
Defines functions populate_base_lake_nml

Documented in populate_base_lake_nml

#' @title Create basic NML file object for a lake
#' @description
#' This creates an NML object and pre-fills it with 
#' key parameters for the site_id
#' @param site_id Unique lake ID
#' @param kd Lake clarity in m^-1
#' @import glmtools
#' @import lakeattributes
#' @import GLMr
#' @export
populate_base_lake_nml = function(site_id, kd=get_kd_avg(site_id)$kd_avg, nml_template=nml_template_path(),
																	zmax=get_zmax(site_id), bathy=get_bathy(site_id), cd=getCD(site_id), 
																	elev=get_elevation(site_id), area=get_area(site_id), latlon=get_latlon(site_id), 
	## Construct NML
	#get default template
	nml_obj = read_nml(nml_template)
	#make last depth slightly less than total depth to avoid
	# precision-based GLM errors
	initZ = c(0,0.2, (zmax-0.1));
	initT = c(3,4,4);
	initS = c(0,0,0);
	defaults = list(
	# 'coef_inf_entrain'=0,
	'num_depths'=length(initZ),                  # number of elements in initZ
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, arg_list=defaults)
	#Run Name
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'lake_name', site_id)
	#nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'outl_elvs', elev)
	hypso = bathy
	#sort by increasing height
	hypso$height = elev-hypso$depths
	hypso = hypso[order(hypso$height),]
	#write to NML
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'H', hypso$height)
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'A', hypso$areas)
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'bsn_vals', nrow(hypso))
	#min_layer_thick & max_
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'Kw', kd)
	#lake basin
	#area = getArea(site_id)
	bsn_len = sqrt(area/pi)*2;
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'bsn_wid', bsn_len)
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'bsn_len', bsn_len)
	#lake lat/lon
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'latitude', latlon[1])
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'longitude', latlon[2])
	#wind sheltering
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'cd', cd) #getCD(Wstr=getWstr(site_id, method='Markfort')))
  #Min/Max layer thickness based on total lake depth
	max_z = zmax#get_zmax(site_id)
  max_layer = 1
  min_layer = 0.2
  if(max_z >= 20){
    max_layer = 1.5
  }else if(max_z >= 8 & max_z < 20){
    max_layer = 1
  }else if(max_z >= 5 & max_z < 8){
    max_layer = 0.8
  }else if(max_z >=3 & max_z < 5){
    max_layer = 0.5
    max_layer = 0.3
    min_layer = 0.1
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'max_layer_thick', max_layer)
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'min_layer_thick', min_layer)
	## Pull in driver data
	nml_obj = set_nml(nml_obj, 'meteo_fl', gsub('\\\\', '/', driver))
USGS-R/mda.lakes documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 8:28 p.m.