
How to Contribute

  1. Fork the master repository
  2. Clone the forked repository to your computer locally git clone <forked_repo_URL>
  3. Link the master and forked repository git remote add upstream <original_repo_URL>
  4. Send pull requests from your forked repository to the master repository
  5. A team mate who did not send the pull request will merge the request
    • If a teammate feels the pull request should not be merged, schedule a team meeting with the team to discuss


To ensure open and transparent communication create an issue in the master repository. When there are task oriented issues (like TA feedback) before working on the task add a comment assigning the task to yourself. General items like scheduling meetings can be done via our private Slack channel. If you see a bug or typo either create an issue so the teammate responsible for the file is aware or fix the issue yourself and send a pull request.

Commit Messages

When adding new files or making changes to existing files write simple and descriptive commit messages. For readability have: - one commit message per task - the title of the file (add the purpose if the title is not a good description) - the changes if the file is being updated

Outside & Future Contributors

This repository has been created for a course project and may not be monitored after the course.

By contributing to this project you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and the terms of the Licence.

UBC-MDS/KMediansR documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:14 p.m.