
# Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 the SAVI authors (see AUTHORS.txt).
# Licensed under the BSD 3-clause license (see LICENSE.txt)


print("server.R called") # this is called when we start the shiny server on SAVI via $ sudo start shiny-server



# max upload for files
options(shiny.maxRequestSize=512*1024^2) # Max upload 1/2 Gb

# debugging option. Only set to true for debugging. MUST BE FALSE FOR LIVE USE

# old style progress bar - required since shiny v 0.14
shinyOptions( = "old")

# load the libraries we need

# source all the functions we need

# TEST DATA               #
# users can download this #
# to try out the app      #

# contained in sysdata.rda



  function(input, output, session) {


    # CREATE NEW ENVIRONMENT 'cache'    #
    # Initialise cached variable values #

    # `cache' is the environment unique to each user visit
    # This is where we will save values that need to persist,
    # and that can be picked up and included in the report

    if(exists("cache")) rm(cache, inherits = TRUE) # we shouldn't need this
    cache <- new.env()

    cache$savedSession <- 0
    cache$nIterate <- 0
    cache$nInt <- 0
    cache$pEVPI <- NULL
    cache$params <- NULL
    cache$uploadedCosts <- NULL   # these are the costs that are uploaded
    cache$uploadedEffects <- NULL # these are the effects that are uploaded
    cache$modelledCosts <- NULL   # these are the costs that are modelled in the ind sim case
    cache$modelledEffects <- NULL # these are the effects that are uploaded in the ind sim case
    cache$costs <- NULL
    cache$effects <- NULL

    cache$tableCEplane <- NULL
    cache$tableNetBenefit <- NULL
    cache$groupTable <- NULL
    cache$tableEVPI <- NULL
    cache$tablePSUB <- NULL
    cache$tableEVPPI <- NULL
    cache$ceac.obj <- NULL

    cache$textCEplane1 <- NULL
    cache$calcEvpiVal <- NULL
    cache$incValueCosts <- NULL
    cache$incValueEffects <- NULL
    cache$namesDecisions <- NULL
    cache$moreLessCosts <- NULL
    cache$confIntCE025costs <- NULL
    cache$confIntCE975costs <- NULL
    cache$confIntCE025effects <- NULL
    cache$confIntCE975effects <- NULL
    cache$pCostsavingVal <- NULL
    cache$pMorebenVal <- NULL
    cache$iCERVal <- NULL
    cache$pCEVal <- NULL

    cache$counterAdd <- 0
    cache$setStore <- vector("list", 100) # up to 100 sets for the group inputs
    cache$subsetEvpiValues <- NULL
    cache$setStoreMatchEvpiValues <- NULL
    cache$currentSelection <- NULL
    cache$ceac.obj <- NULL

    # assign null values to the about the model variables in the cache
    cache$modelName <- NULL
    cache$current <- NULL
    cache$t3 <- NULL
    cache$lambdaOverall <- 0
    cache$effectDef <- NULL
    cache$costDef <- NULL
    cache$annualPrev <- 0
    cache$horizon <- 0
    cache$currency <- NULL
    cache$unitBens <- NULL
    cache$jurisdiction <- NULL

    cache$indSim <- FALSE


    # these three rows autoload values for testing purposes - to avoid having to load them manually. MS
    # ###########
    #     load.parameters <- function() read.csv("../test/parameters.csv")
    #     load.costs <- function() read.csv("../test/costs.csv")
    #     load.effects <- function() read.csv("../test/effects.csv")
    # ###########
    # Or load an Rdata file
    # load("adenoma.Rdata", envir=cache) # auto load for testing purposes


    ################################## TABS BELOW #########################################


    # Function that saves "about the model" variables to the cache if they are changed in the input.

      cache$modelName <- input$modelName
      cache$current <- input$current
      cache$t3 <- input$t3
      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      cache$effectDef <- input$effectDef
      cache$costDef <- input$costDef
      cache$annualPrev <- input$annualPrev
      cache$horizon <- input$horizon
      cache$currency <- input$currency
      cache$unitBens <- input$unitBens
      cache$jurisdiction <- input$jurisdiction
      # cache$indSim <- input$indSim


