
R-CMD-check codecov Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. develVersion DOI

Development (master):

R-CMD-check codecov Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. dispRity status badge DOI


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dispRity is a R modular package for measuring disparity in multidimensional spaces.

Check out the paper associated with the first version of this package.

Check out the presentation or the video of some of the package's features.

Installing dispRity


The package is also available in the phylotastic r-universe dispRity status badge or through the phylogenetics CRAN Task View.

You can also install the piping hot development version (not always recommended!) by installing the package directly through github:

if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")

See the patch notes for the latest developments.

Vignettes and manuals

A detailed vignette is available online or as a pdf:

Otherwise, each functions has a detailed associated manual with examples in R (?which.function).

Additionally, you can learn more about the structure of dispRity objects here.


You can download the workshop follow-along sheet here (use right click > save link as...) or visualise it in html here.

Disparity/dissimilarity metrics/indices?

Not sure what disparity metric to use? Not sure what a disparity metric is in the first place? Check out this paper on selecting the best metric for your specific question in Ecology and Evolution or the moms shiny app. You can also find more information in the dispRity manual.

Latest major patch highlights

dispRity v1.8 (2023-12-11) dispRity.multi

Read the full patch note here.

Previous patch notes and notes for the next version can be seen here.


Contributors (bug fixes, pull requests and suggestions)

Dave Bapst, Mario Corio, Armin Elsler, Graeme Lloyd (Request #104), Jari Oksanen (Request #85), Emmanuel Paradis, Abigail Pastore, Ashley Reaney, Gavin Thomas.


If you are using this package, please cite the paper:

Also don't forget to cite R and consider citing the ape package since dispRity heavily relies on it (and, generally, cite all the R packages you use!):

To cite the dispRity manual, please use:

To cite the time slicing method from the chrono.subsets function, please use:


I have been developping this package while being hired succesively by these people (thanks a lot for supporting me develop this package, sometimes as a side project): Natalie Cooper, Martin Brazeau, Vera Weisbecker and Gavin Thomas.

If you use the dispRity pacakge for morphological disparity analyses, you should also check the excellent Claddis package!

Examples of papers using the dispRity package

The dispRity package was cited in these papers. Below is a list of specific papers using specific functionalities. These papers do not only use the functionalities highlighted here (and the author do much more awesome science!) but this is just a list of references if you want an independent guide on how to use these functions:

Measuring disparity with dispRity (using multiple metrics!)

Using different time binning with chrono.subsets

Simulating discrete morphological data with sim.morpho:

Calculating the Bhattacharrya Coefficient with bhatt.coeff:

Comparisons between groups using custom.subsets and test.dispRity:

Bootstrapping data and comparing groups in ecospace using boot.matrix:

Simulating disparity through time using dtt.dispRity:

Using the wrapper function:

Disparity analyses jointly using the dispRity and Claddis packages

TGuillerme/dispRity documentation built on April 17, 2024, 10 p.m.