the correct covariate value from the inidces used in the covariate matrix passed to ECA:
#' @keywords internal
getCovariateValue <-
           cov = "season",
           type = "biotic") {
    # Get first the covariate symbolic value (such as Q3 for "01/07-30/09"):
    posInLinkMatrix <-
      match(index, eca$resources$covariateLink[[cov]]$Numeric)
    symbol <-
    # Then link to the value:
    posInDefinitionMatrix <-
      match(symbol, eca$resources$covariateDefinition[[cov]][[type]]$Covariate)
    value <-

#' Function for getting the mode of a vector:
#' @keywords internal
getMode <- function(x) {

#' Function for extracting the GlobalParameters object
#' @keywords internal
getGlobalParameters <- function (eca, ecaParameters) {
  #serialno is there only to enforce return type for getVar
  getnames <- c("lengthunitmeters", "serialno")
  usenames <- c("lengthresM", "samplingID")
  DataMatrix <- getVar(eca$biotic, getnames)
  names(DataMatrix) <- usenames
  lengthresM <- getMode(DataMatrix$lengthresM)
  lengthresCM <- lengthresM * 100
  if (!all(DataMatrix$lengthresM == head(DataMatrix$lengthresM, 1))) {
        "Several length resolusions applied in the data (",
        paste(table(DataMatrix$lengthresCM), collapse = ", "),
        "). The mode (",
        ") used in the ECA"
  # Convert to centimeters in the lengthunit:
  Gparams <- list(
    lengthresCM = lengthresCM,
    resultdir = ecaParameters$resultdir,
    maxlength = ecaParameters$maxlength,
    minage = ecaParameters$minage,
    maxage = ecaParameters$maxage,
    delta.age = ecaParameters$delta.age

#' Function for extracting the Landings object
#' @keywords internal
getLandings <- function(eca, ecaParameters) {
  ### landingAggregated: ###
  landingAggregated <-
      constant = 1,
      midseason = sapply(
          cov = "temporal",
          type = "landing"
  weight <- landingAggregated$rundvekt
  landingAggregated$rundvekt <- NULL
  landingAgeLength <- landingAggregated
  landingWeightLength <- landingAggregated
  ### Return a list of the data: ###
  landings <-
      AgeLengthCov = landingAgeLength,
      WeightLengthCov = landingWeightLength,
      LiveWeightKG = weight

#' Function for extracting the DataMatrix for the given variable ("age" or "weight", length is requested in both):
#' @keywords internal
getDataMatrixANDCovariateMatrix <-
           vars = c("age", "yearday"),
           ecaParameters) {
    # Define variables to include in the DataMatrix, where the variable specified in the input 'var' is included:
    getnames <-
    usenames <-
    getnames <- c(vars, getnames)
    usenames <- c(vars, usenames)
    # Extract the data matrix:
    DataMatrix <- getVar(eca$biotic, getnames)
    names(DataMatrix) <- usenames
    #Estimate catch sample number: partcount
    DataMatrix$partcount <-
      DataMatrix$catchweight * DataMatrix$samplecount / DataMatrix$sampleweight
    #Drop columns only used for estimating partcount
    DataMatrix <-
      DataMatrix[,!(names(DataMatrix) %in% c("catchweight", "samplecount", "sampleweight"))]
    # Add first the samplingID to the object eca$covariateMatrixBiotic:
    CovariateMatrix <- eca$covariateMatrixBiotic
    # Add samplingID, which will be removed at the end:
    CovariateMatrix$samplingID <- DataMatrix$samplingID
    CovariateMatrix <-
      CovariateMatrix[!duplicated(CovariateMatrix$samplingID), ]
    # Add the first column, which is only of ones:
    CovariateMatrix <- cbind(constant = 1, CovariateMatrix)
    # Convert to 1, 2, 3, and implement an automatic function for this later:
    DataMatrix$samplingID <-
      match(DataMatrix$samplingID, CovariateMatrix$samplingID)
    CovariateMatrix$samplingID <- NULL
    #random covariates not in landings should have nlev equal to the observed levels
      for (n in names(CovariateMatrix)) {
        if ((n %in% names(eca$covariateMatrixBiotic)) & !(n %in% names(eca$covariateMatrixLanding))) {
          ecacodes <- unique(CovariateMatrix[[n]])
          newecacodes <- 1:length(unique(CovariateMatrix[[n]]))
          # renumber covariates
          CovariateMatrix[[n]] <- newecacodes[match(CovariateMatrix[[n]], ecacodes)]
          # update link to stox names
          eca$resources$covariateLink[[n]] <- eca$resources$covariateLink[[n]][eca$resources$covariateLink[[n]][["Numeric"]] %in% ecacodes,]
          eca$resources$covariateLink[[n]][["Numeric"]] <- newecacodes[match(eca$resources$covariateLink[[n]][["Numeric"]], ecacodes)]
    return(list(DataMatrix = DataMatrix, CovariateMatrix = CovariateMatrix, resources= eca$resources))