    ### Parameters

    #  Function that imports parameters
      inFile <- input$parameterFile
      if (is.null(inFile)) return(NULL)
      dat <- read.csv(inFile$datapath, sep=input$sep, dec=input$dec, encoding = 'UTF-8')
      cache$params <- dat
      cache$nParams <- NCOL(dat)
      cache$nIterate <- NROW(dat) # size of PSA

    # Function that checks sanity of parameter file
    output$textCheckTabParams <- renderText({
      x1 <- input$parameterFile
      params <- cache$params
      if (is.null(params)) return(NULL)

      if (sum( > 0) {
        return("There are missing values - please check data and reload")

      if (!prod(unlist(c(lapply(params, function(x) {class(x) == "numeric" | class(x) == "integer"}))))) {
        return("Not all columns are numeric - please check data and reload")

      if (sum(unlist(lapply(params, function(x) length(unique(x)) > 1 & length(unique(x)) < 5))) > 0) {
        return("One or more columns contains too few (<5) unique values for EVPPI analysis")

    ### Costs

    #  Function that imports costs
      inFile <- input$costsFile
      if (is.null(inFile)) return(NULL)
      dat <- read.csv(inFile$datapath, sep=input$sep2, dec=input$dec2, encoding = 'UTF-8')
      cache$uploadedCosts <- cache$costs <- dat
      cache$namesDecisions <- paste(1:ncol(dat), ") ", colnames(dat), sep="") # defines the decision option names
      cache$nInt <- NCOL(dat) # number of interventions


    # Function that checks sanity of costs file
    output$textCheckTabCosts <- renderText({
      x2 <- input$costsFile

      costs <- cache$uploadedCosts
      if (is.null(costs)) return(NULL)

      if (sum( > 0) return("There are missing values - please check data and reload")

      if (NCOL(costs) == 1) return("There must be at least two decision options.
                                      If you have a single set of incremental
                                   costs for a two-decision option problem,
                                    either upload the absolute costs, or include a column of zeroes.")

      if (!prod(unlist(c(lapply(costs, function(x) {class(x) == "numeric" | class(x) == "integer"}))))) {
        return("Not all columns are numeric - please check data and reload")


    ### Effects

    # Function that imports effects
      inFile <- input$effectsFile
      if (is.null(inFile)) return(NULL)

      dat <- read.csv(inFile$datapath, sep=input$sep3, dec=input$dec3, encoding = 'UTF-8')
      cache$uploadedEffects <- cache$effects <- dat

    # Function that checks sanity of effects file
    output$textCheckTabEffects <- renderText({
      x3 <- input$effectsFile
      effects <- cache$uploadedEffects
      if (is.null(effects)) return(NULL)

      if (sum( > 0) return("There are missing values - please check data and reload")

      if (NCOL(effects) == 1) return("There must be at least two decision options.
                                    If you have a single set of
                                      incremental effects for a two-decision option problem,
                                     either upload the absolute effects, or include a column of zeroes.")

      if (!prod(unlist(c(lapply(effects, function(x) {class(x) == "numeric" | class(x) == "integer"}))))) {
        return("Not all columns are numeric - please check data and reload")


    # Function that checks that files have the right number of rows and columns
    output$textCheckTab <- renderText({
      x1 <- input$parameterFile
      x2 <- input$costsFile
      x3 <- input$effectsFile

      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)

      params <- cache$params
      costs <- cache$uploadedCosts
      effects <- cache$uploadedEffects
      if(!((NROW(params) == NROW(costs)) & (NROW(effects) == NROW(costs)))) {
        return("Loaded files have different numbers of rows - please check data and reload")

      if(NCOL(effects) != NCOL(costs)) {
        return("Costs and effect have different numbers of columns - please check data and reload")




    # Download csv file
    output$testParams <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "parameters.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        write.csv(SAVI:::testParams, file, row.names = FALSE)
      contentType = "text/csv"

    output$testCosts <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "costs.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        write.csv(SAVI:::testCosts, file, row.names = FALSE)
      contentType = "text/csv"

    output$testEffects <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "effects.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        write.csv(SAVI:::testEffects, file, row.names = FALSE)
      contentType = "text/csv"


