LiteXploreR Demo

Terence Then Version 1.0 December 31, 2017

Introduction of {LiteXploreR}

This package compiles some functions for quick, dirty, and repetitive exploratory analysis which may otherwise lengthen the script unnecessarily. Emphasis is placed on the purpose of credit scoring, where WoE modelling (Semi Naive Bayesian Classification) is routinely used. Most of functions caters to the prediction of binary target variable.

In this version of the demonstration document, I have only included the functions that will be used for modelling the response of a binary target.

There are some functions written for analyses involving a target taking a continuous value, but they have a long way to go, and will be expanded over time. Hopefully by then, they will warrant a separate documentation for the purpose of demonstration.

How to Download this Package

As {LiteXploreR} is hosted on GitHub, you will need to use the function install_github() for the package {devtools} to install it.

To do that, you need to run the following lines of code in your R console:




Setting Up the Workspace

First of all, I am going to load the package {LiteXploreR} and a credit dataset obtained from Kaggle ( I have split them into training, validation and testing set.

# Load the Package
## Loading required package: data.table
## Warning: package 'data.table' was built under R version 3.4.3
# Load the Data

This is how the workspace looks like:

## [1] "Test"  "Train"

Let us start by looking at the training set.

##    Delinquency Utilization Age Due30    DebtRatio MonthlyIncome
## 1:           1 0.301491625  65     1    1.3824301          4575
## 2:           0 1.059940060  48     7 3620.0000000            NA
## 3:           0 0.155707651  39     0    0.5136848          3470
## 4:           0 0.172388507  42     0    0.4079970          2700
## 5:           0 0.620568038  39     0    0.3404613         10100
## 6:           0 0.009339405  95     0   24.0000000            NA
##    CreditAndLoans Due90 RealEstateLines Due60 Dependents
## 1:             20     0               2     1          0
## 2:             18     0               3     0          0
## 3:             15     0               1     0          2
## 4:              8     0               1     0          1
## 5:             11     0               1     0          4
## 6:              3     0               0     0          0

Demonstration of Functions

Overview of a Dataset: CovariateSummary()

In cases where the number of columns/ covariates is overwhelming, they can be screened out using the function CovariateSummary, which gives the AUC value of the raw covariates.

Overview <- CovariateSummary(Target = "Delinquency", Data = Train, Type = "Binary")
##           Covariate    Type Count of NA Count of 0    AUC
##  1:     Utilization numeric           0       8696 0.7763
##  2:             Age integer           0          1 0.6355
##  3:           Due30 integer           0     100870 0.6899
##  4:       DebtRatio numeric           0       3270 0.5229
##  5:   MonthlyIncome integer       23692       1299 0.5752
##  6:  CreditAndLoans integer           0       1527 0.5436
##  7:           Due90 integer           0     113313 0.6563
##  8: RealEstateLines integer           0      45053 0.5357
##  9:           Due60 integer           0     113969 0.6214
## 10:      Dependents integer        3119      69429 0.5469

The column "Type" serves as a check for the classes of the columns, i.e. whether they are imported correctly.

For the purpose of this demonstration, I will only use the covariates "Age", "Due30", "Due60", "Due90" in the following sections.

Exploring and Transforming a Numerical Covariate: NumericalTable(), CategorialTable() and GenerateLogit()

Covariate "Age""

First thing first, there is one observation with the age of 0. I will replace it with the second lowest value of age.

Train[Age == 0, Age := 21]

Here, a table is constructed by dividing "Age" into 20 categories of roughly equal sizes.

AgeTable <- NumericalTable(Target = "Delinquency", Covariate = "Age",
                           Data = Train, NumberOfBins = 20)

The table looks something like this:

##          Age Event Non Event Counts Probability     Logit
##  1:  [21,29]   820      6206   7026      0.1167 -2.023968
##  2:  (29,33]   727      5900   6627      0.1097 -2.093781
##  3:  (33,36]   545      4857   5402      0.1009 -2.187390
##  4:  (36,39]   589      5853   6442      0.0914 -2.296283
##  5:  (39,41]   448      4559   5007      0.0895 -2.320065
##  6:  (41,44]   639      7039   7678      0.0832 -2.399317
##  7:  (44,46]   501      5289   5790      0.0865 -2.356778
##  8:  (46,48]   476      5562   6038      0.0788 -2.458295
##  9:  (48,50]   457      5587   6044      0.0756 -2.503514
## 10:  (50,52]   439      5403   5842      0.0751 -2.510210
## 11:  (52,54]   417      5335   5752      0.0725 -2.548958
## 12:  (54,56]   342      5257   5599      0.0611 -2.732505
## 13:  (56,58]   285      5175   5460      0.0522 -2.899105
## 14:  (58,61]   399      7638   8037      0.0496 -2.951930
## 15:  (61,63]   229      5576   5805      0.0394 -3.192505
## 16:  (63,65]   148      4388   4536      0.0326 -3.389417
## 17:  (65,68]   161      5627   5788      0.0278 -3.553927
## 18:  (68,72]   140      5457   5597      0.0250 -3.663012
## 19:  (72,78]   132      5931   6063      0.0218 -3.805146
## 20: (78,109]   112      5355   5467      0.0205 -3.867287