#' Function for extracting the CARNeighbours and info:
#' @keywords internal
getInfo <- function(eca, CovariateMatrix, ecaParameters) {
  ### 3. info: ###
  ncov <- length(names(CovariateMatrix))
  Infonames <-
  nInfo <- length(Infonames)
  info <- array(0L, dim = c(ncov, nInfo))
  #info <- info + seq_along(info)
  colnames(info) <- Infonames
  rownames(info) <- names(CovariateMatrix)
  # 3.1. random:
  info[eca$resources$covariateInfo$name, "random"] <-
    eca$resources$covariateInfo$covType == "Random"
  # 3.2. CAR:
  # Make sure the neighbours are ordered according to the 1:n values in the covariateLink:
  ind <-
    match(as.numeric(names(eca$stratumNeighbour)), eca$resources$covariateLink$spatial[, 2])
  if (!all(sort(ind) == ind)) {
      "covariate values are ordered differently in stratumneighbour and covariatelink spatial"
  names(eca$stratumNeighbour) <-
    eca$resources$covariateLink$spatial[ind, 1]
  numNeighbours <-
    unlist(lapply(eca$stratumNeighbour, length), use.names = F)
  idNeighbours <- unlist(eca$stratumNeighbour, use.names = F)
  idNeighbours <-
    eca$resources$covariateLink$spatial[match(idNeighbours, eca$resources$covariateLink$spatial[, 2]), 1]
  CARNeighbours <-
    list(numNeighbours = numNeighbours, idNeighbours = idNeighbours)
  info[eca$resources$covariateInfo$name, "CAR"] <-
  # 3.3. continuous:
  if (length(ecaParameters$continuous)) {
    info[names(ecaParameters$continuous), "continuous"] <-
  # 3.4. in.landings:
  info[rownames(info), "in.landings"] <-
    as.integer(rownames(info) %in% names(eca$landingAggregated))
  info["constant", "in.landings"] <- 1
  # 3.5. interaction:
  if (length(ecaParameters$interaction)) {
    info[names(ecaParameters$interaction), "interaction"] <-
  # 3.6. include.slope:
  if (length(ecaParameters$in.slopeModel)) {
    info[names(ecaParameters$in.slopeModel), "in.slopeModel"] <-
  info <- getHardCoded(info)
  # 3.7. nlev:
  info[rownames(info), "nlev"] <-
    apply(CovariateMatrix, 2, function(x)
  # Continuous covariates should have only one level:
  info[info[, "continuous"] == 1, "nlev"] <- 1
  # random covariates should have levels equal to max of landing and max of observations (not sure if the latter is necessary
  if (sum(info[, "random"] == 1 & info[, "in.landings"] == 1) > 0) {
    for (n in rownames(info)) {
      if (info[n, "random"] == 1 & info[n, "in.landings"] == 1) {
        info[n, "nlev"] <-
          max(eca$landingAggregated[[n]], CovariateMatrix[[n]])
  return(list(info = info,
              CARNeighbours = CARNeighbours))

#' Identifies whichindividuals are from catchsamples with some age readings.
#' @return logical vector identifying which individuals belong to a catchsample where age was sampled
#' @keywords internal
hasAgeInSample <- function(biotic){
  hasage<-biotic[!is.na(biotic$age),c("serialno", "species", "samplenumber")]
  return(paste(biotic$serialno, biotic$species, biotic$samplenumber, sep="/") %in% paste(hasage$serialno, hasage$species, hasage$samplenumber, sep="/"))