    # Functions that render the data files and pass them to ui.R

    output$checktable1 <- renderTable({
      x <- input$parameterFile
      y <- input$loadSession
      tableValues <- cache$params
      if (is.null(tableValues)) return(NULL)
      head(tableValues, n=5)
    }, rownames = TRUE)

    output$checktable2 <- renderTable({
      x <- input$costsFile
      y <- input$loadSession
      tableValues <- cache$costs
      if (is.null(tableValues)) return(NULL)
      head(tableValues, n=5)
    }, rownames = TRUE)

    output$checktable3 <- renderTable({
      x <- input$effectsFile
      y <- input$loadSession
      tableValues <- cache$effects
      if (is.null(tableValues)) return(NULL)
      head(tableValues, n=5)
    }, rownames = TRUE)


    ### CE PLANE

    # This function gets the parameter names
    # The output is the checkbox list for the intervention for the CE plane
      x <- input$costsFile
      y <- input$loadSession
      namesOptions <- cache$namesDecisions
      updateRadioButtons(session, "decisionOptionCE1",
                         choices = namesOptions, selected = namesOptions[2])

    # The output is the checkbox list for the comparator for the CE plane
      x <- input$costsFile
      y <- input$loadSession
      namesOptions <- cache$namesDecisions
      updateRadioButtons(session, "decisionOptionCE0",
                         choices = namesOptions, selected = namesOptions[1])

    # if the ind sim flag is set and the cache$modelledCosts is still null
    # then get the modelled costs and effects
      # cache$indSim <- input$indSim
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#       if (input$indSim == "Yes") {
#         if (is.null(cache$modelledCosts)) {
#           getModelledCostsAndEffects(cache, session)
#         }
#         cache$costs <- cache$modelledCosts
#         cache$effects <- cache$modelledEffects
#       } else {
        cache$costs <- cache$uploadedCosts
        cache$effects <- cache$uploadedEffects
#      }

    # CE plane
    output$plots1 <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#     cache$indSim <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick / untick
      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      costs <- cache$costs
      effects <- cache$effects
      makeCEPlanePlot(costs, effects,
                      lambda=input$lambdaOverall, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                      input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)

    # Functions that make reactive text to accompany plots
    output$textCEplane1 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$pCostsavingVal <- pCostsaving(cache$costs, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)
      cache$incValueCosts <- incValue(cache$costs, input$decisionOptionCE1,
               input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)

      cache$confIntCE025costs <- confIntCE(cache$costs, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                                             input$decisionOptionCE0, 0.025, cache)

      cache$confIntCE975costs <- confIntCE(cache$costs, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                                             input$decisionOptionCE0, 0.975, cache)

      cache$moreLessCosts <- moreLess(cache$costs, input$decisionOptionCE1,
               input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)

      cache$textCEplane1 <- paste("The figure above shows the (standardised)
                                  cost-effectiveness plane based on the ",
            cache$nIterate, " model runs in the probabilistic sensitivity analysis.
              The willingness-to-pay threshold is shown as a 45 degree line.
            The mean incremental cost of ", input$decisionOptionCE1, " versus ",
              input$decisionOptionCE0," is ",
            input$currency, cache$incValueCosts, ". This suggests that ",
            input$decisionOptionCE1, " is ",
            cache$moreLessCosts, " costly.
              The incremental cost is uncertain because the model parameters are uncertain.
            The 95% credible interval for the incremental cost ranges from ",
              input$currency, cache$confIntCE025costs," to ",
             input$currency, cache$confIntCE975costs,". The probability that ",
             input$decisionOptionCE1, " is cost
            saving compared to ", input$decisionOptionCE0," is ",
            cache$pCostsavingVal, ".", sep="")


    output$textCEplane2 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$incValueEffects <- incValue(cache$effects, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)

      cache$confIntCE025effects <- confIntCE(cache$effects, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                input$decisionOptionCE0, 0.025, cache)

      cache$confIntCE975effects <- confIntCE(cache$effects, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                input$decisionOptionCE0, 0.975, cache)

