
D3TableFilter - Interaction

D3TableFilter provides a highly interactive widget. In the Shiny enviroment it can provide no only a table output, but also several input elements:

At run time cell values and filters can be (re)-set without re-sending the complete table.

As D3TableFilter is based on D3.js it allows you to style the table using D3 functions. This includes in this example the text formatting and styling of the table footer. You can also colorize cells based on their values (see also the colors demo app). If you want even more eye candy you can turn table data into inline graphics as demonstrated with the orange circles and the blue bars. Both the circles and the bars do not interfere with sorting and filtering. The "Miles per gallon" and the "Displacement" colomns are editible. Please try it out and watch smooth, D3.js generated transitions of the visualizations.

Please check also the other D3TableFilter demo apps:

Learn more about the D3TableFilter widget on github.

ThomasSiegmund/D3TableFilter documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:46 p.m.