
#' FUGU - Function(al/ level) programming in R

#' Partial Application on the Left
#' Returns a function partially applied on the left.
#' @param f a function
#' @param ... arguments list to apply on the left
#' @return g st. partialLeft(f,a,b,c)(q,r,s) == f(a,b,c,q,r,s) 
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
partialLeft <- function(f,...){
  fixed <- list(...)
      unfixed <- list(...)
      do.call(f,append(fixed, unfixed))

#' Partial Application on the Right
#' Returns a function partially applied on the right.
#' @param f a function
#' @param ... arguments list to apply on the left
#' @return g st. partialRight(f,a,b,c)(q,r,s) == f(q,r,s,a,b,c) 
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
partialRight <- function(f,...){
  unfixed <- list(...)
      fixed <- list(...)
      do.call(f,append(fixed, unfixed))

#' Currying on the right.
#' Returns a function curried applied on the right.
#' @param f a function
#' @param ... arguments list to apply on the left
#' @return g st. curryRight(f)(a,b,c)(q,r,s) == f(q,r,s,a,b,c) 
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
curryRight <- function(f){

#' Currying on the left.
#' Returns a function curried applied on the left.
#' @param f a function
#' @param ... arguments list to apply on the left
#' @return g st. curryLeft(f)(a,b,c)(q,r,s) == f(a,b,c,q,r,s) 
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
curryLeft <- function(f){

.l <- partialLeft
.r <- partialRight

#' Function application
#' Returns the result of substituting args for the arguments of f.
#' @param f a function to apply
#' @param args a list of arguments
#' @return v st. ap(f,list(a,b,c)) == f(a,b,c)
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
ap <- function(f,args){    

#' Curried (left) function application
#' Returns a function waiting for an argument list.
#' @param f a function to convert to a function needing a list
#' @return g st. cap(f)(list(a,b,c)) == f(a,b,c)
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
cap <- curryLeft(ap)

#' convert a many-arg function into a single arg, list function
#' Returns a function waiting for an argument list.
#' @param f a function to convert to a function needing a list
#' @return g st. cap(f)(list(a,b,c)) == f(a,b,c)
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
fTuple <- cap

#' convert a function taking a single list to one taking those values as arguments
#' Returns a function waiting for a list.
#' @param f a function to convert to a function needing a list
#' @return g st. fUnTuple(f)(a,b,c) == f(list(a,b,c))
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
fUnTuple <- function(f){

#' (reverse) Function Composition
#' Returns a new function F which threads its values through all
#' passed in functions
#' @param ... a list of functions - all but the first must be single argument
#' @return a function g st. g(a,b,c) == f3(f2(f1(a,b,c))) etc
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
rCompose <- function(...){
    fs <- list(...)
    n <- length(fs)
        intermediate <- ap(fs[[1]],list(...))
        for(i in seq(2,n)){
            intermediate <- fs[[i]](intermediate)

#' Function Composition
#' Returns a new function F which threads its values through all
#' passed in functions
#' @param ... a list of functions - all but the first must be single argument
#' @return a function g st. g(a,b,c) == f1(f2(f3(a,b,c))) etc
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
compose <- function(...){

#' Functional cat
#' Calls `cat` on its argument and then returns that value
#' @param x an argument
#' @return x
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
fcat <- function(x){
.r <- rCompose
.c <- compose

#' Access an index
#' equivalent to o[[k]]
#' @param o an object
#' @param a key
#' @return o[[k]]
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
access <- function(o,k){

#' Transform an index
#' equivalent to o[[k]] <- f(o[[k]])
#' @param o an object
#' @param k a key
#' @param f a function to transform o[[k]]
#' @return o
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
tr <- function(o,k,f){
    o[[k]] <- f(o[[k]])

#' Swap argument positions
#' modify argument list order of a function
#' @param f a function
#' @param p1 a position or index
#' @param p2 a position or index
#' @return g st arguments p1 and p2 are swapped
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
swap <- function(f,p1,p2){
        args <- list(...)
        tmp <- args[[p1]]
        args[[p1]] <- args[[p2]]
        args[[p2]] <- tmp

#' permute argument positions
#' modify argument list order of a function
#' @param f a function
#' @param ... a list of positions
#' @return g st g(a,b,c) is f where each arg has been taken from the
#'     index at the position passed in.
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
permuteArgs <- function(f,...){
    permutation <- unlist(list(...))