#' Function for converting to the input format required by ECA (this is the main function):
#' @keywords internal
getLengthGivenAge_Biotic <- function(eca, ecaParameters) {
  # Extract the non-NAs:
  var <- "age"
  # Remove non-usable catchsamples from the DataMatrix and from the eca$covariateMatrixBiotic:
  # This is necessary to handle length-stratified sampling
  # The procedure for handling length-stratified sampling is also sound for unstratified simple random subsampling (ref Hanne), 
  # so the approach implemented in hasAgeInSample is more roboust to data issues and additions of stratified codes to the format.
  # filtering by biotic$sampletype might be faster.
  # This filtering should arguably be done in stox, but it is even less justified to put it here if we filter by sampletype (because of the potential for additional code stratifications be added)
  valid <- hasAgeInSample(eca$biotic)
  eca$biotic <- eca$biotic[valid, , drop = FALSE]
  eca$covariateMatrixBiotic <-
    eca$covariateMatrixBiotic[valid, , drop = FALSE]
  ### 1. DataMatrix: ###
  temp <-
    getDataMatrixANDCovariateMatrix(eca, vars = c("age", "yearday"), ecaParameters)
  DataMatrix <- temp$DataMatrix
  CovariateMatrix <- temp$CovariateMatrix
  resources <- temp$resources
  #DataMatrix <- getDataMatrix(eca, var=var, ecaParameters)
  # Estimate the remainder for real age by use of the hatchDaySlashMonth:
  numDaysOfYear <- 366
  DataMatrix$part.year <- (DataMatrix$yearday - getMidSeason(ecaParameters$hatchDaySlashMonth)) / numDaysOfYear
  DataMatrix$yearday <- NULL
  ### 2. CovariateMatrix: ###
  #CovariateMatrix <- getCovariateMatrix(eca, DataMatrix, ecaParameters)
  ### 3. info: ###
  info <- getInfo(eca, CovariateMatrix, ecaParameters)
  ### Return a list of the data: ###
  out <- list(
    DataMatrix = DataMatrix,
    CovariateMatrix = CovariateMatrix,
    CARNeighbours = info$CARNeighbours,
    AgeErrorMatrix = eca$ageError,
    info = info$info,
    resources = resources
  out$ClassificationErrorVector <- eca$otholiterror

#' Function for converting to the input format required by ECA (this is the main function):
#' @keywords internal
getWeightGivenLength_Biotic <- function(eca, ecaParameters) {
  # Extract the non-NAs:
  var <- "weight"
  # Remove missing values from the DataMatrix and from the eca$covariateMatrixBiotic:
  valid <- !is.na(eca$biotic[[var]])
  eca$biotic <- eca$biotic[valid, , drop = FALSE]
  eca$covariateMatrixBiotic <-
    eca$covariateMatrixBiotic[valid, , drop = FALSE]
  ### 1. DataMatrix: ###
  temp <-
    getDataMatrixANDCovariateMatrix(eca, vars = var, ecaParameters)
  DataMatrix <- temp$DataMatrix
  CovariateMatrix <- temp$CovariateMatrix
  resources <- temp$resources
  #DataMatrix <- getDataMatrix(eca, var=var, ecaParameters)
  # Hard code the weight to KG, since it is in grams in StoX:
  weightunit <- 1e-3
  DataMatrix <-
    cbind(weightKG = eca$biotic$weight * weightunit, DataMatrix)
  ### 2. CovariateMatrix: ###
  #CovariateMatrix <- getCovariateMatrix(eca, DataMatrix, ecaParameters)
  ### 3. info: ###
  info <- getInfo(eca, CovariateMatrix, ecaParameters)
  ### Return a list of the data: ###
  out <- list(
    DataMatrix = DataMatrix,
    CovariateMatrix = CovariateMatrix,
    CARNeighbours = info$CARNeighbours,
    #AgeErrorMatrix = eca$ageError, # This is not needed for WeightGivenLength
    info = info$info,
    resources = resources
  out$ClassificationErrorVector <- eca$otholiterror

get_default_result_dir <-
           location = getProjectPaths(projectName)$RDataDir) {
    return(file.path(location, "reca"))