      cache$pMorebenVal <- pMoreben(cache$effects, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)

      cache$moreLessEffects <- moreLess(cache$effects, input$decisionOptionCE1,
                input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)

      paste("The mean incremental benefit of ", input$decisionOptionCE1, " versus ",
            input$decisionOptionCE0, " is ",
            " ",input$unitBens, "s.  This suggests that ", input$decisionOptionCE1," is ",
              " beneficial. Again, there is uncertainty in the incremental benefit
            due to uncertainty in the model parameters. The 95%
            credible interval for the incremental benefit ranges from ",
            cache$confIntCE025effects, " ", input$unitBens, "s to ",
            cache$confIntCE975effects, " ",
            input$unitBens,"s. The probability that ", input$decisionOptionCE1,
            " is more beneficial than ", input$decisionOptionCE0, " is ",
            cache$pMorebenVal, ".", sep="")

    output$textCEplane3 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$pCEVal <- pCE(input$decisionOptionCE1, input$decisionOptionCE0,
          input$lambdaOverall, cache)

      cache$iCERVal <- iCER(cache$costs,
          cache$effects, input$decisionOptionCE1, input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)

      paste("The expected incremental cost per ", input$unitBens," (ICER) is estimated at ",
            input$currency, cache$iCERVal,
            ". There is a probability of ", cache$pCEVal,
            " that ", input$decisionOptionCE1, " is more cost-effective than ",
            input$decisionOptionCE0, " at a threshold of ",
            input$currency, input$lambdaOverall," per ",input$unitBens, sep="")

    output$textCEplane4 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      paste(input$decisionOptionCE1, "versus", input$decisionOptionCE0)

    # Table of Key Cost-Effectiveness Statistics
    output$tableCEplane <- renderTable({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      tableCEplane <- makeTableCePlane(lambda=input$lambdaOverall, input$decisionOptionCE0, cache)
      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      rownames(tableCEplane) <- c(paste("Threshold (", input$currency, " per ", input$unitBens, ")", sep=""),
                                  "Number of PSA runs",
                                  paste("Mean inc. Effect per Person (", input$unitBens, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("Mean inc. Cost per Person (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("Mean inc. Net Benefit per Person (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("ICER Estimate (", input$currency, " per ", input$unitBens, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("2.5th centile for inc. Effects (", input$unitBens, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("97.5th centile for inc. Effects (", input$unitBens, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("2.5th centile for inc. Costs (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("97.5th centile for inc. Costs (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("2.5th centile for inc. Net Benefits (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                  paste("97.5th centile for inc. Net Benefits (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                  "Probability intervention is cost saving",
                                  "Probability intervention provides more benefit",
                                  "Probability that intervention is cost-effective against comparator")
      cache$tableCEplane <- tableCEplane
    }, rownames = TRUE)

    # Download table as a csv file
    output$downloadTableCEplane <- downloadHandler(

      filename = "Cost-Effectiveness\ Statistics.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        tableOut <- cache$tableCEplane
        if(!is.null(cache$tableCEplane)) {
          tableOut <- cbind(rownames(tableOut), tableOut)
          colnames(tableOut) <- c("Intervention", colnames(tableOut)[-1])
        write.csv(tableOut, file, row.names = FALSE)
      contentType = "text/csv"

    ### CEAC

    # function that calculates ceac
    ceac <- reactive({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick
      makeCeac(cache$costs, cache$effects, input$lambdaOverall, session)

    output$textCEAC1 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$bestCEVal <- bestCE(cache$costs, cache$effects,
             input$lambdaOverall, cache$nInt)

      cache$highestpCE <- highestCE(cache$costs, cache$effects,

      paste("This graph shows the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve for the
            comparison of strategies. The results show that at a threshold
            value for cost-effectiveness of ",input$currency, input$lambdaOverall,
            " per ",input$unitBens," the strategy with the highest
            probability of being most cost-effective is ", cache$bestCEVal,
            ", with a probability of ", cache$highestpCE,
            ". More details on how to interpret CEACs are available from the literature.", sep="")

