Contributing to ssgkmeansr

We welcome bug reports, bug fixes, ideas for new features from everyone, subject to Code of Conduct and Contributor License Agreement below.

Contributor License Agreement

By contributing, you grant the project administrators, and those who may fork the code, a perpetual, world-wide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, distribute such derivative works, and to sublicense the foregoing rights to third parties. (Adapt from MCLA)

Contribute Code

We use the following git flow: 1. Fork the ssgkmeansr repository to your GitHub repository 2. Clone your fork of ssgkmeansr to your local machine 3. After you commit your changes, push to your fork 4. Submit a pull request, and tag the project administrators as assignees

Report Issues

You can create an issue. Make sure you include the following information: 1. the version of ssgkmeansr you are using 2. steps to reproduce the bug

Propose New Features

Have a great idea to enhance the project? Create an issue and let us know!


We thank you for your time and interest. The project administrators will review all pull requests before we merge. We will also review bug reports and new feature proposals, while we will try our best, we cannot promise we will implement all of them.

UBC-MDS/ssgkmeansr documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:36 p.m.