# Functions for running RECA

#' @title Prepare data for RECA
#' @description Convert data to exported from stox to eca format. Save results to project data 'prepareRECA'
#' @details Most parameters to this funciton are set as named members of a list which is passed as argument GlobalParameters to \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#'    The parameters minage and maxage define the range of ages that are considered possible in the model. Because R-ECA integrates weight and length measurements, and allows for modelling errors in age determination, predicted ages might fall outside the age range in samples. minage and maxage should be set with this in mind.
#' @param projectName name of stox project
#' @param minage see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}.
#' @param maxage see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param delta.age see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param maxlength maximum length of fish in the data set in cm. If null the value will be extracted from the data.
#' @param hatchDaySlashMonth reference day for assumed spawning time of fish, formatted as day / month. Used to estimate fractional age of fish.
#' @param temporalresolution temporal resolution for the aggregated landings in days (used to set midSeason the Landings object for \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}})
#' @param resultdir location where R-ECA will store temporal files. Defaults (if null) to a subdirectory of getProjectPaths(projectName)$RDataDir called `reca` whcih will be created if it does not already exist
#' @param overwrite logical if true, projectData for prepareRECA and runRECA will be nulled before running, and resultdir will be cleaned of any existing output files located in subdirectories cfiles and resfiles.
#' @export
prepareRECA <-
           resultdir = NULL,
           minage = 1,
           maxage = 20,
           delta.age = 0.001,
           maxlength = NULL,
           hatchDaySlashMonth = "01/01",
           temporalresolution = 92,
           overwrite=T) {
    if (is.null(resultdir)) {
      resultdir <- get_default_result_dir(projectName)
      if (!(file.exists(resultdir))) {
        dir.create(resultdir, recursive = T)
    if (!(file.exists(resultdir))) {
      stop(paste("Directory", resultdir, "does not exist."))
    if (overwrite){
      warning("Running prepareECA with overwrite=T")
        projectName = projectName,
        var = NULL,
        name = "prepareRECA"
        projectName = projectName,
        var = NULL,
        name = "runRECA"
    #clean resultdir if needed
    if (length(list.files(resultdir))>0 & overwrite){
        for (f in list.files(file.path(resultdir, "cfiles"))){
          fn <- file.path(resultdir, "cfiles", f)
          if (file.exists(fn) && !dir.exists(fn)){
        unlink(file.path(resultdir, "cfiles"), recursive=T)
        for (f in list.files(file.path(resultdir, "resfiles"))){
          fn <- file.path(resultdir, "resfiles", f)
          if (file.exists(fn) && !dir.exists(fn)){
        unlink(file.path(resultdir, "resfiles"), recursive = T)
    if (length(list.files(resultdir))>0){
      stop(paste("Directory", resultdir, "contains files."))
    warning("checking filepath char comp")
    if (grepl(" ", resultdir)) {
        "Please make ecadir",
        ") contain no spaces."
    eca <- baseline2eca(projectName, landingresolution = temporalresolution)
    #max length in cm
    if (is.null(maxlength)) {
      maxlength <- max(eca$biotic$length)
    #consider if it makes sense to extract from data for minage and maxage as well
    ecaParameters <-
        resultdir = resultdir,
        minage = minage,
        maxage = maxage,
        delta.age = delta.age,
        maxlength = maxlength,
        hatchDaySlashMonth = hatchDaySlashMonth
    # convert data
    GlobalParameters <- getGlobalParameters(eca, ecaParameters)
    Landings <- getLandings(eca, ecaParameters)
    AgeLength <- getLengthGivenAge_Biotic(eca, ecaParameters)
    WeightLength <- getWeightGivenLength_Biotic(eca, ecaParameters)
    # store results
      projectName = projectName,
      var = list(
        GlobalParameters = GlobalParameters,
        Landings = Landings,
        WeightLength = WeightLength,
        AgeLength = AgeLength,
        StoxExport = eca
      name = "prepareRECA"