    # CEAC plot
    output$plots2 <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick
      ceac.obj <- cache$ceac.obj <- ceac()
      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      makeCeacPlot(ceac.obj, lambda=input$lambdaOverall,


    output$textNB1 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      paste("Net benefit is a calculation that puts ", input$costDef, " and ",
        input$effectDef, " onto the same scale.  This is done by calculating
           the monetary value of ", input$effectDef, " using a simple multiplication i.e. ",
        input$unitBens, "s * lambda, where:", sep="")

    output$textNB2 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      paste("Net benefit for a strategy = ", input$unitBens, "s * ", input$lambdaOverall,
            " - Cost (" ,input$currency, ").", sep="")

    output$textNB3 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$bestnetBenVal <- bestnetBen(cache$costs,
                 cache$effects, input$lambdaOverall, cache$nInt)

      cache$netBencostsVal <- netBencosts(cache$costs, cache$effects,
                  input$lambdaOverall, cache$nInt)

      cache$netBeneffectsVal <- netBeneffects(cache$costs, cache$effects,
                    input$lambdaOverall, cache$nInt)

      paste("The plot below shows the expected net benefit of the ", cache$nInt,
            " strategies, together with the 95% credible
            interval for each one.  The strategy with highest expected net benefit is ",
            cache$bestnetBenVal, ", with an expected net benefit of
           ", input$currency, cache$netBencostsVal,
           " (equivalent to a net benefit on the effectiveness scale of ",
           cache$netBeneffectsVal, " ", input$unitBens, "s).
                Net benefit and 95% credible intervals for all strategies
           are presented in the above table. ", sep="")

    # Table of Summary of Absolute Net Benefit Statistics
    output$tableNetBenefit <- renderTable({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      tableNetBenefit <- makeTableNetBenefit(cache$costs, cache$effects,
                                             lambda=input$lambdaOverall, cache$nInt)
      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      rownames(tableNetBenefit) <- c(paste("Mean", input$effectDef),
                                    paste("Mean", input$costDef),
                                    paste("Expected Net Benefit at",
                                          input$currency, input$lambdaOverall,
                                          "per", input$unitBens),
                                    "95% Lower CI (on Costs Scale)",
                                    "95% Upper CI (on Costs Scale)",
                                    "Expected Net Benefit on Effects Scale",
                                    "95% Lower CI (on Effects Scale)",
                                    "95% Upper CI (on Effects Scale)")
      cache$tableNetBenefit <- tableNetBenefit
    }, rownames = TRUE)

    # Download table as a csv file
    output$downloadTableNetBenefit <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "Net\ benefit\ statistics.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        tableOut <- cache$tableNetBenefit
        if(!is.null(tableOut)) {
          tableOut <- cbind(rownames(tableOut), tableOut)
          colnames(tableOut) <- c("Intervention", colnames(tableOut)[-1])
        write.csv(tableOut, file, row.names = FALSE)
      contentType = "text/csv"

    # EVPI INB bar plot
    output$plots5a <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      makeInbOptBar(cache$costs, cache$effects,

    # Absolute net benefit densities
    output$plots5 <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      make2wayDensity(cache$costs, cache$effects,

   # EVPI TAB #

   output$textEVPI1 <- renderText({
     if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#     dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

     paste("The overall EVPI per person affected by the decision is estimated to be ",
           input$currency, format(calcEvpi(cache$costs,
          cache$effects, input$lambdaOverall), digits = 4, nsmall=2), ".  This is equivalent to ",
          format(calcEvpi(cache$costs, cache$effects, input$lambdaOverall)/input$lambdaOverall,
                 digits = 4, nsmall=1), " ", input$unitBens,
          "s per person on the health effects scale.", sep="")

    output$textEVPI2 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$calcEvpiVal <- calcEvpi(cache$costs, cache$effects, input$lambdaOverall)

      paste("If the number of people affected by the decision per year is " ,
            input$annualPrev, ", then the overall EVPI per year is ", input$currency,
            format(cache$calcEvpiVal * input$annualPrev,
              digits = 4, nsmall=2), " for ", input$jurisdiction, ".", sep="")