#' The custom constant function
#' Return a function which always returns a single value
#' @param v a value
#' @return a function which returns v
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
always <- function(v){

#' Return x
#' The identity function
#' @param x a value
#' @return x a value
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
id <- function(x){

#' Nickname for Map
#' Map f over lists
#' @param f a function of N arguments
#' @param ... N lists
#' @return a list st. map(f,l1,l2,l3) -> list(f(l1[[1]],l2[[1],l3[[1]]... etc
#' @export
map <- Map

#' Nickname for Reduce
#' Reduce elements of the list with a function
#' @param f (ac,it) -> ac, a function from an accumulating value and a current item to the next value
#' @param lst a list of items
#' @param init an initial value - otherwise lst[[1]] is used
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
reduce <- Reduce

#' The cleave operator
#' Apply a list of functions to a value, returning a list
#' @param fs a list of functions
#' @param v a value
#' @keywords functional
#' @return a list of values [f1(v),f2(v)...]
#' @export
cleave <- function(fs,v){
  map(function(f){ f(v) }, fs)

#' The deal operator
#' Apply a list of functions to an equally long list of values
#' @param fs a list of functions
#' @param vs a list of values
#' @return a list of values [f1(v1),f2(v2)...]
#' @export
deal <- function(fs,vs){
    Map(function(f,v){ f(v) }, fs, vs)

#' Argument-wise composition
#' Compose functions on the argument list of a function f
#' @param f a function
#' @param fs a set of functions to be applied to the arguments of f
#' @return a function g st. g(a,b,c) -> f(fs[[1]](a),fs[[2]](b), fs[[3]](c))
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
argCompose <- function(f,fs){

#' Apply from a list of transforms
#' Apply f to the results of transforming v with fs
#' @param f a function
#' @param fs a list of functions to cleave over v
#' @param v a value
#' @return q like f(fs1(v),fs2(v),...)
#' @keywords functions
#' @export
apFrom <- function(f,fs,v){

#' Apply from a list of keys
#' Apply f to the results of indexing v with fs
#' @param f a function
#' @param fs a list of functions to cleave over v
#' @param v a value
#' @return q like f(fs1(v),fs2(v),...)
#' @keywords functions
#' @export
apFromKeys <- function(f,keys,v){

#' function-level OR operator
#' Return a new function which is true only when all Fs are true
#' @param ... a list of functions
#' @return f st. f(a,b,c) is true when f1(a,b,c) || f2(a,b,c) ...
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
fOr <- function(...){
    fs <- list(...)
    n <- length(fs)
        args <- list(...)
        i <- 2
        out <- ap(fs[[1]],args)
        while(i<=n && !out){
            out <- out || ap(fs[[i]],args)

#' function-level AND operator
#' Return a new function which is true only when all Fs are true
#' @param ... a list of functions
#' @return f st. f(a,b,c) is true when f1(a,b,c) && f2(a,b,c) ...
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
fAnd <- function(...){
    fs <- list(...)
    n <- length(fs)
        args <- list(...)
        i <- 2
        out <- ap(fs[[1]],args)
        while(i<=n && out){
            out <- out && ap(fs[[i]],args)

#' function level not
#' invert the result of a function
#' @param f a function
#' @return g a function st g(...) = !f(...)
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
fNot <- function(f){

#' filter a list
#' return list items for which f is true
#' @param f a function
#' @param l a list or sequence appropriate for map
#' @return a list with all elements for which f(i)==FALSE are removed
#' @export
filter <- function(f,l){
    ii <- which(unlist(map(f,l)))

#' J-style hook
#' apply f to x and g(x)
#' @param f a function 
#' @param g a function
#' @return h st. h(x) -> f(x,g(x))
#' @keywords functional
#' @export
hook <- function(f,g){
VincentToups/fugu documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:01 p.m.