Man pages for SystemsGenetics/KINC.R
Provides additional functions for network files created using KINC.

analyzeEdgeCatPerforms significant testing of a single edge in the network...
analyzeEdgeQuantPerforms linear regression of a quantitative traits against a...
analyzeNetCatPerforms significant testing of each edge in the network for...
analyzeNetQuantPerforms significance association for every edge in the...
clusterEdgesPerforms hierarchical clustering of edges in a network based...
drawEdgeListHeatMapDraws a heatmap with dendrogram of a module in the netework.
drawEdgeTreeHeatMapDraws a heatmap with dendrogram with clusters identified.
findLinkedCommunitiesFinds Linked communities in the network.
getEdgeSamplesUses the edge sample string to return the list of sample...
getPairGMMEdgesPerforms pair-wise Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) on a pair of...
getSampleMatrixGenerates a matrix containing edge sample strings digits.
graphEdgeListDraws the graph of a set of edges in the network
graphNetDraws the graph of the entire network
highlightEdgeListColors the edges of a given edge list on the currently...
loadSampleAnnotationsImports sample annotations.
mergeClustersThe recursive merging function called by mergeCommunities()....
mergeCommunitiesMerges linked community clusters that have the most similar...
plot2DEdgeListPlots a 2D scatterplot for a given list of edges.
plot3DEdgeListPlots a 3D scatterplot for a given list of edges.
plot3DPairPlots a 3D scatterplot for a given pair of nodes.
RMTPerforms the RMT analysis on a gene similarity matrix.
SystemsGenetics/KINC.R documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 9:22 p.m.