    output$textEVPI3 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      paste("When thinking about the overall expected value of removing decision uncertainty,
            one needs to consider how long the current comparison
            will remain relevant. If the decision relevance horizon is ", input$horizon,
            " years, then the overall expected value of removing
            decision uncertainty for ",
            input$jurisdiction, " would be ", input$currency,
            format(cache$calcEvpiVal * input$annualPrev * input$horizon,
            	digits = 4, nsmall=2),".", sep="")

    output$textEVPI4 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      paste("Research or data collection exercises costing more than this amount
            would not be considered an efficient use of resources. This is because
            the return on investment from the research – as measured by the
            health gain and cost savings resulting from enabling the decision maker to better
            identify the best decision  option – is expected to be no higher than ",
            format(cache$calcEvpiVal * input$annualPrev * input$horizon,
              digits = 4, nsmall=2),".", sep="")

    output$textEVPI5 <- renderText({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)

      paste("The EVPI estimates in the table below quantify the expected value to
            decision makers within ", input$jurisdiction, " of removing all current
            decision uncertainty at a threshold of ", input$currency, input$lambdaOverall,
            " per ", input$unitBens, ".  This will enable comparison against
            previous analyses to provide an idea of the scale of decision uncertainty
            in this topic compared with other previous decisions. The EVPI estimate
            for a range of willingness-to-pay thresholds are illustrated in
            the figures below the table.", sep="")

    # Table Overall EVPI
    output$tableEVPI <- renderTable({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy1 <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick
      dummy2 <- input$lambdaOverall

      tableEVPI <- matrix(NA, nrow = 7, ncol = 2)
      colnames(tableEVPI) <- c(paste("Overall EVPI (",
                                     input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                               paste("Overall EVPI (", input$unitBens, ")", sep=""))
      rownames(tableEVPI) <- c("Per Person Affected by the Decision",
                              paste("Per Year in", input$jurisdiction, "Assuming",
                                    input$annualPrev, "Persons Affected per Year"),
                              "Over 5 Years",
                              "Over 10 Years",
                              "Over 15 Years",
                              "Over 20 years",
                              paste("Over Specified Decision Relevance Horizon (",
                                    input$horizon, " years)", sep=""))
      overallEvpi <- calcEvpi(cache$costs, cache$effects,
      cache$overallEvpi <- overallEvpi
      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      evpiVector <- c(overallEvpi, overallEvpi * input$annualPrev, overallEvpi * input$annualPrev * 5,
                     overallEvpi * input$annualPrev * 10, overallEvpi * input$annualPrev * 15,
                     overallEvpi * input$annualPrev * 20,
                     overallEvpi * input$annualPrev * input$horizon)
      tableEVPI[, 1] <- signif(evpiVector, 4)
      tableEVPI[, 2] <- signif(evpiVector / input$lambdaOverall, 4)
      cache$tableEVPI <- tableEVPI
    }, rownames = TRUE, digits=cbind(rep(0, 7), rep(0, 7), rep(2, 7)))

    output$downloadTableEVPI <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "Overall\ EVPI.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        tableOut <- cache$tableEVPI
        write.csv(tableOut, file)#, row.names = FALSE)
      contentType = "text/csv"

    # EVPI versus lambda (costs)
    output$plots3 <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      makeEvpiPlot(cache$costs, cache$effects, lambda=input$lambdaOverall,
                   xlab="Threshold willingness to pay",
                   ylab="Overall EVPI per person affected (on costs scale)",
                   col="blue",  costscale = TRUE, session)

    # EVPI versus lambda (effects)
    output$plots4 <- renderPlot({
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      makeEvpiPlot(cache$costs, cache$effects, lambda=input$lambdaOverall,
                   xlab="Threshold willingness to pay",
                   ylab="Overall EVPI per person affected (on effects scale)",
                   col="blue",  costscale = FALSE, session)

    output$plots6 <- renderPlot({
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      make4wayEvpiPlot(cache$costs, cache$effects, lambda=input$lambdaOverall,
                       prevalence=input$annualPrev, horizon=input$horizon,
                       measure1 = input$currency,
                       measure2 = input$unitBens, session)


    output$tableEVPPI <- renderTable({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      lambda <- input$lambdaOverall # re-run if labmda changes
#      dummy <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick

      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      params <- cache$params
      costs <- cache$costs
      effects <- cache$effects

      overallEvpi <- calcEvpi(costs, effects, lambda)
      cache$overallEvpi <- overallEvpi

      inb <- createInb(costs, effects, lambda)
      pEVPI <- applyCalcSingleParamGam(params, inb, session, cache)
      cache$pEVPI <- pEVPI

      tableEVPPI <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(params), ncol = 5)
      tableEVPPI[, 1] <- round(pEVPI[, 1], 2)
      tableEVPPI[, 2] <- round(pEVPI[, 2], 2)
      tableEVPPI[, 3] <- round(pEVPI[, 1] / overallEvpi , 2)
      tableEVPPI[, 4] <- signif(pEVPI[, 1] * input$annualPrev, 4)
      tableEVPPI[, 5] <- signif(pEVPI[, 1] * input$annualPrev * input$horizon, 4)
      colnames(tableEVPPI) <- c(paste("Per Person EVPPI (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                "Standard Error","Indexed to Overall EVPI = 1.00",
                                paste("EVPPI for ", input$jurisdiction,
                                      " Per Year (", input$currency, ")", sep=""),
                                paste("EVPPI for ", input$jurisdiction, " over ",
                                      input$horizon, " years (", input$currency, ")", sep=""))
      rownames(tableEVPPI) <- colnames(cache$params)
      cache$tableEVPPI <- tableEVPPI
    }, rownames = TRUE)

    # Download single parameter EVPPI values as csv file
    output$downloadSingleEVPPI <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "EVPPI\ for\ individual\ parameters.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        write.csv(cache$tableEVPPI, file)
    contentType = "text/csv"

    # EVPPi horizontal bar chart
    output$plot7 <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      dummy <- input$lambdaOverall
      makeEvppiBar(cache$pEVPI[, 1], cache$params)


    # This function gets the parameter names
    # The output is the checkbox list
      x <- input$parameterFile
      y <- input$loadSession
      params <- cache$params
      if (is.null(params)) return(NULL)
      namesParams <- colnames(params)
      namesParams <- paste(1:ncol(params), ") ", namesParams, sep="")
      updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "pevpiParameters",
                               choices = namesParams)

    # These functions take the user input groups, call the partial EVPI (for groups) functions
    # and then output the results.

    # This function gets the selection and assigns it to cache
      currentSelectionNames <- input$pevpiParameters
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      params <- cache$params
      if (is.null(params)) return(NULL)
      paramNames <- paste(1:ncol(params), ") ", colnames(params), sep="")
      currentSelection <- which(paramNames%in%currentSelectionNames)
      cache$currentSelection <- currentSelection

    # This function responds to the add button being pressed
    # This function saves the current selection and then increase counter
    # It does the calculation and then outputs the selection table
    output$selectedTable <- renderTable({
      dummy <- input$calculateSubsetsEvpi
      if (dummy == 0) return(NULL)
      if (!isolate(valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input))) return(NULL)
      if (dummy == 0) return(NULL)

      counterAdd <- cache$counterAdd
      counterAdd <- counterAdd + 1
      cache$counterAdd <- counterAdd

      setStore <- cache$setStore
      currentSelection <- cache$currentSelection
      setStore[[counterAdd]] <- currentSelection
      cache$setStore <- setStore

      calc <- function(x, inp, cache, session) { # pass session so the progress bar will work
        calSubsetEvpi(x, inp, cache, session)

      #first pull down the existing values
      subsetEvpiValues <- cache$subsetEvpiValues
      if (is.null(subsetEvpiValues)) {
        subsetEvpiValues <- t(sapply(setStore[1:counterAdd], calc,
                                input$lambdaOverall, cache, session))
      } else {
        newEvpiValue <- t(sapply(setStore[(NROW(subsetEvpiValues) + 1):counterAdd],
                                 calc, input$lambdaOverall, cache, session))
        subsetEvpiValues <- rbind(subsetEvpiValues, newEvpiValue)

      cache$subsetEvpiValues <- subsetEvpiValues
      cache$setStoreMatchEvpiValues <- setStore # cache these for the report in case they change

      cache$groupTable <- buildSetStoreTable(setStore[1:counterAdd], subsetEvpiValues, cache)
    }, rownames = TRUE, sanitize.rownames.function = bold.allrows)