For every category, the table shows the number of observations, the number of observations that take the value of 1 for Delinquency, those who take the value of 0 for delinquency, the probability, and the logit score.

The logit score is the log odds, which is the numerical equivalent used in logistic regression.

The cutoffs can be obtained from the function quantile() in base R. Its minimum and maximum are replaced by 0 and Inf respectively.

AgeBreaks <- quantile(Train[, Age], probs = seq(0, 1, 0.05))
AgeBreaks <- c(0, AgeBreaks[-c(1, 21)], Inf)

Then, the table is updated with the thresholds, the covariate is discretized, and the logit scores are extracted from the table.

AgeTable <- NumericalTable("Delinquency", "Age", Train,
                           CustomBins = T,
                           CustomIntervals = AgeBreaks)
Train[, AgeCat := cut(Age, breaks = AgeBreaks, include.lowest = T)]
Train <- GenerateLogit(Data = Train, CrossTable = AgeTable, Covariate = "AgeCat")

The function generates another column with the logit scores and will be named by appending the original column name followed by "Logit".

In this case, a new column named "AgeCatLogit" is generated.

head(unique(Train[, c("AgeCat", "AgeCatLogit")]))
##     AgeCat AgeCatLogit
## 1:  [0,29]   -2.023968
## 2: (29,33]   -2.093781
## 3: (33,36]   -2.187390
## 4: (36,39]   -2.296283
## 5: (39,41]   -2.320065
## 6: (41,44]   -2.399317

Covariate "Due30"

While the covariate "Due30" is numerical, it may be helpful for treating it as categorical in the first inspection. This is due to it having a limited number of unique values, and not being able to split into equal categories as most of the borrowers will have the value of 0.

Due30Table <- CategoricalTable(Target = "Delinquency", Covariate = "Due30",
                               Data = Train)
##     Due30 Event Non Event Counts Probability      Logit
##  1:     0  4025     96845 100870      0.0399 -3.1805869
##  2:     1  1914     10895  12809      0.1494 -1.7391087
##  3:     2   988      2689   3677      0.2687 -1.0012420
##  4:     3   497       901   1398      0.3555 -0.5949152
##  5:     4   252       335    587      0.4293 -0.2847014
##  6:     5   124       143    267      0.4644 -0.1425631
##  7:     6    58        53    111      0.5225  0.0901511
##  8:     7    20        20     40      0.5000  0.0000000
##  9:     8     5        13     18      0.2778 -0.9555114
## 10:     9     3         6      9      0.3333 -0.6931472
## 11:    10     3         1      4      0.7500  1.0986123
## 12:    12     1         1      2      0.5000  0.0000000
## 13:    13     1         0      1      1.0000        Inf
## 14:    96     3         1      4      0.7500  1.0986123
## 15:    98   112        91    203      0.5517  0.2076394

There are very little observations having values greater than 4. As such, they will be grouped together.

The exceptions are 96 and 98, which may indicate a special status, they will be grouped separately.

Then, the table is updated.

Due30Breaks <- c(-Inf, 0:4, 95, Inf)
Due30Table <- NumericalTable(Target = "Delinquency", Covariate = "Due30",
                             Data = Train, CustomBins = T,
                             CustomIntervals = Due30Breaks)
##        Due30 Event Non Event Counts Probability       Logit
## 1:  [-Inf,0]  4025     96845 100870      0.0399 -3.18058685
## 2:     (0,1]  1914     10895  12809      0.1494 -1.73910868
## 3:     (1,2]   988      2689   3677      0.2687 -1.00124196
## 4:     (2,3]   497       901   1398      0.3555 -0.59491523
## 5:     (3,4]   252       335    587      0.4293 -0.28470144
## 6:    (4,95]   215       237    452      0.4757 -0.09742211
## 7: (95, Inf]   115        92    207      0.5556  0.22314355

The covariate "Due30" is discretized and the logit scores are extracted.

