
We welcome contributions from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by our code of conduct.

If you have a GitHub account, or are willing to create one, but do not know how to use Git, you can report problems or suggest improvements by creating an issue. This allows us to assign the item to a team member and to respond to it in a threaded discussion.

If you are comfortable with Git, and would like to resolve an existing issue that's been labelled by the maintainers or typos/bugs, you can submit a pull request (PR). If you'd like to suggest substantial changes to the project, please first raise an issue to allow the maintainers to comment, so we can discuss whether/how these changes should be made.

We like to at least comment on pull requests within three business days (and, typically, one business day). We may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives.

Some things that will increase the chance that your pull request is accepted:

Adapted from Software Carpentry and factory_bot_rails's contributing documents.

UBC-MDS/picfixR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 1:13 a.m.