    # Download group EVPPI values as csv file
    output$downloadGroupEVPPI <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "EVPPI\ for\ parameter\ groups.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        contents <- cache$groupTable
        if(!is.null(contents)) {
          contents[, 1] <- as.character(contents[, 1])
          print(contents <- as.matrix(contents))
          colnames(contents) <- c("Parameters",
            paste("Per Person EVPPI (", cache$currency, ")", sep=""),
            "Standard Error",
            "Indexed to Overall EVPI",
            paste("EVPPI for ", cache$jurisdiction,
              " Per Year (", cache$currency, ")", sep=""),
            paste("EVPPI for ", cache$jurisdiction,
              " over ", cache$horizon, " years (", cache$currency, ")", sep=""))
        write.csv(contents, file)
      contentType = "text/csv"

     # This clears everything on loading new data.
    observe({ # clear the selections
      # dummy <- input$clearSubsetsEvpi
      dummy1 <- valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)
      setStore <- vector("list", 100)
      cache$setStore <- setStore
      cache$counterAdd <- 0
      cache$subsetEvpiValues <- NULL
      cache$setStoreMatchEvpiValues <- NULL # cache these for the report in case they change

    # PSUB TAB #

    output$tablePSUB <- renderTable({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      #      dummy1 <- input$indSim # ensure update with ind sim box tick
      dummy2 <- input$lambdaOverall

      tablePSUB <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = cache$nInt)

      cache$lambdaOverall <- input$lambdaOverall
      .nb <- colMeans(createNb(cache$costs, cache$effects, cache$lambdaOverall))
      psb <- as.numeric(max(.nb) - .nb)

      overallEvpi <- calcEvpi(cache$costs, cache$effects, cache$lambdaOverall)

      tablePSUB[1, ] <- signif(psb, 4)
      tablePSUB[2, ] <- signif(overallEvpi, 4)
      tablePSUB[3, ] <- signif(psb + overallEvpi, 4)

      colnames(tablePSUB) <- colnames(cache$costs)
      rownames(tablePSUB) <- c("Payer Strategy Burdens", "Payer Uncertainty Burdens", "P-SUBS")

      cache$tablePSUB <- tablePSUB
    }, rownames = TRUE)

    output$downloadTablePSUB <- downloadHandler(
      filename = "PSUB.csv",
      content = function(file) {
        tableOut <- cache$tablePSUB
        write.csv(tableOut, file)#, row.names = FALSE)
      contentType = "text/csv"

    output$plotsPSUBstacked <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      makePSUBplot(cache$costs, cache$effects, lambda=input$lambdaOverall, benUnit = input$unitBens,
                   beside = FALSE)

    output$plotsPSUBsideBySide <- renderPlot({
      if (!valuesImportedFLAG(cache, input)) return(NULL)
      makePSUBplot(cache$costs, cache$effects, lambda=input$lambdaOverall, benUnit = input$unitBens,
                   beside = TRUE)

    # REPORT TAB #

    ## DOWNLOAD REPORT conditional on Pandoc installation

    output$pandoc <- reactive(pandoc_available())
    outputOptions(output, "pandoc", suspendWhenHidden=FALSE)

    output$downloadReport <- downloadHandler(
      filename = function() {
        paste('my-report', sep = '.', switch(
          input$format, HTML = 'html', Word = 'docx'

      content = function(file) {
        src <- normalizePath('report.Rmd') # template report
        # temporarily switch to the temp dir

        oldwd <- setwd(tempdir())
        file.copy(src, 'report.Rmd', overwrite=TRUE)

        out <- render(input = 'report.Rmd', #pdf_document()
                      output_format = switch(
                        HTML = html_document(),
                        Word = word_document()),
                      envir = cache
        file.copy(out, file)
      contentType = "text/plain"


######################################################## ENDS #############################################
Sheffield-Accelerated-VoI/SAVI-package documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:25 p.m.