#' @title run RECA
#' @description Loads data produced by \code{\link{prepareRECA}}, run tests on model configuration, runs parameterization and makes predictions using RECA. Saves results to project data 'runRECA'
#' @details Most parameters to this function are appended to the argument list produced by prepareRECA and passed as argument GlobalParameters to \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}} and \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}.
#'     For purposes of testing and running ECA detached from StoX, Data files accepted by code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}} and \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}} can be exported using the option export_only. In this case the analysis is not run, but data files and parameter files are stored at the designated location.
#' @param projectName name of stox project
#' @param burnin see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param caa.burnin see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}
#' @param nSamples see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param thin see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param fitfile see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param predfile see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}
#' @param lgamodel see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param CC see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param CCError see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param seed see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param age.error see specification for GlobalParameters in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}}
#' @param export_only if not NULL this indicates that eca should not be run, but all parameters should be exported to the file export_only
#' @export
runRECA <-
           burnin = 100,
           caa.burnin = 100,
           nSamples = 1000,
           thin = 1,
           fitfile = "fit",
           predfile = "pred",
           lgamodel = "log-linear",
           CC = FALSE,
           CCError = FALSE,
           seed = NULL,
           age.error = FALSE,
           export_only = NULL) {
    # Sett kjøreparametere her, sett dataparametere i prep_eca
    prepdata <- loadProjectData(projectName, var = "prepareRECA")
    if (is.null(prepdata)) {
      stop("Could not load project data")
    prepareRECA <- prepdata$prepareRECA
    GlobalParameters <- prepareRECA$GlobalParameters
    AgeLength <- prepareRECA$AgeLength
    WeightLength <- prepareRECA$WeightLength
    Landings <- prepareRECA$Landings
    GlobalParameters$caa.burnin <- burnin
    GlobalParameters$burnin <- caa.burnin
    GlobalParameters$nSamples <- nSamples
    GlobalParameters$thin <- thin
    GlobalParameters$fitfile <- fitfile
    GlobalParameters$predictfile <- predfile
    GlobalParameters$lgamodel <- lgamodel
    GlobalParameters$CC <- CC
    GlobalParameters$CCerror <- CCError
    GlobalParameters$age.error <- age.error
    GlobalParameters$seed <- seed
    # Run checks
    checkCovariateConsistency(AgeLength, Landings$AgeLengthCov)
    checkCovariateConsistency(WeightLength, Landings$WeightLengthCov)
    checkGlobalParameters(GlobalParameters, AgeLength, WeightLength)
    write("######", stdout())
    write("Running ECA with model configuration:", stdout())
                           fileobj = stdout())
    write("######", stdout())
    if (!is.null(export_only)) {
      save(GlobalParameters, AgeLength, WeightLength, Landings, file = export_only)
      ## Estimate model
      fit <-
        eca::eca.estimate(AgeLength, WeightLength, Landings, GlobalParameters)
      ## Predict
      pred <-
        eca::eca.predict(AgeLength, WeightLength, Landings, GlobalParameters)
        projectName = projectName,
        var = list(fit = fit, pred = pred, GlobalParameters=GlobalParameters),
        name = "runRECA"

# Functions for plotting data and results from RECA

#' Splits a prediction object from running coastal cod analysis into two prediction objects, one for each stock
#' @param prediction object for CC analysis
#' @return list with members 'coastal' and 'atlantic' containing prediction objects for coastal and atlantic cod respectively
#' @keywords internal
splitPredCC <- function(pred){
  ret <- list()
  ncat <- length(unique(pred$AgeCategories))
  ret$coastal <- pred
  ret$atlantic <- pred
  ret$atlantic$AgeCategories <- ret$atlantic$AgeCategories[1:ncat]
  ret$coastal$AgeCategories <- ret$coastal$AgeCategories[(ncat+1):(2*ncat)]
  ret$atlantic$TotalCount <- ret$atlantic$TotalCount[,1:ncat,]
  ret$coastal$TotalCount <- ret$coastal$TotalCount[,(ncat+1):(2*ncat),]
  ret$atlantic$MeanWeight <- ret$atlantic$MeanWeight[1:ncat,]
  ret$coastal$MeanWeight <- ret$coastal$MeanWeight[(ncat+1):(2*ncat),]

  ret$atlantic$MeanLength <- ret$atlantic$MeanLength[1:ncat,]
  ret$coastal$MeanLength <- ret$coastal$MeanLength[(ncat+1):(2*ncat),]

#' Splits biotic frame by otolith type
#' @param biotic frame
#' @return list with members 'coastal' and 'atlantic' containing biotic entries for coastal and atlantic cod respectively
#' @keywords internal
splitBioticCC <- function(biotic){
  ret <- list()
  ret$coastal <- biotic
  ret$atlantic <- biotic
  ret$coastal <- ret$coastal[!is.na(ret$coastal$otolithtype) & ret$coastal$otolithtype %in% c(1,2),]
  ret$atlantic <- ret$atlantic[!is.na(ret$atlantic$otolithtype) & ret$atlantic$otolithtype %in% c(4,5),]

