#' Generate Survey Sampling Stations
#' @description Returns a set of randomly-selected snow crab survey sampling stations.
#' Each station is drawn from a square grid, a lattice which overlays the
#' survey area. Longitude and latitude coordinates of the survey polygon's
#' vertices are converted to UTM coordinates (NAD83). A square grid lattice is
#' overlaid over the survey area. The dimensions of the grid vary according to
#' number of required sampling stations and the area of the survey polygon.
#' @param n Integer specifying the desired number of sampling stations.
#' @param stations Data frame specifying the set of survey stations to be sampled.
#' @param longitude,latitude Numeric vector specifying, in decimal degrees, the
#' longitude coordinate of each vertex of the survey polygon, which specifies
#' the survey area. Multiple, disjoint polygons may be separated by NA values.
#' If not specified, then the snow crab survey polygon is used.
#' @param hole Logical vector. When multiple polygons are specified in
#' \code{longitude} and \code{latitude}, then \code{hole} may be used to
#' specify if some are \sQuote{holes}. The length of \code{hole} may be the
#' length of the coordinate vectors or the number of polygons defined within
#' them.
#' @param alternates Integer specifying the number of additional, alternate sampling stations
#' per grid to be generated. The default value is zero.
#' @param grids Logical value specifying whether the grid coordinates are to be
#' included in the output for the snow crab survey. Alternatively, the output from a
#' previous call of \code{select.sc.stations} may be used. Specifically, the grid
#' definitions specified in the \code{grids} element of the output is used to generate
#' points within each element. Alternately, if the complete of grids which overlay
#' the sGSL survey area is dersired, set \code{grids = \sQuote{complete}}
#' or\code{\sQuote{all}}. The default value is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param type Character string specifying the 'type' label to be assigned in the resulting sample.
#' @return If \code{grids} is \code{FALSE}, a data frame is returned with
#' sampling station coordinates (\code{longitude} and \code{latitude}), the
#' station type (whether the station is a primary or alternate station) and a
#' grid label which identifies from which grid the sample was drawn.
#' If \code{grids} is \code{TRUE}, then a two-element list is returned. The
#' first element contains the station table described above, while the second
#' element contains a list defining the coordinates of each grid vertex as well
#' as the grid label.
#' @examples
#' # Snow crab survey:
#' x <- stations.scs(355) # Generate 355 survey stations.
#' x <- stations.scs(355, alternates = 2) # Include 2 alternate station in the output.
#' x <- stations.scs(355, alternates = 2, grids = TRUE) # Include grids in the export.
#' # Northumberland Strait survey:
#' x <- stations.nss(100) # Generate 100 survey stations.
#' x <- stations.nss(80, alternates = 2) # Generate 80 x survey stations plus 2 alternates sets
#' @export stations.scs
#' @export stations.nss
stations.scs <- function(n, longitude, latitude, hole = NULL, alternates = 0, grids = FALSE){
# Parse 'grids' argument:
include.grids <- FALSE
if (is.logical(grids) & length(grids) == 1) include.grids <- grids
complete <- FALSE
if (is.character(grids)){
include.grids <- TRUE
args <- c("full", "complete", "all")
grids <- match.arg(tolower(grids), args)
if (grids %in% args) complete <- TRUE else stop("Invalid 'grid' value.")
# Parse 'grids' variable:
if (is.list(grids)){
if ("grids" %in% names(grids)) grids <- grids$grids
if (!all(c("x", "y") %in% tolower(names(grids[[1]])))){
if (all(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% tolower(names(grids[[1]])))){
for (j in 1:length(grids)){
tmp <- deg2km(grids[[j]]$longitude, grids[[j]]$latitude)
grids[[j]]$x <- tmp$x
grids[[j]]$y <- tmp$y
grids <- NULL
# Set 'n' to the number of grids being provided:
if (missing(n) & is.list(grids)) n <- length(grids)
if (missing(n)) stop("'n' must be specified.")
