
Defines functions sc2_mthds

Documented in sc2_mthds

# sc2_mthds: Load list of sc2 method functions

#' @name SC2_Methods
#' @title List of level 2 single-concentration hit-call functions
#' @description 
#' \code{sc2_mthds} returns a list of functions to be used during level 2 
#' single-concentration processing.
#' @return A list functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{sc2}}, \code{\link{Method functions}} to query what
#' methods get applied to each acid
#' @details 
#' The functions contained in the list returned by \code{sc2_mthds} return
#' a list of expressions to be executed in the \code{sc2} (not exported) 
#' function environment. The functions are described here for reference 
#' purposes, The \code{sc2_mthds} function is not exported, nor is it 
#' intended for use.
#' All available methods are described in the Available Methods section, listed
#' by the function/method name. 
#' @section Available Methods:
#' The methods are broken down into four categories based on the type of cutoff they assign. 
#' Different methods are used to define cutoffs for "bmad" (baseline median absolute value), "pc" 
#' (percent of control), "pc or bmad", "log" (\eqn{\log_{2}}{log2} or \eqn{\log_{10}}{log10}), and 
#' "other" (uncategorized methods).
#' All methods are applied by aeid.
#' Although there are method exceptions (notably within the “other” category), only highest 
#' calculated cutoff value based on assigned methods will be selected for hitcalling. Therefore, 
#' only the largest cutoff method per method type should be assigned.
#' More information about the level 2 single-concentration processing is available in the package 
#' vignette, "Data_processing."
#' \subsection{BMAD Methods}{
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{bmad1}{Add a cutoff value of 1 multiplied by baseline median absolute deviation (bmad). 
#'   By default, bmad is calculated using test compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'   \item{bmad1.5}{Add a cutoff value of 1.5 multiplied by the baseline median absolute deviation 
#'   (bmad). By default, bmad is calculated using test compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'   \item{bmad2}{Add a cutoff value of 2 multiplied by the baseline median absolute deviation 
#'   (bmad). By default, bmad is calculated using test compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'   \item{bmad3}{Add a cutoff value of 3 multiplied by the baseline median absolute deviation 
#'   (bmad). By default, bmad is calculated using test compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'   \item{bmad5}{Add a cutoff value of 5 multiplied the baseline median absolute deviation (bmad). 
#'   By default, bmad is calculated using test compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'   \item{bmad6}{Add a cutoff value of 6 multiplied by the baseline median absolute deviation 
#'   (bmad). By default, bmad is calculated using test compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'   \item{bmad10}{Add a cutoff value of 10 multiplied by the baseline median absolute deviation 
#'   (bmad). By default, bmad is calculated using test compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'  }
#' \subsection{Percent of Control Methods}{
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{pc0.88}{Add a cutoff value of 0.88. Typically for percent of control data.}
#'   \item{pc16}{Add a cutoff value of 16. Typically for percent of control data.}
#'   \item{pc20}{Add a cutoff value of 20. Typically for percent of control data.}
#'   \item{pc25}{Add a cutoff value of 25. Typically for percent of control data.}
#'   \item{pc30}{Add a cutoff value of 30. Typically for percent of control data.}
#'  }
#' }
#' \subsection{Percent of Control or BMAD Methods}{
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{pc30orbmad3}{Add a cutoff value of either 30 or 3 multiplied by the baseline median 
#'   absolute deviation (bmad), whichever is less. By default, bmad is calculated using test 
#'   compound wells (wllt = t) for the endpoint.}
#'  }
#' }
#' \subsection{Log Methods}{
#' Log Base 2
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{log2_0.76}{Add a cutoff value of 0.76 for log2-transformed data. This was a custom 
#'   threshold value set for endpoint id 1690 (formerly aeid 1691).}
#'   \item{log2_1.2}{Add a cutoff value of \eqn{log_{2}{1.2}}{log2(1.2)}. Typically for fold change 
#'   data.}
#'   \item{log2_1.5}{Add a cutoff value of \eqn{log_{2}{1.5}}{log2(1.5)}. Typically for fold change 
#'   data.}
#'  }
#' Log Base 10
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{log10_1.2}{Add a cutoff value of \eqn{log_{10}{1.2}}{log10(1.2)}. Typically for fold 
#'   change data.}
#'  }
#' }
#' \subsection{Other Methods}{
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{ow_bmad_nwells}{Overwrite the default baseline median absolute value (bmad) with a bmad 
#'   calculated using neutral control wells (wllt = n).}
#'   \item{ow_bidirectional_gain}{Where responses only in the positive direction are biologically 
#'   relevant, overwrite the max_med and max_tmp values, which were calculated using absolute 
#'   value, to a calculation using a true maximum for uni-directional data.}
#'   \item{ow_bidirectional_loss}{Where responses only in the negative direction are biologically 
#'   relevant, overwrite the max_med and max_tmp values, which were calculated using absolute 
#'   value, to a calculation using a true minimum for uni-directional data.}
#'  }
#' }
#' @note
#' This function is not exported and is not intended to be used by the user.

sc2_mthds <- function() {
    bmad3 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , unique(bmad)*3]))
    pc20 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, 20))
    log2_1.2 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, log2(1.2)))
    log10_1.2 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, log10(1.2)))
    bmad5 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , unique(bmad)*5]))
    bmad6 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , unique(bmad)*6]))
    bmad10 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , unique(bmad)*10]))
    pc30orbmad3 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , min(30, unique(bmad)*3)]))
    pc0.88 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, 0.88))
    log2_1.5 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, log2(1.5)))
    pc25 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, 25))

    ow_bmad_nwells = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(dat[ , bmad := mad(resp[wllt == "n"], na.rm = TRUE)])
    ow_bidirectional_gain = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(dat[ , c("max_med","max_tmp") := list(max(tmp), tmp[which.max(tmp)]), by = spid])
    ow_bidirectional_loss = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(dat[ , c("max_med","max_tmp") := list(abs(min(tmp)), tmp[which.min(tmp)]), by = spid])
    bmad2 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , unique(bmad)*2]))
    log2_0.76 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, 0.76))
    bmad1 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , unique(bmad)]))
    pc30 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, 30))
     bmad1.5 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, dat[ , unique(bmad)*1.5]))
    pc16 = function() {
      e1 <- bquote(coff <- c(coff, 16))

USEPA/CompTox-ToxCast-tcpl documentation built on April 22, 2024, 12:37 p.m.