#' Generates plots and reports from RECA prediction
#' @param projectName name of stox project
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE info is written to stderr()
#' @param format function defining filtetype for plots, supports grDevices::pdf, grDevices::png, grDevices::jpeg, grDevices::tiff, grDevices::bmp
#' @param ... parameters passed on plot function and format
#' @return list, with at least one named element 'filename', a vector of file-paths to generated plots.
#' @export
plotRECAresults <-
           verbose = F,
           format = "png",
           ...) {
    out <- list()
    out$filename <- c()
    rundata <- loadProjectData(projectName, var = "runRECA")
    if (length(rundata) == 0) {
    prep <- loadProjectData(projectName, var = "prepareRECA")
    if (format == "png") {
      #dimension in pixels
      width = 5000
      height = 5000
      res = 500
    if (format == "pdf") {
      #dimension in inches
      width = 10
      height = 10
      res = NULL
    #different plot if stock splitting (CC) is used
    if (is.null(rundata$runRECA$GlobalParameters$CC) || !rundata$runRECA$GlobalParameters$CC){
      fn <-
        formatPlot(projectName, "RECA_results", function() {
        }, verbose = verbose, format = format, height = height, width = width, res =
          res, ...)
      out$filename <- c(fn, out$filename)
    else if(rundata$runRECA$GlobalParameters$CC){
      ccpred <- splitPredCC(rundata$runRECA$pred)
      ccbiotic <- splitBioticCC(prep$prepareRECA$StoxExport$biotic)
      fn <-
        formatPlot(projectName, "RECA_results_coastal", function() {
                                  main="Coastal cod",
        }, verbose = verbose, format = format, height = height, width = width, res =
          res, ...)
      out$filename <- c(fn, out$filename)
      fn <-
        formatPlot(projectName, "RECA_results_atlantic", function() {
                                  main="Atlantic cod",
        }, verbose = verbose, format = format, height = height, width = width, res =
          res, ...)
      out$filename <- c(fn, out$filename)

#' @title Diagonostics RECA
#' @description Generate plots for diagnosis of RECA model configuration.
#' @details Plots are made conditional on problems. E.g. Fixed effects plot is not made, if all combinations of fixed effects were sampled.
#' @param projectName name of stox project
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE info is written to stderr()
#' @param format function defining filtetype for plots, supports grDevices::pdf, grDevices::png, grDevices::jpeg, grDevices::tiff, grDevices::bmp
#' @param ... parameters passed on to plot function and format
#' @return list, with at least one named element 'filename', a vector of file-paths to generated plots.
#' @export
diagnosticsRECA <-
           verbose = T,
           format = "png",
           ...) {
    out <- list()
    out$filename <- c()
    prep <- loadProjectData(projectName, var = "prepareRECA")
    if (length(prep) == 0) {
    covariateConsistencyIssues <- T
      covariateConsistencyIssues <- F
    error = function(e) {
    finally = function(e) {
    stoxexp <- prep$prepareRECA$StoxExpor
    # Plots for dealing with covariate consistency issues
    if (covariateConsistencyIssues) {
      #calculate plot dimensions for table
      rows = nrow(get_fixed_effects_landings(stoxexp))
      cols = ncol(get_fixed_effects_landings(stoxexp)) + 2
      if (format == "png") {
        #dimension in pixels
        res = 500
        width = (res / 1.5) * (cols + 2) * 2
        height = (res / 4.9) * (rows + 10)
      if (format == "pdf") {
        #dimension in inches
        width = (cols + 2) * 2 / 1.3
        height = (rows + 7) / 5
        res = NULL
      fn <-
        formatPlot(projectName, "RECA_config_issue_fixed_effects", function() {
          diagnostics_model_configuration(stoxexp, ...)
        }, verbose = verbose, format = format, height = height, width = width, res =
          res, ...)
      out$filename <- c(fn, out$filename)
      if (format == "png") {
        #dimension in pixels
        width = 5000
        height = 5000
        res = 500
      if (format == "pdf") {
        #dimension in inches
        width = 10
        height = 10
        res = NULL