# Check 'n' argument:
if (missing(n) | (length(n) != 1) | !is.numeric(n)) stop("'n' must be a positive integer.")
if (is.list(grids)) if (n > length(grids)) stop("Number 'n' may not exceed the number of specified grids.")
# Load default polygon if none is specified:
if (missing(longitude) | missing(latitude)){
p <- subset(p, label = "sc.survey")
longitude <- p[[1]]$x
latitude <- p[[1]]$y
longitude <- -abs(longitude) # Make sure that longitudes have negative signs.
# Create a survey polygon in 'utm' coordinates (in kilometers):
poly <- deg2km(longitude, latitude)
poly <- as.polygon(poly$x, poly$y, hole)
# Calculate area of survey polygon:
area <- sum(area(poly))
# Draw samples from grid definitions:
if (is.list(grids)){
if (all(c("longitude", "latitude") %in% names(grids[[1]]))){
xx <- matrix(nrow = length(grids), ncol = 5);
yy <- xx
labels <- rep(NA, length(grids))
for (i in 1:length(grids)){
xx[i,] <- grids[[i]]$x
yy[i,] <- grids[[i]]$y
labels[i] <- grids[[i]]$label
index <- rep(FALSE, nrow(xx))
temp <- data.frame(x = rep(NA, n), y = rep(NA, n), grid = NA)
while (n > 0){
# Draw candidate draws:
cx <- xx[!index,1] + stats::runif(sum(!index)) * (xx[!index,3] - xx[!index,1])
cy <- yy[!index,1] + stats::runif(sum(!index)) * (yy[!index,2] - yy[!index,1])
v <- which(in.polygon(poly, cx, cy))
if (length(v) > 1) ci <- sample(v) else ci <- v
if (length(ci) > 0){
if (any(!in.polygon(poly, cx[ci], cy[ci]))) print(cx[ci])
ci <- ci[1:min(n, length(ci))]
cx <- cx[ci]
cy <- cy[ci]
cl <- labels[which(!index)[ci]]
index[which(!index)[ci]] <- TRUE
ii <- min(which(is.na(temp$x))):(min(which(is.na(temp$x)))+length(cx)-1)
if (any(!in.polygon(poly, cx, cy))) print(NA)
temp$x[ii] <- cx
temp$y[ii] <- cy
temp$grid[ii] <- cl
n <- sum(is.na(temp$x))
temp$type <- "Primary"
# Convert station coordinates to latitude-longitude:
res <- km2deg(temp$x, temp$y)
res$type <- temp$type
res$grid <- temp$grid
# Match original grid order:
res <- res[order(match(res$grid, labels)), ]
rownames(res) <- NULL
# Calculate dimension of square grids:
d <- sqrt(area / n)
cat(paste("Polygon area is", round(area, 4), " square kilometers.\n"))
cat(paste("Square grid dimension is", round(d, 4), "kilometers.\n"))
# Find bounding box for survey polygon:
bb <- c(min(poly[[1]]$x, na.rm = TRUE), min(poly[[1]]$y, na.rm = TRUE),
max(poly[[1]]$x, na.rm = TRUE), max(poly[[1]]$y, na.rm = TRUE))
# Expand bounding box so that top-right coordinate matches grid scale:
bb[3] <- bb[1] + d*(floor((bb[3]-bb[1]) / d) + 1)
bb[4] <- bb[2] + d*(floor((bb[4]-bb[2]) / d) + 1)
# Define coordinates of superimposed grid lattice:
x <- seq(bb[1], bb[3], by = d)
y <- seq(bb[2], bb[4], by = d)
xx <- as.vector(repvec(x, nrow = length(y)))
yy <- as.vector(repvec(y, ncol = length(x)))
# Simulate stations:
flag <- FALSE # Termination flag.
