

gaglm.cv <- function(formula, family = "gaussian", data, offset =NULL,
                     nfolds = 5,
                     cook = 0.5,
                     popSize = 100, iters = 100,
                     mutationChance= NULL , zeroToOneRatio=10){

  ##family = "gaussian", "poisson"
  #if(family != "gaussian" && family != "poisson"){
  #  stop("For family variable only gaussian or poisson can be specified.")

  #family = "gaussian"
  if(family != "gaussian"){
    stop("For family variable only gaussian can be specified.")

  x <- model.matrix(formula,data=data)

  y <- model.frame(formula,data=data)[,1]

  if(!is.numeric(y) && !is.integer(y)){
    stop("You can only specify numeric or integer objective variables.")

  yname <- as.character(formula[2])

  sc <- c("(", ")", "^", "+", "-", "*", "/", ":")
  for(i in 1:length(sc)){
    yname <- gsub(sc[i], ".", yname, fixed = TRUE)

  data2 <- data.frame(y, x)
  names(data2)[1] <- yname
  names(data2)[2] <- "Intercept"

  formula2 <- as.formula(paste0(yname, "~.+0"))

  ev_num <- length(data2[1,]) - 1

  idvec <- function(x, nfolds){
    if(nfolds <= 1 || nfolds%%1 != 0){stop("nfolds must be an integer greater than or equal to 2.")}
    if(x < nfolds){stop("nfolds is too big.")}
    ret <- rep(c(1: nfolds), times = floor(x/nfolds))
    remainder <- x%%nfolds
    if(remainder > 0){ret <- c(ret, c(1: remainder))}
    ret <- sample(ret)
  idvec <- idvec(x = length(data[,1]), nfolds = nfolds)

  glm_cv <- function(x){
    ev_use <- c(TRUE, as.logical(x))

    result <- glm(formula = formula2, family = family, offset = offset, data = data2[, ev_use])

    #cross varidation
    cv.pre <- data.frame()
    for(i in 1:nfolds){
      cv.res <- glm(formula = formula2, family = family, offset = offset,
                    data = data2[which(idvec != i), ev_use])
      cv.pre0 <- data.frame(Pre = predict(cv.res, data2[which(idvec == i), ev_use]),
                            Mes = data2[which(idvec == i), 1])
      cv.pre <- rbind(cv.pre, cv.pre0)

    rmse <- sqrt(mean((cv.pre[, 1] - cv.pre[, 2])^2))

    ret <- list(result = result, cv = cv.pre, rmse = rmse)

  result_intercept <- glm_cv(c(1, rep(0, times = ev_num - 1)))
  errorCV <- result_intercept$rmse

  glm_res <- function(x){
    if(max(x) == 0){return(result_intercept)}

    result <- glm_cv(x)


    cook_d <- max(abs(cooks.distance(result$result)))
    if(is.nan(cook_d) || cook_d >= cook){return(result_intercept)}


  glm_rmse <- function(x){
    tryCatch(glm_res(x)$rmse, error = errorCV)

  if(is.null(mutationChance)){mutationChance <- 1/(ev_num + 1)}
  result_ga <- rbga.bin(size = ev_num, evalFunc = glm_rmse,
                        mutationChance = mutationChance,
                        zeroToOneRatio = zeroToOneRatio,
                        popSize = popSize, iters = iters)

  if(min(result_ga$best) == errorCV){stop("A model better than the model with only intercepts was not found.")}

  best_num <- which.min(result_ga$best)
  bestmodel <- glm_res(result_ga$population[best_num, ])

  ret <- list(bestmodel = bestmodel, ga = result_ga)
  class(ret) <- "gaglm.cv"

summary.gaglm.cv <- function(result){

plot.gaglm.cv <- function(result){

  plot(result$ga$best, type = "l", xlab = "Generation", ylab = "RMSE")
  title(main = list("Generation vs RMSE",
                    cex = 1.5, font = 1), outer = FALSE, line =0.5)

  #Cross Varidationの結果
  r2.res <- paste0("R2 = ", round((cor.test(result$bestmodel$cv[, 1],
                                      result$bestmodel$cv[, 2])$estimate)^2,
                   digits = 3))

  plot(result$bestmodel$cv, ylab = "Measure", xlab = "Predict")
  abline(a=0, b=1, lty = 3)
  legend("topleft", legend = r2.res, bty="n")
  title(main = list("Cross varidation",
                    cex = 1.5, font = 1), outer = FALSE, line =0.5)

  plot(result$bestmodel$result, which = c(1,2,3,4))

coef.gaglm.cv <- function(result){
ToshihiroIguchi/gaglm documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:51 a.m.