#' @title plotSamplingOverview
#' @description Generate plots to show composition of samples wrp activity in fisheries
#' @details Compares sampling effort to fisheries along covariates selected in the model, and along some standard covariate choices if available (gear, temporal and spatial). Plots compositions of samples with respect to some important variables informative of sampling heterogenety
#' @param projectName name of stox project
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE info is written to stderr()
#' @param format function defining filtetype for plots, supports grDevices::pdf, grDevices::png, grDevices::jpeg, grDevices::tiff, grDevices::bmp
#' @param ... parameters passed on to plot function and format
#' @return list, with at least one named element 'filename', a vector of file-paths to generated plots.
#' @export
plotSamplingOverview <-
           verbose = T,
           format = "png",
           ...) {
    out <- list()
    out$filename <- c()
    prep <- loadProjectData(projectName, var = "prepareRECA")
    if (length(prep) == 0) {
    stoxexp <- prep$prepareRECA$StoxExpor
    # Coverage plot
    if (all(c("gearfactor", "temporal", "spatial") %in% stoxexp$resources$covariateInfo$name)) {
      if (format == "png") {
        #dimension in pixels
        res = 500
        width = 5000
        height = 5000
      if (format == "pdf") {
        #dimension in inches
        width = 10
        height = 10
        res = NULL
      fn <-
        formatPlot(projectName, "RECA_cell_coverage", function() {
          diagnosticsCoverageRECA(stoxexp, ...)
        }, verbose = verbose, format = format, height = height, width = width, res =
          res, ...)
      out$filename <- c(fn, out$filename)
          "Need all",
          "as covariates to produce RECA_cell_coverage"
    # Samples by cells
    if (all(c("gearfactor", "temporal", "spatial") %in% stoxexp$resources$covariateInfo$name)) {
      rows <-
        nrow(unique(get_gta_landings(stoxexp)[, c("gearfactor", "temporal")]))
      cols <- length(unique(get_gta_landings(stoxexp)$spatial))
      if (format == "png") {
        #dimension in pixels
        res = 500
        width = (res / 3) * (cols + 2)
        height = (res / 4) * (rows + 12)
      if (format == "pdf") {
        #dimension in inches
        width = (cols + 2) / 3
        height = (rows + 12) / 4
        res = NULL
      fn <-
        formatPlot(projectName, "RECA_samples_by_cells", function() {
          diagnosticsSamplesRECA(stoxexp, ...)
        }, verbose = verbose, format = format, height = height, width = width, res =
          res, ...)
      out$filename <- c(fn, out$filename)
          "Need all",
          "as covariates to produce RECA_samples_by_cells"
    if (format == "png") {
      #dimension in pixels
      width = 5000
      height = 5000
      res = 500
    if (format == "pdf") {
      #dimension in inches
      width = 10
      height = 10
      res = NULL
    fn <-
      formatPlot(projectName, "RECA_sample_composition", function() {
        plotSampleCompositionRECA(stoxexp$biotic, ...)
      }, verbose = verbose, format = format, height = height, width = width, res =
        res, ...)
    out$filename <- c(fn, out$filename)

#' Produces plots for R report for RECA. Fails silently on errors.
#' @param projectName name of stox project
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{diagnosticsRECA}} and \code{\link{plotRECAresults}}
#' @return list, with at least one named element 'filename', a vector of file-paths to generated plots.
#' @export
plotRECA <- function(projectName, ...) {
  out <- list()
  out$filename <- c()
    fn <- plotSamplingOverview(projectName, ...)
    out$filename <- c(fn$filename, out$filename)
  finally = {
    fn <- plotRECAresults(projectName, ...)
    out$filename <- c(fn$filename, out$filename)
  finally = {
    fn <- diagnosticsRECA(projectName, ...)
    out$filename <- c(fn$filename, out$filename)
  finally = {

#' @title Writes RECA configuration
#' @description Writes details about the model configuration to a text file or open connection
#' @details Configuration are saved reflecting the parameters as passed to \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}} and \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}, even if it is possible to have for instance the GlobalParameters differ between the two for a valid execution.
#' @param GlobalParameters defined in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}} and \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}
#' @param Landings defined in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}} and \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}
#' @param WeightLength defined in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}} and \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}
#' @param AgeLength defined in \code{\link[eca]{eca.estimate}} and \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}
#' @param fileobj filename or open connection
#' @param main header to write before configuration
#' @keywords internal
writeRecaConfiguration <-
           main = NULL) {
    if (length(class(fileobj)) > 1) {
      if ("connection" %in% class(fileobj)) {
        f <- fileobj
          "Unsupported class for parameter fileobj: ",
    else if (class(fileobj) == "character") {
      f <- file(fileobj, open = "w")
      stop(paste("Unsupported class for parameter fileobj: ", class(fileobj)))
    if (!is.null(main)) {
      write(main, f)
    formatinfo <- function(info) {
      info <- as.data.frame(info)
      info$covariate <- row.names(info)
      info <-
        info[, c(length(names(info)), seq(1, length(names(info)) - 1))]
    write("Length given age model:", f)
      sep = "\t",
      dec = ".",
      row.names = F,
      file = f
    write(paste("individuals:", nrow(AgeLength$DataMatrix)), f)
    write("Weight given length model:", f)
      sep = "\t",
      dec = ".",
      row.names = F,
      file = f
    write(paste("individuals:", nrow(WeightLength$DataMatrix)), f)
    write("Run-parameters:", f)
    write.table(t(as.data.frame(GlobalParameters)), col.names = F, f)
    if (length(class(fileobj)) == 1) {
      if (class(fileobj) == "character") {