i <- 0
while (!flag){
temp <- list()
temp$x <- xx + d*stats::runif(length(xx))
temp$y <- yy + d*stats::runif(length(yy))
index <- which(in.polygon(poly, temp$x, temp$y))
if (length(index) == n) flag <- TRUE
if (flag){
# Remove points outside the survey polygon:
temp$x <- temp$x[index]
temp$y <- temp$y[index]
# Assign 'Primary' label to point:
temp$label <- rep("Primary", n)
# Assign grid identifier to generated point:
temp$grid <- grid.str(temp$x, temp$y, ref.x = bb[1], ref.y = bb[2], delta.x = d, delta.y = d)
# Convert station coordinates to latitude-longitude:
coords <- km2deg(temp$x, temp$y)
coords$type <- temp$label
coords$grid <- temp$grid
res <- coords
# Subset of selected lower-left grid coordinates:
xx <- xx[index]
yy <- yy[index]
# Convert to 'grids' format:
# Convert corner coordinates to latitude-longitude:
a1 <- km2deg(xx, yy)
a2 <- km2deg(xx, yy+d)
a3 <- km2deg(xx+d, yy+d)
a4 <- km2deg(xx+d, yy)
# Assign grid identifier to each grid using mid-point:
grid.names <- grid.str(xx+d/2, yy+d/2, ref.x = bb[1], ref.y = bb[2], delta.x = d, delta.y = d)
# Concatenate grid corner coordinates:
xxx <- cbind(a1$longitude, a2$longitude, a3$longitude, a4$longitude, a1$longitude)
yyy <- cbind(a1$latitude, a2$latitude, a3$latitude, a4$latitude, a1$latitude)
# Contruct list of polygons defining grid cell coordinates and label:
temp <- vector("list", n)
for (i in 1:n){
temp[[i]]$longitude <- xxx[i, ]
temp[[i]]$latitude <- yyy[i, ]
temp[[i]]$label <- grid.names[i]
grids <- temp
# Sort grid data:
grids <- grids[order(res$grid)]
res <- res[order(res$grid), ]
rownames(res) <- NULL
# Generate alternate stations:
if (alternates > 0){
for (j in 1:alternates){
temp <- select.sc.stations(longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude, hole = hole, grids = grids)
temp$type <- paste0("Alternate ", j)
res <- rbind(res, temp)
# Define grid coordinates:
if (include.grids){
if (complete){
# Define coordinates of superimposed grid lattice:
x <- seq(bb[1]-d, bb[3]+d, by = d)
y <- seq(bb[2]-d, bb[4]+d, by = d)
xx <- as.vector(repvec(x, nrow = length(y)))
yy <- as.vector(repvec(y, ncol = length(x)))
xx <- cbind(xx, xx, xx+d, xx+d)
yy <- cbind(yy, yy+d, yy+d, yy)
# Check which grids are within the survey area using a finer grid:
gx <- seq(bb[1], bb[3]+0.5, by = 0.5)
gy <- seq(bb[2], bb[4]+0.5, by = 0.5)
gxx <- as.vector(repvec(gx, nrow = length(gy)))
gyy <- as.vector(repvec(gy, ncol = length(gx)))
index <- in.polygon(poly, gxx, gyy)
g.names <- grid.str(gxx, gyy, ref.x = bb[1], ref.y = bb[2], delta.x = d, delta.y = d)
tmp <- data.frame(x = gxx, y = gyy, grid = g.names, inside = index, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tmp <- aggregate(tmp["inside"], by = tmp["grid"], function(x) any(x))
# Assign grid identifier to each grid using mid-point:
grid.names <- grid.str(apply(xx, 1, mean), apply(yy, 1, mean), ref.x = bb[1], ref.y = bb[2], delta.x = d, delta.y = d)
# Isolate grids which constain interior points:
index <- which(tmp$inside[match(grid.names, as.character(tmp$grid))])
xx <- xx[index, ]
yy <- yy[index, ]
grid.names <- grid.names[index]
# Close grid polygons:
xx <- cbind(xx, xx[,1])
yy <- cbind(yy, yy[,1])
# Contruct list of polygons defining grid cell coordinates and label:
temp <- vector("list", nrow(xx))
for (i in 1:nrow(xx)){
tmp <- km2deg(xx[i, ], yy[i, ])
temp[[i]]$x <- as.numeric(xx[i,])
temp[[i]]$y <- as.numeric(yy[i,])
temp[[i]]$longitude <- tmp$longitude
temp[[i]]$latitude <- tmp$latitude
temp[[i]]$label <- grid.names[i]
grids <- temp
# Convert to 'polygon' object:
for (i in 1:length(grids)){
temp <- deg2km(grids[[i]]$longitude, grids[[i]]$latitude)
grids[[i]]$x <- temp$x
grids[[i]]$y <- temp$y
# Return results as a list:
res <- list(coordinates = res, grids = grids)
stations.nss <- function(n, alternates = 0, stations, type){
# Check 'n' argument:
if (is.null(n)) stop("Number of desired stations 'n' must be specified.")
