
Defines functions interp_hypso opti_thermal_habitat

Documented in interp_hypso opti_thermal_habitat

#' @title Calculate optical thermal habitat using temp and light thresholds 
#' @inheritParams area_light_temp_threshold
#' @param interp_hour Interpolate to hourly data
#' @param approx_method Method for the approximate function
#' @return data.frame with three columns. opti_hab, therm_hab, opti_therm_hab 
#' for areas of each habitat type (with opti_therm_hab being the overlap of both). Units are in
#' m^2*days. Divide by the number of days in the data to 
#' @export
opti_thermal_habitat = function(opt_wtr, io, kd, lat, lon, hypso, irr_thresh=c(0,2000), wtr_thresh=c(0,25), area_type="benthic", interp_hour=FALSE, approx_method='linear'){
# 	nml = read_nml(nml_file)
# 	kd = get_nml_value(nml, 'Kw')
# 	lat = get_nml_value(nml, 'latitude')
# 	lon = get_nml_value(nml, 'longitude')
# 	#get hypso data and interp to standard resolution
# 	hypso = get_hypsography(nml)
# 	names(hypso) = c('depth', 'area')
# 	hypso = interp_hypso(hypso, dz=0.1, force_zero_area = TRUE)
	#also extract temp at the same resolution as hypsography. This will help us standardize across light and temp
	wtr = opt_wtr
#	io = get_var(nc_file, 'I_0')
	#Now, if we are going to interp this, we need to interp io and wtr to at least hourly or so
		io = create_irr_day_cycle(lat,lon, dates=io[,1], irr_mean = io[,2], by='min')
		#I really hate that I have to do this, but I need to ensure it is UTC for the later approx stage
		wtr[,1] = as.POSIXct(format(wtr[,1], '%Y-%m-%d'), tz='UTC')
		new_wtr = data.frame(datetime=io[,1])
		for(i in 2:ncol(wtr)){
			colname = names(wtr)[i]
			#THere may not be enough non NA values for us to run approx, check
			if(sum(!is.na(wtr[, colname])) == 0){
				new_wtr[,colname] = rep(NA, nrow(new_wtr))
				new_wtr[,colname] = approx(wtr[,1], wtr[, colname], xout=io[,1], method=approx_method, rule=2)$y
		wtr = new_wtr
		#note, the division by 24, want it in m^2*days (not hours)
		# supply new_depths to area_light_threshold so same depths are used across all functions
		light_alone = area_light_threshold(kd, io[,2], irr_thresh, hypso, area_type, new_depths=get.offsets(wtr))/1440
		temp_alone  = area_temp_threshold(wtr, wtr_thresh, hypso, area_type)/1440
		light_temp  = area_light_temp_threshold(wtr, kd, io[,2], irr_thresh, wtr_thresh, hypso, area_type)/1440
		light_alone = area_light_threshold(kd, io[,2], irr_thresh, hypso, area_type, new_depths=get.offsets(wtr))
		temp_alone  = area_temp_threshold(wtr, wtr_thresh, hypso, area_type)
		light_temp  = area_light_temp_threshold(wtr, kd, io[,2], irr_thresh, wtr_thresh, hypso, area_type)
	return(data.frame(opti_hab=light_alone, therm_hab=temp_alone, opti_therm_hab=light_temp))

#'@title Linear interpolate hypsometry 
#'@description Interpolate bathymetry to a specified depth interval. Includes 
#'options to ensure validity of profile (force zero area layer, monotonically 
#'decreasing area)
#'@param hypso Hypsography data.frame with columns \code{depth} (meters, positive downward) and \code{area} (m^2)
#'@param dz Requested resample depth interval
#'@param force_zero_area Force the hypsography profile to keep a zero-area depth, even if the input did not have
#'a zero-area depth, or if the zero area depth does not fall perfectly on the \code{dz} interval
#'@return A hypso data.frame with columns \code{depth and area}
#'hypso = getBathy('439800')
#'new_hypso = interp_hypso(hypso, dz=0.1)
#'plot(hypso$area, hypso$depth, ylim=rev(range(new_hypso$depth)), type='o')
#'lines(new_hypso$area, new_hypso$depth, lty=2, col='red')
interp_hypso = function(hypso, dz=0.1, force_zero_area=TRUE){
	#check data frame has what we need
	if(!all(names(hypso) %in% c('areas', 'depths'))){
		stop('Bathy data.frame must have columns areas and depths (currently: ', paste(names(bathy), collapse=","), ')')
	new_hypso = data.frame( depths=seq(min(hypso$depths), max(hypso$depths), by=dz) )
	new_hypso$areas  = approx(hypso$depths, hypso$areas, new_hypso$depths)$y
	##Now we have four cases
	#1) We don't want to force zero hypso area
	#2) OR new_hypso happens to have a zero value. Great, return!
  #return whatever we have
	if(!force_zero_area || any(new_hypso$areas == 0)){
	#3) new_hypso lost the zero that was on the hypso supplied
	if(!any(new_hypso$areas == 0) && any(hypso$areas == 0) ){
		new_hypso = rbind(new_hypso, hypso[hypso$areas==0,])
		new_hypso = new_hypso[order(new_hypso$depths), ]
	#3) new_hypso lost the zero that was on the hypso supplied
	# in this case, add dz to max depth, and call that zero
	# Maybe TODO: Extrapolate a zero downward linearly?
	if(!any(new_hypso$areas == 0) && !any(hypso$areas == 0) ){
		new_hypso[nrow(new_hypso)+1, 'depths'] = max(new_hypso$depths) + dz
		new_hypso[nrow(new_hypso), 'areas'] = 0
		new_hypso = new_hypso[order(new_hypso$depths), ]
USGS-R/mda.lakes documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 8:28 p.m.