#' @title Save catch at age matrix
#' @description Write catch at age predicted by \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}} as csv file.
#' @details Catch at age matrix is written as comma-separated file with quoted strings as row/column names.
#'    Each row correspond to an age group, and columns to either means or an iteration of the Monte Carlo simulation.
#'    Units are controlled by parameters, and written as metainformation in a preamble identified by the comment charater '#', along with any text provided in other arguments (parameter main).
#' @param pred as returned by \code{\link[eca]{eca.predict}}
#' @param filename name of file to save to.
#' @param var Variable to extract. Allows for Abundance, Count or Weight
#' @param unit Unit for extracted variable. See \code{\link{getPlottingUnit}}
#' @param main Title for the analysis, to be included as comment in saved file (e.g. species and year)
#' @param savemeans If True, only means for each age group will be saved, otherwise extracted variable is saved for each iteration of the Monte Carlo simulation.
#' @keywords internal
saveCatchMatrix <-
           var = "Abundance",
           unit = "ones",
           main = "",
           savemeans = F) {
    comments <- c()
    if (savemeans) {
      title <- "Mean catch at age estimates"
      title <- "Catch at age estimates"
    if (var == "Abundance" | var == "Count") {
      plottingUnit = getPlottingUnit(
        unit = unit,
        var = var,
        baseunit = "ones",
        def.out = F
      caa <- round(apply(pred$TotalCount, c(2, 3), sum))
      if (unit == "ones") {
        comments <- c(paste(title, "as", var))
      if (unit != "ones") {
        comments <- c(paste(title, "as", var, "in", unit))
    else if (var == "Weight") {
      caa <- apply(pred$TotalCount, c(2, 3), sum) * pred$MeanWeight
      plottingUnit = getPlottingUnit(
        unit = unit,
        var = var,
        baseunit = "kilograms",
        def.out = F
      comments <- c(paste(title, "as", var, "in", unit))
      stop("Not implemented")
    comments <- c(main, comments)
    caa_scaled <- as.data.frame(caa / plottingUnit$scale)
    means <-
      as.data.frame(list(Age = pred$AgeCategories, mean = rowMeans(caa_scaled)))
    cv <-
        Age = pred$AgeCategories,
        cv = apply(caa_scaled, FUN = sd, MARGIN = 1)
    cv$cv <- cv$cv / means$mean
    colnames(caa_scaled) <- paste("Iteration", 1:ncol(caa_scaled))
    caa_scaled$Age <- pred$AgeCategories
    caa_scaled <-
      caa_scaled[, names(caa_scaled)[order(names(caa_scaled))]]
    f <- file(filename, open = "w")
    write(paste("#", comments), f)
    if (savemeans) {
        merge(means, cv),
        file = f,
        sep = "\t",
        dec = ".",
        row.names = F
        file = f,
        sep = "\t",
        dec = ".",
        row.names = F

#' @title Report RECA.
#' @description Produces reports for for RECA. Fails silently on errors.
#' @details Exports a tab separated file with means of catch at age (produced by \code{\link{saveCatchMatrix}}), one for the posterior distribution of catch at age (produced by \code{\link{saveCatchMatrix}}), and a file summarizing the model configuration (produced by \code{\link{writeRecaConfiguration}})
#'    This function is intended for use with \code{\link{getReports}}, and contain parameters like write in order to adhere to that contract.
#' @param projectName name of stox project
#' @param var Variable to extract. Allows for Abundance, Count or Weight
#' @param unit Unit for extracted variable. See \code{\link{getPlottingUnit}}
#' @param write logical determining if report is written to files. If false the function return immidiatly with NULL.
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{saveCatchMatrix}} and \code{\link{writeRecaConfiguration}}
#' @return list, with at least one named element 'filename', a vector of file-paths to generated plots.
#' @export
reportRECA <-
           var = "Abundance",
           unit = "ones",
           write = T,
           ...) {
    if (!write) {
    out <- list()
    out$filename <- c()
    get_filename <- function(stat) {
      if (unit == "ones") {
            paste0(c(stat, var), collapse = "_")
            paste0(c(stat, var, unit), collapse = "_")
      pd <- loadProjectData(projectName, var = "runRECA")
    finally = {
        main = projectName,
        savemeans = T,
        var = var,
        unit = unit
      out$filename <- c(get_filename("means"), out$filename)
    finally = {
        main = projectName,
        savemeans = F,
        var = var,
        unit = unit
      out$filename <- c(get_filename("distribution"), out$filename)
    finally = {
      pd <- loadProjectData(projectName, var = "prepareRECA")
      filename <-
        fileobj = filename,
        main = projectName
      out$filename <- c(filename, out$filename)
    finally = {
Sea2Data/Rstox documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:58 a.m.