Train[, Due30Cat := cut(Due30, breaks = Due30Breaks, include.lowest = T)]
Train <- GenerateLogit(Data = Train, CrossTable = Due30Table,
                       Covariate = "Due30Cat")
head(unique(Train[, c("Due30Cat", "Due30CatLogit")]))
##    Due30Cat Due30CatLogit
## 1: [-Inf,0]   -3.18058685
## 2:    (0,1]   -1.73910868
## 3:    (1,2]   -1.00124196
## 4:    (2,3]   -0.59491523
## 5:    (3,4]   -0.28470144
## 6:   (4,95]   -0.09742211

Covariate "Due60"

The same procedures are repeated for the covariates "Due60" and "Due90". Feel free to skip this part and the next.

Due60Table <- CategoricalTable(Target = "Delinquency", Covariate = "Due60",
                               Data = Train)
##     Due60 Event Non Event Counts Probability       Logit
##  1:     0  5802    108167 113969      0.0509 -2.92547364
##  2:     1  1406      3140   4546      0.3093 -0.80347401
##  3:     2   454       433    887      0.5118  0.04735947
##  4:     3   138       114    252      0.5476  0.19105524
##  5:     4    58        32     90      0.6444  0.59470711
##  6:     5    19        10     29      0.6552  0.64185389
##  7:     6     9         3     12      0.7500  1.09861229
##  8:     7     4         2      6      0.6667  0.69314718
##  9:     8     0         1      1      0.0000        -Inf
## 10:    11     1         0      1      1.0000         Inf
## 11:    96     3         1      4      0.7500  1.09861229
## 12:    98   112        91    203      0.5517  0.20763936

There are very little observations having values greater than 2. As such, they will be grouped together. Again, 96 and 98 will be grouped together separately.

Then, the table is updated.

Due60Breaks <- c(-Inf, 0:2, 95, Inf)
Due60Table <- NumericalTable(Target = "Delinquency", Covariate = "Due60",
                             Data = Train, CustomBins = T,
                             CustomIntervals = Due60Breaks)
##        Due60 Event Non Event Counts Probability       Logit
## 1:  [-Inf,0]  5802    108167 113969      0.0509 -2.92547364
## 2:     (0,1]  1406      3140   4546      0.3093 -0.80347401
## 3:     (1,2]   454       433    887      0.5118  0.04735947
## 4:    (2,95]   229       162    391      0.5857  0.34612567
## 5: (95, Inf]   115        92    207      0.5556  0.22314355

The covariate "Due60" is discretized and the logit scores are extracted.

Train[, Due60Cat := cut(Due60, breaks = Due60Breaks, include.lowest = T)]
Train <- GenerateLogit(Data = Train, CrossTable = Due60Table,
                       Covariate = "Due60Cat")
head(unique(Train[, c("Due60Cat", "Due60CatLogit")]))
##     Due60Cat Due60CatLogit
## 1:  [-Inf,0]   -2.92547364
## 2:     (0,1]   -0.80347401
## 3:     (1,2]    0.04735947
## 4:    (2,95]    0.34612567
## 5: (95, Inf]    0.22314355

Covariate "Due90"

Due90Table <- CategoricalTable(Target = "Delinquency", Covariate = "Due90",
                               Data = Train)
##     Due90 Event Non Event Counts Probability      Logit
##  1:     0  5244    108069 113313      0.0463 -3.0256853
##  2:     1  1403      2813   4216      0.3328 -0.6956387
##  3:     2   611       636   1247      0.4900 -0.0401016
##  4:     3   316       226    542      0.5830  0.3352072
##  5:     4   151        71    222      0.6802  0.7546000
##  6:     5    66        35    101      0.6535  0.6343067
##  7:     6    42        27     69      0.6087  0.4418328
##  8:     7    24         7     31      0.7742  1.2321437
##  9:     8    13         4     17      0.7647  1.1786550
## 10:     9    13         4     17      0.7647  1.1786550
## 11:    10     4         3      7      0.5714  0.2876821
## 12:    11     1         2      3      0.3333 -0.6931472
## 13:    12     0         1      1      0.0000       -Inf
## 14:    13     1         2      3      0.3333 -0.6931472
## 15:    14     1         1      2      0.5000  0.0000000
## 16:    15     0         1      1      0.0000       -Inf
## 17:    17     1         0      1      1.0000        Inf
## 18:    96     3         1      4      0.7500  1.0986123
## 19:    98   112        91    203      0.5517  0.2076394

There are values greater than 3 are grouped together, with the exceptions of 96 and 98.