if (n < 1) stop("Number of stations 'n' must be positive.")
ntemp <- n
# Load grid defintions:
grids <- ns.grids
# Define 'ns.stations':
if (is.null(stations)){
# Load survey station table:
X <- ns.stations
X <- stations[c("station.number", "block.number", "latitude", "longitude")]
# Strip stations beyond a set latitude or longitude limits:
index <- (X$latitude < (47+1/60)) & (X$longitude < (-62 - 0.0477208/2 + 1/7))
X <- X[index, ]
# Determine to which grid each station belongs:
index <- unlist(which.polygon(grids, X$longitude, X$latitude))
X <- X[!is.na(index), ]
index <- index[!is.na(index)]
X$grid <- unlist(lapply(grids[index], function(y) y$name))
# Extract area table:
Areas <- data.frame(grid = unlist(lapply(grids, function(y) y$name)),
area = unlist(lapply(grids, function(y) y$area)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Remove grids containing no stations:
index <- (Areas$grid %in% unique(X$grid))
Areas <- Areas[index, ]
grids <- grids[index]
# Determine the number of sample stations per grid:
Areas$n <- 0 # Create column to hold sample counts per grid.
while (n > 0){
# Randomly permute grids:
index <- sample(1:dim(Areas)[1])
Areas <- Areas[index,]
# Calculate sample assignment probabilities
P <- Areas[,2] / max(Areas[,2])
index <- which(stats::runif(length(P)) < P)
index <- index[1:min(n, length(index))]
# Number of stations left to assign:
n <- n - min(n, length(index))
Areas$n[index] <- Areas$n[index] + 1
# Select random stations within grids:
Areas <- Areas[Areas$n > 0, ]
X$sampled <- FALSE
# Rename columns of 'X':
names(X) <- c("number", "block", "latitude", "longitude", "grid", "sampled")
k <- 0
for (i in 1:dim(Areas)[1]){
index <- which(X$grid == Areas$grid[i])
if (Areas[i,"n"] > 0){
if (Areas[i,"n"] <= length(index)){
if (length(index) == 1){
if (Areas[i,"n"] == 1){
temp <- index
print("There is a problem in selecting survey stations.")
temp <- sample(index, Areas[i,"n"])
k <- k + length(temp)
X[temp, "sampled"] <- TRUE
temp <- index
X[temp, "sampled"] <- TRUE
print(paste("Too many points to be sampled within grid ", Areas[i,"grid"], ", ", length(index), " vs ", Areas[i,"n"], sep = ""))
# Define 'type' field:
if (is.null(type)){
X$type <- "Primary"
X$type <- paste(type, alternates + 1)
# Rename and restructure 'X':
names(X) <- c("station.number", "block.number", "latitude", "longitude", "grid", "sampled", "type")
Y <- X[X$sampled, c("longitude", "latitude", "station.number", "block.number", "grid", "type")]
# Generate alternate stations:
if (alternates > 0){
Y <- rbind(Y,
sort(select.ns.stations(n = ntemp, alternates = alternates - 1, stations = X[!X$sampled, ], type = "Alternate"), by = "type"))
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