Due90Breaks <- c(-Inf, 0:3, 95, Inf)
Due90Table <- NumericalTable(Target = "Delinquency", Covariate = "Due90",
                             Data = Train, CustomBins = T,
                             CustomIntervals = Due90Breaks)
##        Due90 Event Non Event Counts Probability      Logit
## 1:  [-Inf,0]  5244    108069 113313      0.0463 -3.0256853
## 2:     (0,1]  1403      2813   4216      0.3328 -0.6956387
## 3:     (1,2]   611       636   1247      0.4900 -0.0401016
## 4:     (2,3]   316       226    542      0.5830  0.3352072
## 5:    (3,95]   317       158    475      0.6674  0.6963067
## 6: (95, Inf]   115        92    207      0.5556  0.2231436

The covariate "Due90" is discretized and the logit scores are extracted.

Train[, Due90Cat := cut(Due90, breaks = Due90Breaks, include.lowest = T)]
Train <- GenerateLogit(Data = Train, CrossTable = Due90Table,
                       Covariate = "Due90Cat")
head(unique(Train[, c("Due90Cat", "Due90CatLogit")]))
##     Due90Cat Due90CatLogit
## 1:  [-Inf,0]    -3.0256853
## 2:     (0,1]    -0.6956387
## 3:     (1,2]    -0.0401016
## 4:     (2,3]     0.3352072
## 5:    (3,95]     0.6963067
## 6: (95, Inf]     0.2231436

Assessing the Performance of a Model: AUROC(), CovariateWeights(), and LogLoss()

Before model building, it is a standard practice to standardize the dataset in the field of credit scoring.

I have simplified the dataset to only include the target "Delinquency" and all the logit scores, i.e. columns with the term "Logit".

Train <- data.table(cbind(Train[, Delinquency]),
                    scale(Train[, grepl("Logit", names(Train)),
                                with = F]))
setnames(Train, "V1", "Delinquency")

Over here, I have built a simple model using logistic regression, employing just the four covariates listed above.

ScoringModel <- glm(Delinquency ~ AgeCatLogit + Due30CatLogit + Due60CatLogit +
                      Due90CatLogit, data = Train, family = binomial()) 

While the relative importance of the covariates can be obtained from the coefficients using summary(), it can be a process that gives a bit of hassle.

## Call:
## glm(formula = Delinquency ~ AgeCatLogit + Due30CatLogit + Due60CatLogit + 
##     Due90CatLogit, family = binomial(), data = Train)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -2.4320  -0.3123  -0.2771  -0.1995   2.9268  
## Coefficients:
##                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)   -3.099701   0.015654 -198.01   <2e-16 ***
## AgeCatLogit    0.433069   0.016041   27.00   <2e-16 ***
## Due30CatLogit  0.435372   0.009591   45.40   <2e-16 ***
## Due60CatLogit  0.234202   0.008288   28.26   <2e-16 ***
## Due90CatLogit  0.418030   0.007663   54.55   <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 58815  on 119999  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 46589  on 119995  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 46599
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

The function CovariateWeights() can be used to provide the relative importance of the covariates, from a scale of 0 to 100.

##   AgeCatLogit Due30CatLogit Due60CatLogit Due90CatLogit 
##         28.48         28.63         15.40         27.49

Other than that, the function AUROC() computes the area under the curve, much faster than auc() from the package pROC(). Compared to pROC::auc(), the downside of using LiteXploreR::AUROC() is that it only provides the area under the curve itself, rather than returning a list of the details on the computation.

AUROC(Train[, Delinquency], ScoringModel$fitted.values)
## [1] 0.8167836
auc(Train[, Delinquency], ScoringModel$fitted.values)
## Area under the curve: 0.8168
system.time(AUROC(Train[, Delinquency], ScoringModel$fitted.values))
##    user  system elapsed 
##    0.00    0.02    0.02
system.time(auc(Train[, Delinquency], ScoringModel$fitted.values))
##    user  system elapsed 
##    1.74    0.25    1.98

In addition, a function for logarithmic loss is included in this package as well. This is another commonly used function not covered by base R. The function LogLoss() in this package only supports binary predictions, as opposed to predictions involving more than two classes.

LogLoss(Train[, Delinquency], ScoringModel$fitted.values)
## [1] 0.1941225

Then-Terence/LiteXploreR documentation built on May 18, 2019, 8:07 p.m.